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While there are companies whose codes of ethics state that mere appearance of unethical behavior by employees is morally unacceptable, this so‐called appearance standard has hardly received any attention in the business ethics literature. Using corporate integrity theory, this article explores the criteria that may explain how mere appearances of unethical behavior can arise (i.e., the presence of conflicts of interests, the entanglement of these interests, a reputation for lack of integrity, and deviant outcomes) and those that may make such appearances morally unacceptable (i.e., foreseeability, avoidability, and seriousness). The article proposes remedies for preventing and resolving instances when mere appearance of unethical behavior is morally unacceptable.  相似文献   

Although anomic feelings have been found to lead employees to unethical performance, little is known about why this relationship is possible. The aim of this study is to test a compassion-based explanation of why anomic employees harm co-workers by displaying interpersonal deviance. The prediction is made that once sociological anomie (from the Greek, an-: absence, and -nomos: law) enters organizations in the form of employees’ private feelings of anomie—i.e., “anomia”—, this anomia will individually move staff to be uncompassionate in the workplace. Three uncompassionate feelings toward co-workers are then hypothesized to mediate the relationship between anomia and interpersonal deviance: (i) negative judgments about others, (ii) over-identification, and (iii) isolation. Data were collected from 280 employees at ten hotels in the Canary Islands (Spain). The results indicated that (a) anomia was significantly and positively linked to uncompassionate feelings and interpersonal deviance, (b) but only negative judgments about others mediated the anomia effects on interpersonal deviance. Findings suggest to managers that by spreading ethical standards that discourage negative judgments about others in the workplace, they can neutralize the mechanisms leading anomia to interpersonal deviance.  相似文献   

Reference Points Used In Quality And Value Judgements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kirmani  Amna  Baumgartner  Hans 《Marketing Letters》2000,11(4):299-310
We propose that a fundamental difference between quality and value judgments is that consumers rely more on internal standards (i.e., information stored in memory) to evaluate a brand's quality and external standards (i.e., reference brands available in the evaluation context) to assess a brand's value. Since internal standards are relatively stable and external reference brands may change across contexts, value judgments are more context-dependent than quality judgments. In addition, we propose that the relative invariance of quality ratings to contextual product information will hold only for consumers who are relatively familiar with the product category and the target brand. To examine the underlying mechanisms, an experimental study varies task, comparison brand information and familiarity and uses a process tracing methodology.  相似文献   

When the leader of a firm commits a professional transgression, how would customers’ judgments of the transgressor's professional performance and immorality differ from those of noncustomers’? This research answers this question by investigating factors that explain the discrepancy in moral judgments between noncustomers and customers affiliated with the firm of a transgressing leader. Drawing on construal level theory, our two experimental studies consistently demonstrate that relative to high social distance (i.e., noncustomers), low social distance (i.e., customers) leads to more positive judgments of the transgressor's professional performance, but differences in the social distance do not directly lead to disparities in judgments of immorality. Social distance, however, affects both performance and immorality judgments when mediating mechanisms (conscious and nonconscious moral reasoning) are accounted for, such that low social distance indirectly influences customers to be more lenient in not only their performance judgments but also their immorality judgments. This research contributes to the topic of morality that permeates the current discourse on ethical business transgressions and, in particular, to an understanding of specific mechanisms that guide consumers’ moral judgments.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how, using both a futures studies perspective and social contract theory, marketing is uniquely positioned to help reduce crimes against wildlife. The futures studies perspective involves predicting probable, preferable, and possible futures. Moreover, marketers have an obligation (i.e., a social contract) to society—wildlife included—to meet consumer needs through well-rounded, morally robust strategies. Using face-to-face and digital data collection methods, a broad set of consumers were asked about their perspectives on the future wildlife. Grounded theory was used to analyze responses until a point of thematic saturation. The results indicate that consumers take a broad, inclusive view of wildlife crime. Participants describe the immediate probable future where micro-, meso-, and macrolevel wildlife crimes persist, and a preferred future of wildlife, including among others, reduced wildlife crime, decreased animal cruelty, and human–wildlife symbiosis. Respondents expressed a desire to reduce what they view as wildlife crime and presented viable paths to reduce such crimes. Theoretical and managerial implications are offered.  相似文献   


