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Throughout the twentieth century governments have been spendingever larger proportions of national income. Three issues arisein discussions about the growth of such spending as it pertainsto developing countries: How does it compare with expenditurein industrial nations? What explains the growth in spendingby developing country governments? And what are the effectson economic growth? Government expenditure as a share of GDPin low- and middle-income countries, on average, is lower thancomparable shares in industrial market economies and, with fewexceptions, is growing. Many factors, including ideology, demographics,a positive income elasticity for public goods, the rising costof public goods relative to private goods, and perhaps developmenttheory and practice, explain this growth. As for the relationshipbetween government expenditure and economic growth, the empiricalevidence does not reveal any strong correlation. The size ofgovernment may engender strong ideological debate, but the positionthat the aggregate level of government expenditure is a significantdeterminant of growth rates receives little support.   相似文献   

Many factors contributed to the rapid growth of the economiesof East Asia in the past quarter century. This article examinesone important aspect of that growth—commonly referredto as the "East Asian miracle"—public policies affectingthe financial markets. East Asian governments intervened extensivelyin financial markets at all stages of their development. Whatsets their actions apart from those of other developing countriesthat have not fared as well? We do not have the informationto answer conclusively what effect particular actions had (thatrequires a counterfactual test of what growth would have beenwithout the particular intervention). But we can identify themarket failures the East Asian governments addressed, assesssome of the theoretical reasons why each policy might be growthenhancing, and provide some data attesting to the impacts ofthe policy. Several characteristics of financial sector interventionsin East Asia stand out: they incorporated design features thatimproved the chances of success and reduced opportunities forabuse; interventions that did not work out were dropped unhesitatingly;and policies were adapted to reflect changing economic conditions.   相似文献   

A comprehensive macroeconomic adjustment program is expectedto have the following objectives: a sustainable current accountposition, a stable and high rate of economic growth that wouldallow for a steady rise in per capita consumption, a reducedrate of inflation, and a manageable level of foreign debt. Thepackage designed to meet these objectives would typically includepolicy measures that simultatenously restrain aggregate demandand increase the availability of resources. These policies maybe grouped as follows: demand-management policies, structuralpolicies, exchange rate policies, and external financing policies.This article describes how these policies can be expected toachieve the goal of macroeconomic adjustment. The focus is primarilyon the theoretical and empirical links between policy instrumentsand ultimate objectives. An examination of these links is necessarybefore issues of the appropriate mix of demand-management, structural,exchange rate, and external policies, and the sequencing ofthese policies in a program, can be properly addressed.   相似文献   

One of the most contentious issues of globalization is the effectof global economic integration on inequality and poverty. Thisarticle documents five trends in the modern era of globalization,starting around 1980. The first trend is that growth rates inpoor economies have accelerated and are higher than growth ratesin rich countries for the first time in modern history. Developingcountries’ per capita incomes grew more than 3.5 percenta year in the 1990s. Second, the number of extremely poor peoplein the world has declined significantly—by 375 millionpeople since 1981—for the time in history. The share ofpeople in developing economies living on less than $1 a dayhas been cut in half since 1981, though the decline in the shareliving on less than $2 per day was much less dramatic. Third,global inequality has declined modestly, reversing a 200-yeartrend toward higher inequality. Fourth, within-country inequalityin general is not growing, though it has risen in several populouscountries (China, India, the United States). Fifth, wage inequalityis rising worldwide. This may seem to contradict the fourthtrend, but it does not because there is no simple link betweenwage inequality and household income inequality. Furthermore,the trends toward faster growth and poverty reduction are strongestin developing economies that have integrated with the globaleconomy most rapidly, which supports the view that integrationhas been a positive force for improving the lives of peoplein developing areas.   相似文献   

The escalating costs of traditional social security systemsare forcing countries to reevaluate the formal programs thatprovide income maintenance support to the aging. This articlesuggests a reform strategy built around three systems, or "pillars,"to provide old-age security—a public pillar with mandatoa private, mandatory savings plan, and a voluntary savings system.Three variations of this model are being implemented in differentcountries: the Latin American model, in which individual workerschoose an investment manager for their retirement finds; theOECD model, in which employers, union trustees, or both choosethe investment manager for an entire company or occupation;and the Swedish notional account model, a reformed pay-as-you-gofirst pillar that may be supplemented by a second, funded pillar.Preliminary empirical evidence on the efficiency and growtheffects of pension reform, mostly from Chile, indicates thatthe impact on national saving and financial market developmentand, through these, economic growth, has been positive and possiblylarge. Problems concerning high administrative costs and regulationsthat distort investment decisions remain to be resolved, however.   相似文献   

The article reviews the evidence on the role of education ineconomic development, with emphasis on issues that have appearedin the literature in the past two decades: the contributionof education to economic growth, the screening hypothesis, thesegmentation of the labour market, the return to investmentin schooling, and the effects of education on unemployment andincome distribution. It concludes with an optimistic assessmentof the contribution of educational investment to the developmentprocess, especially when such investment is targeted to primaryschooling, general education, and improvements in the qualityof instruction and when it is accompanied by cost-recovery atthe higher levels of education.   相似文献   

