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We provide an asymptotic expansion of the value function of a multidimensional utility maximization problem from consumption with small nonlinear price impact. In our model, cross‐impacts between assets are allowed. In the limit for small price impact, we determine the asymptotic expansion of the value function around its frictionless version. The leading order correction is characterized by a nonlinear second‐order PDE related to an ergodic control problem and a linear parabolic PDE. We illustrate our result on a multivariate geometric Brownian motion price model.  相似文献   

We consider the linear‐impact case in the continuous‐time market impact model with transient price impact proposed by Gatheral. In this model, the absence of price manipulation in the sense of Huberman and Stanzl can easily be characterized by means of Bochner’s theorem. This allows us to study the problem of minimizing the expected liquidation costs of an asset position under constraints on the trading times. We prove that optimal strategies can be characterized as measure‐valued solutions of a generalized Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and analyze several explicit examples. We also prove theorems on the existence and nonexistence of optimal strategies. We show in particular that optimal strategies always exist and are nonalternating between buy and sell trades when price impact decays as a convex function of time. This is based on and extends a recent result by Alfonsi, Schied, and Slynko on the nonexistence of transaction‐triggered price manipulation. We also prove some qualitative properties of optimal strategies and provide explicit expressions for the optimal strategy in several special cases of interest.  相似文献   

We study portfolio selection in a model with both temporary and transient price impact introduced by Garleanu and Pedersen. In the large‐liquidity limit where both frictions are small, we derive explicit formulas for the asymptotically optimal trading rate and the corresponding minimal leading‐order performance loss. We find that the losses are governed by the volatility of the frictionless target strategy, like in models with only temporary price impact. In contrast, the corresponding optimal portfolio not only tracks the frictionless optimizer, but also exploits the displacement of the market price from its unaffected level.  相似文献   

We derive the process followed by trading volume, in a market with finite depth and constant investment opportunities, where a large investor, with a long horizon and constant relative risk aversion, trades a safe and a risky asset. Trading volume approximately follows a Gaussian, mean‐reverting diffusion, and increases with depth, volatility, and risk aversion. Unlike the frictionless theory, finite depth excludes leverage and short sales because such positions may not be solvent even with continuous trading.  相似文献   

An investor with constant absolute risk aversion trades a risky asset with general Itô‐dynamics, in the presence of small proportional transaction costs. In this setting, we formally derive a leading‐order optimal trading policy and the associated welfare, expressed in terms of the local dynamics of the frictionless optimizer. By applying these results in the presence of a random endowment, we obtain asymptotic formulas for utility indifference prices and hedging strategies in the presence of small transaction costs.  相似文献   

We find optimal trading policies for long‐term investors with constant relative risk aversion and constant investment opportunities, which include one safe asset, liquid risky assets, and an illiquid risky asset trading with proportional costs. Access to liquid assets creates a diversification motive, which reduces illiquid trading, and a hedging motive, which both reduces illiquid trading and increases liquid trading. A further tempering effect depresses the liquid asset's weight when the illiquid asset's weight is close to ideal, to keep it near that level by reducing its volatility. Multiple liquid assets lead to portfolio separation in four funds: the safe asset, the myopic portfolio, the illiquid asset, and its hedging portfolio.  相似文献   

We present a novel efficient algorithm for portfolio selection which theoretically attains two desirable properties:

In financial markets, liquidity is not constant over time but exhibits strong seasonal patterns. In this paper, we consider a limit order book model that allows for time‐dependent, deterministic depth and resilience of the book and determine optimal portfolio liquidation strategies. In a first model variant, we propose a trading‐dependent spread that increases when market orders are matched against the order book. In this model, no price manipulation occurs and the optimal strategy is of the wait region/buy region type often encountered in singular control problems. In a second model, we assume that there is no spread in the order book. Under this assumption, we find that price manipulation can occur, depending on the model parameters. Even in the absence of classical price manipulation, there may be transaction triggered price manipulation. In specific cases, we can state the optimal strategy in closed form.  相似文献   

Using duality methods, we prove several key properties of the indifference price π for contingent claims. The underlying market model is very general and the mathematical formulation is based on a duality naturally induced by the problem. In particular, the indifference price π turns out to be a convex risk measure on the Orlicz space induced by the utility function.  相似文献   

We investigate the general structure of optimal investment and consumption with small proportional transaction costs. For a safe asset and a risky asset with general continuous dynamics, traded with random and time‐varying but small transaction costs, we derive simple formal asymptotics for the optimal policy and welfare. These reveal the roles of the investors' preferences as well as the market and cost dynamics, and also lead to a fully dynamic model for the implied trading volume. In frictionless models that can be solved in closed form, explicit formulas for the leading‐order corrections due to small transaction costs are obtained.  相似文献   

