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This paper analyses banking and borrowing ofcarbon emission rights within the framework ofa simple, integrated assessment model. Breaking the world economy in just two regionsit will be shown: (1) Increasing intertemporal flexibility in greenhouse gasabatement through banking and borrowing ofcarbon emission permits has a positive effecton welfare for regions with a poor endowment incarbon emission rights, but negatively affectsrich-endowed regions. (2) Intergenerationalfairness advocates intertemporal flexibility ingreenhouse gas abatement, irrespectively of theinitial allocation of carbon rights. (3)Optimal carbon accumulation is not independentof the initial allocation of carbon rights. Different initial sharing rules clearlyinfluence the development of atmospheric carbonconcentration.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the Blanchard-Fischer model (1989) for a small open economy with installation costs of investment. By allowing the divergence of the subjective time preference rate and the world interest rate, the model avoids a constant consumption path which is neither feasible nor desirable for a small growing economy. While the divergence does not define an usual steady state equilibrium, the installation costs of investment lead the economy to the point at which foreign borrowing is entirely used for the consumption purpose while avoiding infinite borrowing. The intrinsic dynamic responses of the model to an unexpected world interest rate shock is then analyzed. [F34]  相似文献   

In an intertemporal equilibrium setting, temporary government purchases may affect the real interest rate. A temporary change in the level of government spending does not affect the optimal intertemporal allocation of rational consumers, who will therefore try to maintain their consumption plans. Assuming no change in the supply of goods, there is an excess demand for goods and in a closed economy the real interest rate has to rise to maintain equilibrium at the goods market. In this paper it is examined whether predictions of intertemporal substitution models hold up to the experience of the Netherlands. We extend Barro's empirical work in three ways. First, we construct a new measure of temporary government outlays. Second, we take the time series behaviour of the data concerned into account and employ a less restrictive specification for the equation to be estimated. Third, we examine the intertemporal substitution effect of government purchases onreal interest rates. Our results provide only mixed support for the hypothesis that temporary government purchases raise real interest rates. It turns out that only temporary military outlays affect the nominal and real interest rate.  相似文献   

The Dynamics of Temporary Policies in a Small Open Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper corrects a subtle, but crucial, conceptual flaw in a solution procedure initially proposed in 1990 by Sen and Turnovsky to analyze anticipated regime changes in small open economies based on the intertemporal optimization of rational forward–looking agents. The problem is its failure to consider the intertemporal solvency of the economy consistently. The paper focuses on temporary shocks, although the procedure also applies to announced future permanent policy changes. Since the issue is generic and relevant to a large class of policy changes, it is important for the intertemporal solvency aspect to be incorporated consistently. The authors show that the seriousness of the error in the previous solution procedure depends upon the specific shock, and two contrasting examples are discussed.  相似文献   

国际宏观经济学是研究开放经济条件下的宏观经济的一门较新的学科,其主要发展体现在战后时期。经历了凯恩斯主义、货币主义等理论,今天的国际宏观经济学体现为对以往理论的综合和发展。本文简要回顾国际宏观经济学领域的理论发展脉络以及发展推动力,并对一个最新的代表性主体跨时最优模型进行分析,借此展望国际宏观经济学的发展规律以及对未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

Using a two-country model with habit-forming consumers, we show that the transfer paradox can occur in a free-trade, dynamically stable economy. When the debtor is more in the habit of consuming than the creditor, an income transfer from the creditor to the debtor raises the interest rate in transition through changes in time preference. With sufficiently low elasticities of intertemporal substitution and/or sufficiently large stocks of the creditor's assets, the intertemporal terms-of-trade effect immiserizes the recipient and enriches the donor. This possibility cannot be excluded by the correspondence principle ( à la Burmeister and Long) as the dynamics are saddlepoint-stable.  相似文献   

Abstract Three years and more have passed since the outbreak of the Asian Financial crisis in 1997. We observe that the world economy was far from a ‘global slump,‘ yet the burden of adjustment had been uneven across countries. The crisis had a negative effect on the other developing countries, while the impact on industrial economies had been small, and even positive at the onset of the crisis. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on this differential impact of the crisis, and illustrate the uneven mechanics of adjustment in a world with commodity trade and capital flows. The analysis is conducted in an intertemporal general equilibrium model with multi‐region and multi‐commodity specification.  相似文献   

Hayek’s ‘Utility analysis and interest’ expounds a graphical model of intertemporal choice that has not received the attention it deserves. This model is important in that it can be used as a basic macroeconomic model and can therefore perform for the Austrian School the role that the Solow model plays for the standard neo-classical paradigm. This article provides an in-depth presentation of the Hayekian model, and then applies the model to key theoretical issues in macroeconomics; namely, the effects upon intertemporal equilibrium and upon the interest rate of a change in time preference, of the implementation of a technical development and of an increase in the supply of labor.  相似文献   

The recent literature studying the source of business cycles in emerging market economies (EMEs) has debated the relative importance of productivity trend shocks versus interest rate shocks coupled with financial frictions. The studies in which an important role is assigned to interest rate shocks do not force their models to match the historical paths of the world or country interest rate. We show that this leads to poorly identified interest rate shocks and inaccurate measures of contributions of shocks to EME business cycles. To address this issue, we estimate a small open economy model for Argentina and Mexico using Bayesian methods where the world and country interest rate series in the model are forced to match their data counterparts. This estimation strategy results in larger variations in interest rate shock and, therefore, shifts explanatory power away from trend shocks towards interest rate shocks, although both shocks remain important.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of commodity own rates of interest in intertemporal analysis of consumer behaviour and presents a disaggregate analysis of intertemporal substitution in commodity demand and consumption. Commodity rates of interest are defined from the Euler equations implied by the intertemporal consumer choice problem. The relationship between commodity own rates and the real interest rate is derived, and the conditions for equality of commodity own rates are discussed. The intertemporal commodity substitution elasticities are characterised using commodity rates of interest, and the intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption is derived from its constituent commodity demands. Evidence from estimation of the demand system and the consumption function reveals high intertemporal substitution for consumer goods as well as consumption.  相似文献   

