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关于就业年龄歧视原因的调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
就业中的年龄歧视已经成为中国劳动力市场上一个公开的秘密,并且愈演愈烈.它增加了社会总就业成本,降低了社会总福利水平,造成社会人力资源的不当配置,并影响劳动力市场的健康发展.本文通过问卷调查方式,从经济学角度分析了就业年龄歧视的原因和结果,提出了求职者个体劳动生产率信息的缺失、雇主对效用最大化的追求以及较高的雇佣成本是产生年龄歧视的根本原因的观点.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,欧盟国家的劳动力市场和就业结构发生了巨大的变化.在欧盟国家政策因素、公司战略因素和个人选择因素的作用下,非正规就业迅速发展.但是,由于传统上非正规就业雇员就遭到一定程度的歧视,这导致了非正规就业雇员的就业风险.如何规避风险、提升非正规就业雇员的工作质量将成为欧盟就业战略新的关注领域.  相似文献   

Age Discrimination Legislation in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Legislation prohibiting age discrimination in the United States dates back to the 1960s, when along with the Equal Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act barring discrimination against women and minorities, Congress passed the 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Questions regarding the rationale for and effectiveness of age discrimination legislation are likely to become increasingly important in light of a rapidly aging population in the United States (and other industrialized countries). This article provides a summary, critical review, and synthesis of what we know about age discrimination legislation. It first traces out the legislative history and the evolving case law and discusses implementation of the law. It then reviews the existing research on age discrimination legislation—research that addresses the rationale for the legislation, its effectiveness, and criticisms. (JEL J 1, J 7, L 3)  相似文献   

随着劳动力市场人才供过于求矛盾的日益凸现,受传统文化、"性别亏损"观念、女性自身素质、政策和制度等原因的影响,就业性别歧视已是一种普遍现象。因此,应打造女性公平就业的经济平台,健全就业和劳动市场相关的法律和政策,加大执法力度,传播性别平等观念,构建先进的性别文化以消除和减少就业性别歧视,给女性提供一个公平的就业环境。  相似文献   

孔德威 《经济论坛》2001,(19):33-34
一、经济全球化进程中的劳动就业危机1经济全球化使劳动就业岗位的创造者——公司与企业的竞争压力越来越大。首先,经济全球化下,企业把短期赢利、交易所牌价和股东利益,放在了比增加就业更重要的地位。其次,提高企业竞争力的有效途径是技术进步和企业组织结构的改革。而企业技术的进步,劳动生产率的提高,对工人来讲,就是被解雇;而以取消传统的管理层次、缩小工种分类、建立工作小组、培训多面手员工、缩短生产和分配流程、简化行政管理为内容的企业组织结构的改革,也正在使大批管理人员失业。2经济全球化使社会福利国家变成…  相似文献   

Employment and child-care choices in Canada and the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we examine employment and child-care choices of two-parent families with young children in the United States and Canada, using a pooled data set based on recent national surveys in each country. We find that the employment and child-care choices of Canadian families are similar to those of U.S. families. Estimates of a model of employment and child-care choices indicate significant effects of child-care subsidies, child-care prices, and wage rates on employment and child-care choices. However, none of these factors helps to explain the differences in employment and child-care choices between the two countries.
Ce mémoire examine le choix de l'emploi et du soin des enfants dans les familles où il y deux parents aux Etats-Unis et au Canada en utilisant des données d'études récentes dans les deux pays. Il appert que les choix des familles canadiennes sont semblables à ceux des familles américaines. Les calibrations d'un modèle de ces choix montrent les effets significatifs des subventions au soin des enfants, du prix des soins des enfants, et des taux de salaires sur ces choix. Cependant, aucun de ces facteurs n'explique les diffrences dans les patterns de choix entre les deux pays.  相似文献   

Interpreting the unexplained component of the gender wage gap as indicative of discrimination, the empirical literature to date has tended to ignore the potential impact wage discrimination may have on employment. Clearly, employment effects will arise if discrimination lowers the female offered wage and the labour supply curve is upward sloping. The empirical analysis employs the ABS Income Distribution Survey 1994–95 and finds evidence of both wage and associated employment effects. The analysis is replicated for the earlier period 1989–90. A comparison across time is of interest given the substantial deregulation of the Australian labour market over the period.  相似文献   

企业对应届毕业生就业歧视的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,就业市场普遍存在应届毕业生就业困难的现象大型人才招聘会的组织者费尽口舌也只是使寥寥几家国有企勉强答应招收应届毕业生,工作环境和工资福利充满诱惑的资、外资企业对应届毕业生更是有着极高的进入门槛。当然不除经济不景气致使企业承担着很大的裁员分流压力。入世后世界经济一体化的步伐加快,企业面临着来自全市场的激烈而残酷的竞争。企业专业技术人员知识陈旧、技术时的问题亟待通过现代企业的在职培训尽快解决,从而达到大限度发挥人力资本增值功效的目的。然而在职培训需要付很高的成本,应届毕业生就业困难的问题恰恰源于…  相似文献   

The theory of political business cycles predicts economies will experience a short-run expansion during an election period. Cross-sectional evidence from 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, and 1910, does not reveal statistically significant differences in gainful employment rates between states with and without a gubernatorial election in that year. Pooled regression analysis suggests gubernatorial elections are positively correlated with the state employment rate, but an annual fixed effect model designed to account for differences over time in the measurement of gainful employment mitigates this conclusion.  相似文献   

