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2008年全球金融危机的爆发使得宏观经济学家和政策制定者认识到需要将金融摩擦纳入到当前主流宏观经济模型当中,然而目前主流文献集中于刻画银行部门的信贷渠道,对股票市场的关注相对不足。本文在新凯恩斯主义框架中引入股票市场,提出了一个关于股市周期与经济波动相互作用的分析框架,从经济的需求侧和供给侧两方面分析了股价波动对实体经济作用的传导机制,并讨论了中央银行的最优货币政策规则。研究发现:股市涨跌通过财富效应和托宾Q效应显著影响我国经济波动;为了更好地平抑经济波动,中央银行应该将股价波动纳入货币政策的决策考量范围之内。  相似文献   

本文通过财富效应、金融加速器效应、现金流效应、托宾Q效应和预期效应机制的研究发现,资产价格的膨胀会导致总需求上升并可能导致通货膨胀.VAR模型构建的FCI指数及扩展的泰勒规则检验表明,中国的货币政策重视对流动性的控制,但是对房地产价格等资产价格关注不够,利率发挥的作用相对有限.为了做好实体经济稳定和金融稳定的平衡,货币政策应该关注资产价格,并且应该侧重于对房地产价格的调控.为此,应该研究引起资产价格波动的先行指标,构造广义价格函数作为货币政策调控的参考标准.货币当局还应该建立逆周期的干预制度,对有可能引发系统性风险的房地产、商业银行和其他影子银行体系进行系统化监管,以维持物价和资产价格的双稳定.  相似文献   

利用TVP-GARCH模型从通货膨胀率中分离出结构型、冲击型和稳态型通胀不确定性,然后以7天短期利率为货币政策中介工具,在通胀及货币政策不确定性的费雪效应框架下分析中央银行对名义利率的调整机制。研究发现,中央银行通过利率机制调控经济增长的效果并不明显,但对通胀及通胀预期的调控效果显著,通胀及货币政策的不确定性是引起短期利率波动的重要因素;货币政策不确定性与短期名义利率负相关,为了不致短期名义利率被扭曲,中央银行应减少货币政策的不确定性。  相似文献   

陆前进 《金融研究》2016,431(5):35-50
本文从宏观经济的一般均衡模型出发,融入了股票价格和房地产价格变动,考察我国中央银行货币政策调控在经济增长和通货膨胀之间的目标规则,分析了影响货币政策规则参数变化的主要因素及潜在机制。本文的实证结果显示中央银行最优货币政策参数为0.144055,央行货币政策是逆周期操作,也意味着中央银行在制定货币政策时,赋予通货膨胀目标更高的权重;同时我国货币政策是逆房地产市场周期、顺股市周期的。进一步,本文从最优货币政策的角度考察了我国货币状况指数的权重。根据最优货币政策规则,货币状况指数权重为0.302876,即利率上升1%相当于汇率下降0.30%,意味着利率变动的效果要小于汇率变动的影响。  相似文献   

本文构建了一个以房价波动为基础的DSGE模型,以数值模拟为主要研究方法,考察了房价波动的宏观审慎政策与货币政策协调效应。基于我国经济的模拟分析得出三个基本结论:(1)从协调机制来看,宏观审慎政策与货币政策应当分别以房价稳定与物价稳定为目标,均采用标准的泰勒规则,而非其他更为复杂的多目标规则。(2)从协调策略来看,针对不同类型的房地产市场制定有差别的宏观审慎政策,同时配合货币政策,这样既能发挥宏观审慎政策对房价调控的结构性功能,又能弥补货币政策对房价总量调控的不足。(3)从协调效应来看,协调不仅能够实现对房价波动的有效调控,而且能够实现社会福利损失的最小化。  相似文献   

我国货币政策最终目标是维护人民币币值稳定并以此促进经济增长,如果房价波动影响到了这一目标实现,那就应该运用货币政策来展开调控,这是我国运用货币政策调控房价的法律依据。在理论分析的基础上,通过构建状态空间模型进行实证检验后,发现我国房价波动对货币政策最终目标的影响非常显著,从而证实了运用货币政策调控我国房价的合理性,由此提出我国货币政策要密切关注房价波动,适时运用合适工具组合调控房价,从而维护人民币币值稳定,促进我国经济健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

田涛 《海南金融》2013,(1):25-28,32
通过构建IS曲线和总供给曲线,引入中央银行损失函数推导出了考虑汇率和财政赤字的最优货币政策规则。在此基础上,利用我国数据实证分析了汇率波动、财政赤字等对最优货币政策的影响。研究表明我国最优货币政策规则应优先考虑实际有效汇率的波动,其次是产出缺口和物价水平(通货膨胀率)。最优货币政策规则中产出缺口、通胀率以及名义有效汇率的权重均受到中央银行损失函数中产出缺口比重和贴现因子的影响.政府财政赤字与名义有效汇率的变动则不会受到产出缺口比重和贴现因子的影响,并且政府财政赤字水平对于均衡利率的影响不大。  相似文献   

