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As the dynamic mean‐variance portfolio selection formulation does not satisfy the principle of optimality of dynamic programming, phenomena of time inconsistency occur, i.e., investors may have incentives to deviate from the precommitted optimal mean‐variance portfolio policy during the investment process under certain circumstances. By introducing the concept of time inconsistency in efficiency and defining the induced trade‐off, we further demonstrate in this paper that investors behave irrationally under the precommitted optimal mean‐variance portfolio policy when their wealth is above certain threshold during the investment process. By relaxing the self‐financing restriction to allow withdrawal of money out of the market, we develop a revised mean‐variance policy which dominates the precommitted optimal mean‐variance portfolio policy in the sense that, while the two achieve the same mean‐variance pair of the terminal wealth, the revised policy enables the investor to receive a free cash flow stream (FCFS) during the investment process. The analytical expressions of the probability of receiving FCFS and the expected value of FCFS are derived.  相似文献   

This paper studies a robust continuous‐time Markowitz portfolio selection problem where the model uncertainty affects the covariance matrix of multiple risky assets. This problem is formulated into a min–max mean‐variance problem over a set of nondominated probability measures that is solved by a McKean–Vlasov dynamic programming approach, which allows us to characterize the solution in terms of a Bellman–Isaacs equation in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. We provide explicit solutions for the optimal robust portfolio strategies and illustrate our results in the case of uncertain volatilities and ambiguous correlation between two risky assets. We then derive the robust efficient frontier in closed form, and obtain a lower bound for the Sharpe ratio of any robust efficient portfolio strategy. Finally, we compare the performance of Sharpe ratios for a robust investor and for an investor with a misspecified model.  相似文献   

We consider the linear‐impact case in the continuous‐time market impact model with transient price impact proposed by Gatheral. In this model, the absence of price manipulation in the sense of Huberman and Stanzl can easily be characterized by means of Bochner’s theorem. This allows us to study the problem of minimizing the expected liquidation costs of an asset position under constraints on the trading times. We prove that optimal strategies can be characterized as measure‐valued solutions of a generalized Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and analyze several explicit examples. We also prove theorems on the existence and nonexistence of optimal strategies. We show in particular that optimal strategies always exist and are nonalternating between buy and sell trades when price impact decays as a convex function of time. This is based on and extends a recent result by Alfonsi, Schied, and Slynko on the nonexistence of transaction‐triggered price manipulation. We also prove some qualitative properties of optimal strategies and provide explicit expressions for the optimal strategy in several special cases of interest.  相似文献   

We consider a portfolio optimization problem in a defaultable market with finitely‐many economical regimes, where the investor can dynamically allocate her wealth among a defaultable bond, a stock, and a money market account. The market coefficients are assumed to depend on the market regime in place, which is modeled by a finite state continuous time Markov process. By separating the utility maximization problem into a predefault and postdefault component, we deduce two coupled Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations for the post‐ and predefault optimal value functions, and show a novel verification theorem for their solutions. We obtain explicit constructions of value functions and investment strategies for investors with logarithmic and Constant Relative Risk Aversion utilities, and provide a precise characterization of the directionality of the bond investment strategies in terms of corporate returns, forward rates, and expected recovery at default. We illustrate the dependence of the optimal strategies on time, losses given default, and risk aversion level of the investor through a detailed economic and numerical analysis.  相似文献   

We study a problem of optimal investment/consumption over an infinite horizon in a market with two possibly correlated assets: one liquid and one illiquid. The liquid asset is observed and can be traded continuously, while the illiquid one can be traded only at discrete random times, corresponding to the jumps of a Poisson process with intensity λ, is observed at the trading dates, and is partially observed between two different trading dates. The problem is a nonstandard mixed discrete/continuous optimal control problem, which we solve by a dynamic programming approach. When the utility has a general form, we prove that the value function is the unique viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation and characterize the optimal allocation in the illiquid asset. In the case of power utility, we establish the regularity of the value function needed to prove the verification theorem, providing the complete theoretical solution of the problem. This enables us to perform numerical simulations, so as to analyze the impact of time illiquidity and how this impact is affected by the degree of observation.  相似文献   

