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We examine the relationship between board of director committees tasked with risk management and environmental performance, based on a sample of 1466 firm-year observations from 2007 to 2015. We find that the presence of board committees dedicated only to risk management is associated with better environmental performance. The human capital of risk committees (measured by board tenure, committee tenure, experience, and qualifications) is also positively related to environmental performance. Our findings suggest that the benefits of risk management committees extend to non-financial matters, such as environmental performance. Our findings further suggest that environmental performance is now managed through the regular governance mechanisms within firms. This supports the notion that environmental performance is managed for economic reasons and for the benefit of investors, rather than for the aggrandisement of individual managers. Our findings should be of interest to boards, CEOs, and CFOs who are interested in risk management, as well as to investors, lenders, and auditors who are interested in assessing risk.  相似文献   

This study investigates the link between capital regulation and bank risk‐taking. Using a sample of over 1,800 banks in 135 countries, I find that the relationship between capital regulation and bank risk‐taking (measured by z‐score) is an inverse ‘U’ shape. That is, as capital ratios increase, a bank will take less risk initially, then more risk. These results are robust to numerous additional tests, including estimation methods. I also find that more stringent regulations mitigate the effect of higher capital on lowering bank risk‐taking. Increased capital requirements, even when risk‐based, induce risk‐taking at higher levels, irrespective of whether banks are well‐ or under‐capitalised.  相似文献   

巴塞尔新资本协议与商业银行公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴塞尔新资本协议所倡导的不仅是全面风险管理的理念和先进的资本计量方法,更蕴含着丰富的公司治理原则和要求,包括:董事会应以全面风险管理的视角制定战略规划,董事会和高级管理层应积极参与全面风险管理体系的运作,商业银行应采取与审慎风险承担有效结合的薪酬激励机制等.在此基础上,本文从战略规划、董事会运作、沟通协调机制、风险管理...  相似文献   

基于经济资本管理的贷款系统性风险防范研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在系统性风险防范的视角下,本文对经济资本管理的基本方法进行了重新梳理,发现现行的经济资本管理会导致亲周期效应问题,削弱其防范系统性风险的能力。为此,要在系统性风险防范目标下改进经济资本计量方法,以科学的系统性风险预测为基础确定经济资本限额,优化经济资本在行业和地区层面的分配,以及通过贷款集中度管理追求风险分散最大化,从而实现对系统性风险的有效防范。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of board capital on the relationship between CEO duality, board dependence, managerial share ownership and performance. We argue that board capital (the ability of board members to perform manager-monitoring activities and to provide advice and counsel to management) varies across board members. Highly qualified board members will be better at monitoring management and constitute a more valuable resource for firms. Based on a sample of U.S. companies listed in the Compustat S&P 500 and using both resource dependence and agency theories, we predict and find that CEO duality and board dependence negatively affect performance and that board capital mitigates the negative effects. We also predict and find that managerial share ownership positively affects performance and that board capital strengthens this positive relationship. The results are consistent with the view that firms benefit from board capital in terms of outside directors' ability to monitor managers and provide advice and counsel to managers.  相似文献   

选取2007-2017年中国25家上市银行数据,采用面板回归模型对公司治理与资本监管对银行风险承担的影响进行实证分析。研究表明:股权集中度与银行风险承担之间呈正U型关系,较低的股权集中度会降低银行风险资产配置权重,股权集中度的提升会加大银行风险承担。董事会规模会促进银行风险承担,董事会规模过大将平滑单个董事表决权,导致董事会控制效率下降而引发银行经营决策频繁变动,由此加大银行风险承担。资本监管会抑制银行风险承担,资本监管的趋严促使银行减持风险资产进行资本补充;资本监管对股份制银行、国有大型银行与城农商银行风险承担的影响力度依次递减。货币供给增速的放缓将降低银行存款吸收能力,由此加大银行流动性风险,货币供给对银行信贷存在制约效应;经济增速的下调将降低企业盈利能力,由此加大银行风险承担,银行存在顺周期放贷倾向。  相似文献   

基于资源依赖理论与高层梯队理论,依据2011-2016年深沪两市A股上市公司数据,考量董事会人力资本、外部社会资本对企业创新投入的影响。结果表明:董事会人力资本与企业创新投入呈正向关系,董事会外部资本对企业创新投入有一定促进作用,但董事会外部资本对董事会人力资本与企业创新投入关系的调节效应并不显著。鉴此,应优化董事会人力资本,拓展董事会外部社会资本,注重人力资本与外部社会资本的良性互动。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether who a director knows is more important than what they know when it comes to gaining additional board seats. Specifically, we investigate the relative impact of human capital (a director's experiences, skills, and knowledge) and social capital (a director's connections to other directors) in gaining additional directorships. We employ a uniquely constructed index to measure human capital and Social Network Analysis to estimate a director's connectivity to other directors to proxy for social capital. We apply these to a sample of directors from publicly listed companies in New Zealand between 2000 and 2015. We observe that both human and social capital are positively related to acquiring additional board seats. Additionally, we find that directors gaining additional human capital are more likely to acquire additional board seats. We conclude that both human and social capital are important in determining which directors gain additional board seats, although directors should focus on acquiring additional human capital to enhance their chances of further appointments.  相似文献   

