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近几个月来的市场疲软现象,与消费者预期价格下跌且会进一步下跌有着直接关系。这种消费心理预期,受多种因素的影响,其中除了主要是物价上涨率外,另一主要因素就是利率变动率。目前稳定的利率和保值储蓄使得消费者倾向于储蓄而不是购买。在市场上,消费者通常总是一只眼睛盯着物价,另一只眼睛盯着利率。当市场坚挺时,如果除费者预期物价会继续上涨,在利率补偿不足以抵销物价上涨损失的预期下,消费者就会减少储蓄而增加购买。此时提高利率,对于抑制过热消费,把储蓄转化为积累,不失为明智之举。我国近两年来的三次利率上浮,对于吸收储蓄存款起到了重要作用。但市场疲软时,如果消费者预期物价会继续下跌,在利率不动的情况下,消费者不会马上踊跃购买,而是会等到物价跌到谷底时再  相似文献   

为探究政府“双补”政策下生产者和消费者的博弈关系,文章结合影响消费者和生产者选择的因素,基于复制动态方程,构建生产行为和消费行为演化博弈模型,仿真分析系统演化的稳定路径。以空调市场为例,分析了初始概率、政府不同种类补贴、价格、认知价值、感知损失价值等参数在赋值不同情况下对系统演化策略影响。仿真结果证明,企业绿色生产和消费者消费初始概率越大,则系统演化策略更容易成为绿色生产、绿色消费。政府购买补贴与生产补贴同时作用会比单一补贴行为促使系统稳态更快实现,不同种类产品的价格参数的变化会对系统演化策略产生不一样影响,消费者主观因素即认知价值和感知损失也会在不同程度影响最终演化博弈策略。  相似文献   

消费者是整个优质蔬菜产业管理过程的最终目标指向,其在优质蔬菜消费问题上所体现的态度和消费倾向会对政府和企业行为选择产生深刻影响。研究我国优质蔬菜消费者行为,对积极推进我国优质蔬菜产业快速、健康发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文在国内外研究现状和评价的基础上,另辟蹊径,从优质蔬菜消费者行为的外在表现——消费者麻木和消费者敏感入手,结合相关案例剖析了其效应,透析了影响优质蔬菜消费者行为外在表现的内在原因,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

马克思的消费者理论及其当代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屈炳祥 《经济评论》2004,130(6):3-6
消费是消费者的一种经济行为 ,在不同的社会状态下具有不同的性质。消费者不论在何种状态下 ,都有自己应当享有的权利。根据这些权利 ,消费者对自己的行为作出多种选择。这种行为要受到多种因素的制约 ,不仅有一些共同的因素 ,还有一些特殊的因素 ,因此 ,消费者行为在不同的国家或不同的历史发展条件下 ,除了有一般规律外 ,也会有一些较特殊的规律。消费者行为在社会经济发展和运行中具有极其重要的作用 ,我们要尊重消费者行为固有的客观性与规律性 ,解决好消费领域里的诸种问题 ,有效维护消费者权益 ,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

我国优质蔬菜消费者麻木和敏感行为初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费者是整个优质蔬菜产业管理过程的最终目标指向,其在优质蔬菜消费问题上所体现的态度和消费倾向会对政府和企业行为选择产生深刻影响.研究我国优质蔬菜消费者行为,对积极推进我国优质蔬菜产业快速、健康发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.本文在国内外研究现状和评价的基础上,另辟蹊径,从优质蔬菜消费者行为的外在表现--消费者麻木和消费者敏感入手,结合相关案例剖析了其效应,透析了影响优质蔬菜消费者行为外在表现的内在原因,并提出了相关对策.  相似文献   

在消费者购买行为中,情境因素对消费者行为具有重要的影响。在不同的情境下,人们将会有不同的行为。面对同样的营销刺激,如同样的产品、服务或是同样的广告,同一个消费者在不同的情境下将会做出不同反应,采取不同的消费行为。本文介绍了消费者情境的相关理论,对影响消费者的情境因素进行了分析,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