In a complete financial market we consider the discrete time hedging of the American option with a convex payoff. It is well known that for the perfect hedging the writer of the option must trade continuously in time, which is impossible in practice. In reality, the writer hedges only at some discrete time instants. The perfect hedging requires the knowledge of the partial derivative of the value function of the American option in the underlying asset, the explicit form of which is unknown in most cases of practical importance. Several approximation methods have been developed for the calculation of the value function of the American option. We claim in this paper that having at hand any uniform approximation of the American option value function at equidistant discrete rebalancing times it is possible to construct a discrete time hedging portfolio, the value process of which uniformly approximates the value process of the continuous time perfect delta‐hedging portfolio. We are able to estimate the corresponding discrete time hedging error that leads to a complete justification of our hedging method for nonincreasing convex payoff functions including the important case of the American put. This method is essentially based on a new type square integral estimate for the derivative of an arbitrary convex function recently found by Shashiashvili.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal investment model in which the goal is to maximize the long‐term growth rate of expected utility of wealth. In the model, the mean returns of the securities are explicitly affected by the underlying economic factors. The utility function is HARA. The problem is reformulated as an infinite time horizon risk‐sensitive control problem. We study the dynamic programming equation associated with this control problem and derive some consequences of the investment problem.  相似文献   

The discrete‐time mean‐variance portfolio selection formulation, which is a representative of general dynamic mean‐risk portfolio selection problems, typically does not satisfy time consistency in efficiency (TCIE), i.e., a truncated precommitted efficient policy may become inefficient for the corresponding truncated problem. In this paper, we analytically investigate the effect of portfolio constraints on the TCIE of convex cone‐constrained markets. More specifically, we derive semi‐analytical expressions for the precommitted efficient mean‐variance policy and the minimum‐variance signed supermartingale measure (VSSM) and examine their relationship. Our analysis shows that the precommitted discrete‐time efficient mean‐variance policy satisfies TCIE if and only if the conditional expectation of the density of the VSSM (with respect to the original probability measure) is nonnegative, or once the conditional expectation becomes negative, it remains at the same negative value until the terminal time. Our finding indicates that the TCIE property depends only on the basic market setting, including portfolio constraints. This motivates us to establish a general procedure for constructing TCIE dynamic portfolio selection problems by introducing suitable portfolio constraints.  相似文献   

The mean‐variance model of Markowitz and many of its extensions have been playing an instrumental role in guiding the practice of portfolio selection. In this paper we study a mean‐variance formulation for the portfolio selection problem involving options. In particular, the portfolio in question contains a stock index and some European style options on the index. A refined mean‐variance methodology is adopted in our approach to formulate this problem as multistage stochastic optimization. It turns out that there are two different solution techniques, both lead to explicit solutions of the problem: one is based on stochastic programming and optimality conditions, and the other one is based on stochastic control and dynamic programming. We introduce both techniques, because their strengths are very different so as to suit different possible extensions and refinements of the basic model. Attention is paid to the structure of the optimal payoff function, which is shown to possess rich properties. Further refinements of the model, such as the request that the payoff should be monotonic with respect to the index, are discussed. Throughout the paper, various numerical examples are used to illustrate the underlying concepts.  相似文献   

Under infinite activity Lévy models, American option prices can be obtained by solving a partial integro‐differential equation (PIDE), which has a singular kernel. With increasing degree of singularity, standard time‐stepping techniques may encounter difficulties. This study examines exponential time integration (ETI) for solving this problem and the performance of this scheme is compared with the Crank–Nicolson (CN) method and an implicit–explicit method in conjunction with an extrapolation (IMEX‐Extrap), in terms of computational speed and convergence orders. These findings indicate that ETI is faster and more accurate among PIDE‐based methods for solving the system of ordinary differential equations resulting from spatial discretization of the PIDE. For very singular problems, it is shown that the IMEX‐Extrap scheme becomes unfavorable compared with the other schemes as it is relatively more time consuming and the global convergence deteriorates from quadratic to linear, whereas the ETI scheme yields both point‐wise and global quadratic convergence. For illustration, under the infinite variation process, the IMEX‐Extrap achieves a precision of the order of 10?4 in 663.016 s, whereas for the same set of parameters, the CN method and the ETI scheme reach an accuracy of the order of 10?5 in 237.891 s and 22.772 s, respectively. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:809–829, 2011  相似文献   