The exponential rate of increase in IT security breach incidents has led governments, regulators, and practitioners to respond by introducing standards and frameworks for the disclosure and management of organizational cybersecurity risk exposure. Cybersecurity, which is a part of IT risk management, is affected by the capability and the ability of senior leadership responsible for IT-related decisions. This paper uses hand-collected data related to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for S&P 500 firms and explores whether the presence of a CIO role, human capital characteristics of the CIO, and structural capital characteristics of the firm and the CIO are related to a firm’s cybersecurity risk exposure. This study finds that firms disclosing the presence of a CIO are more likely to be breached, even after matching on the likelihood of a breach and controlling for the likelihood that a firm would choose to disclose a CIO. This study also finds predictable variations in the likelihood of a breach among CIOs based on various human capital dimensions (including past technology experience, external board memberships, firm tenure, and CIO tenure) and structural capital dimensions (including a recognized commitment to IT and charging the CIO with multiple responsibilities). Finally, this study finds evidence that the observed associations depend on both the source of the breach (external vs. internal) as well as the type of data compromised by the breach (e.g. financial, personal, etc.). The results of this study contribute to the growing body of academic breach literature, while also informing practitioners as they evaluate the costs and benefits of various methods for combating breaches.  相似文献   

This study investigates the link between corporate board features and corporate performance for a sample of 286 publicly traded firms from South Africa (84 firms), Sweden (94 firms), and the UK (108 firms). Corporate board features considered are board composition, inside director ownership, duality and board size. In contrast to prior literature, performance is defined as the efficiency of value added (VA) rather than in financial terms. Further, the analysis examines the association between board features and efficiency of VA and each of the firm's physical capital (PC) and intellectual capital (IC), respectively. Finally, the present study analyzes the association between board features and corporate performance conjointly. Comparable to general findings from studies using U.S. data, the empirical analysis as a whole did not discern consistent significant link between the four board features and corporate performance across the three nations. However, individual board features are found to influence corporate performance in isolated cases. Overall, results provide evidence that even under different sociopolitical and economic conditions, governance needs vary across firms. Consequently, these findings do not lend support to the notion that uniform board structures should be mandated.  相似文献   

资本约束、治理机制和银行风险承担   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用我国2006—2009年34家商业银行的127个面板数据,对资本约束、治理机制对于银行风险承担的影响进行了实证研究。结果发现:银行的风险主要与银行的治理机制有关、与银行的资本约束无关,银行的第一大股东持股比例以及董事会的规模与银行的风险负相关,高管的薪酬与银行风险正相关。银行资本的变动受到两者的共同影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the use of the payback (PB) method as a means of evaluating a proposed asset's risk and its joint application with profit-oriented capital budgeting models. Previous research studies indicating a linkage between the PB method and risk analysis are reviewed. A certainty-equivalent model is used to demonstrate this relationship and the properties of the relationship exploited by PB when used as a heuristic. Results of the analysis indicate that using a hurdle PB as a filter for identifying proposals with acceptable risk and return attributes is consistent with more quantitatively oriented investment techniques under certain conditions. The study then examines the conceptual relationship between PB and profit-oriented capital budgeting models. Results suggest that PB and profit-oriented capital budgeting techniques measure different attributes of an investment and complement one another in describing and analysing its cash flows.  相似文献   

从公司治理角度探讨国有商业银行资金管理机制再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立长效的资金管理机制,对于完善商业银行内部运行机制,优化商业银行公司治理结构具有重要的现实意义.本文将国有商业银行资金管理问题置于公司治理的框架下考虑,分析了我国国有商业银行存在组织架构未能理顺、管理方式和手段落后、资金风险管理水平不高和内部转移价格体制不合理等问题.据此,提出重构资金管理新机制的基本思路,即科学设计资金营运组织架构、提高风险管理水平、全面实行资金集中管理及建立完整有效的内部资金转移价格体系,并指出对于内部资金转移价格的定价可先采取实际成本率和收益率法,再过渡到半市场化法,最终实现市场化法的定价思路.  相似文献   

