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前几年,房地产的发展是我国经济的重要支柱,而近一两年来,我国房地产行业大不如从前,各界人士对中国房地产未来的命运议论纷纷,与此同时,我国经济出现了下行趋势,有关专家预测2014年中国的经济增速是7.6%.经济下行压力对烟台房地产营销产生了一定的影响,原来的营销观念已经不适用当前的形势.文章通过分析烟台市房地产营销现状与烟台市的特点给出了一些营销建议. 相似文献
经济下行对于企业的发展和资金管理有着重要影响,这就要求企业在经济下行压力下,加强对企业资金风险管理的重视程度,采取有效策略提高企业资金风险管理的质量和水平,保证企业的健康稳定发展。本文就来分析一下经济下行压力对于企业资金风险管理的影响和当前的资金风险管理中存在的问题,并且提出了在经济下行压力下加强企业资金风险管理的策略。 相似文献
中间业务属低成本、低风险业务,对商业银行提升盈利能力、改善客户结构、增强市场竞争能力具有重要意义,是商业银行业务转型的重点,但随着经济步入下行周期,客户需求变化以及相关风险暴露概率加大,中间业务发展面临严峻考验。商业银行必须通过调整产品结构,强化风险管理,推动中间业务持续健康发展。 相似文献
中间业务属低成本、低风险业务,对商业银行提升盈利能力、改善客户结构、增强市场竞争能力具有重要意义,是商业银行业务转型的重点,但随着经济步入下行周期,客户需求变化以及相关风险暴露概率加大,中间业务发展面临严峻考验。商业银行必须通过调整产品结构,强化风险管理,推动中间业务持续健康发展。 相似文献
本文从经济周期、三大需求、产业结构三个方面,对处于经济下行周期的山东省经济增长问题进行了分析,指出山东省需要减少对投资的过度依赖,调整产业结构,发挥消费对经济增长的拉动作用,促进山东省经济的稳定和可持续增长。 相似文献
本文通过分析当前中国部分城市房价呈下跌趋势的原因,指出了房价暴跌对中国经济的负面影响,在此基础上,提出了支持自住型购房者的房贷需求﹑对一部分城市放松限购限贷的政策建议。 相似文献
在2011年12月的中央经济工作会议上,内需对于稳增长的作用已被强调。只是,落实这一期望,任重道远。一2010年底,英国《经济学人》杂志提出一项评估中国经济的新指数—克强指数(LiKeqiangIndex)。该数字综合中国国务院副总理李克强担任辽宁省委书记时偏好参考的货运量、用电量以及贷款3项数据,《经济学人》认为,这是比GDP数字更能准确反映中国 相似文献
侯丽娜 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2013,(23):79-80
近些年来,我国经济增长速度逐渐下滑,经济下行已经成为经济学界的共识。在经济下行时期,企业的经营和发展面临着严重的挑战,尤其是一些中小企业,在激烈的市场竞争环境下可能会面临着破产以及倒闭的危险。在此背景下,企业一定要清醒的认识到自身存在的问题,不断调整经营管理思路、扩大盈利能力,提高企业的财务风险防范能力,完善企业内部治理结构,扩宽企业融资渠道等,从而提高企业的市场竞争力,保证企业相对稳定健康发展。 相似文献
受世界经济大环境影响,近年来我国经济一直在下行压力较大的态势下运行。党中央八项规定之后,反腐倡廉力度的加大,禁止用公款大吃大喝,遏制集团消费。再从餐饮业市场看,其内部竞争又非常激烈,在"前有堵截","后有追兵"的"狭路相逢"的市场形势下,餐饮业如何才能够利于不败之地呢?这不能不成为许多业内人士认真思考并寻求突破口的地方。餐饮业当前应重点从以下几个方面寻求突破:餐饮质量和营养保健;大众需求和方便快捷;餐饮文化和食品安全;品牌效应和媒体广告等。 相似文献
Heinz Salowsky 《Intereconomics》1973,8(2):59-62
Over 2.3 mn foreign workers are now employed in the Federal Republic of Germany. They account for 10 p.c. of the total labour force. How many foreigners will work in the Federal Republic in future is necessarily a matter for conjecture. Labour market experts forecast that — depending on the rate at which the productive potential is used — between 2 and 2.8 mn foreign nationals will be constantly employed until 1985. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to identify and investigate the types of trust and their impact mechanisms in the application of blockchain technology for green agricultural products. A mixed research approach was used in this study. First, qualitative in-depth interviews with consumers were conducted to identify the technological path (blockchain technology), and the information disclosure path (environmental information of green agricultural products) that affect consumer trust. Two types of consumer trust were also identified, namely, cognitive trust in blockchain technology (digital trust), and instantaneous trust in blockchain technology disclosure information (swift trust), both of which play a role in influencing consumers’ immediate purchase. Then, based on the interview results, a theoretical model for this study was developed by combining signal theory and trust transfer theory. Through a quantitative survey, 474 valid data were collected to empirically examine the role of consumer blockchain technology experience and environmental information transparency perceived on digital trust and swift trust, and the role of both types of trust on impulse buying. The results show that consumer blockchain technology experience can significantly and positively affect the environmental information transparency perceived. And both have a positive effect on digital trust and swift trust. Also both trusts have a significant effect on impulse buying. Further mediating effects confirm the environmental information transparency perceived as an important intrinsic mechanism by which the blockchain technology experience influences consumer trust. The results of this study add an empirical basis for the role of blockchain technology. It also provides a reference for technology adoption by related companies. 相似文献
在乌拉圭回合谈判的过程中,大多数研究都预测随着乌拉圭回合谈判的结束和世贸组织的建立,发达国家将按照农业协议大幅度削减对农产品的国内支持与出口补贴,世界市场的农产品价格将上升,除了极少数的农产品食品净进口国外,大多数发展中国家将从农产品贸易自由化中受益,国民经济的增长也因此而加快。然而,8年过去了,大多数发展中国家既未享受到更加自由的农产品贸易,更未从中受益。现实中的情况是主要农产品的国际价格继续下降,而发展中国家贸易总量也基本保持在原有的水平。从1980年到1997年的17年内,发展中国家在世界… 相似文献
