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Despite the research on alliance management capability (AMC) has evolved in recent years, we still lack a clear understanding of its antecedents and performance outcomes in the context of family businesses, a setting that is inherently different from a typical firm-to-firm corporation. Collecting data from the Libyan family firms sector, we found that alliance experience, family culture (as internal antecedence), and political instability (as external antecedence) are crucial for AMC development, where the latter has a significant effect on the alliance performance of these firms. We also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study.  相似文献   

战略联盟的发展过程包括形成、运行和终结三个阶段,其中形成过程由于充满不确定性和模糊性而至关重要。对战略形成过程中联盟各方关系资本的有效管理,有利于联盟中资源、知识的共享、整合与创新,因此,本文认为应采取各种有效措施管理关系资本,以促进联盟的形成和发展。  相似文献   

The panic buying behavior under public health emergencies will lead to many adverse consequences, such as material waste, price fluctuation and uneven distribution of epidemic prevention materials, which will pose a threat to the social stability and economic development. In this paper, we construct a tripartite game model to explore the strategic choices of the public, merchants and the government in order to effectively respond to the panic buying behavior in the epidemic. The results demonstrate that: (1) Eight evolutionary stable strategies emerge in the panic buying events. The worst scenario can be improved by adjusting some relevant parameters. (2) The probability of the public choosing the strategy of “not involving in panic buying” depends on the potential benefits and losses of snapping up, rather than the extent of price rising. (3) The probability of merchants choosing the strategy of “not bid up price” depends on the intangible benefits. (4) The probability of the government choosing the strategy of “active supervision” depends on the supervision costs and government credibility, rather than the amount of fines. In addition, strategic suggestions to mitigate panic buying behavior are put forward from the perspective of each stakeholder.  相似文献   

Prior reviews have outlined the state of research of humour in advertising and showed that some findings deserve further explanations. This paper makes the point that evolutionary psychologists’ explanations of the functions of humour can provide new or alternative explanations for these findings and suggest new research avenues. The evolutionary functions of humour have been widely discussed in the literature, but advertising researchers have neglected biological nature and biological evolution as additional or alternative explanations for humour in advertising. The paper contributes to the advertising literature and broadens perspectives for research on humour in advertising by reviewing research on the evolutionary functions of humour, by showing how these functions can explain the use, effects, and moderators of humour in advertising beyond the explanations provided in prior literature, and by suggesting new propositions for future research on humour in advertising.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the preferable bancassurance alliance structure from the bank's executive management perspective in the Taiwan area. In combination with the relevant literature and interviews with experts, this study adopts the modified Delphi method and the analytic network process (ANP) to construct an evaluation method and to determine ANP effectiveness. The results indicate that executives of banks and insurance companies most prefer financial holding companies. In this study, we apply ANP to construct an evaluation method and introduce four criteria and ten subcriteria for evaluating six alternative bancassurance alliance models. This paper supports ANP as an effective decision making tool. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Opportunism has prompted several orientations to the study of inter-firm interaction. Some research maintains that opportunism is an exogenous construct, whereas other research implicates opportunism as a mediator of the relationships between organizational properties and organizational effectiveness. Yet another stream of research argues that the assumption of opportunism precludes researchers from investigating collaborative governance. To examine the merits of each perspective, this study employs meta-analytic techniques and structural equation modeling to assess the nomological network of opportunism research. The analysis of 684 effect sizes extracted from 262 publications supports two of the three orientations. Implications of the findings and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Although theories and research have provided valuable information on strategic alliance, it still seems difficult for practitioners to overview the process and subsequent outcomes of strategic alliance in a single frame. This is because the conditions of alliance are different from one alliance to another, which makes it difficult for practitioners to apply existing research findings to their own cases. One of the ways to overcome such difficulties in practical application would not be focusing on alliance processes with unique or idiosyncratic features of each alliance but instead focusing on elements that exist in most alliances. To find out the process that leads to the outcome in strategic alliance that is easily applicable for practitioners, the current study measured the behavioral direction and relational outcomes of strategic alliance based on benefit and risk perception in information technology (IT) companies in China, Japan and South Korea. Results show that firms set the direction and the intensity of their participation in alliance based on benefit and risk perception. Specifically, while perceived benefits promoted active participation in alliance, perceived risks increased protective participation in alliance. Also, these behavioral directions predicted the relational outcome in strategic alliance such that while active behavioral orientation predicted commitment to the relationship with the partner firms, protective behavioral orientation led to dissolution of the relationship. The present study provides useful insights for strategy associates, and evoke more various and detached academic approaches in the field of strategic alliance discussions.  相似文献   