随着中国改革开放的深入,特别是金融市场开放程度的提高,相机抉择的货币政策执行难度不断加大,学术界对于按一定规则制定货币政策的呼声也持续升温。金融市场开放条件下中央银行货币政策规则该如何选择?本文通过构建开放经济宏观经济模型,模拟得出不同金融市场开放度下的各主要利率规则的效果及福利损失。研究结果表明,金融市场开放主要会导致宏观经济短期受国外冲击影响波动变大,尤其是受国外利率冲击的影响,长期在利率规则作用下经济恢复均衡,且盯住国内通胀规则在金融市场开放度较低时较为适用,金融市场开放度较高时传统泰勒规则较优。同时也启示我们,在坚持逐步开放金融的同时必须加快利率市场化改革的步伐,促进货币政策利率传导渠道的畅通,从而使利率规则在金融市场不断开放过程中应对宏观经济可能面临的各种冲击时发挥有效作用。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言回顾改革历程,货币政策操作是一个数量调控和价格调控相互配合、共同实现货币政策调控目标的过程。两种操作模式可以简单描述为:再贷款/再贴现(官定利率)既有数量调控也有价格调控,带*号的利率水平已经实现了市场化,再贷款/再贴现利率和存款准备金利率仍是官定利率,但在一定程度上影响着银行间市场利率水平。金融"十二五"规划明确提出货币政策操作应从数量调控转向价格调控,如何理解价格调控?价格调控是中央银行利用一个短期政策工具调节全社会货币总量。货币政策操作从控制信贷规模(操作工具是存款准备金率、再贷款/再贴现、商业银行基准利率)到调节银行体系的流动性(操作工具扩展到公开市场的逆回购/正回购、央行票据、存款准备金率的  相似文献   

虽然2013年6月份的货币市场波动给市场平稳运行造成了一定的冲击,但中央银行对市场流动性有着完全的控制能力.实际上,这是我国全面放开利率之前一次难得的市场演练,对完善货币市场基准利率体系、实现货币政策向价格调控方式转型、提高金融机构风险管理水平,都具有非常深远的意义.此次货币市场波动的经验表明,中央银行要更加重视市场预期管理和与市场的沟通,加强货币政策的透明度与可信性,逐步明确货币市场利率操作目标,建立存贷款便利安排,完善再贷款(再贴现)浮息制度,加强对中小金融机构流动性的制度安排,从而更好地推进金融深层次改革,完善货币调控手段,提高货币政策的有效性.  相似文献   

We consider a general equilibrium model with frictions in credit markets used by households. In our economy, houses provide housing services to consumers and serve as collateral to lower borrowing cost. We show that this amplifies and propagates the effect of monetary policy shocks on housing investment, house prices and consumption. We also consider the effect of a structural change in credit markets that lowers the transaction costs of additional borrowing against housing equity. We show that such a change would increase the effect of monetary policy shocks on consumption, but would decrease the effect on house prices and housing investment.  相似文献   

We analyse the optimal response of monetary policy to house prices in a New Keynesian framework. A positive wealth effect from housing is derived from liquidity constrained consumers. Housing equity withdrawal allows them to convert an increase in housing value into consumption and we show that monetary policy should react to house prices due to their effect on consumption by constrained agents. Moreover, we allow the share of liquidity constrained consumers to vary with house prices. Consequently, the optimal weights on expected inflation, the output gap and house prices in the optimal interest rate rule vary over time too.  相似文献   

吴迪  张楚然  侯成琪 《金融研究》2022,505(7):57-75
本文通过建立包含异质性家庭、异质性厂商和金融机构的DSGE模型,分析对预期房价作出反应的货币政策和宏观审慎政策的传导机制和政策效果,研究不同政策的选择和协调问题。研究发现,首先,由于政策的作用范围不同,不同政策会对金融稳定和经济稳定产生不同影响。对预期房价作出反应的货币政策能够抑制住房需求和信贷供给,但也会抑制消费需求和产出;而对预期房价作出反应的逆周期LTV政策和逆周期资本充足率政策在应对房价波动导致的金融稳定问题时更加有的放矢。其次,外生冲击的来源会影响政策的选择和协调——当经济波动来源于需求冲击时,固定LTV政策搭配逆周期资本充足率的宏观审慎政策、不对预期房价作出反应的货币政策表现最优;当经济波动来源于供给冲击时,固定LTV政策搭配逆周期资本充足率的宏观审慎政策、对预期房价作出反应的货币政策表现最优。  相似文献   