通过考察评价时间的调节作用,重点关注立即与延迟条件下产品享乐和实用价值失败后消费者负性情绪与消费者忠诚的动态评价问题。通过理论推导与实证研究发现:产品享乐属性失败后较低的享乐价值体验会使消费者产生低觉醒程度的负性促进情绪,该情绪在延迟评价时会发生负向偏差,继而导致消费后延迟评价的忠诚水平比立即评价时更高;产品实用属性失败后较低的实用价值体验会使消费者产生高觉醒程度的负性预防情绪,该情绪在延迟评价时会发生正向偏差,继而导致消费后延迟评价的忠诚水平较立即评价时更低。  相似文献   

女性群体绿色农产品购买行为结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过构建绿色农产品购买行为的结构模型,来测量影响女性消费群体的绿色农产品消费意愿和购买行为的因素及其内在机理。实证研究表明,女性消费者对绿色农产品的认知程度越高,其消费意愿越强;个人特征和家庭特征会影响绿色农产品的消费意愿;个人特征和营销要素会对实际购买行为产生作用;绿色农产品的消费意愿与购买行为呈正相关性。  相似文献   

该文基于消费者同质性假设的经典消费理论对我国消费者行为研究存在的局限性进行了梳理,从消费者分层视角将我国消费者分为低收入、中等收入、高收入三个不同阶层,通过构建相应消费函数的实证分析,从消费特征、消费路径、拉动内需的效应等方面对我国不同阶层消费行为的异质性进行比较分析,揭示了我国消费需求不足的消费者行为差异化诱因,并在此基础上提出刺激消费需求的建议与措施。  相似文献   

本文运用包含消费者预期指数、消费者满意指数的消费者信心指数的月度时间序列数据,利用VAR模型方法分析了消费者满意指数和预期指数的影响关系,同时,分析了它们与物价、消费、储蓄、股票市场的相互影响关系.分析结果显示:消费者满意指数和消费者预期指数有影响关系,滞后一期消费者预期指数对当期消费者满意指数和消费者预期指数都有正的影响,滞后二期的预期指数对当期满意指数有负的影响;物价指数对消费者信心指数的影响有明显的滞后,当期物价指数对下一期的满意指数和预期指数都有正的影响,对于下两期的有负的影响;无论从长期角度还是短期角度看,存款总额对消费者预期指数、消费者满意指数的影响都是正向的.同时,本文验证了消费者信心指数的信号引导功能,消费者预期指数有消费引导功能,其提升会导致以后的消费总额的增长;储蓄增长有助于信心指数的增长;股票市场对信心指数影响不显著.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the quantitative price expectations of consumers as obtained from consumer surveys. Price expectations are considered as functions of (i) past rates of inflation (ii) other economic variables, and (iii) consumer sentiment variables. The dominant influence on expectations is the most recent change in the consumer price index. Wage-indexation decisions and changes in the money supply also exert a significant influence on mean expectations. The variability of price expectations across consumers is proportional to the mean level of expectations.  相似文献   

This article examines the response of consumer and business confidence to five measures of change in Australian monetary policy. Actual, expected and surprise increases in the official cash rate target and related interest rates are shown to negatively impact consumer sentiment. Business confidence is less affected by increases in the cash rate target, but is negatively affected by an increase in the 90-day bank accepted bill rate. Tests for model stability and asymmetries in the response of sentiment to increases and decreases in interest rates otherwise find only limited evidence for monetary policy having a perverse signalling effect on sentiment.  相似文献   

We develop a model of a small open economy, where pollution per unit of consumption between domestically produced and imported quantities of the same good differs. We show that the first‐best policy combination calls for consumption taxes on all polluting goods, and border tax adjustment (BTA) measures, that is, tariffs or import subsidies. We identify conditions under which well‐known tariff‐tax reform policies for developing economies, such as a consumer‐price‐neutral piecemeal reform of trade and a consumption tax, and a consumer‐price‐neutral reform of all trade and consumption taxes improve welfare. We also evaluate whether reforms of trade taxes alone are superior to consumer‐price‐neutral reforms of trade and consumption taxes.  相似文献   