Employees’ may view prohibitive voice—that is, expressing concerns about harmful practices in the workplace—as a moral yet interpersonally risky behavior. We, thus, predict that prohibitive voice is likely to be influenced by variables associated with moral and relational qualities. Specifically, we hypothesize that employees’ moral identity internalization—i.e., the centrality of moral traits in their self-concept—is positively associated with their use of prohibitive voice. Furthermore, we hypothesize that this association is stronger when employees enjoy a higher quality relationship with their leader (leader-member exchange). In addition, drawing on the literature on moral symbolism, we hypothesize that workgroup moral identity symbolization—i.e., the extent to which workgroup members symbolically display moral traits—moderates the relationship between moral identity internalization and prohibitive voice in a compensatory manner. That is, workgroup moral identity symbolization enhances employees’ use of prohibitive voice when employees’ moral identity internalization is low. Data collected from hospital employees and their supervisors and coworkers support these hypotheses. These findings suggest new ways to promote prohibitive voice and, thereby, protect organizational stakeholders from harmful behaviors.


Many different factors affect brand homogeneity, including the different products associated with a brand, how they are made, and how they are branded. How does the perceived homogeneity of a brand’s offered products, in turn, affect consumers’ experiences with those products? Nine experiments reveal that consumers have more polarized judgments of product experiences when the sampled products are perceived to belong to more homogeneous brands. When a consumption experience is positive, the consumer has an even more positive experience when they think the sampled product came from a homogeneous brand; however, when a consumption experience is negative, the consumer has an even more negative experience when they think the sampled product came from a homogeneous brand. This polarization occurs because the individual product inherits the brand-level quality of perceived internal consistency—when a brand seems homogeneous (i.e., consisting of homogeneous products), consumers also perceive any individual product from the brand as similarly consisting of homogeneous ingredients or parts. We suggest that brand homogeneity leads to selective processing of individual product experiences, which makes products seem more coherent, products rated faster, and ratings of different product ingredients or features more highly correlated. The perception that all of the parts within the individual sampled product are homogeneous in quality polarizes judgments of the product experience.  相似文献   

This research updates and significantly extends Akaah and Riordon’s (J Market Res 26:112–120, 1989) evaluation of ethical perceptions of marketing research misconduct among marketing research professionals. In addition to examining changes in perceptions toward key marketing research practices over time, we assess professionals’ judgments on the ethicality, importance, and occurrence of a variety of new marketing research ethics situations in both online and offline contexts. In a second study, we assess ethical judgments of the public at large using a representative sample of US consumers—key stakeholders ignored in prior research on unethical marketing research practices. Generally speaking, disapproval of unethical research conduct has grown across the board in the last 20?years for both managers and marketing researchers. The same misconduct elicits a stronger disapproval in the online environment compared to the offline environment. Compared to marketing researchers, managers tend to think that unethical research conduct occurs more frequently. Those who conduct marketing research or use its findings (i.e., marketing researchers and managers) are less tolerant of unethical research conduct than the general public.  相似文献   

Marketing research has a limited understanding about the effects arising from emotional shifts (i.e., the transition from one emotion to another) during the same advertising message. This paper sheds light on this topic through two studies. Study 1 examines whether an advertising message that features a negative-to-positive emotional shift (i.e., a shift from a negative to a positive emotion) generates greater recall of an advertised brand than an advertising message with a neutral-to-positive emotional shift (i.e., a shift from a neutral to a positive emotion) or one with no emotional shift. Study 2 examines whether an advertising message that simulates a buyer-seller encounter—with the seller reproducing a negative-to-positive emotional shift via facial expressions—generates a greater recall of the advertised content than an identical advertisement with no emotional shift. Results confirm that a negative-to-positive shift facilitates the recall of both the brand and the advertised information.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify genuine technological spillovers from multinational firms (MNEs). To this end, we use data on R&D from MNEs to measure spillovers, while most of the existing literature uses output to measure the foreign presence in an industry (what we call output-based spillovers). In line with the existing literature, we distinguish between horizontal spillovers (i.e., intra-industry linkages) and vertical spillovers (i.e., backward—or downstream—and forward—or upstream—inter-industry linkages). Our results show that the three types of technological spillovers from MNEs are positive, with the horizontal spillovers the larger ones, followed by backward spillovers. The effect of forward spillovers is much smaller in magnitude. Moreover, we find that not controlling for industry size (i.e., technological spillovers from all firms in an industry) leads to underestimating both horizontal and backward spillovers from MNEs, and to overestimating forward spillovers from MNEs. Finally, we find that the distinction between technological and output-based spillovers is of great relevance. The size of backward technological spillovers is approximately 44% of the size of output-based backward spillovers, while for horizontal spillovers both types of spillovers are quite similar. Importantly, output-based forward spillovers are negative while technological forward spillovers are positive.  相似文献   