证券公司是资本市场最重要的行为主体之一,我国证券公司虽已建立了董事会、监事会、独立董事等现代公司治理框架,但在实际运作中其职能行使上存在许多不规范的地方。2008年金融危机告诫我们,不仅需要提高证券公司的风险防范机制,更需要建立完善的公司治理结构,促使证券公司风险防范机制作用顺利发挥。通过因子分析法将证券公司内部治理变量综合成为四个因子,即规模激励因子、结构因子、监管因子和独立性因子,进而分析内部治理因子对证券公司经营绩效的影响。  相似文献   

After a brief review of the current theory and practice of risk capital by financial firms, the authors define the concept of risk capital and identify the costs and benefits of using more or less of it. Next, they present their procedure for allocating risk capital to assets and lines of business on the basis of marginal default values, and in a way designed to prevent risk shifting and internal arbitrage. Then, they show how allocations of risk capital are likely to be affected by, and in turn influence, a financial firm's decisions about both the scale and composition of its portfolio of businesses. Finally, the authors present a number of applications and consider their implications for maximizing the value of financial firms. In so doing, the authors also show how their method produces very different allocations of risk capital than those based on two measures that have long been widely used by financial firms: value at risk (VaR) and risk‐adjusted return on capital (RAROC). Moreover, the adjusted present value (APV) rule for evaluating investment opportunities is shown to be workable for nonfinancial as well as financial firms.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether a company's founders affect the combination of executive, grey and independent directors on its board at the time of initial public offering (IPO) in the UK. Particularly, we analyse how venture capitalists are associated with board structure in founder-managed and non-founder-managed firms. We find that UK IPO firms managed by founders tend to have more executive directors. Further, they are more likely to stack non-executive directors with more independent directors relative to grey directors. Venture capital ownership is not significantly associated with board structure at the IPO stage. However, further evidence suggests that venture capital ownership is negatively related to the percentage of executive directors and positively related to the percentage of grey directors in the founder-managed firms.  相似文献   

Prior evidence on the relationship between demographic diversity in corporate boards and firm performance is mixed. Some studies have found that the relationship between board attributes and firm performance is driven by a firm's information environment. This study examines whether corporate transparency also impacts the relationship between gender and ethnic diversity of directors and firm performance. To test this hypothesis, I use a Herfindahl Index based on directors’ gender and ethnicity to measure board diversity, and an opacity index based on analyst following, analyst forecast error, bid‐ask spread, and share turnover to measure corporate transparency. I find that the cost of capital is positively associated with social concentration on corporate boards and that this premium is larger for highly opaque firms. In further analysis, I find that the interaction of corporate information environment and social concentration on boards is more important for operationally complex firms. Compared with simple firms, operationally complex firms pay a greater premium on their capital if they have a socially concentrated board and an opaque information environment.  相似文献   

文章以我国上市的11家中小银行为样本,根据其2013年半年度报告,基于公司治理视角,选取八个具有代表性的指标,利用SPSSl9.0对我国中小银行风险控制能力进行主成分分析。实证结果表明,基于选定的指标和数据,为提高风险控制能力,加强和完善我国中小银行公司治理各种机制的重要性依次递减为:外部治理中的资本充足率监管机制和信息披露机制、内部治理中的股东治理机制和董事会治理机制、内部治理中的股权制衡机制。由此提出加大外部监管力度,强化中小银行资本充足率监管机制;优化股权结构,完善中小银行董事会治理机制;重视引进并且稳定境外战略投资者等建议。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine how UK finance practitioners derive and review the cost of capital, and to ascertain whether the final figure varied with the choice of method. To investigate behaviour in the real world a survey questionnaire was employed, eliciting responses from the finance directors of 193 UK quoted firms. The results suggest that the cost of capital calculation is subject to wide variation across firms, both with regard to the overall figure and the precise computation of its components. The intuitive appeal of the WACC and CAPM approaches appears to ensure their continued popularity in the real world. However, firms tend not to make all of the adjustments to the overall figure which academics might expect, only making simple adjustments for risk and the tax advantage to debt. The after-tax money cost of capital which is approximately 10%, is influenced by the choice of method, and firms do not appear to revise their overall cost figure rapidly in response to the environment. The cost of capital decision is of such strategic importance for the longer-term maintenance and expansion of firm value that it is nearly always made within the domain of the board of directors.  相似文献   

Adopting a monitoring perspective, this study aims to explain how and why firms provide web‐based disclosure about their value creation and its underlying processes. We rely on the balanced scoreboard approach to measure disclosure. Our results suggest that costs incurred by capital markets' participants as well as monitoring by the board and the media drive disclosure. Moreover, we argue and document that a firm's disclosure is actually a part of its governance configuration and influences some board processes.  相似文献   

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