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R&D、R&D溢出、内生增长和内生收敛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据强调知识与技术创新、知识与技术溢出重要性的当代内生增长理论,本文建立了一个将R&D和R&D溢出与资本积累之间、R&D和R&D溢出与总产出增长之间直接关联起来的动态模型。面板数据协整检验实证分析结果表明R&D和R&D溢出与资本积累之间、R&D和R&D溢出与总产出增长之间分别存在显著的正面长期协整关联。进一步的分析表明,R&D与资本积累之间、R&D与总产出增长之间分别存在显著的长期双向格兰杰因果关系。由此观知,R&D乃长期经济增长源泉之所在。另一方面,尽管资本积累或总产出增长并不格兰杰导致R&D溢出,证据表明R&D溢出格兰杰导致资本积累和总产出增长。这种由R&D溢出到资本积累和总产出增长的单向格兰杰因果关系意味着尽管知识与技术的跨国传播并非必然发生。其实为世界经济增长的重要动力。  相似文献   

We analyze monetary policy in a model with heterogeneous firms, where constrained firms finance operations through external financing and unconstrained firms use internal funds. We show that expansionary monetary policy increases the relative employment of constrained firms, while positive productivity shocks increase that of unconstrained firms. Our results agree with recent empirical findings, emphasizing the role of the monetary authority in reallocating resources across sectors with different financing capabilities. We also show that if the relative productivity of constrained firms is low, then expansionary monetary policy tilts resources towards less productive firms, which decreases the effectiveness of the policy in stimulating aggregate output.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework that can help reconcile conflicting findings in the growth-inflation literature. Here, the behavior of financial intermediaries plays a crucial role in the determination of the economy's inflation and real growth rates. Absent any restrictions on financial intermediation, there will be a unique equilibrium when agents are fairly risk averse. In this case, an increase in seigniorage-financed government spending will always be inflationary and detrimental to growth. When agents exhibit a low degree of risk aversion, multiple equilibria emerge and a positive relation between inflation and growth à la Tobin can be observed.  相似文献   

财政分权框架下的财政政策和货币政策   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
本文扩展了Barro( 1 990 )和Gong和Zou( 2 0 0 2 )的模型 ,讨论财政分权框架下的政府财政政策和货币政策 ,通过消费者行为、地方政府行为和中央政府行为之间Nash均衡解 ,得到了经济增长率和各参数的隐式关系 ,并且通过数值模拟得到经济增长率与各种税收以及政府间转移支付的关系。我们发现经济增长率和收入税的关系是Laffer曲线 ,消费税对经济增长的影响是正的 ,财产税对经济增长的影响是负的。至于货币政策的影响 ,我们发现货币不再是超中性的了 ,供应量增加可以促进经济增长 ,而且经济中的货币的流通程度越高 ,经济增长率越高。最后 ,本文还讨论了多级地方政府的情况 ,分析了不同税收制度的地区对整个经济增长的不同影响。  相似文献   

金融摩擦会导致企业间的资本误配,进而降低全要素生产率。本文基于Midrigan&Xu(2014)的分析框架,结合我国1998-2007年制造业企业微观数据,对由金融摩擦引起的生产效率损失分行业进行了估算。结果显示,资本误配造成了我国制造业18%-33%左右的生产效率损失,且在2003年后,随着外部融资环境的恶化,效率损失大幅增加。进一步研究发现,金融摩擦通过扭曲企业的进入和退出机制,进而加剧资本误配,抑制行业生产效率的改进。  相似文献   

徐晨  王祥玮  孙元欣 《技术经济》2024,43(4):177-188
海外研发被视为后发国家实现技术赶超的有效路径,现有文献基于经贸自由化的前置条件证实了海外研发提升创新绩效的反哺作用。然而在全球贸易保护主义抬头的背景下,资源要素的自由流动愈发困难,海外研发能否发挥应有的作用尚不得而知。为此,基于中国高科技上市公司的数据,本文探索了中美贸易摩擦如何影响中国企业的海外研发绩效。研究发现,中美贸易摩擦非但没有侵蚀中国企业的海外研发绩效,反而产生倒逼效应,推动中国企业提升投资效率并积累国际投资经验,继而增强了海外研发的反哺作用。通过区分海外研发目的地,本文进一步发现倒逼效应在赴非美国家的样本中更显著。赴美研发受到贸易摩擦的冲击更为直接,稀释了提升投资效率和积累国际化经验所带来的收益。研究结论深化了国际商务理论关于贸易保护和壁垒如何影响跨国企业投资绩效的相关研究,为中国企业在高度不确定的投资环境下如何充分释放海外研发的潜能提供启示。  相似文献   

