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向来以稳健著称的长城汽车,近期因两位高管的离职而一时间成为媒体报道的焦点。面对外界猜疑,长城汽车方面辟谣称,原副总裁、国内部销售总经理贾亚权和原主管战略规划的副总裁崔之愚均是因个人原因离职,并不是企业内部职能机构的调整所致。不过两位副总经理级别的高管同时离职,尤其是崔之愚的职位并没有及时补缺,长城汽车方面给出的上述说法显然无法让人完全信服。 相似文献
11月22日,长城汽车以“专注专业专家”为主题,携16款车型、4款发动机、1款动力底盘亮相第十届广州国际车展。本次展出的16款车型,涵盖哈弗SUV、长城轿车、风骏皮卡三大品类。哈弗H4春节版上市,哈弗E、哈弗H8、及风骏5欧洲版等车型首亮广州成为长城展台最大的亮点。此外,展出11款量产热销车型:哈弗H6(1.5T)、 相似文献
7月9日,中国汽车工业协会发布上半年中国汽车市场产销数据。数据显示,与去年同期相比,今年上半年中国品牌乘用车市场份额下降3.48%,为37.68%。中国品牌轿车上半年市场份额为22.24%,同比下降5.41%。今年6月份是2009年以来中国品牌轿车的市场份额最低的一个月。 相似文献
汽车观察 您觉得HINI是怎样的团队?HINI办公区的设计也早有耳闻,为什么你们可以做到让这里的员工可以很high的去工作,很high的去玩? 相似文献
2014北京国际车展W3馆因其所具有的浓厚艺术气息吸引了不少热爱艺术的媒体人。W3馆的参展商主要有福特汽车、DS、观致汽车、宝马、凯迪拉克、雷克萨斯、英菲尼迪、林肯、广汽菲亚特、MINI。 相似文献
The wax-dyeing technique is thought to be over a thousand years old.Companies from Dutch,UK and Nigeria dominated real batik markets before the year 2000 and China’s 相似文献
Waiting to Default: The Value of Delay 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This paper analyzes the opportunity for early termination of a mortgage contract. We consider the possibility of defaulting on the property and explore the rules that are used by a value-maximizing borrower in exercising this option to default. The discussion centers on the value of waiting to make such a decision and the consequences of this rational inertia. We show that the observed delay in default usually attributed to transaction costs can instead be explained as entirely rational choice in a dynamic environment. 相似文献
The timing flexibility of investments in oil and gas assets can potentially add value. In this article, we examine the value of waiting in exploration projects and propose a real option–based valuation method using least-squares Monte Carlo simulation. We show that the dynamics of the oil and gas prices have a large impact on the value of the option to wait, especially for projects with long lead times and durations. The uncertainty in the forward price curve is modeled using a two-factor stochastic price process. The article also presents the valuation method in the form of MATLAB functions and routines that can be used as an efficient test and analysis platform using the industry-standard input formats. 相似文献
Transshipments, monitored movements of material at the same echelon of a supply chain, represent an effective pooling mechanism. Earlier papers dealing with transshipments either do not incorporate replenishment lead times into their analysis, or only provide a heuristic algorithm where optimality cannot be guaranteed beyond settings with two locations. This paper uses infinitesimal perturbation analysis by combining with a stochastic approximation method to examine the multi-location transshipment problem with positive replenishment lead times. It demonstrates the computation of optimal base stock quantities through sample path optimization. From a methodological perspective, this paper deploys a duality-based gradient computation method to improve computational efficiency. From an application perspective, it solves transshipment problems with non-negligible replenishment lead times. A numerical study illustrates the performance of the proposed approach. 相似文献
企业经营、管理的好坏,在某种意义上讲,企业的管理者具有决定性的作用.所以要加强对企业干部的政治觉悟、责任意识、政策水平、决策能力、工作方法和协调艺术进行综合培养,以适应复杂多变的工作局面.在企业改革和发展中发挥更大的作用. 相似文献
This paper places the modern spread of diet-related chronic disease in the United States within the context of more than a century of innovation in food processing technology, discovery in nutrition science, and corrective policy measures aimed at improving public health. We ask whether the current state of affairs represents a market failure, and—if so—what might be done about it. We argue that while today’s industrial food system has its advantages, the asymmetric information problems inherent to this system have resulted in a “lemons-style” breakdown in the market for processed foods. The appropriate policy response to such situations (namely, verifiable quality standards) is well known, but such policies are likely (in the short run) to reduce profits for existing large industrial producers of food. In light of the food industry’s long history of success at regulatory capture, we propose the formation of a new independent food standards agency devoted to protecting the interests of the American consumer. 相似文献
Nima Hamta S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi F. Jolai M. Akbarpour Shirazi 《International Journal of Production Economics》2013,141(1):99-111
This paper addresses multi-objective (MO) optimization of a single-model assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) where the operation times of tasks are unknown variables and the only known information is the lower and upper bounds for operation time of each task. Three objectives are simultaneously considered as follows: (1) minimizing the cycle time, (2) minimizing the total equipment cost, and (3) minimizing the smoothness index. In order to reflect the real industrial settings adequately, it is assumed that the task time is dependent on worker(s) (or machine(s)) learning for the same or similar activity and sequence-dependent setup time exists between tasks. Finding an optimal solution for this complicated problem especially for large-sized problems in reasonable computational time is cumbersome. Therefore, we propose a new solution method based on the combination of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with variable neighborhood search (VNS) to solve the problem. The performance of the proposed hybrid algorithm is examined over several test problems in terms of solution quality and running time. Comparison with an existing multi-objective evolutionary computation method in the literature shows the superior efficiency of our proposed PSO/VNS algorithm. 相似文献