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Intertemporal Permit Trading for the Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
This paper integrates two themes in the intertemporal permitliterature through the construction of an intertemporal bankingsystem for a pollutant that creates both stock and flow damages. A permit banking system for the special case of a pollutant thatonly causes stock damages is also developed. This latter,simpler case corresponds roughly to the greenhouse gas emissionreduction regime proposed by the U.S. Department of State as ameans of fulfilling the U.S. commitment to the FrameworkConvention on Climate Change. This paper shows that environmentalregulators can achieve the socially optimal level of emissionsand output through time by setting the correct total sum ofallowable emissions, and specifying the correct intertemporaltrading ratio for banking and borrowing. For the case ofgreenhouse gases, we show that the optimal growth rate of permitprices, and therefore the optimal intertemporal trading rate, hasthe closed-form solution equal to the ratio of current marginalstock damages to the discounted future value of marginal stockdamages less the decay rate of emissions in the atmosphere. Given a non-optimal negotiated emission path we then derive apermit banking system that has the potential to lower net socialcosts by adjusting the intertemporal trading ratio taking intoaccount the behavior of private agents. We use a simplenumerical simulation model to illustrate the potential gains fromvarious possible banking systems.  相似文献   

This paper analyses banking and borrowing ofcarbon emission rights within the framework ofa simple, integrated assessment model. Breaking the world economy in just two regionsit will be shown: (1) Increasing intertemporal flexibility in greenhouse gasabatement through banking and borrowing ofcarbon emission permits has a positive effecton welfare for regions with a poor endowment incarbon emission rights, but negatively affectsrich-endowed regions. (2) Intergenerationalfairness advocates intertemporal flexibility ingreenhouse gas abatement, irrespectively of theinitial allocation of carbon rights. (3)Optimal carbon accumulation is not independentof the initial allocation of carbon rights. Different initial sharing rules clearlyinfluence the development of atmospheric carbonconcentration.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper, we examine the impact of competition in the banking industry on financial market activity. In particular, we explore this issue in a setting where banks simultaneously insure individuals against liquidity risk and offer loans to promote intertemporal consumption smoothing. In addition, spatial separation and private information generate a transactions role for money. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the industrial organization of the financial system bears significant implications for the effects of monetary policy. Under perfect competition, higher rates of money growth lead to lower interest rates and a higher volume of lending activity. In contrast, in a monopoly banking sector, money growth restricts the availability of funds and raises the cost of borrowing.  相似文献   

Quantity-based regulation with banking allows regulated firms to shift obligations across time in response to periods of unexpectedly high or low marginal costs. Despite its wide prevalence in existing and proposed emission trading programs, banking has received limited attention in past welfare analyses of policy choice under uncertainty. We address this gap with a model of banking behavior that captures two key constraints: uncertainty about the future from the firm's perspective and a limit on negative bank values (e.g. borrowing). We show conditions where banking provisions reduce price volatility and lower expected costs compared to quantity policies without banking. For plausible parameter values related to U.S. climate change policy, we find that bankable quantities produce behavior quite similar to price policies for about two decades and, during this period, improve welfare by about a $1 billion per year over fixed quantities.  相似文献   

Labor income,borrowing constraints,and equilibrium asset prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary We develop a duality approach to study an individual's optimal consumption and portfolio policy when the individual has limited opportunities to borrow against future labor income and cannot totally insure the risk of income fluctuations. The individual's intertemporal consumption and portfolio problem is cast in a continuous-time setting under uncertainty. We transform the individual's intertemporal problem into a dual shadow prices problem that solves the shadow prices for the individual's optimal consumption plan or equivalently the individual's intertemporal marginal rates of substitution. We show that the shadow prices process can be expressed as a product of a martingale and a decreasing process (normalized by the bond price). The existence of an optimal solution to the individual's intertemporal consumption and portfolio problem is established via duality. The duality approach also allows us to characterize in a sample way the individual's optimal consumption and portfolio policy in the presence of labor income and borrowing constraints. Equilibrium implications of borrowing constraints on asset prices are also discussed in the paper.This is a revised version of an earlier paper, entitled Consumption and Portfolio Decisions with Labor Income and Borrowing Constraints. We thank George Constandinides, Ayman Hindy, and Chi-fu Huang for helpful comments. We also thank two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. Financial support from the Batterymarch Fellowship Program (for Hua He) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