We re‐explore the consequences of some popular countercyclical intervention rules in a simple Keynesian‐type macroeconomic model in which the dynamics of consumer sentiment and business cycles are intertwined. We find that fiscal policy does not only have a direct effect on national income via the well‐known Keynesian multiplier process but also an indirect effect by affecting consumer sentiment. The good news is that the indirect effect may amplify the direct effect and therefore increases a policy‐maker’s impact on national income. However, the bad news is that due to the interactions between the business cycle and the evolution of consumer sentiment, the stabilization of national income is an intricate matter.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to motivate a microeconomic model of consumption in which there is uncertainty that is not resolved ex post regarding the moral context of price changes. We show that neoclassical microeconomic theory can yield a result in which expected utility falls when a consumer who is sufficiently concerned for the uncertain moral context of production is faced with a falling price.  相似文献   

The Philippine government intervenes in the domestic rice market through the imposition of import tariffs and the provision of producer and consumer subsidies. While policymakers are aware that these programmes come with allocative efficiency costs, they justify the programmes on the grounds that they insulate the domestic economy from unexpected price spikes in the international rice market. An interesting matter for policy evaluation is to quantify the insulation benefit that the programmes provide in circumstances of sudden severe import price spikes. To examine this question, we undertake a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) simulation in which the Philippines is subject to an external rice price shock. We find that the insulation benefit of the support programmes under a 2008-like event is worth approximately 0.10% of real consumption. However, the cost of insuring against these price spikes is significant. We estimate the annual cost of the rice market interventions at approximately 0.40% of real consumption.  相似文献   

略论生态消费品价格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态消费品价格是生态消费发展研究的重要理论命题之一。在生态消费品与普通消费品并存的中国经济转型期,如何科学而合理地制定生态消费品与普通消费品之间的比价关系和差价关系显得尤为重要。本文重点探讨:生态消费品价格的理论基础;生态消费品价格在国际运行中的决定因素;中国推行生态消费品价格的对策措施。  相似文献   

经济发展在一定意义上是一系列经济政策选择的过程.在数学上,经济政策的选择与微观经济学消费者选择可以具有同样形式.然而,从内容上看,经济政策的选择无法直接应用消费者行为理论进行分析,因为前者没有市场价格.为了解决这个问题,需要引进交易成本的概念,经济政策的交易成本相当于市场价格.这样,一种经济政策选择的理性模式就可以建立起来.  相似文献   

快乐品牌的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类消费进入更高层次的情感消费时代,尤其以娱乐为首的快乐消费已经成为我们生活必不可缺的组成部分.消费者对快乐的需求催生了一大批快乐品牌.本文运用经济学偏好理论阐释快乐内涵、特征及产生根源,并运用品牌经济学原理对快乐品牌进行分析发现,成功的快乐品牌满足消费者对"快乐"需求这一单一利益点.快乐情感的特性决定品牌品类具有高度敏感性.正确的品牌延伸策略使得目标顾客对品牌记忆持久.  相似文献   

Knowing consumer reaction to changes in prices and income is important in formulating microeconomic policies, such as public utility prices and commodity taxation. This paper analyses the consumption patterns of consumer goods grouped into eight broad commodities in Sri Lanka during the period 1975–2016, using a system-wide framework. The analysis indicates that Sri Lankan consumers allocate more than half of their income to food and nearly four fifths of their income to food, housing, and transport combined. The estimated income and own-price elasticities reveal that food, housing, medical care, and transport are necessities; clothing, durables and recreation are luxuries; and demand for all commodities is price inelastic except for recreation. To investigate the consumption growth pattern, we decomposed the growth in consumption and change in budget shares of the eight commodities into income, relative price, and change in taste. We also simulated per capita consumption expenditure of the eight commodities under various policy scenarios and found that income growth has played a significant role in Sri Lankan consumption patterns.  相似文献   

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