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影子银行体系与金融危机   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
影子银行的异军突起、飞速发展,给美国和国际金融市场带来了高度的繁荣.由于影子银行的高杠杆贷款操作以及影子银行体系内生的脆弱性,成为引发当前全球性金融危机的重要因素.影子银行体系的教训给我国金融业提供了重要的启示,即我国金融业应循序渐进地推动金融产品创新,注重防范金融风险;金融监管机构应对金融机构及金融活动实行全面的监管.  相似文献   

如何缓解中小企业信贷困境始终困扰着中国的金融监管当局。本文选取中国各地区1999年-2007年工业企业的面板数据,具体考察了银行业规模结构对中小企业银行信贷的影响。结果显示,相比大型企业,中小企业获得的银行贷款更少、期限结构更短。同时,研究发现随着中小银行市场份额的上升,中小企业与大型企业之间银行信贷的差异随之缩小。这表明,在我国经济转型期间,大力发展中小银行有助于缓解中小企业的融资困境。进一步研究发现中小银行市场份额的扩大显著促进了经济增长。  相似文献   

Credit default swaps (CDSs) are contracts between buyers and sellers of protection against default. They are a form of debt insurance, or more precisely derivatives contracts that investors buy to either insure against or profit from a default. In this way CDS contracts act as a form of debt insurance in that they provide a means of protection against credit risk. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the CDS earned the reputation of a ‘financial weapon of mass destruction’. Why? Is this charge justified? This paper shows that the reality is more complex: CDSs carry benefit as well as costs, and the risks associated with them can be mitigated through prudent supervision.  相似文献   

We extend the work of Homma, Tsutsui, and Uchida (2014) to provide empirical evidence on nexus of relationships in efficient structure (ES) hypothesis. In this framework, we test causality from cost efficiency to bank growth and then from bank growth to market concentration. We apply this approach to banking industry in Association of South East Asian (ASEAN) over the period of 1999–2014. The efficiency scores have been estimated by employing Slack Based Measurements Data Envelopment Analysis (SMB DEA). We apply Two-step system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and Panel Vector Auto Regression (PVAR) to account for endogeneity in estimation models. The results show that cost efficiency enables the banks to grow and obtain higher market share. The resultant growth then leads to higher market concentration/bank market power. There is also some evidence to support for quiet life (QL) hypothesis. Therefore, both ES and QL hypotheses may coexist in ASEAN banking industry.  相似文献   

We ask how the structure of international banking affects the decision of a national regulator to join a banking union and to transfer regulatory powers to the supranational level. The focus is on bank supervision and bank resolution. A national regulator ignores possible gains or losses, which accrue to other jurisdictions if banks are internationally active. A supranational regulator takes these regulatory external effects into account. While supranational regulation improves total welfare, this is not necessarily the case for welfare in single countries. By analyzing the size and determinants of spillover effects we show how they constrain a country’s willingness to participate in a banking union. Our results may explain why some member states of the European Union currently hesitate to join the European Banking Union.  相似文献   

本文分析了影子银行风险传染机制及其影响,在违约风险基于会计账户传染的马尔科夫过程假设下,运用投入产出法构建影子银行系统性风险测度模型,以2007-2012年中国影子银行业务数据进行检验,结果显示:信托公司部门是主要的风险源,银行部门是系统性风险最主要的承担者,观测期内影子银行部门系统性风险整体呈现上升趋势。防控系统性风险应从影子银行业务风险隔离机制、资本与杠杆率监管、信息透明度、宏观审慎框架和风险应急机制等建设着手。  相似文献   

Kerry Liu 《Economic Affairs》2017,37(2):279-287
On 23 October 2015, the People's Bank of China (PBoC) completed the process of interest rate liberalisation. This study examines China's interest rate pass‐through to the lending rate of commercial banks before and after interest rate liberalisation. Based on data from Q3, 2007 to Q2, 2016, the study shows that the interest rate pass‐through from policy rate to lending rate, which was effective before October 2015, lost effectiveness thereafter. PBoC interventions, the ‘Impossible Trinity’ theory and institutional factors may contribute to this ineffectiveness of the policy rate pass‐through, which may also be related to the higher premium for risk required by banks and to the worsening of their financial condition. The study also offers policy advice in response to the declining effectiveness of China's interest rate pass‐through.  相似文献   