情绪波动和资产价格波动   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
陈彦斌 《经济研究》2005,40(3):36-45
投资者的情绪波动对于理解资产价格的波动有着重要的意义 ,但是已有研究对情绪波动的刻画还过于简单。本文在Mehra和Sah( 2 0 0 2 )对情绪波动研究的基础之上 ,更加全面地描述了投资者情绪波动 ,使用风险规避系数、跨期替代弹性和主观贴现因子三个投资者主观偏好参数的波动来描述投资者情绪波动。本文研究了情绪波动对股票价格和债券价格波动率的影响。结果表明 ,投资者的情绪波动对股票价格波动的影响要远大于对债券价格波动的影响 ;影响股票价格波动的情绪波动分别是主观贴现因子、跨期替代弹性和风险规避系数的波动。这些结果可以帮助我们理解股票价格的波动性和债券价格的平滑性。  相似文献   


Bliss (Capital Theory and Distribution of Income, Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland/Elsevier) claims that reswitching is nothing but an ‘optical illusion’ due to the exclusion of non-stationary price sequences from the analysis. This note develops this point. The standard case for choice of techniques and reswitching is reformulated in terms of Arrow-Debreu intertemporal prices and the conditions making these prices stationary are highlighted separately. It is then shown that the analysis of the choice of techniques in terms of ‘switch points’ requires stationary conditions.  相似文献   

We examine the social efficiency of alternative intertemporal permit trading regimes. The role of uncertainty and information asymmetry is discussed. For banking to be welfare improving, uncertainty itself does not matter, while information asymmetry does. Three effects of banking are identified: externality effect, information effect, and total permit effect. In the absence of total permit effect, banking is welfare improving if information effect is positive and dominates the externality effect. The relative efficiency of banking regimes with different intertemporal trading ratios is affected by the slope of the benefit and damage functions and the covariance of the shocks.  相似文献   

James Yetman   《Economics Letters》2003,80(3):421-427
Elsewhere, papers comparing fixed prices with predetermined prices have assumed that the frequency of re-setting price contracts is equal in either case. This note demonstrates that in equilibrium, the frequency of re-setting price contracts is greater with fixed prices than predetermined prices.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the role of the universal banking system in contributing to the stock market bust in the wake of the financial crisis 2008–2009 when bankers might have incentive to hide information from shareholders. We set up a stylized model of consumption smoothing involving universal banks that undertake both investment and commercial banking activities. Banks have private information about the outcome of a project that it funds. In the wake of bad news about the project, the banker has an incentive to sell lemon shares in a secondary market with the pretence of a liquidity crunch. Our model shows that such an incentive results in (i) a sharp discounting of stock prices, (ii) greater loan demand (iii) higher fraction of bank ownership of the borrowing firms, and (iv) heightened consumption risk resulting in precautionary savings by households. The magnitude of these effects depends on the market's perception about the preponderance of lemons in the stock market. A credible punishment scheme implemented by the government in the form of fines may moderate the stock market decline and consumption volatility due to information friction. However, it imposes a deadweight loss on private citizens because of a fall in all banks' expected profit. On the other hand, a “ring-fenced” banking arrangement along the way suggested by the Vickers Commission may entail a first order welfare loss due to the lack of diversification opportunities.  相似文献   

本文基于所构建的TVP VAR模型,检验了我国影子银行规模变动对金融资产价格的溢出效应。研究结果发现,影子银行规模的增加对商业银行同业拆放利率、房地产价格、股票市场价格指数和人民币实际有效汇率指数具有正向冲击。宏观经济政策调整使经济系统结构发生改变,从而导致金融资产价格对影子银行规模变动的冲击响应具有时变性。由于信息传导需要时间,因此影子银行规模变动的溢出效应具有时滞性。因此,应规范与引导影子银行的发展,在发挥其配置金融资源功能的同时提高资源配置效率,促进实体经济健康发展。  相似文献   

The paper uses an intertemporal mean-variance model of the market for a dividend-paying risky asset to analyse rational expectations equilibria when all agents condition their expectations on past rather than current prices. The main result shows that if the time span between successive market periods is short, the market will approximate full informational efficiency arbitrarily closely, yet the returns to being informed are bounded away from zero. This contrasts with the Grossman-Stiglitz proposition that markets cannot come close to informational efficiency if the acquisition of information is costly.  相似文献   

Drawing on the research achievements on rice prices made in the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and New China, this paper arranges, estimates and observes the statistical data on rice prices in the country over the past three-and-a-half centuries. This paper includes the following four aspects: first of all, it assembles and reorganizes the original data of rice market prices marked in various forms of money in different historical periods since the Qing Dynasty; then it converts the original data of rice prices into the nominal rice price index by making use of the numerical exchange relations between different currencies developed in the past revolution and evolution of monetary systems; and then it converts the nominal rice price into real rice price data in conjunction with the arrangement and estimation results of the general price index; and finally, it makes a brief observation of and comment on some features of long-term changes of real rice prices. __________ Translated from China Economic Quarterly (经济学季刊), 2005, (9) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