We study the problem of maximizing terminal utility for an agent facing model uncertainty, in a frictionless discrete‐time market with one safe asset and finitely many risky assets. We show that an optimal investment strategy exists if the utility function, defined either on the positive real line or on the whole real line, is bounded from above. We further find that the boundedness assumption can be dropped, provided that we impose suitable integrability conditions, related to some strengthened form of no‐arbitrage. These results are obtained in an alternative framework for model uncertainty, where all possible dynamics of the stock prices are represented by a collection of stochastic processes on the same filtered probability space, rather than by a family of probability measures.  相似文献   

We provide an extension of the explicit solution of a mixed optimal stopping–optimal stochastic control problem introduced by Henderson and Hobson. The problem examines whether the optimal investment problem on a local martingale financial market is affected by the optimal liquidation of an independent indivisible asset. The indivisible asset process is defined by a homogeneous scalar stochastic differential equation, and the investor's preferences are defined by a general expected utility function. The value function is obtained in explicit form, and we prove the existence of an optimal stopping–investment strategy characterized as the limit of an explicit maximizing strategy. Our approach is based on the standard dynamic programming approach.  相似文献   

The short‐time asymptotic behavior of option prices for a variety of models with jumps has received much attention in recent years. In this work, a novel second‐order approximation for at‐the‐money (ATM) option prices is derived for a large class of exponential Lévy models with or without Brownian component. The results hereafter shed new light on the connection between both the volatility of the continuous component and the jump parameters and the behavior of ATM option prices near expiration. In the presence of a Brownian component, the second‐order term, in time‐t, is of the form , with d2 only depending on Y, the degree of jump activity, on σ, the volatility of the continuous component, and on an additional parameter controlling the intensity of the “small” jumps (regardless of their signs). This extends the well‐known result that the leading first‐order term is . In contrast, under a pure‐jump model, the dependence on Y and on the separate intensities of negative and positive small jumps are already reflected in the leading term, which is of the form . The second‐order term is shown to be of the form and, therefore, its order of decay turns out to be independent of Y. The asymptotic behavior of the corresponding Black–Scholes implied volatilities is also addressed. Our method of proof is based on an integral representation of the option price involving the tail probability of the log‐return process under the share measure and a suitable change of probability measure under which the pure‐jump component of the log‐return process becomes a Y‐stable process. Our approach is sufficiently general to cover a wide class of Lévy processes, which satisfy the latter property and whose Lévy density can be closely approximated by a stable density near the origin. Our numerical results show that the first‐order term typically exhibits rather poor performance and that the second‐order term can significantly improve the approximation's accuracy, particularly in the absence of a Brownian component.  相似文献   

This paper considers a non‐Markov control problem arising in a financial market where asset returns depend on hidden factors. The problem is non‐Markov because nonlinear filtering is required to make inference on these factors, and hence the associated dynamic program effectively takes the filtering distribution as one of its state variables. This is of significant difficulty because the filtering distribution is a stochastic probability measure of infinite dimension, and therefore the dynamic program has a state that cannot be differentiated in the traditional sense. This lack of differentiability means that the problem cannot be solved using a Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation. This paper will show how the problem can be analyzed and solved using backward stochastic differential equations, with a key tool being the problem's dual formulation.  相似文献   

We generalize the primal–dual methodology, which is popular in the pricing of early‐exercise options, to a backward dynamic programming equation associated with time discretization schemes of (reflected) backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). Taking as an input some approximate solution of the backward dynamic program, which was precomputed, e.g., by least‐squares Monte Carlo, this methodology enables us to construct a confidence interval for the unknown true solution of the time‐discretized (reflected) BSDE at time 0. We numerically demonstrate the practical applicability of our method in two 5‐dimensional nonlinear pricing problems where tight price bounds were previously unavailable.  相似文献   