In this study, I explore the effects of the financial status of firms on its decisions to import. The import decision is reflected in various aspects, such as whether to import or buy from home market; what types of goods to import, etc. A novelty of this analysis is that I distinguish between ordinary trade and processing trade, which involves importing inputs to be assembled and re-exported. Several novel patterns emerge. Firstly, a firm’s financial status, especially its liquidity, significantly influences its decisions to import. Secondly, regional financial development also has a significantly affect importing decisions. However, a firm’s creditworthiness and regional factors work independently (i.e., regional financial development does not alleviate a firm’s credit constraints). The findings yield implications for developing economies which demand technological spillovers from advanced markets and those which maintain large trade surpluses with the developed economies.  相似文献   

Commitment in monetary policy leads to equilibria that are superior to those from optimal discretionary policies. A number of interest‐rate reaction functions and instrument rules have been proposed to implement or approximate commitment policy. We assess these rules in terms of whether they lead to a rational expectations equilibrium that is both locally determinate and stable under adaptive learning by private agents. A reaction function that appropriately depends explicitly on private sector expectations performs particularly well on both counts.  相似文献   

The Microeconomics of an R&D-Based Model of Endogenous Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the microeconomic structure underlying a class of endogenous growth models in which product differentiation and stochastic quality growth coexist. The general equilibrium model generates a stationary stochastic equilibrium in which a nondegenerate ergodic distribution of firm size depends systematically on parameters of the model. Features of the model necessary for stable endogenous aggregate growth are explored, and predictions of the model are compared with microeconometric evidence on R&D intensity, firm growth, and concentration.  相似文献   

金融状况指数FCI与货币政策反应函数经验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
封北麟  王贵民 《财经研究》2006,32(12):53-64
文章运用VAR模型经验估计了中国的金融状况指数FCI,结果表明FCI指数对通货膨胀率具有良好的预测力。在此基础上,将FCI指数作为目标和信息变量纳入泰勒规则,运用GMM方法估计了中国的货币政策反应函数,发现FCI指数与短期利率存在正相关关系,可以成为货币政策的短期指示器;但是利率调节对CPI通胀率、产出缺口和金融形势的松紧变化均反应不足。特别是利率对金融形势松紧变化的调节不足,刺激了金融不平衡和资产价格泡沫的相互推动和累积,是经济不平稳发展的重要政策诱因。  相似文献   

本文对银行主导型金融体系与市场主导型金融体系促进经济增长优劣进行比较的实证文献进行综述,总结出四种观点及理论支持.基于内生增长模型对银行主导金融体系与市场主导金融体系对经济增长的促进作用进行比较分析,得出的结论是两种金融体系在促进经济增长上没有明显的优劣之分,但银行主导型金融体系在某些方面存在优势,因而作者认为目前中国银行主导型金融体系在促进经济增长上是有效的,强行将中介主导型金融体系转变为市场主导型金融体系的政策可能是误导的.  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper investigates how monetary policy shocks influence the composition of firms' external finance given that firms are heterogeneous. Heterogeneity stems from differences in the availability of internal funds and in the monitoring costs associated with bank finance. These costs are determined by the intensity of the lending relationship. By using a delegated monitoring approach it is found that bank loans serve as a substitute for internal funds if the lending relationship is sufficiently close. Moreover, banks with strong credit ties to their customers are not only able to protect borrowers from liquidity constraints following a monetary tightening but are even able to extend their business lending.  相似文献   

Patent Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate how the patent policy affects economic growth and social welfare based on an endogenous growth model with R&D activities. We show that the patent length that maximizes the social welfare is finite. Moreover, by introducing compulsory licensing, we also show that the patent length that maximizes the social welfare is not infinite even if the royalty rate can be controlled. Received June 29, 2001; revised version received February 5, 2002 Published online: February 17, 2003 We wish to thank two anonymous referees for their constructive comments. We also thank Akira Yakita for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