We consider a portfolio/consumption choice problem in a market model with liquidity risk. The main feature is that the investor can trade and observe stock prices only at exogenous Poisson arrival times. He may also consume continuously from his cash holdings, and his goal is to maximize his expected utility from consumption. This is a mixed discrete/continuous stochastic control problem, non‐standard in the literature. The dynamic programming principle leads to a coupled system of Integro‐Differential Equations (IDE), and we provide a convergent numerical algorithm for the resolution to this coupled system of IDE. Several numerical experiments illustrate the impact of the restricted liquidity trading opportunities, and we measure in particular the utility loss with respect to the classical Merton consumption problem.  相似文献   

房地产业是我国国民经济重要的支柱产业,房地产业的健康发展有利于国民经济的稳定运行及全面建设小康社会目标的实现。在现阶段,房地产业中存在的房价上涨过快问题,不仅直接影响中低收入阶层的基本住房需求,而且对宏观经济的稳定构成潜在威胁。文章从当前房价上涨原因及政府采取的对策的角度进行了分析。  相似文献   

We provide an extension of the explicit solution of a mixed optimal stopping–optimal stochastic control problem introduced by Henderson and Hobson. The problem examines whether the optimal investment problem on a local martingale financial market is affected by the optimal liquidation of an independent indivisible asset. The indivisible asset process is defined by a homogeneous scalar stochastic differential equation, and the investor's preferences are defined by a general expected utility function. The value function is obtained in explicit form, and we prove the existence of an optimal stopping–investment strategy characterized as the limit of an explicit maximizing strategy. Our approach is based on the standard dynamic programming approach.  相似文献   

We study a problem of optimal investment/consumption over an infinite horizon in a market with two possibly correlated assets: one liquid and one illiquid. The liquid asset is observed and can be traded continuously, while the illiquid one can be traded only at discrete random times, corresponding to the jumps of a Poisson process with intensity λ, is observed at the trading dates, and is partially observed between two different trading dates. The problem is a nonstandard mixed discrete/continuous optimal control problem, which we solve by a dynamic programming approach. When the utility has a general form, we prove that the value function is the unique viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation and characterize the optimal allocation in the illiquid asset. In the case of power utility, we establish the regularity of the value function needed to prove the verification theorem, providing the complete theoretical solution of the problem. This enables us to perform numerical simulations, so as to analyze the impact of time illiquidity and how this impact is affected by the degree of observation.  相似文献   

We consider the problem facing a risk averse agent who seeks to liquidate or exercise a portfolio of (infinitely divisible) perpetual American style options on a single underlying asset. The optimal liquidation strategy is of threshold form and can be characterized explicitly as the solution of a calculus of variations problem. Apart from a possible initial exercise of a tranche of options, the optimal behavior involves liquidating the portfolio in infinitesimal amounts, but at times which are singular with respect to calendar time. We consider a number of illustrative examples involving CRRA and CARA utility, stocks, and portfolios of options with different strikes, and a model where the act of exercising has an impact on the underlying asset price.  相似文献   

We formulate and solve a multi-player stochastic differential game between financial agents who seek to cost-efficiently liquidate their position in a risky asset in the presence of jointly aggregated transient price impact, along with taking into account a common general price predicting signal. The unique Nash-equilibrium strategies reveal how each agent's liquidation policy adjusts the predictive trading signal to the aggregated transient price impact induced by all other agents. This unfolds a quantitative relation between trading signals and the order flow in crowded markets. We also formulate and solve the corresponding mean field game in the limit of infinitely many agents. We prove that the equilibrium trading speed and the value function of an agent in the finite N-player game converges to the corresponding trading speed and value function in the mean field game at rate O ( N 2 ) $O(N^{-2})$ . In addition, we prove that the mean field optimal strategy provides an approximate Nash-equilibrium for the finite-player game.  相似文献   

We examine the portfolio choice problem of an investor with constant relative risk aversion in a financial market with partially hedgeable interest rate risk. The individual shadow price of the portfolio constraint is characterized as the solution of a new backward equation involving Malliavin derivatives. A generalization of this equation is studied and solved in explicit form. This result, applied to our financial model, yields closed-form solutions for the shadow price and the optimal portfolio. The effects of parameters such as risk aversion, interest rate volatility, investment horizon, and tightness of the constraint are examined. Applications of our method to a monetary economy with inflation risk and to an international setting with currency risk are also provided.  相似文献   

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