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熊彼特专栏:愁云萦绕达沃斯几十年来,全球政界和商界精英每年齐聚瑞士滑雪胜地达沃斯,参加世界经济论坛,他们就"改善世界状况"交换意见,在结冰的小山路上崴了脚踝。最近几年,论坛在各大洲衍生出了"迷你达沃斯"。其中最成功是自2007年以来每年在中国举行的"夏季达沃斯"。这是来自全球的政商要人结交中国精英的绝佳机会。今年在天津,企业巨头和内阁部长一起吃面条,慈善家和财阀老板相互咬耳朵,"全球青年领袖"们也尽情聚会。但忧郁的气氛挥之不去。  相似文献   

五粮液成祭孔大典唯一祭祀酒,高端白酒市场再添新军,中国第一寿文化酒横空出世,麒丰乳业大规划,强化网络 重塑品牌 土老帽酒备战黄金旺季,稻花香成为河北省十大经济名片……  相似文献   

今世缘国缘联谊会在镇江隆重举行,华东庄园干白葡萄酒,海鲜攻略长相伴,诸葛亮家酒潜入华南,联纵智达“点睛”中国啤酒行业发展趋势,借力世界杯 广东啤酒狂欢节开幕。[编者按]  相似文献   

【正】November’s Third Plenum proposed significant economic reforms to rebal-ance China’s economy and reduce its addiction to debt,in large part by re-versing many...  相似文献   

【正】We expect a better 2014,with world economicgrowth picking up andinflation staying benign.We expect global growth to increase to3.5%in 2014 from 2.7%in 2013,h...  相似文献   

【正】"Profound and complete economic restructurings are the basic factors for current new normal economy,as China’s economy shifts gear from the previous high to ...  相似文献   

【正】We expect GDP growth to average 7.1%in 2015:7.1%in Q1,7.2%in Q2 and Q3,and 7.0%in Q4CPI inflation should average 2%;disinflationary pressure is set to build ...  相似文献   

采用定向战斗部已成为防空导弹增强战斗部杀伤威力的重要发展方向,但是定向战斗部的应用对起爆控制系统提出了新的要求。本文提出一种利用防空导弹无线电引信与导引头一体化设计(简称引制一体化设计),并应用数据融合实现定向战斗部起爆控制的技术途径。  相似文献   

我国非物质文化遗产的保护工作正如火如荼的开展着,工作的逐步深入,使得理论的进一步探讨成为必然。功能主义是文化人类学的重要理论方法,借鉴功能主义对非物质文化遗产做理论探讨,将为非物质文化遗产的全面保护、有序利用提供重要理论支持。并在此基础之上提出建立中国非物质文化遗产保护与开发标准的理论体系构想,力图使保护工作有章可循,避免开发工作中出现的开发过度及世俗化等不良趋向。  相似文献   

本文通过对广州两条著名的商业步行街进行文化旅游资源开发的现状和存在的问题分析后认为,广州文化旅游步行街的建设还存在许多亟待解决的问题。这些问题主要表现在广州对文化旅游步行街的认识和定位尚不明确,步行街可供开发的空间受到限制,文化旅游资源的保护机制还不完善,休闲设施不足以及文化旅游资源整合力度不强。广州文化旅游步行街要有长足发展必须转变思想认识,同时加强文化旅游资源保护性的开发和重视文化旅游步行街品牌的市场营销。  相似文献   

WTO进口救济制度比较及对我国的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反倾销、反补贴和保障措施制度是国际贸易中常见的贸易救济制度,又称“进口救济制度”。它们在各国外贸法体系中均占有重要地位,WTO法律体制也就其设制了具体的专门规定。面对入世后激烈的国内外市场竞争,国内企业和政府部门应更好地掌握WTO的基本规则,准确地应用三种措施保护民族产业。  相似文献   