Although age discrimination laws boost employment of older workers, some are exempt from age-law protection and may be better protected by disability discrimination laws. Disability laws may raise the costs of employing the disabled, however, generating mixed predictions regarding employment effects of protection by both types of laws. This study finds that employment of older disabled workers with the coupled laws is lower than those with age-law protection only; employment of the younger disabled is higher with the coupled laws. For older disabled workers, earnings of those with the coupled laws are lower than their counterparts with only age-law protection. (JEL J78 , K31 , J00 )  相似文献   

张金英 《经济师》2008,(1):155-156
受多方面因素影响,经验歧视在我国大学生求职市场中已经成为普遍现象。经验歧视会造成大学生及用人单位的直接损失.导致社会劳动力配置的效率缺损,对我国高等教育事业的长远发展也会产生不利影响,统计歧视则进一步扩大了这些不利影响。我们必须积极采取措施消除经验歧视及其负面影响。  相似文献   

本文利用中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所的中国城市劳动力调查,从就业进入、工资影响因素和工资歧视三个方面对2001年、2010年城市劳动力市场中户籍歧视的变化进行研究。对农民工和城市本地劳动力教育回报率的比较发现,农民工的教育回报率大幅提高,与相同学历的城市本地劳动力的教育回报率相似。农民工的工资决定机制与城市本地劳动力正在趋同。2010年农民工面临的就业隔离比2001年大幅下降,而且在各部门内部小时工资的歧视也大幅下降。然而,当农民工进入公有单位时依然受到较强歧视,就业隔离依然存在,因此,城市劳动力市场需要进一步健全,仍需规范公有单位的用工和招聘制度。  相似文献   

This study uses a cognitive test score, the Swedish Military Enlistment test taken at age 18, to identify whether the ethnic employment and income gap in Sweden is caused by a pre‐market skill gap and/or ethnic discrimination. The employment gap and income gap are estimated for males born in Sweden with different ethnic backgrounds: their parents were born in Sweden or in southern Europe or outside Europe. Controlling for the cognitive test score does not affect the ethnic employment gap, and for incomes the ethnic income gap almost disappears.  相似文献   

Racial Discrimination in English football   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper examines data on the racial composition and financial and sporting performance of professional English soccer teams between 1974 and 1993. In an earlier paper, Szymanski showed that teams with an above average proportion of black players would tend to perform better on average that would have been expected given the aggregate wage bills of these clubs. Since players are more or less freely traded in soccer this presents strong market‐based evidence of discrimination. In the present paper we explore the source of such discrimination. In particular we are concerned to test the hypothesis that discrimination is attributable to the fans rather than the owners. If fans were racially prejudiced then the owners of a team might expect to generate a smaller marginal revenue product from a black player compared to an equally skilled white player. We assess the presence of fan discrimination by examining relationships between attendance, revenues, performance and the proportion of black players in the team. We also incorporate evidence regarding statements of racial prejudice (from the British Social Attitudes Survey) in particular regions. We find little evidence that the discrimination against black players has its source in fan discrimination.  相似文献   

价格歧视理论中的若干问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
价格歧视理论在传播和应用中存在着含糊不清甚至是谬误的问题,文中重新界定了价格歧视的概念,规范了实施价格歧视的前提条件,对价格歧视中的社会利问题进行了分析,同时指出了价格歧视理论中的两个常见错误。  相似文献   

孟丽娟 《经济师》2003,(3):41-42
文章探讨和分析了我国目前的就业形势与存在的问题 ,并结合当前形势提出我国就业的基本思路与对策建议  相似文献   

Random Price Discrimination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a monopolist randomly sorts customers, price discrimination “concavifies” the revenue function of the firm, so that it may be optimal for a monopolist to divide customers into groups that have the same demand function and charge them different prices. It is impossible to rule out this type of result whenever the revenue function is somewhere convex in the “economically relevant” set of quantities, because there always exists a non-decreasing cost function that leads to that conclusion. It is also impossible to rule out the case where, with respect to monopoly, the firm raises or lowers price to all classes and, accordingly, the case where the social welfare decreases or increases. Received December 13, 2001; revised version received June 3, 2002 Published online: February 17, 2003 I am indebted to Carlo Beretta, Giuseppe Colangelo, Umberto Galmarini, Guido Merzoni, Gerd Weinrich and especially to Carla Peri for helpful discussions and comments. I have also benefited from insightful suggestions of three anonymous referees. Finally, I wish to thank participants to seminars at the Catholic University of Milan and University of Bologna. The usual disclaimer applies. Funds from MIUR are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The use of bogus, unsolicited job applications with the intention of measuring employment discrimination extends across 30 years and six countries. Preferential treatment of male applicants has been detected in Departments of Psychology in U.S. universities. Such investigations have also detected a relative disinclination to hire homosexuals in Ontario law firms, Turkish workers in Germany, older job applicants in the U.S.A., and the disabled in France. Many of these studies dispatched only a single application to employers; consequently they are a test of 'preferential treatment', rather than discrimination.  相似文献   

中国就业发展新论——核心就业与非核心就业理论分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
正如企业创新作为市场经济的基本动力受到忽视 ,核心就业作为市场就业的基础在中国经济改革以来一直没有受到足够重视 ,因此造成了今天就业发展特别困难的局面。核心就业是指直接参与、引导、促进和扶持企业创新活动的那部分就业。在长期 ,核心就业的兴衰决定了市场经济中总体就业的兴衰。中国企业的核心就业水平目前仅达到 2 5%左右 ,总体核心就业水平达到 3 0 %左右。为了达到 80 %左右的市场一般核心就业水平的目标 ,中国需要改变现行的国有企业改革模式 ,建立政府权力均衡机制 ,以良性发挥政府功能 ,以及完善农村的改革和发展道路等各项政策措施。  相似文献   

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