Four years after the onset of the world debt crisis, the issueis how to restore growth. The answer is structural adjustment,both macro and micro. At the macro level, adjustments have tobe made to the structure of aggregate demand and supply to restoregrowth while generating the needed trade surpluses. This meansprimarily real exchange rates that are maintained at appropriatelevels and an emphasis on investment. At the micro level, itis argued that most developing countries need to liberalizetrade, allow the price system to operate, develop financialsystems, reform taxes, and improve the efficiency of publicenterprises, perhaps by selling them. The article discussesthe nature of these two types of reforms and the policy andresearch issues relevant to World Bank analysis of growth programs.   相似文献   

Recent writings on poverty and hunger agree broadly on objectivesand means but diverge significantly in emphasis. Views differon the importance and function of economic growth and on howmuch weight to give to direct public support. These differencescan matter in policy choices. Hunger and Public Action, by JeanDrèze and Amartya Sen, is an important contribution tothe literature on antihunger policy. This article criticallyexamines the issues raised by the book, its differences withother recent writings, and the implications for both policyand future research on policy.   相似文献   

What role does trade play in international technology transfer?Do technologies introduced by multinational firms diffuse tolocal firms? What kinds of policies have proved successful inencouraging technology absorption from abroad and why? Usingthese questions as motivation, this article surveys the recenttrade literature on international technology transfer, payingparticular attention to the role of foreign direct investment.The literature argues that trade necessarily encourages growthonly if knowledge spillovers are international in scope. Empiricalevidence on the scope of knowledge spillovers (national versusinternational) is ambiguous. Several recent empirical plant-levelstudies have questioned earlier studies that argued that foreigndirect investment has a positive impact on the productivityof local firms. Yet at the aggregate level, evidence supportsthe view that foreign direct investment has a positive effecton economic growth in the host country.   相似文献   

REFORM OF TRADE POLICY: Recent Evidence from Theory and Practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the 1980s many developing countries began to recognize thatrestrictive trade policies can constrain growth. To facilitatetrade and integration into the world economy, many countrieshave embarked on reform programs. This survey synthesizes theconclusions of the literature on trade policy reform with thoseof a recent study by the World Bank analyzing reforms in developingcountries, particularly those supported by adjustment lendingprograms. Its objective is to shed light on some of the questionsabout these programs to guide policymakers in the future. Thearticle reviews conditions in these countries before trade policyreforms were implemented and examines how much reform actuallytook place. It also examines the effects of the reforms on economicperformance and reviews the factors that constrained the reformprocess. The survey considers the most important issues in designingand implementing trade policy reforms and concludes that althoughpast reforms have had a positive impact, future programs shouldemphasize three elements: reducing the level of protection,maintaining macroeconomic stability, and accounting for theconflicts and complementarities with other policies.   相似文献   

In recent years foreign banks have expanded their presence significantlyin several developing economies. In Argentina and Chile in LatinAmerica and in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland in EasternEurope, foreign-controlled banks now hold more than half oftotal banking assets. In other regions the trend is similar,though foreign bank entry has been slower. Despite the growingnumber of countries embracing foreign bank entry, importantquestions are still being debated: What draws foreign banksto a country? Which banks expand abroad? What do foreign banksdo once they arrive? How do foreign banks' mode of entry andorganizational form affect their behavior? This article summarizescurrent knowledge on these issues. Because the existing literaturefocuses heavily on developed economies, it also puts forth anagenda for further study of the causes and effects of foreignbank entry in developing economies.   相似文献   

In recent decades, financial development policies in emergingmarket economies have been shaped by a fundamental shift towardmarket-based financial systems and the lessons from financialcrises. Today, there is consensus that financial developmentdepends on financial stability and convergence toward internationalstandards. While the debate on some issues has matured, policythinking in other areas is changing, fueled by recent experiences.This article analyzes the evolution of policy thinking on financialdevelopment and discusses three areas that are important toachieving deeper financial systems: stock market development,small- and medium-size enterprise financing, and defined-contributionpension systems. The main emerging issues in these areas areillustrated using recent experiences in Latin America. The articleconcludes that there is a need to take a fresh look at the evidence,improve diagnoses, and revisit expectations. JEL codes: F36, G15, G18, G20  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on poverty, inequality, and growthin those developing countries of the world for which the requisitestatistics are available. Eco-nomic growth is found generallybut not always to reduce poverty. Growth, however, is foundto have very little to do with income inequality. Thus the "economiclaws" linking the rate of growth and the distribution of benefitsreceive only very tenuous empirical support here.   相似文献   