我国在2009年底推出的经济政策导致房价和物价不断攀升,央行虽然采取紧缩措施进行应对,但物价和房价仍处高位。对我国货币供给、通货膨胀及房地产之间关系进行理论和实证分析的结果显示:货币供给增加能引起物价和房价上涨;房价上涨能引起物价上涨等。因此,为了更好地应对物价波动,货币政策需关注资产价格,同时应谨慎使用货币政策应对资产泡沫,并密切注意货币流动结构,维持货币供给流向与实体经济发展相适应。  相似文献   

为补足房地产市场发展短板,有效解决房地产市场结构性失衡,我国提出加快建立租购并举的住房制度,健全住房租赁市场,满足居民居住需求。本文通过构建一般均衡模型,分析住房租赁市场发展对宏观经济的影响,并采用1998~2010年全国30个大中城市季度数据分析在房地产市场化改革前期房地产市场结构失衡对宏观经济的影响,采用2002~2019年全国月度数据分析实施租购并举住房制度后房地产市场结构改善情况下,宏观经济变化以及货币政策对房地产市场的调节效应。研究结果表明:第一,房地产市场化改革前期,住房以"居住"属性为主,"投资"属性相对较弱;第二,租购并举制度下房租房价之间"剪刀差"的缩小能够有效改善房地产市场失衡的状况;第三,货币政策对房地产市场具有显著影响,但不同的货币政策会产生截然相反的作用。  相似文献   

We analyse the role of house prices in the monetary policy transmission mechanism in Norway, Sweden and the UK, using structural VARs. A solution is proposed to the endogeneity problem of identifying shocks to interest rates and house prices by using a combination of short-run and long-run (neutrality) restrictions. By allowing the interest rate and house prices to react simultaneously to news, we find the role of house prices in the monetary transmission mechanism to increase considerably. In particular, house prices react immediately and strongly to a monetary policy shock. Furthermore, the fall in house prices enhances the negative response in output and consumer price inflation that has traditionally been found in the conventional literature. Moreover, we find that the interest rate responds systematically to a change in house prices. However, the strength and timing of response varies between the countries, suggesting that housing may play a different role in the monetary policy setting.  相似文献   

We probe the scope for reacting to house prices in simple and implementable monetary policy rules, using a New Keynesian model with a housing sector and financial frictions on the household side. We show that the social‐welfare‐maximizing monetary policy rule features a reaction to house price variations, when the latter are generated by housing demand or financial shocks. The sign and size of the reaction crucially depend on the degree of financial frictions in the economy. When the share of constrained agents is relatively small, the optimal reaction is negative, implying that the central bank must move the policy rate in the opposite direction with respect to house prices. However, when the economy is characterized by a sufficiently high average loan‐to‐value ratio, then it becomes optimal to counter house price increases by raising the policy rate.  相似文献   

This article investigates how uncertainty impacts the effect of monetary policy surprises on stock returns. Using high-frequency US data, we demonstrate that stock markets respond more aggressively to monetary policy surprises during periods of high uncertainty. We also show that uncertainty asymmetrically influences the transmission of positive and negative monetary policy surprises to stock market prices. The amplifying effect of uncertainty is found to be stronger for expansionary shocks than for contractionary shocks. Our robustness analysis confirms that financial uncertainty has a significant role in shaping the influence of monetary policy on the stock market.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic empirical analysis of the role of the housing market in the macroeconomy in the US and the euro area. First, it establishes some stylised facts concerning key variables in the housing market on the two sides of the Atlantic, such as real house prices, residential investment and mortgage debt. It then presents evidence from Structural Vector Autoregressions (SVAR) by focusing on the effects of monetary policy, credit supply and housing demand shocks on the housing market and the broader economy. The analysis shows that similarities outweigh differences as far as the housing market is concerned. The empirical evidence suggests a stronger role for housing in the transmission of monetary policy shocks in the US. The evidence is less clear-cut for housing demand shocks. Finally, credit supply shocks seem to matter more in the euro area.  相似文献   

We introduce multiperiod mortgage loans, fixed interest rate, a lower bound constraint on newly granted loans, and a possibly slack collateral constraint, in an otherwise standard Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model with housing. Our nonlinear estimation shows that all those features are important to understand the evolution of mortgage debt during the recent U.S. housing market boom and bust. The transmission of monetary policy becomes dependent on the housing cycle, with weaker effects when house prices are high or start falling sharply. Higher average loan duration makes monetary policy less effective, eventually leading to asymmetric responses to positive and negative monetary shocks.  相似文献   

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