This study introduces the examination duration for newly developed goods into a standard R&D-based growth model. Producing such goods requires approval from an authority, and their examination incurs both cost and time. Thus, there is a lag between invention and production. This study investigates the effects of reducing the examination duration on examination backlogs (the number of newly invented goods under examination), economic growth, and welfare. We obtain an inverted-U shaped relationship between backlogs and duration, because reducing the duration decreases backlogs by accelerating the examination process, but simultaneously increases backlogs by promoting R&D and increasing the number of applications. In addition, we demonstrate that reducing the examination duration promotes economic growth. However, a rather short examination duration needs considerable resources as the examination has a higher cost. Thus, an extremely short duration hurts welfare. Our numerical analysis reveals the existence of an optimal examination duration.  相似文献   

Our aim in this paper is to evaluate the causal effect of foreign acquisition on research and development (R&D) intensity in targeted domestic firms. We are able to distinguish domestic multinational enterprises (MNEs) and non‐MNEs, which allows us to investigate the fear that the change in ownership of domestic MNEs to foreign MNEs leads to a reduction in R&D activity in the country. Overall, our results give no support to the fears that foreign acquisition of domestic firms leads to a relocation of R&D activity in Swedish MNEs. Rather, in this paper, we find robust evidence that foreign acquisitions lead to increasing R&D intensity in acquired domestic MNEs and non‐MNEs.  相似文献   

货币政策、资产价格与金融稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的货币政策理论认为,中央银行制定货币政策时应严格以通货膨胀为目标,但金融危机的爆发,资本市场的膨胀、资产价格的波动,都不断地冲击货币政策的有效性,并在一定程度上影响金融体系的稳定性,由此引发学术界对货币政策中介目标的探讨。本文以具有变参数特征的动态金融景气指数(DFCI)为工具,考察了DFCI对CPI和金融稳定性的预测作用,在此基础上,扩展前瞻性中央银行利率反应函数,将包含资产价格信息的DFCI纳入反应函数,研究中央银行货币政策行为,并拓展直接以资产价格为操作目标的泰勒准则作比较。实证表明:在扩展形式的前瞻性利率反应函数中,DFCI变量统计显著,包含资产价格的DFCI要比不包含资产价格的DFCI显著,以资产价格作为货币政策目标的利率规则作用效应不完全显著。这说明,DFCI的建立具有合理性,资产价格波动显著地影响货币政策的有效性,严格的通货膨胀目标规则存在不足,中央银行的货币政策行为需要考虑资本市场的变化以及资产价格的波动,但直接将资产价格作为目标的货币政策具有不确定性。  相似文献   

R&D, Learning, and Phases of Economic Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of learning and R&D in economic development is addressed in an endogenous growth model. When human capital is below a threshold level, the model predicts that skills are accumulated as the only growth-generating activity, whereas both innovation activities and learning drive growth above this level. Hence, an endogenous regime shift is triggered when the level of human capital reaches the threshold level because it becomes profitable to innovate.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of endogenous productivity asymmetries between firms, in terms of competitiveness and size, on multinational activity. In the model, productivity depends on cost-reducing R&D (research and development). We show that when firms differ on commitment power in R&D, the R&D leader, independently of being a multinational or a domestic firm, tends to invest more in R&D than the R&D follower. Because of these productivity advantages, the R&D leader can more easily become multinational. Therefore, in addition to the proximity-concentration trade-off, we identify another FDI (foreign direct investment) determinant: technological competition.  相似文献   

本文在大量调查问卷的基础上,以江苏省制造业企业为样本,以统计实证与计量分析等方法考察与观测企业所处行业、企业规模以及企业所有制等三个因素对企业R&D行为的影响,从微观行为数据层面揭示了中国制造业企业R&D活动的行为模式与真实机理。论文的许多发现为理解R&D“不易观测”的关键因素提供了基于中国经验的独特的实证视角。我们揭示出:中国小公司、中型公司、大公司的R&D强度趋势存在着明确的倾斜的V型结构关系,以此修正了Bound等、Pavitt等人的理论观点。  相似文献   

How do growth and cycles interact? Endogenous growth and business cycle theories are integrated to explain business cycles over different frequencies, especially at lower frequencies, on the balanced growth path. A new variable-R&;D time period-broadens the concept of intertemporal substitution and determines the durations of the medium and long cycles. As a result, the evolution of technology is separated from short-run shocks. A more promising new invention shrinks the R&;D period since waiting is costly, which pushes up the level of economic activity and causes a boom, while a less promising new invention does the opposite. The level of economic activity in turn affects the near-term growth rate. Thus, a recession is not caused by a negative shock as in the standard real business cycle models, but can be associated with a positive, though lower, growth rate of technology. The results capture the major features of U.S. data in both time and frequency domains.  相似文献   

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