By incorporating distrust as a distinct entity from trust, the current study proposes a mechanism by which trust and distrust are formed and manifested in behavioral intentions in the context of business-to-consumer (B2C) Internet exchange relationships. Specifically this paper investigates the way consumers’ evaluations of an e-vendor's business operations relate to their judgments of trustworthiness (i.e., competence and benevolence of the e-vendor) and how such judgments shape consumer trust and distrust. This paper also examines two different behavioral intentions (i.e., consumers’ self-disclosure and willingness to commit) as outcomes of consumer trust and distrust. The proposed relationships are tested across two online purchasing contexts, books and clothing. Our framework receives strong support from the data. In particular, results support the proposition that trust and distrust are shaped by different dimensions of trustworthiness, and trust affects behavior intentions differently from distrust.  相似文献   

Across six studies, the present research explores the effect of task progress focus—that is, attending to the distance of one's present state from either the beginning of a task (i.e., accumulated focus) or the end of it (i.e., remaining focus)—on task evaluation and subsequently on future task perseverance (i.e., willingness to perform the task again upon finishing it). The results show that relative to accumulated focus, remaining focus increases people's feelings of productivity on the task, which increases their task evaluation and subsequently their perseverance intentions toward the task. Moreover, we find that remaining (vs. accumulated) focus increases task evaluation regardless of whether people are in the early stage of the task or near the end. However, it decreases people's motivation to complete the task in the former stage but increases their motivation in the latter stage. Alternative interpretations in terms of task duration, self-efficacy beliefs, and task quantity are evaluated and ruled out.  相似文献   

I distinguish between two problems related to business ethics. (1) How can business ethics help morally conscientious business people to resolve moral problems in business? (2) Given the widespread belief that immorality, or at least amorality, is too prevalent in business, how can one discover both the sources of business amorality and immorality and make business as morally respectable an institution as possible? Philosophers who have concerned themselves with business ethics have emphasized (1), i.e., they consider the normative ethical principles applicable to solving moral questions in business. Although some benefit can be derived from this approach, there are a number of problems with this position. I then argue that, in considering (2), we ought to analyze business life styles (ideals) that have determined the character of American business people, and show both their negative and positive moral consequences. This analysis reveals the morality, or lack of it, in modern American business, possible changes in business morality, and possible ways of developing a desirable and viable business ethic. In a sketchy way, I show how this project can be developed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2023,99(1):85-101
Online retailers frequently solicit reviews from customers who have recently purchased their products or services. This research examines how consumers react to conditional requests—wherein a retailer explicitly asks them to consider their experience but to only leave a review if this experience was favorable—versus more neutral unconditional requests. The provision of conditional requests is widespread, presumably because retailers believe that such requests will yield more positive reviews. Irrespective of whether these potential benefits materialize, the present research demonstrates that the consequences of conditional requests on customer loyalty (i.e., retailer engagement and repeat purchase behavior) are uniformly negative and surprisingly expansive. Six experiments with over 3,000 participants reveal that customers who receive conditional (vs. unconditional) requests are subsequently less loyal to the retailer, whom they perceive as manipulative and untrustworthy. This research also shows that easily implementable message modifications can attenuate (although not necessarily eliminate) the adverse effects of conditional requests on customer loyalty. Substantively, this work highlights how the messaging used in a review request affects customers’ inferences as well as their later judgments and behaviors. Managerially, the findings should exhort online retailers to exercise caution before sending conditional review requests given the risk of reputational harm.  相似文献   

