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当前,海事界“环保风”劲刮.各种节能减排技术日新月异。如今,豪华游船也追随着商船的脚步.开始驶向“绿色航程”。  相似文献   

游船从19世纪中叶问世以来,至今已有150余年的历史。由于游船的宏伟、豪华、高贵、舒适以及昂贵的造价.所以一直受到人们的关注和向往。  相似文献   

豪华游船和液化天然气(LNG)船.双双被公认为世界造船“皇冠上的明珠”。到目前为止,我国已经成功具务了自主建造LNG船的能力,但尚未攻克豪华游船这个重要堡垒。  相似文献   

近日,芬兰的阿克尔(Aker)船厂为英皇家加勒比海航运公司建造的目前世界上最大的豪华游船系列中的第三艘“Independence of the Seas”号已正式交船并即将开始处女航。据称该船比其姊妹船更具创新性,是现时游船业中一艘有远见船级的船舶。  相似文献   

7月27日上午,2013中国青岛国际海洋节在青岛奥帆中心开幕。据当地媒体报道,海洋节开幕式在游船“蓝海珍珠”号上举行,  相似文献   

美国卡特彼勒公司日前宣称.该公司为德国阿依达公司(AIDI)一艘豪华游船提供的首台MaKM46DF双燃料发动机已制造完工,  相似文献   

“母船”舱内藏“子船”,放出去便是一个个“浮动公寓”.两位英国专家设计出了一种能给人带来私密、自由、奢华等感受的新概念游船。  相似文献   

改革开放30年.中国船舶工业取得了举世瞩目的成就.由上世纪80年代初期全国船舶完工量300余万载重吨.仅相当于韩国现代重工一家企业的年完工量.一跃成为占世界船舶完工量最大份额的国家。然而.好景不长.随着2008年世界金融海啸爆发.全球经济持续低迷.航运业也随之受到重创.作为全球航运的晴雨表.波罗的海干散货指数在2012年2月份又一次探底至647点.超过了历史最低点.  相似文献   

3月14日一天内.豪华游船“海洋神话”号和“玛丽女王2”号分别靠泊上海、天津国际邮轮码头:3月份.共有10艘豪华游船出入上海港共27个航次;4月2日,地中海邮轮公司正式推出简体中文网站并实现全球同步更新,以示对中国市场的重视和中国消费者的尊重……中国当前的“豪华游船热”由此可见一斑。只是.  相似文献   

日前.青岛第一艘真正意义上的豪华游船——“蓝海珍珠”号亮相青岛奥帆中心后,引来众人瞩目。这艘由青岛扬帆船厂打造的海上“流动星级宾馆”建造过程历时一年半.与以往国内船企建造的同类游船相比.该船除了充分体现游览观光、休闲的舒适性外.更加注重立体布置且有较强的隔音降噪效果。  相似文献   

嘉年华邮轮集团是现今世界最大的邮轮运营商.业务范围涵盖美国、英国、德国、西班牙、意大利和澳大利亚。经过多年合并、收购.如今集团旗下邮轮品牌有服务美国本土为主的嘉年华游船(CCL)、主营北欧航线的荷美游船(HAL)、主营英语地区的半岛东方游船(P&O)、  相似文献   

韩国现在是世界上造船第一大国.但如果从严格意义上分析和准确作判断结论来表述.应该说韩国目前在世界上仅仅是第一大货船生产国.如果将民用船舶划分为货船及游船.那么.液化天然气(LNG)船和豪华游船则是高附加值、高技术含量船种,分别是货船、游船“皇冠上的明珠”。目前.豪华游船建造强国和大国在欧洲。  相似文献   

目前,深受世界各地摩托车爱好者喜爱的巡航摩托车有一个非常明显的发展趋势——越来越大、越来越威猛。美国的经典巡航车哈利戴维森是不用说了,其标志性的V型双缸排气量基本上都是1000cc以上;雅马哈也不甘落后,先是有总排气量为1300cc的V型4缸“皇家之星”(Royal Star),后来又推出更威猛的排气量为1600cc的V型双缸“道路之星”(XV1600 Road Star);本田则把原来的金翼旅行摩托车的水平对置6缸发动机进行扩容,制造出排气量为1832cc的Valkyrie Rune,净重达363千克,令人叹为一绝;川崎则更是做出使人瞠目结舌的惊人之举,推出排气量为2053cc的V型双缸“火神2000”(VULCAN2000),净重达340千克。  相似文献   

Co-creating value for luxury brands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The global market for luxury brands has witnessed dramatic growth over the last two decades but the current challenging economic environment contributes to the difficulty brand owners experience in ensuring that customers perceive sufficient value in their luxury brands to compensate for the high prices. According to recent service-oriented research, customers and suppliers co-create value as a result of a shift from a firm- and product-centric view of value creation to one that focuses on personalized brand experiences. In this paper, the authors develop a theoretical framework of types of value for luxury brands, and use case study research to identify processes of value creation in this particular setting. The findings highlight the variety of interactions taking place between luxury brand owners, their customers and members of their respective networks, which help to differentiate luxury brands and co-create a superior value proposition.  相似文献   

休闲运动车(SUV)已在美国流行多年,并且十分畅销。如今,SUV车在欧洲也十分流行。例如在德国,专家预计,在未来10年内,SUV将按100%的比率上升。并且,越来越多的汽车制造商将SUV车型推入市场。男  相似文献   

This research draws upon self-termination and complexity theories and aims to identify the antecedent recipes for Chinese consumers' intention to purchase Chinese- (referred to as domestic) or non-Chinese (referred to as foreign) luxury brands. Two studies were undertaken. First, an online survey was undertaken to examine the antecedent conditions of luxury brand purchase. The opted conditions in this study include value perceptions, special occasions, and demographic profiles. An asymmetrical method by employing fsQCA was used to identify the unique antecedent conditions of purchase intentions. Symmetrical testing was also performed prior to fsQCA as a comparison. The findings from symmetrical and asymmetrical methods share few similar, but nevertheless complementary findings, hence providing new insights into consumers' luxury brand choices. In the second study, interviews were conducted to deepen the understanding of Chinese consumers’ knowledge, perceptions of, and attitudes towards luxury brands. Discussion and implications for marketing luxury brands in the Chinese market conclude this paper.  相似文献   

Relationship quality is increasingly emerging as a strategy for organizations that strive to retain loyal and satisfied customers in today's highly competitive environment. However, a limited number of studies have investigated relationship quality within the hospitality industry. This study examines and applies a measurement model originally tested with Korean customers to American customers to confirm that the predictors of relationship quality for luxury restaurants are cross-culturally valid. This study also examines the relative importance of each predictor of relationship quality, and identifies strategies for luxury restaurants that should enhance their level of customer trust and satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study conceptualises the dichotomy of luxury goods consumption (‘externalised luxury’ vs. ‘internalised luxury’) in terms of six dimensions: on the one hand ostentation, materialism and superfluousness (which refer to luxury as a social statement) and, on the other hand individual lifestyle, emotions/hedonism and culture (which refer to luxury as individual style). Through this literary framework, it presents a series of propositions that might be tested in future research, one for each dimension, about retail strategies and operations for fashion luxury brands. Implications for retail managers of luxury companies are discussed for each proposition, considering the main aspects of retailing strategies and tools (e.g. assortment, sales force, in-store experience and atmospherics) together with possible theoretical developments.  相似文献   

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