阐述了防雷接地及干燥工程对防雷接地的基本要求,并提出运用有效手段降低雷击的工程施工措施。  相似文献   

This paper reports the convergence rates for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries using a Bayesian shrinkage estimator. The estimated convergence rates using a panel dataset covering period from 1972 to 2008 across six countries vary from 9% to 22% per year. The results of a Bayesian change point calculations indicate that following a dramatic change in the crude oil prices in 1985, the pattern of σ-convergence reversed. Based on the estimated steady states for each country, the rank order is hypothesized to be a function of the percentage of foreign workers in the labor force.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of knowledge diffusion on the incentives for developed countries' (DC) firms to undertake costly technology transfer to their less developed countries' (LDC) suppliers whose cost of production varies inversely with their technological effort. When the incumbent supplier's cost of improving efficiency is high, diffusion of knowledge to other potential input producers encourages technology transfer, as it increases upstream competition. However, and in sharp contrast to existing literature, when technological effort is less costly, knowledge diffusion discourages technology transfer by reducing the incumbent supplier's technological effort.  相似文献   

赵伟峰 《北方经贸》2009,(2):117-120
旅游业是当今世界经济发展中充满生机与活力的新兴产业,也是我国目前重点扶持与鼓励发展的第三产业之一。凤阳县旅游资源丰富,发展速度较快,但在片面追求经济和产业发展观念和政策的导向下,凤阳旅游业在发展的过程中也存在一些较突出问题,严重阻碍了当地旅游业的可持续发展。应更新思想观念,进行科学的整体规划,优化旅游资源开发利用结构,加快基础及服务设施建设,采取"多元综合"的运营机制,抓好促销工作。  相似文献   

This paper studies cross-country differences in productivity from an open economy perspective by using a Helpman-Krugman-Heckscher-Ohlin model that embraces the single-cone model and a one-sector economy with factor deepening as particular cases. To estimate the model, I combine tools from development accounting and the factor content of trade literature. When simultaneously fitting data on income, factor prices and the factor content of trade, I find that the one-sector model is by far better supported by the data than the single-cone model. Rich countries have far higher productivities of human capital than poor ones, while differences in physical capital productivity are not related to income per worker. Finally, I estimate an aggregate elasticity of substitution between human and physical capital that is significantly below one.  相似文献   

Globalization increasingly involves less-developed countries (LDCs), i.e., economies which usually suffer from severe imperfections in their financial systems. Taking these imperfections seriously, we analyze how credit frictions affect the distributive impact of trade liberalizations. We find that free trade significantly widens income differences among firm owners in LDCs: While wealthy entrepreneurs are better off, relatively poor business people lose. Intuitively, with integrated markets, profit margins shrink — which makes access to credit particularly difficult for the least-affluent agents. Richer entrepreneurs, by contrast, win because they can take advantage of new export opportunities. Our findings resonate well with a number of empirical regularities, in particular with the observation that some liberalizing LDCs have observed a surge in top-income shares.  相似文献   

Exporting raises productivity in sub-Saharan African manufacturing firms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proponents of trade liberalization argue that exporting helps firms to achieve higher productivity levels. This hypothesis is examined for a panel of manufacturing firms in nine African countries. The results indicate that exporters in these countries are more productive and, more importantly, exporters increase their productivity advantage after entry into the export market. While the first finding can be explained by selection-only the most productive firms engage in exporting-the latter cannot. The results are robust when unobserved productivity differences and self-selection into the export market are controlled for using different econometric methods. Scale economies are shown to be an important channel for the productivity advance. Credit constraints and contract enforcement problems prevent firms that only produce for the domestic market from fully exploiting scale economies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate international demand spillovers brought about by a global middle class and their impact on trade patterns and industrialization. We propose a multi-industry and two-country trade model featuring demand complementarities propagating increasing returns across industries and national boundaries. We show how the international extent of demand spillovers depends upon asymmetries in domestic income distribution, labor efficiency, and labor force size; that is, on the global distribution of real income.  相似文献   

面对着经济建设的飞速发展,汽车燃料问题成为最大的发展瓶颈,故而推广使用车用乙醇汽油是大势所趋.本文阐述了车用乙醇汽油对我国的能源替代有着广阔的发展前景;同时,指出推广使用车用乙醇汽油任重而道远.  相似文献   

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