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21世纪是一个信息化的网络时代,人类的社会活动,经济发展都与信息密切相关,因此,面对繁杂的信息,培养高职学生的信息素养,就显得尤为重要,本文在分析信息素养教育的现状、内涵与目标的基础上,指出了高职院校信息素养教育的途径。阐述了在网络时代背景下加强高职生信息素养教育,在提升学生学习能力与创新创业能力、促进高职院校教学改革与数字化校园建设中的意义。  相似文献   

李秀丽 《致富时代》2011,(9):174-174
高职院校以培养有技能、懂技术的高等应用性人才为目标,注重的是实践操作能力和就业、创业能力。在当今信息时代,加强高职院校学生媒介素养教育是实现这一教学目标的重要手段,也是实现阶段性学习向终身学习转变的重要手段。  相似文献   

信息技术教育的目的是培养和提高学生适应信息时代所需要的信息素养,树立和掌握利用信息技术进行信息处理的意识与能力,形成正确的信息文化和信息理论观念.〈信息技术〉课程的核心目标就是培养同学们的信息素养和创造素质.教学时应遵循"教师主导,学生主体"的教学策略,努力维护学生的学习兴趣,充分挖掘学生的潜能.  相似文献   

本文根据商贸服务类人才的学习特点,在分析信息素养教育的现状的基础上,指出了高职院校商贸服务类人才信息素养教育的途径。阐述了加强信息素养教育在提升学生学习能力与创新创业能力,促进高职院校商贸服务类专业教学改革与数字化校园建设中的意义。  相似文献   

张作为 《电子商务》2011,(11):75-76,84
信息素养作为人才职业素养的一部分,在网络经济迅猛发展的背景下已越来越受到企业的重视,很多企业把人才信息素养作为衡量人才解决问题能力和发展潜力的重要指标.在高职院校教学改革的背景下,通过课程的探究式教学,固化高职院校学生的信息素养培养,使学生信息素养培养贯串于专业课程中,形成信息素养培养的常规化.本文结合当前职业教育改革...  相似文献   

信息素养包括信息意识、信息能力和信息道德三个方面的内容。在现代信息化社会中,计算机、手机等已经非常普及,而对于许多从农村进来的新生来讲,对于使用计算机获取所需信息仍然很陌生。在了解了中职学生的信息素养现状之后,为了帮助他们熟悉和掌握信息基础知识与技能,适应信息时代的职业发展与社会要求,提高中职学生适应社会需求的学习能力,我校在电子信息系开展信息素养教育,以此促进数字校园的发展。  相似文献   

信息时代对学生的信息素养提出了前所未有的要求,提高教师的信息素质是培养学生信息素养的关键。提高教师信息素养不仅要注重信息技术培训,更要注重教学实践,而实施信息技术与课程整合正是提高教师信息素养的有效途径。在信息技术与课程整合中提高教师的信息素养可以立足课堂教学,从教学设计、教学流程、教学反思、课堂评价四个方面入手,不断改进教学设计,创新教学思路和方法,创新教学结构和模式,有效地提高教学质量和效率,在培养学生素养的同时.有效地提高教师的信息素养,应对信息时代的挑战。  相似文献   

初中信息技术课程教学的目的在于帮助学生发展适应信息时代需要的信息素养。这既包括发展学生利用信息技术的意识和能力,还包括发展学生对信息的反思和辨别能力,形成健康向上的信息理论。而在初中信息技术课程教学中融入中国传统文化,就是如何在初中信息技术课程教学中,对初中学生进行主动积极的文化导向,弘扬优秀的民族传统文化,提升民族素养。本文就是在这个观点的引领下,把中国传统文化融入初中信息技术课堂教学的必要性及具体实施方法进行了探索研究。  相似文献   

林露 《电子商务》2013,(4):72-73
21世纪是电脑技术和网络信息技术飞速发展的信息时代。网络信息时代的到来不仅极大地改变着人们的生产方式和生活方式,也极大地改变着人们的思维方式和学习方式,并促进学校教育越来越向网络化、虚拟化和个性化发展。随着学生对电子商务技术技能的日益熟练,利用网络获得了越来越丰富的知识。作为正处青少年发育阶段的职中学生,容易过分依赖网络,德育基础较为浅薄,对信息缺乏思辨能力,容易受一些不良网络信息的影响。因而中职电子商务教学不仅要使学生学到电子商务基础知识、网络营销、市场营销和计算机网络操作的基本技能,还要培养他们积极健康的信息素养,提高学生的健康的网络信息素养,吸收网络提供的有效信息。  相似文献   

为了培养满足社会发展人才的需要,越来越多的高职院校将财经素养教育融入到创新创业的教育实践中。创新创业是大学生就业的有效形式,高职院校应重视学生财经素养意识的提高与创新创业能力的提升。基于此,本文以广西工商职业技术学院在校大学生为研究对象,针对高职创新创业教育过程中存在问题,构建财经素养教育提升学生创新创业能力培养模式,并有针对性提出财经素养教育提升高职学生创新创业能力的策略。  相似文献   


Banks have traditionally been hostile to the marketing concept. Whilst this is being eroded, banks do not seem to have firmly embraced marketing information systems, according to an interview survey undertaken, although some steps are being made. With their major investments in technology it is crucial that banks take the opportunities to develop a comprehensive marketing information system.  相似文献   