Most households in low-income countries deal with economic hardshipsthrough informal insurance arrangements between individualsand communities rather than through publicly managed programsor market-provided insurance schemes. Households may, for example,draw on savings, sell physical assets, rely on reciprocal giftexchanges, or diversify into alternative income-generating activities.These mechanisms can be highly effective in the right circumstances,but most recent studies show that informal insurance arrangementsare often weak. Poor households, in particular, have substantialdifficulties coping with even local, idiosyncratic risks. Publicpolicy can help reduce vulnerability by encouraging private,flexible coping mechanisms while discouraging those that arefragile or that hinder economic and social mobility. Promisingpolicies include creating self-regulating workfare programsand providing a supportive setting for institutions workingto improve access to credit, crop and health insurance, andsafe and convenient saving opportunities.   相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of policy recommendationsconcerning rural land issues since the formulation of the WorldBank's "Land Reform Policy Paper" in 1975. That paper set outthree guiding principles: the desirability of owner-operatedfamily farms; the need for markets to permit land to be transferredto more productive users; and the importance of an egalitarianasset distribution. In the 25 years since that paper was published,these guiding principles have remained the same, but it is nowrecognized that communal tenure systems can be more cost-effectivethan formal title, that titling programs should be judged ontheir equity as well as their efficiency, that the potentialof land rental markets has often been severely underestimated,that land-sale markets enhance efficiency only if they are integratedinto a broader effort at developing rural factor markets, andthat land reform is more likely to result in a reduction ofpoverty if it harnesses (rather than undermines) the operationof land markets and is implemented in a decentralized fashion.Achieving land policies that incorporate these elements requiresa coherent legal and institutional framework together with greaterreliance on pilot programs to examine the applicability of interventionsunder local conditions.   相似文献   

Judicial Reform and Economic Development: A Survey of the Issues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acknowledging the importance of sound judicial systems to goodgovernance and economic growth, the World Bank and several otherdonor organizations have funded judicial reform projects inmore than two dozen developing countries and transition economiesduring the past few years. Yet little is known about the actualeffect of judicial reform on economic performance or even aboutwhat elements constitute a sound reform project. This articlesurveys a wide range of current studies on judicial reform andfinds some surprising results.   相似文献   

The tax systems of socialist economies in transition will distortresource allocation, create inequities, and cause administrativeheadaches if not reformed. These countries have weak tax administrations,lack experience with mass taxes based on voluntary compliance,and need to encourage domestic saving and foreign investment.This article suggests an alternative to the conventional incometax that is more suited to these conditions. Attempting to tax real economic income raises complicated timingissues (when to recognize income and allow deductions) and mayrequire complex adjustments for inflation. The simplified alternativetax (SAT) avoids these complications and provides a generalincentive for saving and investment less subject to abuse ordistortions than tax holidays and other tax gimmicks in voguein countries emerging from socialism. The key elements of the SAT are separate taxes on income fromlabor and capital, immediate deduction for all business expenditures,no deduction for interest, and no taxation of interest or dividends.(Interest could be treated as under an income tax, at some cost.)Although the marginal effective tax rate is zero, the governmentshares in extraordinary returns to investment. The article discussespotential problems (including distributional implications, taxlosses, and foreign tax credits) as well as advantages of theSAT.   相似文献   

Impact evaluations aim to measure the outcomes that can be attributedto a specific policy or intervention. While there have beenexcellent reviews of the different methods for estimating impact,insufficient attention has been paid to questions related totiming: How long after a program has begun should it be evaluated?For how long should treatment groups be exposed to a programbefore they benefit from it? Are there time patterns in a program'simpact? This paper examines the evaluation issues related totiming, and discusses the sources of variation in the durationof exposure within programs and their implications for impactestimates. It reviews the evidence from careful evaluationsof programs (with a focus on developing countries) on the waysthat duration affects impacts.   相似文献   

What happened to poverty in India in the 1990s has been fiercelydebated, both politically and statistically. The debate hasrun parallel to the wider debate about globalization and povertyin the 1990s and is also an important part of that debate. Theeconomic reforms of the early 1990s in India were followed byrates of economic growth that were high by historical standards.The effects on poverty remain controversial, however. The officialnumbers published by the government of India, showing an accelerationin the rate of poverty reduction from 36 percent of the populationin 1993/94 to 26 percent in 1999/2000, have been challengedfor showing both too little and too much poverty reduction.The various claims have often been frankly political, but thereare also many important statistical issues. The debate, reviewedin this article, provides an excellent example of how politicsand statistics interact in an important, largely domestic debate.Although there is no consensus on what happened to poverty inIndia in the 1990s, there is good evidence both that povertyfell and that the official estimates of poverty reduction aretoo optimistic, particularly for rural India. The issues coveredin this article, although concerned with the measurement ofpoverty in India, have wide international relevance—discrepanciesbetween surveys and national accounts, the effects of questionnairedesign, reporting periods, survey nonresponse, repair of imperfectdata, choice of poverty lines, and interplay between statisticsand politics.   相似文献   

Access to Financial Services: Measurement, Impact, and Policies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many developing countries less than half the population hasaccess to formal financial services, and in most of Africa lessthan one in five households has access. Lack of access to financeis often the critical mechanism for generating persistent incomeinequality, as well as slower economic growth. Hence expandingaccess remains an important challenge across the world, leavingmuch for governments to do. However, not all government actionsare equally effective and some policies can even be counterproductive.This paper sets out principles for effective government policyon broadening access, drawing on the available evidence andillustrating with examples. The paper concludes with directionsfor future research. JEL Codes: D31, G20, G21, O12, O16  相似文献   

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