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社会主义核心价值观个体道德目标四要素不仅与中国传统文化所倡导的理想人格一脉相承,而且与当代我国公民的国家公德、职业道德、社会公德和个人私德相辅相成,具有返璞归真的人性价值和历久弥新的文化内涵:爱国是民族精神的核心,是一种集历史与现实、感性与理性、认知与行动、平凡与崇高于一体的责任与情怀。敬业是职业道德的灵魂,是个体热爱工作的良好愿望、勤勉努力的实际行动、开拓进取的精神状态和克己奉公的顽强意志。诚信是个人品德的基石,是诚与信的统一,即内在道德修为的真实与外在诺而有行的坚守。友善既是中华民族的传统美德,更是建设和谐社会的重要保障,是平等待人、宽厚待人、推己及人和乐于助人的开明心态与豁达气度。  相似文献   

There are two types of stock price manipulation examined in the theoretical literature: (1) insider trading, which involves private information that is true and (2) the public spreading of fraudulent false information. While there is a large empirical literature on insider trading, this is the first empirical article to examine the impact of false, fraudulent public information on stock prices and trading volume. We find that such false information, even after being denied by a credible source such as the SEC, generates both abnormal returns and abnormal trading volume. We also find that the effects of the false information on security returns and volume can be persistent for at least 2 weeks. In addition, we show that perpetrators of false news attacks can make potentially large profits from such market manipulations.  相似文献   

马克思主义指导思想是社会主义核心价值体系的灵魂,马克思主义核心价值观是马克思主义的灵魂,因而马克思主义核心价值观应是社会主义核心价值体系灵魂之魂。从马克思主义理论体系的整体性出发,以马克思主义价值理论为基础,立足于马克思主义经典著作及马克思和恩格斯的主要社会活动,并以新的方法来观照,自由全面发展和共同解放应为马克思主义核心价值观,而其规定性应作为马克思主义核心价值观的基本内涵。在当前我国努力建设社会主义核心价值体系时代背景下,马克思主义核心价值观将引领当代社会与当代人核心价值观念的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过对古典管理理论到现代管理理论的综述和分析,提出了企业核心价值是企业管理的根源,企业管理是基于企业核心价值基础上的管理实践.进而对目前我国的企业管理提出了以企业核心价值流程为基础的管理模式再造.对提高我国企业管理的效益和企业核心竞争力具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

浅析人民币小幅升值对我国外贸出口的促进作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李晓龙 《商业研究》2006,(12):212-213
人民币小幅升值,对于我国对外贸易乃至国民经济的长期稳定发展是有益的。人民币升值对外贸出口额、降低出口成本、提高出口利润率、改善出口贸易结构、减少贸易摩擦等都有积极影响。因此,人民币小幅升值对我国外贸出口有促进作用。  相似文献   

什么是社会主义核心价值观,为什么要培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,怎样培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,这是当前人们普遍关注的三个基本问题。本文认为“三个倡导”的社会主义核心价值观是社会主义核心价值体系的高度凝聚和集中表达,是国家层面的价值目标、社会层面的价值导向和个人层面的价值准则的统一,实现了马克思主义价值观与时代精神和中国传统价值观的融合,构成了社会主义实践运动的指针、文化强国建设的方向、制度安排的灵魂。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of five years of research involving three studies. The first two studies investigated the impact of the value honesty/integrity on the ethical decision choice an individual makes, as moderated by the individual personality traits of self-monitoring and private self-consciousness. The third study, which is the focus of this paper, expanded the two earlier studies by varying the level of moral intensity and including the influence of demographical factors and other workplace values: achievement, fairness, and concern for others on the ethical decision process. These studies were designed using a laboratory format and a decision exercise that attempted to establish realistic business conflict situations through decision scenarios. Support is presented for the influence of gender and achievement on ethical choice. Recommendations for the future direction of this stream of research are given.  相似文献   

孙放 《财贸研究》2012,23(3):149-156
以政府投资过程中政府机构内部个人为视角,可以发现个人与政府投资行为间存在互动关系。因为个人的经济人特性所产生的利益诉求及政府投资可能对个人产生的影响,个人在政府投资过程中将会进行权衡与计算,在理论上可以将其抽象为不同的行为组合。借助典型案例对各个行为组合进行解析,发现政府投资过程中个人的违规行为主要表现为三类:消极行为、积极行为和被动防御性行为。由此,可以为法律制度对政府投资中个人的监督与规制找到着力点。  相似文献   


Recently, there has been a great deal of controversy around negative advertising. In this paper we examine the impact of negative as compared to positive frames for people in different occupations. For the product category of video cameras, using an experimental design, we found that occupation does indeed moderate the impact of positive and negative frames. While there is no difference in their effect for professionals, positive frames are more effective for social workers and blue collar workers. Here we focused not only on responses to the ads, but also to the brand and on purchase intent. The implications for marketing strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观是中小企业文化建设的灵魂。占我国企业总数99%以上的中小企业凭其灵活的运行机制,较强的市场适应能力,较大的社会活力,已成为我国经济发展、创新推动、市场繁荣、扩大出口的重要基础,成为我国重要的经济支柱和扩大就业的重要基地。中小企业理应受到社会的高度关注,其企业文化建设也应受到社会特别是企业界和理论界的高度重视。文章关于在社会主义核心价值观视阈下如何建设中小企业文化提出了建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, the practices of work organizations have raised increasing concerns regarding individual privacy at work. It is clear that people expect and value privacy in their personal lives. However, the extent to which privacy perceptions influence individuals’ work attitudes is less clear. Research has explored the extent to which employee perceptions of privacy derive from characteristics of the programs themselves. However, there is a paucity of research that examines how the characteristics of the individual employee may influence perceptions of these programs. In this study we seek to shed light on this issue, as we examine how the individual ethical orientation of employees influences perceptions of a variety of human resource programs that have the potential to be perceived as invasive. Results indicate that ethical orientation exerts direct effects on perceived invasiveness of programs and exerts both direct and indirect effects on perceived appropriateness of programs. Implications for research and for managers adopting privacy-related programs are discussed.  相似文献   