Sam Laird 《The World Economy》2006,29(10):1363-1376
The economic implications of current WTO negotiations are likely to be far reaching. The World Bank and UNCTAD estimate annual global gains in agriculture and non‐agricultural products (including fish) of about $70−150 billion each under various scenarios and technical assumptions. Liberalising trade in services could be even more important, especially if agreement were reached to facilitate the temporary movement of labour (Mode 4 under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS). Some qualifications, however, are in order. First, gains are likely to be spread unevenly across countries and across sectors; and, second, short‐term adjustment costs might precede long‐term gains. Much depends on how ambitious liberalisation is and on policies to facilitate adjustment. This paper examines the Doha mandate in non‐agricultural market access (NAMA) and the current state of the WTO negotiations, in particular some key proposals being considered at the December 2005 Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong. We analyse various scenarios and their implications for trade, welfare, output, employment, revenues and preferences, as well as the distributional effects across countries and sectors. We note possible adjustment problems related to balance of payments and structural adjustment, as well as revenue and preference losses. These suggest the need for ‘aid for trade’ to help developing countries realise gains possible from WTO negotiations. 相似文献
J. A. Mollett 《Intereconomics》1988,23(1):19-24
Agricultural price policies are under closer review now in many developing countries. There is a growing tendency to rely more on market forces. What impact have agricultural price policies had on the performance of the agricultural sector in developing countries until now? 相似文献
The European Community has frequently been blamed for impairing, through its highly protectionist agricultural policy, the development chances of Third World countries. Our article analyses whether, and to what extent, this reproach is justified. 相似文献
本文以经济新常态背景下的商业经济创新研究为主要内容进行阐述,结合当前我国经济新常态的概念以及特点、经济新常态背景下商业经济创新发展的理论依据和经济新常态背景下商业经济创新有效方式为主要依据,从综合化发展对策、差异化发展对策、全球化发展对策、政府支持模式的改进、及时转变企业经营理念、创新企业金融驱动、企业参与模式的创新、规划管理模式这几方面进行深入探讨和分析,其目的在于提高经济新常态背景下商业经济创新的运作效率,旨意为相关研究提供参考资料。 相似文献
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significantly negative impact on public sentiment, which has resulted in panic and some irrational buying behavior, which in turn has had a complex impact on agricultural product prices. This study quantified online negative sentiment using micro-blog text mining and a time-varying parameter vector autoregressive model (TVP-VAR) to empirically analyze the dynamic impact of negative public emotions on agricultural product prices during the COVID-19 pandemic in China. It was found that the online negative sentiment impacted agricultural products prices during COVID-19 and had significant time-varying, lag, and life cycle characteristics, with the responses being most significant in the spread and recession periods. Differences were found in the price responses for different agricultural products and in different risk areas. The online negative sentiment was found to have the greatest impact on vegetable prices, with livestock products and vegetable prices being mainly positively impacted, fruit prices being mainly negatively impacted, and aquatic product prices being negatively impacted in the early stage and positively impacted in the middle and late stages. The online negative sentiment had the greatest impact on medium-risk area agricultural product prices, followed by low-risk areas, with the lowest impact found on the high-risk area agricultural product prices. Three policy suggestions for epidemic monitoring, public opinion guidance and control, and the timely release of agricultural product information are given based on the results. 相似文献
2008年是充满变数的一年。从美国的次贷危机开始,世界经济出现了下滑的趋势,而处于经济全球化背景中的中国如何应对这场危机,意义十分重大。本文分析了目前世界经济下滑的趋势及对中国的影响,最后提出了中国的应对策略。 相似文献