Customer complaining: The role of tie strength and information control   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the impact of two key constructs, information control and tie strength, on consumers’ likelihood of complaining following service failures. We report convergent results from three types of studies—an experiment, a survey, and secondary data. In the first study, tie strength and information control were systematically varied in an experiment using a restaurant scenario. In a second study, survey data from patients who experienced dissatisfactory service was collected. The third study used field data from 1,470 customers of an HMO. Results from all three studies showed that, following service failure, complaining is more likely when the tendency for information control is stronger and ties are weaker.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the cost–benefit framework and trust mechanism as a risk reducer, this study examines the influence of brand factors and source credibility on branded product information Web searches. The online survey was conducted within the pre-purchase context of digital camera brands. The results revealed that brand factors did not influence overall branded information search efforts. However, brand trust and source credibility appeared to influence the different types of online information sources sought.  相似文献   

Unethical behavior in information systems: The gender factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports the findings of a survey examining whether gender differences influence the degree to which individuals recognize unethical conduct in the use and development of information technology. The results show that, on the average, there is a significant gender gap in the recognition of unethical behavior in information systems. Although, women are better able to recognize unethical actions described in information systems scenarios than men, the existence of statistically significant differences varies depending upon the nature of the ethical dilemma. The findings of this study provide both managers and researchers valuable understanding regarding the differences (and similarities) in the reactions of individuals of both genders to unethical situations in information systems.Deepak Khazanchi is an assistant professor of information systems (IS) in the college of business at Northern Kentucky University. His recent publications and research interests focus on IS support for ill-structured problem understanding, ethical/pedagogical issues in IS, and impact of advanced information technologies in organizations.  相似文献   

With the envisioned growth in the residential electricity demand and increased share of intermittent renewables in the supply mix, consumers will need to be better informed about their electricity consumption and to play an active role in managing their electricity use. However, consumer inattention and lack of information are ubiquitous, especially in household energy‐related settings. Thus, using a novel survey and actual monthly electricity consumption data, this study set out to measure the level of awareness about electricity bills, prices and costs among some Finnish households—as captured by the answers to six questions—and to investigate whether higher levels of “electricity awareness” are associated with electricity savings. In addition, this study analyses the willingness to receive extra information about energy consumption and savings and how it differs between “electricity aware” and “electricity unaware” respondents. The results indicate low levels of “electricity awareness” among the respondents of the survey. Compared to the respondents with little knowledge about electricity bills, prices and costs, the respondents with higher levels of “electricity awareness” tend to consume less electricity. Higher levels of awareness about electricity use and consumption might “materialize” inconspicuous consumption patterns, as opposed to more general facts about the largely invisible environmental consequences of everyday practices. More than two‐thirds of the total number of respondents would like to receive additional information about energy consumption and how to save energy. However, there exists a significant portion of “electricity unaware” respondents who are not only unwilling to receive such information, but are also unaware of their own knowledge deficits. To maximize the impact of any information strategy, decision makers should attempt to engage with this type of consumer; by becoming more aware of their knowledge deficits, people might become more receptive to information that can benefit them.  相似文献   

This study aims to enrich international business theory and practice by being the first study to investigate how both inter- and intra-organizational managerial trust in the source of market information contributes to its’ perception and use and by examining the contingent role of structural fluctuations and market turbulence. Structural equation modelling of cross-sectional survey data of 158 firms in Hungary shows that trust is an important driver of utilization of market information. Perceived information quality mediates the effect of trust on information use partially when it derives from intra- and fully when from inter-organizational source. When unpredictable changes occur due to structural fluctuations of the firm, the role of trust in quality perception of market information becomes more prominent. However, changes in the environment due to market turbulence do not moderate the effect of trust on perceived quality of information from inside, only from outside the firm.  相似文献   

The literature has suggested that an entrepreneurially alert information system may be a salient driver of corporate entrepreneurship, even though this role has been neither theoretically articulated nor empirically substantiated. Building upon the organizational learning, information orientation, and entrepreneurial awareness literatures we identify three key elements of a firm's entrepreneurially alert information system, and then develop a parsimonious model that examines the impact of these elements on corporate entrepreneurship. Using both single- and multi-source survey data from 495 small- to medium-sized firms, we test our model and find that each element individually and collectively imparts significant positive influence on corporate entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This study uses an experimental design for the presentation of a case, demographic information, product test survey results, and test market results to marketing managers and to market researchers. We attempt to determine the interrelationships among changes in decision outcomes, sales estimates, and confidence. We also show that the two-community dichotomy between marketing managers and market researchers exists.  相似文献   

This article looks at a consumer who faces a choice between two sources of information: conventional and online. The online source is different from the conventional one because consumers care about how many people are using it along with them. Generally, the more users the better (positive network externality), but, on the other hand, the presence of more users implies a reduction of available capacity, about which consumers also care. We assume that consumers maximize their utility, which is modeled as a function of all other consumption, knowledge, and network externalities. Knowledge is conceptualized as a function of the amount of information spent both on the online network and on conventional sources. Since consumer information searches may differ according to demographic differences, this may result in consumers’ differences in their usage of online networks and conventional sources. We include these externalities in our model to better understand consumer choice behavior for the online network. The consumer utility function is estimated by using the model estimation method developed in this article, since the interactions implied by the consumer utility function are more complex than one could hope to estimate econometrically. We use survey data to regress the demand for online information depending on income, education, the number of users, and remaining capacity. We introduce a methodology to simulate how consumers’ representative utilities will behave in different network environments and derive implications for online network suppliers.  相似文献   

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