Summary. This incorporates a debt contracting problem with asymmetric information into a standard monetary business cycle model. The model incorporates a limited participation assumption in order to induce a liquidity effect of monetary shocks and propagate monetary disturbances. The model economy shows that a positive money supply shock generates a decrease in nominal interest rates and an increase in output level. Asymmetric information amplifies the response of capital to the money supply shock, but does not propagate them in other ways. When the monetary shock is an innovation in reserve requirements, it induces a persistent response of the economy. Received: March 20, 1998; revised version: 1 April 1998  相似文献   

This paper studies how nontraded goods limit the ability of a country to finance current account deficits. It uses an intertemporal model of the current account for a small open economy where goods are endogenously nontraded due to explicit trade costs. The economy has an endowment of two goods with differing trade costs, either of which can be traded or nontraded in equilibrium. The model implies that current account deficits impose a cost, in the form of raising the effective interest rate in the country. The findings differ from some recent studies: first, in that the interest rate rises even for countries with modest current account deficits; secondly, the interest rate cost eventually reaches an upper bound as current account deficits grow, and progressively more nontraded goods become traded to service the debt. Panel regression analysis of interest rate and current account data is consistent with our conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper supplements a learning-by-doing real business cycle model with endogenous organizational forgetting. Empirical evidence shows that the accumulated experience decay rate is not constant over the business cycle, but that forgetting is a function of economic activity. Learning reinforces the effects of productivity shocks, and organizational forgetting exacerbates their impact and increases their persistence. This is of particular interest when a negative productivity shock hits the economy, as the increasing speed of forgetting aggravates the negative shock and delays recovery.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics associated with permanent and temporary reductions in the devaluation rate. The analysis uses an intertemporal optimizing model of a small open economy with imperfect capital markets and endogenous labor supply. With a constant capital stock, the model predicts an initial reduction in real wages and an expansion in output. Consumption falls on impact but increases afterward. In addition, with a temporary shock, a current account deficit emerges and a recession sets in at a later stage. With endogenous capital accumulation, numerical simulations show that the model is also capable of predicting a boom in investment.  相似文献   

We study how the introduction of consumption externalities affects the optimality of the dynamic equilibrium in an economy displaying dynastic altruism. When the bequest motive is inoperative consumption externalities affect the intertemporal margin between young and old consumption and thus modify the intertemporal path of aggregate consumption and capital. The optimal tax policy that solves this intertemporal suboptimality consists of a tax on capital income and a pay-as-you-go social security system. The latter solves the excess of capital accumulation due to the inoperativeness of the bequest motive and the former solves the suboptimal allocation of consumption due to consumption externalities. When the bequest motive is operative consumption externalities only cause an intratemporal misallocation of consumption but do not affect the optimality of the capital stock level. This suboptimal allocation of consumption implies in turn that the path of bequest deviates also from optimality. The optimal tax policy in this case consists of an estate tax and a capital income tax.  相似文献   

真实经济周期(RBC)模型通常以市场出清的一般均衡为其理论框架。这使我们无法有效的将这一跨时期的动态优化模型应用于现实的经济环境,因为现实的世界里普遍存在着各种非均衡的状况。本文将劳动的供给和需求分离开来,从而允许非均衡的劳动力市场存在。利用美国的数据,我们对该模型进行了实证检验,结果表明该模型能够更好的解释劳动力市场的波动及消费和就业间的关系,同时说明该模型在数据的拟和上比标准RBC模型更好。  相似文献   

This paper examines intertemporal risk-taking in a stochastically growing economy with externalities in human capital accumulation where agents have preferences for social status. In order to isolate the effects of status concerns on long-run expected growth, the analysis is embedded in a non-expected utility setting, which disentangles the effects from risk aversion and intertemporal substitution. We examine the interaction between status desire and risk, risk aversion and intertemporal substitution. The externalities generated by the status game are able to correct the allocative distortions from the knowledge spillovers.Acknowledgement The author would like to thank an anonymous referee for his valuable comments.  相似文献   

We examine monetary policy options for a small open economy where sovereign default might occur due to intertemporal insolvency. Under interest rate policy and floating exchange rates the equilibrium is indetermined. Under a fixed exchange rate the equilibrium is uniquely determined and independent of sovereign default.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new model of trade between developing and advanced economies to capture the effects of important asymmetries in the organizations of their industries. This model demonstrates how the industrial structure of a developing economy can evolve to produce what the authors call “implicit mercantilism.” Free entry plus domestic oligopoly in a developing economy, when combined with competitive behavior in developed countries, generates several distinct stages of mercantilism hitherto unrecognized in the literature. Each stage has its own pattern of interaction with a competitive trading world. As the production costs and techniques of the mercantile society converge to world standards, its citizens will first lose from this progress, only later to gain. Both effects are due to certain relationships between home prices and world prices, newly identified in this paper. The analysis is particularly relevant to the structure of Asian economies, and to policy debates about their reform.  相似文献   

This paper develops a testable intertemporal model of the current account that allows for variable interest rates and exchange rates. These additional variables are channels through which external shocks may influence the domestic current account. The restrictions from the theoretical model are subjected to present value tests using quarterly data from three small open economies. The paper finds that including the interest rate and exchange rate improves the fit of the intertemporal model over what was found in previous studies. The model predictions better replicate the volatility of current account data and better explain historical episodes of current account imbalance.  相似文献   

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