We consider a class of production–investment models in discrete time with proportional transaction costs. For linear production functions, we study a natural extension of the no‐arbitrage of the second kind condition introduced by Rásonyi. We show that this condition implies the closedness of the set of attainable claims and is equivalent to the existence of a strictly consistent price system under which the evaluation of future production profits is strictly negative. This allows us to discuss the closedness of the set of terminal wealth in models with nonlinear production, functions which may admit arbitrages of the second kind for low production regimes but not marginally for high production regimes.  相似文献   

The left tail of the implied volatility skew, coming from quotes on out‐of‐the‐money put options, can be thought to reflect the market's assessment of the risk of a huge drop in stock prices. We analyze how this market information can be integrated into the theoretical framework of convex monetary measures of risk. In particular, we make use of indifference pricing by dynamic convex risk measures, which are given as solutions of backward stochastic differential equations, to establish a link between these two approaches to risk measurement. We derive a characterization of the implied volatility in terms of the solution of a nonlinear partial differential equation and provide a small time‐to‐maturity expansion and numerical solutions. This procedure allows to choose convex risk measures in a conveniently parameterized class, distorted entropic dynamic risk measures, which we introduce here, such that the asymptotic volatility skew under indifference pricing can be matched with the market skew. We demonstrate this in a calibration exercise to market implied volatility data.  相似文献   

We develop a continuous-time control approach to optimal trading in a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain, formulated as a consumption-investment problem that aims to strike the optimal balance between a participant's (or agent's) utility from holding/trading stakes and utility from consumption. We present solutions via dynamic programming and the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equations. When the utility functions are linear or convex, we derive close-form solutions and show that the bang-bang strategy is optimal (i.e., always buy or sell at full capacity). Furthermore, we bring out the explicit connection between the rate of return in trading/holding stakes and the participant's risk-adjusted valuation of the stakes. In particular, we show when a participant is risk-neutral or risk-seeking, corresponding to the risk-adjusted valuation being a martingale or a sub-martingale, the optimal strategy must be to either buy all the time, sell all the time, or first buy then sell, and with both buying and selling executed at full capacity. We also propose a risk-control version of the consumption-investment problem; and for a special case, the “stake-parity” problem, we show a mean-reverting strategy is optimal.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to advocate the use of multifractional Brownian motion (mBm) as a relevant model in financial mathematics. mBm is an extension of fractional Brownian motion where the Hurst parameter is allowed to vary in time. This enables the possibility to accommodate for varying local regularity, and to decouple it from long‐range dependence properties. While we believe that mBm is potentially useful in a variety of applications in finance, we focus here on a multifractional stochastic volatility Hull & White model that is an extension of the model studied in Comte and Renault. Using the stochastic calculus with respect to mBm developed in Lebovits and Lévy Véhel, we solve the corresponding stochastic differential equations. Since the solutions are of course not explicit, we take advantage of recently developed numerical techniques, namely functional quantization‐based cubature methods, to get accurate approximations. This allows us to test the behavior of our model (as well as the one in Comte and Renault) with respect to its parameters, and in particular its ability to explain some features of the implied volatility surface. An advantage of our model is that it is able both to fit smiles at different maturities, and to take volatility persistence into account in a more precise way than Comte and Renault.  相似文献   

We are concerned with the optimal decision to sell or buy a stock in a given period with reference to the ultimate average of the stock price. More precisely, we aim to determine an optimal selling (buying) time to maximize (minimize) the expectation of the ratio of the selling (buying) price to the ultimate average price over the period. This is an optimal stopping time problem which can be formulated as a variational inequality problem. The problem gives rise to a free boundary that corresponds to the optimal selling (buying) strategy. We provide a partial differential equation approach to characterize the free boundary (or equivalently, the optimal selling (buying) region). It turns out that the optimal selling strategy is bang‐bang, which is the same as that obtained by Shiryaev, Xu, and Zhou taking the ultimate maximum of the stock price as benchmark, whereas the optimal buying strategy can be a feedback one subject to the type of averaging and parameter values. Moreover, by a thorough characterization of free boundary, we reveal that the bang‐bang optimal selling strategy heavily depends on the assumption that no time‐vesting restrictions are imposed. If a time‐vested stock is considered, then the optimal selling strategy can also be a feedback one. In terms of a similar analysis developed by the present paper, the same phenomenon can be proved when taking the ultimate maximum as benchmark.  相似文献   

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