The Negotiable Certificate of Deposit (NCD) is a major financial instrument in China; the value of outstanding Chinese NCDs was approximately RMB8 trillion (equivalent to USD1.2 trillion) in mid‐2017. This article reviews the most recent developments in the Chinese NCD, including its effect on interest rate pass‐through and money creation. Empirical results show that the introduction of the NCD in 2014 influenced the relationship between the policy rate and the lending rate of Chinese commercial banks, and the interest rate pass‐through from the policy rate to the lending rate of commercial banks improved subsequently. However, this process has also been accompanied by maturity mismatch, increasing leverage, and decreasing credit ratings for the assets of banks and other financial institutions. Consequently, systemic risk in the Chinese banking system has increased.  相似文献   

Chinese mainland business expatriates assigned to Hong Kong were surveyed assessing their socio-cultural and psychological adjustment. The investigation explored the association of a variety of personal characteristics with adjustment to work and life in the territory. The main results of the study showed that expatriates from the neighbouring Guangdong Province, male expatriates, younger expatriates and expatriates who were accompanied by their spouses were better adjusted in Hong Kong than others. On the other hand, expatriates recruited directly from universities were less well adjusted than those hired from other sources. Implications of these findings are drawn and future avenues for improving and extending this kind of exploratory research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines HRM in joint ventures (JVs) in Shanghai compared with those in Beijing using a case-study approach. It focuses primarily on issues relating to labour contracts, rewards and benefits, social insurance, trade unions and personnel policies, and describes current developments in China in each of these areas. In order to place these JV human resource practices in context, we also draw on interviews in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Shanghai and Beijing. Taking as a starting point a summary of traditional SOE 'iron rice-bowl' ( tie fan wan ) practices in the management of personnel, we ask to what extent HRM in the present JV sample differs from traditional methods and to what extent 'iron rice-bowl' practices continue despite foreign ownership. The extent to which HR practices in JVs are distinct from those in contemporary SOEs is also examined. We conclude that, although, as one would expect, foreign ownership has modified traditional practice, the degree and extent to which this is true varies widely. There is strong evidence of institutional and organizational continuity in 'iron rice-bowl' practices in both JVs and SOEs. Finally we propose a framework for categorizing the companies investigated in terms of their distance from traditional 'iron rice-bowl' HR practices and proximity to 'imported' practices. This consists of two 'pure' and two hybrid categories: pure 'iron rice-bowl'; hybrid I (predominantly local); hybrid II (predominantly imported): and, finally, pure imported. In this schema, the companies examined do not however group neatly according to whether they are JVs or SOEs.  相似文献   

This article examines the links between epidemics and their economic consequences, specifically in terms of their impacts on labour markets and jobs. To exemplify the above, we examine the effects of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) on the Hong Kong economy, its labour market and its level of employment and unemployment. The article hypothesizes that the greatest impact would be on human resource management (HRM) in the service industries and on particular sub-sectors, such as the hotel sector. It concludes that the dramatic demand and supply ‘shocks’ significantly affected both the demand for and the supply of labour in the sector, with discernible HRM consequences.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effects of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) on China's human resources, its labour-market and its level of employment and unemployment, looking specifically at what was one of its economically most vulnerable points, the hotel industry. The paper hypothesizes that the greatest impact would be on human resources in the service-industries and on particular sub-sectors, such as employment in hotels, located in three main cities in the PRC, in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, catering to both overseas as well as domestic tourism. It tentatively concludes that the almost dramatic demand and supply ‘shocks’ may have directly affected both the demand for and the supply of labour in the sub-sector, with discernable employment consequences.  相似文献   

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