The current research considers whether romantic pair-bond motivations influence numerical preferences. Across cultures and throughout history, the number “2” has been symbolic of a romantic pair bond. We propose that reminders of romance lead people to prefer the number “2” and other associated even numbers. A series of studies demonstrate that romantic motives—goals related to forming a romantic pair-bond—increase preference for the number “2” and other numbers of its parity (i.e., even vs. odd numbers) as well as marketing stimuli featuring even (vs. odd) numbers. This effect is specific to romantic motives and does not occur for motives related to other social relationships, such as work relationships, kinship, and friendship. Consistent with the motivational perspective, the desire to form a romantic relationship statistically mediates the effect of romantic cues on preference for even numbers. Subsequently, the effect of romantic motives on preference for even (vs. odd) numbers are suppressed when the focal goal has been already achieved (i.e., having a romantic relationship) or when an individual endorses a promiscuous lifestyle (i.e., having multiple partners simultaneously).  相似文献   

Recently, a new set of channels for consumer and business interaction have emerged—three‐ dimensional “virtual” worlds. This study attempts to better understand the nature of market maven behavior (diffusers of general marketplace and shopping information) across three different channels—virtual worlds, the Web, and real‐life—and to examine the extent to which market maven behavior is transferable across channel context (i.e., “fluid”) or channel dependent. Using data from two surveys (one in the virtual world “Second Life” and a follow‐up Web survey for the same respondents), this paper explores differences and determinants of maven behavior. Employing partial least squares analysis, the findings indicate that market maven propensity is transferable across channels (i.e., high‐scoring market mavens retain this across channel). However, while there may be the transferability of market maven behavior across channels, the findings demonstrate that maven propensity is influenced by the channel context. Consequently, individuals with high maven propensity tend to exhibit channels in which this behavior is more prominent. Therefore, market maven behavior might not only span general product categories, but also the channel itself (i.e., maven behavior remains fairly constant—or fluid—across channel). The findings also point to possible characteristics that may be used in the identification of market mavens: market mavens typically have greater cognizance of other mavens, are technology‐savvy and individualistic, are of either gender and tend to be older and more intensive and experienced users of Web platforms and also intensive users of virtual worlds than those with low maven propensity. The findings of the study contribute to understanding market maven behavior, and provide an insight into the practices of mavens in a multichannel context, particularly in the case of the emerging channels that are virtual worlds.  相似文献   

This research paper reports the results of a mailed questionnaire study of 343 marketing executives. The purpose of the research was to investigate whether or not a relationship exists between organizational climate (i.e., specific conditions in the organizational environment of the firm) and the particular social power base of the marketing executive. Results indicate that the three desirable power bases—expert, referrent, and legitimate—are correlated with all four of the organizational climate dimensions studied—reward orientation, personnel policies, MBO orientation, and status orientation. The undesirable power base—coercive power—was correlated with none of these dimensions.  相似文献   

Integrating the behavioral theory of the firm (the BTF) and the self-enhancement motive of managers, this paper examines how performance feedback—the discrepancy between actual performance and aspiration levels—affects the international expansion of emerging economy firms (EEFs). Empirical results using panel data on 876 publicly-listed Chinese manufacturing companies over a 7-year period indicate that performance relative to social aspiration (i.e., peer performance) and relative to historical aspiration (i.e., firms’ own past performance) affects EEFs’ levels of subsequent outward foreign direct investment (OFDI). Specifically, performance below social or historical aspiration enhances levels of OFDI, while the effect of performance below social aspiration is stronger than that of underperforming historical results. The results also show that performance above social aspiration enhances levels of OFDI, while performance above historical aspiration decreases levels of OFDI. Moreover, we uncover the importance of considering the joint effect of historical and social performance feedback, as receiving consistent or mixed signals about firm performance may result in risk-taking behaviors that differ from those triggered by just one performance signal on its own. These findings underscore the impact of performance feedback relative to social and historical aspirations on EEFs’ OFDI activities.  相似文献   

Three studies examine how three factors generic to design, its typicality, clarity, and information content, relate to the accuracy of individual judgments about a brand's quality or personality. Study 1 focuses on interpersonal accuracy and shows that consensus in judgments made by managers and consumers are higher for designs high rather than low in typicality, clarity, and information content. Study 2 focuses on the interpersonal accuracy among consumers and finds again that consensus is higher for high typicality, high clarity, and high information designs. Study 3 focuses on intrapersonal accuracy and shows that – when consumers view designs first from a distance and then close – viewer judgments change less (i.e., are higher in consensual accuracy) for designs low on information content, whereas typicality has no effect. Across the studies, individual design acumen enhanced and category involvement attenuated design effects on accuracy. Further, higher accuracy was associated positively with purchase intention, and corresponded with greater ease and speed of judgment formation.  相似文献   

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