杨文娟 《江苏商论》2014,(10):77-79
基于国家战略视角下的连云港市城市建设,需要树立其独特的城市品牌:神奇浪漫之都,山海相拥之城,东桥头堡之港。本文在此基础上对连云港市城市品牌整合传播的资源、受众、渠道要素进行分析,确定基于国家战略视角下的连云港市城市品牌整合传播的策略,协调统一宣传主题和城市形象,整合媒体传播渠道,挖掘连云港市的城市特色、优势和个性化的资源,提升城市品牌和形象。  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how international tenders act as defining moments in building asymmetric coevolution-based mechanisms between Chinese multinational enterprises and local institutions in developing African countries. We used a case study methodology to explore how three Chinese multinationals – Citic, Sinopec, and Chinalco – developed non-market relations with the institutions of three African countries, namely, Algeria, Gabon and the Republic of Guinea, both during and after the submission of international tenders, to win strategic contracts and securely embed the company in question within the target host country. We found that Chinese companies not only submit tenders, but also develop multiple kinds of alliances in order to influence local institutions over the long term, transplant new business practices and standards, and expand in an unparalleled way, with host-country institutions and Chinese MNEs acting as partners in the new ecosystem. Based on our findings, we propose a model which highlights the specific mechanisms through which successful coevolution processes emerge and prosper between Chinese multinationals and developing country institutions. This study contributes to the international management literature by extending the field of institutional theory to co-evolutionism in international business.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) recognize the importance of optimizing their international site-selection decision(s). Similarly, host regions recognize the potential economic benefits of securing ‘greenfield’ investment projects. Thus, there is intense intra-regional competition to secure ‘trophy investments’. The extant research offers little insight to the very final stages of the site-selection negotiation process. No previous study has examined in detail the final stages of international site-selection negotiations involving South Korean MNCs. This paper focuses on the role of US government officials and Southern state stakeholders seeking to secure investments by Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors. It offers an exploratory eclectic theory to explain site-selection decisions.  相似文献   

Drawing on an extensive literature review, a conceptual model incorporating marketing and psychometric paradigms for assessing consumer purchase behaviour is developed in the context of a hazardous and harmful risk associated with potentially contaminated food. An empirical study of 200 respondents was carried out to test this conceptual model. Structural equation modelling using LISREL 8.30 confirmed the link between perceived risk characteristics and risk perception, and that the latter appears to influence purchase behaviour. Concern about potential consequences, long‐term adverse impacts and the involuntariness of exposure were key shapers of risk perception, and risk perception itself was measured by health, money, time, lifestyle and taste losses in this study. These findings can help both the food industry and its regulators as they seek to formulate effective risk management and communication strategies. The model developed in this exploratory study can be extended to all commodities, as well as all services industry.  相似文献   

动态能力与自主创新能力关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国内汽车业内企业作为分析对象,首先对于动态能力与自主创新能力的内涵、维度进行了文献研究和问卷设计,然后构建了关于企业动态能力与自主创新能力关系的结构方程模型,实证研究表明:我国汽车业内企业动态能力对于自主创新能力具有正向影响作用,但是动态能力的各个能力维度对于自主创新能力的各个能力维度的作用机理不同.  相似文献   

Through Canadian publicly traded companies, this study assessed how combining firms' continuous valuations by the market (structural model) with the value given in their financial statements (accounting model) could enhance prediction of a company's probability of default. The hybrid model outperformed other models. Specifically, estimated structural probabilities of default (PDs) contributed significantly to predicting default probabilities when they were included alongside accounting and macroeconomic variables in our hybrid model. These results were obtained with two versions of the structural model: the Merton model (Merton, 1973, 1974) and the default barrier model (Brockman & Turtle, 2003). Both models were estimated with the maximum likelihood method. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

