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"三言"对商人的日常生活和经商活动作了大量描写,同时塑造了一大批新型的商人形象,展示了宋明时期商人在经商意识、思想观念的崭新变化,并表明了作者对其社会地位、社会作用的肯定.本文通过对商人形象的解读和对商人在商业活动中所反映出的特质进行分析,凸显其当代性意义.  相似文献   

毛晓秋 《21世纪商业评论》2007,(12):118-118,120
他在这本书里提出了"士魂商才"的概念,主张一个商人既要有"士"的操守、道德和理想,又要有"商"的才干与务实。  相似文献   

1980年代初期小说中出现了一批形态各异的商人形象,包括时代排斥者、时代落伍者、时代先行者,高晓声创作的陈奂生可以说是初涉商者形象的特例.陈奂生既是时代的幸运儿,更是时代的观望者、守成者.陈奂生形象既融合了中国传统历史文化的深厚内涵,又烙上了新时期改革的时代印记,为商人形象画廊增添了几丝喜剧色彩,同时也能引发读者的深思...  相似文献   

大陆法商法通常将商主体称为商人,主要包括商自然人、商合伙及商法人.就商自然人而言,传统商法中又称"商个人"、"个体商人"、"个人商号"等,指具有商事能力,以自己名义独立从事商事经营,依法享有商事权利并承担商事义务的自然人.商自然人乃最古老的经营形式,经商的个人传统上即称为商人.现代商法中,商自然人作为颇富内涵的范畴,是一个具有传统特征的自然人状态与富有现代特征的单个出资组织体状态相结合的概念.西方国家中商自然人与独资企业的涵义其实是一致的.  相似文献   

刘頔 《销售与管理》2009,(11):43-46
中国五千年文明,是一部“重农抑商”的历史。对这历史的最好诠释是四大文学名著,除了西门庆,就是镇关西、孙二娘,不曾有过好商人的形象塑造。“重农”的结果,是农业的持续落后。1985年,我国粮食产量创下建国以来的最好水平,但不是有史以来的最高产量。因为在1000多年前的宋朝就曾经达到过。  相似文献   

中国企业文化之怪现象:新奸商文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>"无商不奸",是中国对商人的传统定义。在大多数人的眼神里,奸商总是肥头大耳的脸上长着一双细长而狡诈的眼睛。他们像葛朗台一样吝啬小气.他们在"童叟无欺"的招牌下缺斤少两。改革开放之后.人们对"商"的态度似乎也已大相径庭了。新一代的奸商们也似乎"奸"得越来越"忠厚",越来越"诚恳"。  相似文献   

徽州商人,简称徽商,是指旧徽州府籍的商人或商人集团。旧徽州府包括现在安徽省属的歙、休宁、祁门、黟、绩溪五县和江西省属的婺源县。徽州府相当于西晋时代的新安郡,所以徽州商人又称新安商人。上述六县,特别是歙、休宁两县出现过许多有势力的商人,各又以歙商、休宁商之名著称于世。徽州商人历史悠久,特别是明代中叶至清代中叶的三百多年间,实力更为雄厚,在中国商业史上占有重要的地位。(一) 我国商业和商人的活动,在奴隶社会的商、周时代已经出现。东晋时代,商品经济进一步发展,到处都有从事商业活动的商人。徽州商人也在这时应运而生,《晋书》上有“新安人(即微州人)歌舞离别之辞”的记载。《知新录》解释《晋书》上这句话为“徽俗好离  相似文献   

随着社会环境的变化和政府取能的转变,政府形象塑造的问题越来越受到重视,要塑造良好的政府形象,政府传播需要承担起更加重要的责任.本文从传播学的角度,立足于"政府传播的广告理念--以深圳、郑州、白山、沂水四地的政府标语口号为例"的科研项目,以白山市政府"节庆"传播为研究案例,探讨立足于当地实际,富有地域特色的政府传播在政府形象塑造中的作用.  相似文献   

目前,我国正处于防止通货膨胀上升为主要目标的经济环境中,在治理通胀的过程中,一定要慎用直接干预.商贸流通服务业在众多供求矛盾的结构性问题上,对扼制、稳定物价,特别是稳定居民消费价格具有强大功能;电子商务、网上购物已经成为化解通胀的生力军,可以低成本为民生提供便利和节约时间,充分展示天然化解时空矛盾的功能;同时,积极引导商贸流通业增强经营决策的预见性,对大宗商品、农产品价格波动,要深入细致具体分析,做到两个分清;而体制性、制度性成本是最大祸害,“十二五”规划应该将降低流通领域的体制性成本作为主攻方向.另外,必须剔除轻商蔑商的封建意识,构造公平公正的舆论氛围,澄清商人的是非功过,搞清商人存在的缘由和真相,还商人以正面的社会形象.  相似文献   

司马迁曾经把把商人分为"义商"和"奸商"。"义商"与"奸商"荣辱的滥觞,主要是商人健全人格的缘由。新阶段,实现全面建设小康社会的历史任务,给商人健全人格的养成提出了更为迫切的现实要求。  相似文献   

A proof of the existence of private core allocations is provided for an exchange economy ε where consumers and commodities are both infinite in number, supposing however that only finitely many types can be distinguished among traders. It is obtained passing through the Edgeworth equilibrium notion considered for a suitably associated discrete setting. For this setting a preliminary result—which is interesting in itself—is proved: in every discrete economy E with asymmetric information and unequal numbers of traders with the same characteristics there is a private core allocation which treats agents of the same type equally.  相似文献   

