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Baumol's (1967 ) seminal model of structural change predicts that large service industries financed mainly through taxes and social contributions—like health care and education, for instance—will acquire ever‐larger shares of total expenditures and that, concomitantly, overall productivity growth will decline. Applying a new testing strategy for Baumol's model, Nordhaus (2008 ) finds strong evidence in favor of the “cost and growth diseases” in U.S. GDP‐by‐industry data (published by the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis). The aim of the present paper is twofold. The first is to check whether Nordhaus's results can be reproduced using U.S. industry data from the EU KLEMS database. Second, Nordhaus's testing methodology is applied to European Union data from the same database. The results suggest that—although there are differences vis‐à‐vis the U.S.—the EU also shows symptoms of “Baumol's diseases.”  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1996,50(2):173-182
According to Baumol's Cost Disease unit labour costs in the performing arts regularly increase because the wage rates rise more quickly than labour productivity, resulting in a secular threat to survival. In contrast, musical festivals have boomed. Festivals cater particularly well for tourists endowed with steadily increasing incomes. Festivals have prospered because they hire artists and other staff at low marginal cost and evade the restrictions imposed by government and unions. They therefore produce more efficiently and attract more sponsors. The “innnovation” of festivals overcomes Baumol's Disease while it remains virulent in the conventional venues.  相似文献   

We study how changing sectoral composition in employment and output shares affects aggregate growth by modeling a two-sector economy with a technologically “progressive” industry, which produces for consumption and investment, and a technologically “stagnant” industry producing only for consumption. Hence, unbalanced improvements in total factor productivity interact with changes in the composition of final demand in shaping the growth process. Within this endogenous growth framework, we show under what conditions on preferences Baumol's asymptotic stagnancy occurs. Beside studying the limiting behavior of the economy, numerical examples are presented to analyze the structural change going on along the transition path.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, the Dutch economy has outperformed neighbouring countries in terms of employment and GDP growth. We argue that the recent growth performance of the Netherlands has primarily been the result of a correction of the belowaverage performance during the 1970s. This correction was mainly brought about by a significant wage moderation since the early 1980s, probably strengthened by the creation of a more effective wage negotiation structure and measures to reduce the replacement rate. Furthermore, we show that the euphoria about the 'Delta model' is dampened by a slowdown in labour productivity performance, which appears to be particular serious in major parts of the services sector.  相似文献   

This study examines the sources of labor productivity growth dynamics in Japan (1970–2010) and investigates the extent to which Japanese economic performance has been affected by Baumol's growth disease (BGD). We find that BGD silently undermines Japanese economic growth. However, the magnitude is miniscule, and consequently the aggregate labor productivity growth rate has not been decreasing monotonically. We also explore how BGD is arising and why it is small in the Japanese economy. BGD is weak because (1) the positive Baumol growth effect is also working in certain services sectors and (2) BGD is not a durable phenomenon: even if a sector begins to suffer from BGD, it is likely to recover quickly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically whether the growing service sector in China leads to cost disease, a likely consequence of tertiarization according to Baumol's unbalanced growth model. The investigation uses a panel data set of 30 provinces. The key findings are: the currently positive contribution of the service sector to growth is largely due to shifts of labour from the primary sector into services; however, signs of cost disease are discernible from weak responses to price signals in demand for services, in wage determination and labour input demand of the service sector.  相似文献   

The purpose of setting the minimum wage is mainly to protect the rights and interests of vulnerable workers and to enhance productivity of labour. In this paper, an attempt has been made to explore the effect of the upwards adjustment of the minimum wage in Taiwan on the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, labour productivity, economic growth and other macroeconomic variables by means of an analysis of empirical data using a structural vector auto‐regressive model. The findings of the paper show that upwards adjustment of the minimum wage in Taiwan will not intensify the unemployment rate. On the contrary, it will help to promote labour productivity to an extent that will have a positive effect on the economic growth rate. In addition, this paper investigates, long‐term care system should incorporate the foreign domestic worker labour pool, which could provide the additional personnel necessary for the nation's long‐term care. Minimum wage should apply to foreign domestic workers, and foreign domestic workers should not be treated as a separate group of workers in minimum wage policy.  相似文献   

We document dramatic rising wages in China for the period 1978–2007 based on multiple sources of aggregate statistics. Although real wages increased seven‐fold during the period, growth was uneven across ownership types, industries and regions. Over the past decade, the wages of state‐owned enterprises have increased rapidly and wage disparities between skill‐intensive and labour‐intensive industries have widened. Comparisons of international data show that China's manufacturing wage has already converged to that of Asian emerging markets, but China still enjoys enormous labour cost advantages over its neighbouring developed economies. Our analysis suggests that China's wage growth will stabilize to a moderate pace in the near future.  相似文献   

When a region successfully attracts a firm by offering subsidies, the firm often commits itself to performance targets in terms of employment. In this paper, we interpret these firm‐specific targets as a consequence of incomplete information. We analyze a model of two regions that compete for a firm, assuming that the firm's productivity is ex ante unknown. We show that performance targets often induce overemployment in high‐productivity firms, and that tax credits are often superior to lump‐sum payments. Moreover, when regions differ in wage rates, the low‐wage region wins the bid and has a higher surplus than under complete information. Finally, we show that, under incomplete information, bidding might not lead to efficient firm location.  相似文献   

We use firm‐level data to analyze male–female wage discrimination in China's industry. We find that there is a significant negative association between wages and the share of female workers in a firm's labour force. However, we also find that the marginal productivity of female workers is significantly lower than that of male workers. Comparing wage gaps and productivity gaps between men and women, we notice an intriguing contrast between state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) and private firms. The wage gap is smaller than the productivity gap in SOEs, while the converse is true for private firms. These results suggest that women in the state sector receive wage premiums, whereas women in the private sector face wage discrimination.  相似文献   