There are many factors to influence stock prices indeed. The research method combining models and examples is applied to study how the factors affect stock prices here. Firstly, the principal component analysis is used to deal with a set of variables as the input of a BP Neural Network. Therefore, not only is the number of variables less, but also most of the information of original variables is kept. Then, the BP Neural Network is established to analyze and predict stock prices. Finally, the analysis of Chinese stock market illustrates that the method predicting stock prices is satisfying and feasible.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how the way emission permits are traded—their market microstructure—affects the optimal policy to be adopted by the environmental agency. The microstructure used is one of a quote driven market type, which characterizes many financial markets. Market makers act as intermediaries for trading the permits by setting an ask price and a bid price. The possibility of bank permits is also introduced in our dynamic two‐period model. We consider two models whether the market makers are perfectly informed about the technology of the producers or not. When the market makers have complete information, the equilibrium price of permits is the same as if the market is walrasian. When they are imperfectly informed, they may set a positive spread between bid and ask permit prices, which creates some inefficiency as the marginal abatement costs of polluters do not equalize. By allowing more flexibility in the use of the permits, banking may reduce the spread. Moreover, it may introduce price rigidities due to intertemporal arbitrage. In this framework, the circumstances under which banking should be allowed or not depend crucially on the evolution of the marginal willingness to pay for the environment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an empirical framework that allows us to trace out a time path of metal prices. This framework shows that unpredictable shifts in demand, extraction costs and discovery of reserves, make estimation of the slope of this underlying trend an empirical question. Further, the low elasticity of demand and supply cause large volatility in the prices, which makes estimation of the trend difficult. We estimate the trend in metal prices employing econometric procedures that are robust to the underlying order of integration of the data and allow for nonstationary volatility, which we note is a characteristic feature of metal prices. We further analyse whether metal prices are characterised by stochastic trends by conducting unit root tests that allow for nonstationary volatility. Applying these procedures on metal prices for over a century, we draw conclusions that relate to policy.  相似文献   

We study a model of interbank credit where physical and informational frictions limit the opportunities for intertemporal trade among banks and outside investors. Banks obtain loans in an over-the-counter market (involving search, bilateral matching, and negotiations over the terms of the loan) and hold assets of heterogeneous quality that in turn determine their ability to repay those loans. When asset quality is not observable by outside investors, information about the actions taken by a bank in the loan market may influence prices in the asset market. In particular, under some conditions, borrowing from the central bank can be regarded as a negative signal about the quality of the borrower?s assets and banks may be willing to borrow in the market at rates higher than the one offered by the central bank.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the notion of collective relationship banking (CRB) as a mechanism for monitoring private information and characterizes the probability of such a banking relationship existing when the borrowing firms have heterogeneous vertical ownership structures. Using a Korean firm‐level panel dataset, the empirical results of the paper suggest that firms with smaller holding companies’ ownership stakes are more likely to choose CRB. This can be explained in terms of CRB as a means to overcome informational asymmetries as holding companies can provide indirect monitoring. The paper then addresses policy concerns associated with corporate restructuring which may create a more concentrated banking relationship with a few dominant banks.  相似文献   

There exists three ways of approaching real estate prices: the cost approach, the market data approach and the income capitalization approach. In this article, we propose an improvement of the market data approach that takes into account the spatial component. In particular, we propose a modified market data approach based on interpolation, being the structure of the spatial correlation between the prices of properties the main factor to obtain the weights. Interpolation methods have been widely used for estimating real estate prices, but they do not take into account the structure of their spatial dependence. Although this drawback is overcome by kriged estimation, in the case of the prices of commercial properties, they do not provide good estimates because the scarceness of the market information. This is why auxiliary information is needed and cokriging methods are used to obtain estimates that are more accurate. The aim of this article is the comparison of cokriged estimation of premises prices in two different temporal moments in the emblematic old part of Toledo city (Spain), using housing prices as an auxiliary random function due to their strong correlation with the main one. Cokriging, kriging and inverse distance weighting results are compared.  相似文献   

The constrained market pricing approach to regulating monopolies maintains that prices should be subsidy-free, lying between the often expansive bounds of stand alone and incremental costs. For a simple two-good/two-period model of a monopolist subject to a zero profit constraint, it is shown that subsidy-free prices are those which rise to the amortized opportunity cost of the currently optimal asset configuration required to meet both current and future demand, providing—in some circumstances—justification for accelerated depreciation. Such intertemporal subsidy-free prices recognize that the stand alone cost of existing assets to current consumers depends on the value of those assets to future consumers. Hence, if a feasible resale price for the fixed costs of capacity exists within or between periods, then intertemporal stand alone costs and intertemporal incremental costs are driven to equality.  相似文献   

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