新疆旅游饭店业战略联盟存在产权关系不清晰,驱动性不足,资本行政导向型扩张等问题。应选择合适的联盟伙伴,为联盟关系增加情感因素,理性对待利益分配。  相似文献   

Strong social ties embedded in ethnic communities of immigrant populations have been considered key assets for immigrant entrepreneurs. However, little research has been done on how biological kinship and the biological theories of altruism influence the behavior of ethnic entrepreneurs. In this study, we have applied a neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory of kinship to examine adaptive functions of kin and ethnic altruism in business start-up and hiring practices of Korean immigrant entrepreneurs in the United States. We confirmed that the patterns of help received by Korean entrepreneurs for business start-ups were congruent with an evolutionary perspective on altruism. However, the results for hiring patterns suggested that customer ethnicity trumped kin and co-ethic interests. We close by offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   


Benefit segmentation is a long-standing marketing approach that emphasises the ‘what’ and ‘how’ dimensions of consumer benefits; that is, what benefits consumers perceive in product/service consumption, and how such benefits are perceived. This research proposes a fresh time-based approach to benefit segmentation – namely, focusing on the ‘when’ element or when in time benefits take effect. Drawing upon a survey of UK consumers, it explains and discusses consumption motivations through examining antecedents of temporally dominated benefits in application to organic food. Specifically, the study investigates why some consumers predominantly seek present-based benefits vis-à-vis future-based benefits or vice versa in organic food purchase and consumption behaviour. Using correlation and regression analyses, the research findings establish significant associations of level of involvement, prior knowledge level, and product usage level, and some association of time orientation with the temporally emphasised consumption benefits consumers ultimately pursue. Overall, the research highlights the added contribution of a time perspective in a benefit segmentation approach which can assist marketers in understanding better and communicating more effectively with consumers through drawing up consumer profiles based on when in time their dominantly pursued benefit for an offering is perceived to take effect.  相似文献   

This study addresses the effects of program trade regulation during large market moves. To address this issue, we analyze the effect of sidecars (halts that only affect program trades) on trade imbalance using Korean intraday data. We find that sidecars, as currently designed to halt all program trades, are not effective at controlling trade imbalance around volatile markets. Resolution of trade imbalance is more effective when program trade is unrestricted. Program trade, at least a subset, provides liquidity when it is at a premium. We conclude that current sidecars should be more carefully crafted as some program trades are market stabilizing.  相似文献   

文章以新能源产业为例,根据《战略性新兴产业分类》,从中国工业企业数据库遴选出归属该产业的企业。利用微观企业层面的大样本数据,对企业创新绩效进行综合性研究。基于面板Probit计量模型的估计结果表明:企业的R&D投入、出口与否和企业知识积累对企业的创新产出有明显正向效应。企业规模、企业资本密集度等因素对创新产出的重要性因所有制不同而不同。政府需要采取有针对性的政策来诱导企业尽可能多地进行R&D投入,扩大出口以及增加企业本身知识积累。  相似文献   

江辛 《商业研究》2003,(1):161-165
在零售市场竞争日益激烈、消费者需求变化趋势多样化的背景下,现有的百货企业为了谋求生存和发展就必须站在战略的高度考虑问题,不断地创新以适应迅速变化的环境。百货企业应当根据外部环境和内部条件,对各种可能的战略方向的可行性做出合理的决策。因此,必须构造一个百货企业发展的战略模型并对其适用性进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

Obesity rates are increasing worldwide, with an alarming number of associated co-morbidities and deaths. Evolutionary psychology explains this development with an inherent preference for fatty and sweet foods. Recent evidence shows that consumers with a low socioeconomic status are more prone to being obese, but also that consumers with few resources respond more to scarcity signals. Based on this background, this paper investigates whether overweight individuals with a low income respond more to scarcity signaling in terms of sales promotions than others.To this end, a large-scale online survey was conducted across four food product categories in the setting of an online supermarket. Results show that overweight or obese individuals with low income levels responded more strongly to scarcity signaling. The findings inform researchers in terms of explaining different responses to sales promotions and support practitioners in aligning sales promotions to target group-specific behavior.  相似文献   

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