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In this paper we apply a new efficient numerical method for valuing default free bonds and contingent claims within the CKLS interest rate model. Using historical parameter estimates of the CKLS model for Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom we compare implied bond and contingent claim prices. Our results indicate that default free bond prices and contingent claim prices are sensitive to the underlying interest rate model used.  相似文献   

In a mean‐variance framework, the indifference pricing approach is adopted to value weather derivatives, taking account of portfolio effects. Our analysis shows how the magnitude of portfolio effects is related to the correlation between weather indexes and other risky assets, the correlation between weather indexes, and the payoff structures of the existing weather derivatives in an investor's asset portfolio. We also conduct some preliminary empirical analysis. This study contributes to the weather derivative pricing literature by incorporating both the hedgeable and unhedgeable parts of weather risks in illustrating the portfolio effects on the indifference prices of weather derivatives.  相似文献   

If calibrated to an observed term structure of interest rates that only covers a finite range of times-to-maturity an HJM-model of the term structure of interest rates will eventually die out in finite time as bonds reach maturity. This poses problems for the pricing and hedging of certain contingent claims. Therefore, we extend the HJM-model in such a way that it lives on an arbitrary time horizon and possesses term structures that cover a constant finite interval of times-to-maturity. We consider the pricing and hedging of contingent claims in this framework.  相似文献   

This study employs a general equilibrium monetary search model to examine the effects of the recent dollarization in North Korea on seigniorage and prices. Maximum seigniorage is generated at a high rate of money growth when dollarization is mild. However, under a high degree of dollarization seigniorage declines sharply when the money growth rate is high. Accordingly, seigniorage can be increased by de-dollarizing the economy through lowering the money growth rate. This finding implies that the post-2013 price stabilization may be a result of the restriction on printing of money with the aim of increasing seigniorage. This finding also recognizes that the North Korean authorities have little room for maneuver on monetary policy under the conditions of widespread dollarization.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the dynamic effects of four key macroeconomic variables on the housing prices and the stock of houses sold on the national and regional levels using a nonstructural estimation technique. The impulse response functions derived from the VAR suggest that macroeconomic variables produce cycles in housing prices and houses sold. The housing market was found to be very sensitive to shocks in the employment growth and mortgage rate at both the national and regional levels. In particular, regional housing prices reflect regional employment growth, as well as national mortgage rates. The study also reveals that the economic variables have a different impact on the dynamic behavior of housing prices and the number of houses sold in different regions at different time periods and that these economic aggregates alone cannot explain the fluctuations in real estate values and construction levels that occurred in some regions.  相似文献   

随着我国人民币国际化的推进,货币反替代程度不断增强。这种反替代深化势必对我国的汇率和资产价格产生影响。基于SVAR模型,利用2005~2013年的月度数据,应用脉冲响应和方差分解研究货币反替代对人民币汇率、股票和房地产的影响,实证研究表明,货币反替代对人民币汇率有“放大效应”,对房地产市场的影响程度要大于对股票市场的影响程度。  相似文献   

This paper applies portfolio change and conditional performance measures to assess the performance of the dynamic investment model in various industry-rotation settings spanning the 1934–1995 period. The dynamic investment model employs the empirical probability assessment approach in raw form. In addition, it incorporates three adjustments for estimation error: James–Stein, Bayes–Stein, and CAPM-based corrections. The tests are unanimous in their conclusion that the excess returns attained by the (unadjusted) historic, the Bayes–Stein, and the James–Stein estimators are (sometimes highly) statistically significant over the 1966–1995 and 1966–1981 sub-periods. This lends support to the idea that the joint empirical probability assessment approach based on the recent past, with and without Stein-based corrections for estimation error, contains information that can be profitably exploited. The relationship of these findings to the extant literature on momentum and contrarian strategies is addressed.  相似文献   

In most countries where firms list separate shares for trading by foreign and domestic investors, the prices of the foreign shares tend to be higher. In China, the reverse tends to be true. In this paper, we would like to focus on the information content in lagged premiums of Chinese A over B traded shares. The lagged premiums are found to have certain predictive power over the future returns and volatility of both A and B shares, with some interesting patterns. Specifically, an increase in the premium ratio of A shares will be followed by a rise in the return of A shares and a fall in the return of B shares. It is found that both of the investors in Chinese A- and B-share markets reveal positive feedback trading behavior. Moreover, the liquidity and information availability will affect the magnitude of such behavior especially in B-share markets. By using multivariate GARCH model, it is also demonstrated that the unexpected changes in the premium ratio of A-share price over B-share price contribute to the return volatility of both A shares and B shares. These patterns may provide foundations for the development of pricing models for equity shares under market segmentation.  相似文献   

In this paper the neutral valuation approach is applied to American and game options in incomplete markets. Neutral prices occur if investors are utility maximizers and if derivative supply and demand are balanced. Game contingent claims are derivative contracts that can be terminated by both counterparties at any time before expiration. They generalize American options where this right is limited to the buyer of the claim. It turns out that as in the complete case, the price process of American and game contingent claims corresponds to a Snell envelope or to the value of a Dynkin game, respectively.On the technical level, an important role is played by -sub- and -supermartingales. We characterize these processes in terms of semimartingale characteristics.Received: June 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):   91B24, 60G48, 91B16, 91A15, 60G40JEL Classification:   G13, D52, C73The authors want to thank PD Dr. Martin Beibel for the idea leading to the proof of Proposition A.4 and both anonymous referees for many valuable comments. The second author gratefully acknowledges financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Graduiertenkolleg Angewandte Algorithmische Mathematik at Munich University of Technology and by the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung at Vienna University of Technology.  相似文献   

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