中国贸易条件影响因素的实证分析   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
普雷维什提出的贸易条件概念和发展中国家贸易条件恶化的结论在经济学界引起了激烈的争论,本文利用我国20世纪90年代以来的数据对西方经济理论中贸易条件与经济增长和产业结构的关系做了实证分析,结果表明经济增长对贸易条件的影响并不显著。而产业结构对贸易条件却有明显的影响。根据实证结果本文从产业结构角度对我国今后的政策导向提出建议。  相似文献   

Did the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. cause the values of teenagers in the U.S. to change? Did their previously important self-esteem and self-actualization values become less important and their survival and safety values become more important? Changes in the values of teenagers are important for practitioners, managers, marketers, and researchers to understand because high school students are our current and future employees, managers, and customers, and research has shown that values impact work and consumer-related attitudes and behaviors. Further, studies that compared higher to lower performing for-profit and not-for-profit companies have found that higher performing organizations had strong values that permeated their organizations [Collins J. C., and J. I. Porras: 1994, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (New York, Harper Business); O’Reilly, C. A. and J. A. Chatman: 1996, in B. M. Staw and L. L. Cummings (eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, vol. 18 (JAI Press, Greenwhich, CT), pp. 157–200; O’Reilly, C. A.: 1989, California Management Review 31(4), 9–25; Posner, B. Z., and W. H. Schmidt: 1996, Public Personnel Management, 25(3), 277–298; Rousseau, D.: 1990, Group and Organization Studies 15(4), 448–460; Schein, E. H.: 2004, Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco, Jossey Bass)]. While one study of adults found value changes, no known studies have explored if the values of teenagers also changed post-9/11. This study filled that research gap by exploring the values of a random sample of 1000 U.S. teenagers in grades 9 to 12 pre- and post-9/11, using a demographic questionnaire and the Rokeach Value Survey. The research results indicated that teenage survival, safety, and security values (a world at peace, freedom, national security, and salvation) increased in importance while their self-esteem and self-actualization values (a sense of accomplishment, inner harmony, pleasure, self-respect, and wisdom) decreased in importance, mirroring the changes for adults. The meaning of these findings for practitioners, managers, marketers and researchers was discussed.  相似文献   

2012年5月16日是中国南方电网公司2012年社会责任日,当天,深圳供电局有限公司(以下简称“深圳供电局”)同步发布了《2011深圳供电局有限公司社会责任实践》报告,这是公司发布的首份社会责任实践报告,是公司积极践行“万家灯火南网情深”核心价值观的重要行动,也开辟了公司履行社会责任的新起点.  相似文献   

This study contributes to our understanding of how work-related values, including ethics, are connected with the readiness to change in Estonian organizations. Research in Estonian companies involved 747 respondents. The author examined the influence of work-related values on attitude towards change and organizational learning. Empirical research in Estonian organizations indicates that work-related values predict attitude towards change and organizational learning. This study indicates the need for ethical conduct to achieve a competitive advantage in Estonia. Guidelines for managers and a model of value-based change management are subsequently developed.  相似文献   

从对社会主义核心价值观在文明、和谐、诚信和友善的分析可见,社会主义核心价值观的本土元素皆可以追溯到儒家思想;反过来,通过对儒家思想相关内容的分析,使得我们对社会主义核心价值观有了更为深刻和丰富的理解。对待儒学,应当以马克思主义为指导,坚持有鉴别的对待、有扬弃的继承,与现实文化相融相通,为培育和践行社会主义核心价值观提供重要的思想资源。我们要增强文化自信、提升文化自觉、实现文化自强,在培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的过程中实现对中华优秀传统文化的弘扬和创新,从而更好地将核心价值观融于教、落于行、化于境。  相似文献   


Twenty individual needs were measured using the Personality Research Form in two different samples in the People's Republic of China (PRC); one sample from Chengdu, the other from Wuhan. Based on reliability estimates, eleven needs were retained for analysis. The Chinese samples were compared with each other and with established North American norms. Gender differences were also examined. Rank order correlations suggest the two PRC samples are relatively similar, and each is different from established North American norms. Implications for Chinese and North American managers working with the other group are discussed, as well as the need for further research.  相似文献   

高校图书馆是高校重要的教育阵地,高校图书馆具有立德树人、提供思想引导、加强知识的功能,高校图书馆为培育和践行社会主义核心价值观提供实践阵地。  相似文献   

不同的目标顾客在购买商业银行金融服务在满足其需要的核心价值方面具有显著差异,由此形成了不同态度和购买决策行为。顾客核心价值概念模型揭示了核心价值其他相关因素之间的关联性。顾客导向的核心价值提供的模式为商业银行更好地满足目标顾客需求、赢得竞争优势,奠定了理论基础和操作依据。  相似文献   

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