China's abundant supply of cheap labor has played an important role in its remarkable economic and social development. Recently, however, China has experienced a labor shortage and rising wages, implying that the country's long‐lasting competitive advantage based on its “unlimited” labor supply and low costs is vanishing. We find that structural demographic changes, regional economic growth disparities and the household registration system may have caused the labor shortage. Furthermore, China's continued low wages, relatively low labor share of gross national income, declining proportion of household consumption to GDP , and productivity improvements as well as increasing unit labor costs can be used to explain the recent wage increases. The dramatic development of its labor market signals that China is entering a new stage of economic development. The country's prior successful model of economic development needs to be adjusted to adapt to the new situation in its labor market to achieve sustainable economic development.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that in a free entry search and bargaining economy with concave production firms over-employ. Bargaining allows the worker's wage to depend upon marginal productivity. As such, with strictly concave production, the wage declines as firms employ more labor. Firms react to this declining wage function by choosing an inefficiently large number of workers. However, in equilibrium, fewer firms are likely to enter causing aggregate employment and vacancies to fall.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: J30, J41, J50.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the existence of endogenous growth, in the closed‐form solution, in a single sector economy with a convex technology in an overlapping generations (OLG) framework, which attempts to fill the current gap in endogenous growth theory. It finds there is an unbounded growth when trade, in the form of knowledge spillover, affects labor productivity through the formation of human capital with self‐education that is not an independent sector but builds the human capital here. This conclusion holds even though there is the “limited income” expressed as the “non‐increasing wage/investment ratio” for each generation. Moreover, it shows the convergence of growth rates for each country, which is unique and constant, while the growth rate per capita negatively relates with each country's population growth rate. Also, there is no “poverty trap” with the introduction of externalities that is different from existing literature.  相似文献   

I propose a model in which credentials, such as diplomas, are instrumentally valuable to workers. The model avoids an important criticism of standard job market signalling models by tying a worker's wage to their output. A worker's productivity is influenced by the skills of their co‐workers, where such skills arise from an ability‐augmenting investment that is made prior to matching with co‐workers. Credentials allow workers to demonstrate their investment to the labour market, thereby allowing them to match with high‐skill co‐workers in equilibrium. Despite the positive externality associated with a worker's investment, I show how overinvestment is pervasive in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Two aspects of the recent performance of the Dutch economy (1982–2001) have attracted wide international attention: (1) rapid employment growth and (2) a significant slowdown in labour productivity growth. This paper argues that the shift from a high-productivity, low-employment towards a low-productivity, high-employment growth path constitutes a structural change set off by the policy of low wage growth launched in 1982. Various theoretical perspectives—including neo-classical substitution, induced technological change, vintage and the Verdoorn Law—point to channels through which wage growth restraint may hold back labour productivity growth. Our growth accounting analysis—based on these perspectives—suggests that a substantial part of the Dutch labour productivity growth slowdown can be attributed to the wage growth slowdown.  相似文献   

This article reviews the economy‐wide effects of the Work Choices and Fair Work reforms to Australia's industrial relations system. Outcomes examined are wages growth and earnings inequality, labour market adjustment, labour productivity growth and industrial disputes. Little evidence is found of an effect from the industrial relations reforms made in the 2000s. I argue that this is consistent with the nature of the reforms, being primarily oriented to distributive rather than efficiency goals. I finish by describing how private interest can explain current lobbying for further reform to Australia's industrial relations system.  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in the gender wage gap observed in urban China during the post‐reform era. Using China Health and Nutrition Survey data, changes to the gap between 1989 and 2011 are analyzed using the Wellington decomposition method. While women's gains in observed characteristics have narrowed the wage gap, they are more than offset by changes in the returns to these characteristics. Men's returns to potential labour market experience have grown particularly rapidly, relative to women's, and this represents the single largest contributing factor towards the widening of the gender wage gap. Further investigation explores gender wage patterns through the dimensions of occupation, ownership sector and birth cohort. Taken together, my results raise concerns that China's urban labour market may increasingly disincentivize women's long‐term labour force attachments.  相似文献   

运用3种方法测算了2002年和2007年中国35个工业行业整体及分类的物质外包率和服务外包率,比较不同类型工业行业的不同国际外包率指标的差异,并实证研究了中国工业行业国际外包的影响因素。研究结果表明:利用不同测算方法得出的国际外包率存在明显差异,但中国资本技术密集型工业行业的国际外包率远高于资源密集型、资本密集型和劳动密集型的工业行业;行业物质外包率受工资成本、市场竞争压力、外资比重和出口开放度的影响较大,行业物质外包率随着行业平均工资的提高、市场竞争压力的增加、外资比例的提高和出口开放度的提高而增大;行业服务外包水平会随着工资成本的增加、规模经济的增强而提高,随着垄断势力的增强和外资比重的提高而降低。  相似文献   

In this article we examine the relationship between wages, labour productivity and ownership using a linked employer–employee dataset covering a large fraction of the Czech labour market in 2006. We distinguish between different origins of ownership and study wage and productivity differences. The raw wage differential between foreign and domestically‐owned firms is about 23 percent. The empirical analysis is carried out on both firm‐ and individual‐level data. A key finding is that industry, region and notably human capital explain only a small part of the foreign–domestic ownership wage differential. Both white and blue collar workers as well as skilled and unskilled employees obtain a foreign ownership wage premium. Foreign ownership premia are more prevalent in older and less technologically advanced firms. Joint estimation of productivity and wage equations show that, controlling for human capital, the difference in productivity is about twice as large as the wage differential. Overall, results indicate that the international firms share their rents with their employees.  相似文献   

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