Partitions of the set of states of nature are the traditional information structures in decision theory. In a multi-person context, common knowledge of the choices, such as it occurs in a trade, implies common knowledge of relevant information: hence a well-known impossibility theorem for trade based on differing belief can be obtained. A new set theoretic axiomatization of the beliefs held by decision makers allows here for the construction of doxastic, i.e. possibly incorrect instruments of measurement of the »outside« world, and allow traders to »agree to disagree«.  相似文献   

随着网络经济的迅速发展 ,出现了许多基于网络基础的提供信息服务的具有中介功能的电子中间商。批发市场中产品的质量存在不确定性 ,电子中间商能提高市场交易的效率 ,但物流和市场交易的分离也给市场的买卖双方带来了新的交易风险。电子中间商可以采用拍卖交易方式 ,并建立一个能降低交易风险的信用机制。信用机制的建立会促使电子市场的交易集中于高质量的产品 ,且产品的价格要高于传统市场产品价格。  相似文献   

传统知识分子与近代型知识分子在出身、教育等方面都有很大不同。新式教育的兴办和留学运动的兴起,促进了皖江地区知识分子的转型。以陈独秀为核心的一批皖江近代型知识分子,在辛亥革命时期及五四运动时期异常活跃,成为安徽当时社会变革的主要力量。皖江近代型知识分子具有中西兼顾的教育背景、革命家与启蒙者的双重角色等典型特征,他们起步虽晚但发展较快、作用较大。  相似文献   

Recent concern over “high frequency trading” (HFT) has called into question the fairness of the practice. What does it mean for a financial market to be “fair”? We first examine how high frequency trading is actually used. High frequency traders often implement traditional beneficial strategies such as market making and arbitrage, although computers can also be used for manipulative strategies as well. We then examine different notions of fairness. Procedural fairness can be viewed from the perspective of equal opportunity, in which all market participants are treated alike. The same rules apply to HFT as to other traders. Another approach to fairness is in the equality of outcomes. Many HFT strategies are beneficial to other market participants, so one cannot categorically denounce the practice as unfair. Other strategies, for both high and low frequency trading, are not. It is thus important to distinguish between the technology and the use of the technology to make judgments on fairness.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of uncertainty on the volatility forecasting power of option-implied volatility. Option-implied volatility is a powerful predictor of future volatility, particularly during periods of high uncertainty. This is consistent with option-implied volatility being largely determined by volatility-informed traders (rather than directional traders) when uncertainty is high. New volatility forecasting models that incorporate such interaction outperform benchmark models, both in- and out-of-sample. The new models also better predict future volatility during the 2008 global financial crisis, for which benchmark models perform poorly. The results are robust to alternative choices of benchmark models, loss functions, and estimation windows.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(4):509-519
While we understand well how social media channels sway consumers, there is little understanding of their influence on online trading behavior. We argue that social media are creating a new class of self-directed online traders by simultaneously encouraging and biasing trading decisions. Through an empirical study, we show that heavy social media users are more likely to engage in online trading but are largely affected by online herding behavior, and are four times more likely to blindly follow other traders. Bloggers, influencers, social network contacts, and social media news shape these users’ online trading behaviors. As online traders influenced by social media are unlikely to receive adequate returns, companies face an ethical dilemma: They could leverage social media to efficiently access funds but they risk inappropriately exploiting the inexperience of online traders biased by social media. We offer a set of nine practical recommendations for organizations to respond to these new challenges.  相似文献   

The sale of faster access to financial market data has recently generated public controversy. NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has referred to such fast data feeds as “Insider Trading 2.0”. For example, Thomson Reuters sold the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index to computerized trading firms 2 seconds before releasing its data to its other paying clients. This paper explores the ethical issues involved in the sale of such information. Is selling faster access ethically the same as traditional insider trading, which generally involves a breach of fiduciary duty or the use of misappropriated information? Such practices are extremely different from traditional insider trading as there is neither a breach of fiduciary duty nor misappropriation of inside information. The ethical issues are similar to other market segmentation and price discrimination issues, in which different prices are charged to different customers. The ability to price discriminate across segments can actually benefit large segments of the population who may receive lower prices because others, such as the high-speed traders, are paying more. The sale of faster access to information, especially by exchanges, raises additional ethical issues. There may be adverse effects on market quality that must be addressed. The moral distaste for the practice expressed by some stems from the seeming unfairness of a modern market structure that provides advantages to a small group of computerized traders.  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamic liquidity provision process by institutional and individual traders in the Taiwan index futures market, which is a pure limit order market. The empirical analysis obtains several interesting empirical results. We find that trader type affects liquidity provision in a number of interesting ways. First, although institutional traders use more limit orders than market orders, foreign institution (individual) traders use a relatively higher percentage of market (limit) orders in the early trading session and then switch to more limit (market) orders for the remainder of the day until close to the end of the trading day. Second, net limit order submissions by both institutional and individual traders are positively related to one‐period lagged transitory volatility and negatively related to informational volatility. Third, net limit order submissions by institutional traders are positively related to one‐period lagged spread. Finally, both the state of limit order book and order size significantly influence all types of traders’ strategy on submission of limit order versus market order during the intraday trading session. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 34:145–172, 2014  相似文献   

本文通过建立“市场交换演进模型”,及其对不同市场均衡状态的演进比较,从理论上回答了:(1)在具有众多浙商与消费者分散交易,以及具有垄断势力大商企购销经营共存的市场中,浙商推动了市场供给曲线右移,放大了市场销售量,导致了市场交换模式的演进;(2)众多浙商的存在,构造了可降低市场交易成本的机制,增进了社会福利;(3)浙商担当起了发现市场、拓展市场、推动市场与产业互动、促进浙江产业集群成长的作用。  相似文献   

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