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We develop a dual open‐economy model which incorporates a flow of public infrastructure as a factor of production to investigate effects of a competitive exchange rate policy under different levels of provision of public infrastructure. It is suggested that an exchange rate policy coordinated with a public infrastructure policy should produce better results. By increasing productivity in the tradable sector and reducing inflationary pressures, this supply‐side public policy contributes to the success of an economic growth strategy led by a competitive currency.  相似文献   

Through more favourable funding costs for commercial banks, the central bank can send expansionary monetary stimuli into the real economy to boost the demand for credit. In this regard, one of the most important channels for the transmission of monetary policy is the interest rate channel. This contribution analyses the effectiveness of the interest rate channel in the eurozone. It comes to the conclusion that the transmission of the expansive monetary stimulus into the banking sector works well, but that the transmission of the stimulus to the real economy is partly inhibited. The main factors that dampen credit demand are higher real interest rates as well as low growth and higher indebtedness, especially in the eurozone’s peripheral countries.  相似文献   

Neo‐Kaleckian literature has actively debated whether growth is wage‐ or profit‐led in capitalist economies. However, existing studies tend to ignore the non‐tradable sector and heterogeneity within the tradable sector. This article shows that incorporating these features renders wage‐led growth in an open developing economy unfeasible in the traditional (Kaleckian) sense of the term. This result—which follows even if one sets aside the competitiveness considerations generally seen as impeding such growth—occurs due to the presence of a homogeneous goods‐producing tradable sector that sets the ceiling to steady‐state growth. A corollary, in light of findings from the ‘new new trade theory’ literature, is that increasing South‐South trade may tend to narrow room for wage‐led growth regardless of the other desirable effects of higher wages.  相似文献   

Does the choice of exchange rate regime affect an economy's adjustment to real shocks? Exploiting the unpredictability and economic exogeniety of windstorms-hurricanes and typhoons-and earthquakes this paper assesses the often contrasting answers found in the theoretical literature. There is robust evidence that exchange rate flexibility helps an economy better adjust to real shocks. And consistent with the channels emphasized in the classic literature on exchange rates and shocks, differences in the behavior of the export sector help explain the different reactions between the two regimes.  相似文献   

We estimate and then simulate a model of Kenyan economic development from 1965 to 1997 with two objectives in mind. The first is to demonstrate the degree of volatility of cyclical shocks that developing countries experience and to calculate the domestic nominal adjustments required by these shocks under both irrevocably fixed and free exchange rates.A comparison of these counterfactual nominal adjustments identifies the short-run implications for an economy of the choice of exchange rate regime. The second objective is to provide an estimate of the consequences for the economic development of Kenya of the lack of a coherent monetary order (excessive domestic credit expansion and overvalued exchange rate) throughout most of the period since 1965.A neoclassical convergence growth model based on Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992) is employed and calibrated to represent the long-run growth path of real GDP in Kenya. A short-run four-sector CGE model is constructed that allows for cyclical movements of real GDP about the convergence growth path. The cyclical model focuses on the adjustment of the relative price of non-traded goods that is required to ensure short-run equilibrium in the non-traded goods sector. Given that terms of trade shocks dominated the macro environment of Kenya over the sample period, we find that a free exchange rate regime would have insulated the economy to a greater degree than an irrevocably fixed regime. In the growth decomposition exercise, we estimate that the two largest (and negative) influences on Kenyan economic growth were the decline in the external terms of trade from 100 in 1965 to an average of 79.5 over the 32-year time period, and the overvalued Kenyan shilling represented by a premium on the parallel market for foreign exchange. Overall, we estimate that the overvalued exchange rate reduced economic growth by an average of 0.47 per cent per annum over the 32 years.  相似文献   

To establish in which service industries there is international trade (or it may potentially exist), we calculate locational Ginis for different industries. The basic idea is that from this measure of regional concentration of different activities within a country we can identify industries where there appears to be regional trade, and hence also a potential for international trade. Based on our method, we find that: (i) the number of employed in tradable service appears to be at least as large as in the manufacturing sector, (ii) tradable service is much more skill intensive than manufacturing, and (iii) lately, the employment in tradable service has increased substantially. We argue that the last mentioned result is consistent with the substantial growth of skilled labour in Sweden since the mid‐1990s (Rybczynski effect) and factors leading to increased relative demand for skilled labour. Particularly, increased competition from and offshoring to low‐wage countries seem recently to have had a considerable impact on the creation of skilled jobs and the displacement of less skilled jobs in the tradable sector in Sweden. Furthermore, we apply a similar method as for industries to identify tradable occupations. Using our classification of tradable industries and tradable occupations in a Mincer type wage equation, we find that workers in such industries and occupations receive a wage premia of 12–13 per cent.  相似文献   

This study includes the analysis of global trade in the services and service sector in Turkey, and estimates the elasticity of trade in services to real exchange rates and income. There is an increasing role of the service sector in the Turkish economy; however, a decreasing trend of trade in services is taking place. The commitments of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) were found to be ineffective, at least in the case of Turkey. The empirical findings suggest that the real exchange rate is not a significant determinant for the trade in services. We found an inelastic real exchange rate and income elasticities in trade demand functions. However, the value of income elasticity significantly exceeds the value of real exchange rate elasticity.  相似文献   

This paper models and estimates exchange rate pass-through and its determinants in Canadian manufacturing industries. The paper predicts theoretically that the exchange rate pass-through should be between one and zero, where it is positively affected by the share of tradable inputs in production costs and the domestic firms’ market share, and negatively by the elasticity of marginal cost with respect to output. The sign for the degree of product differentiation is not theoretically clear. Results of estimation indicate that pass-through is incomplete and is mostly affected by the share of tradable inputs in production costs (positively) and the elasticity of marginal cost with respect to output (negatively).  相似文献   

中国存在B-S难题吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前中国依赖投资和出口驱动的经济发展模式已经引发诸多弊端和不良效应,在开放条件下,汇率变动对消费影响越来越大,居民消费变动的传递也会影响实际汇率,对中国的经验证据发现,实际汇率升值会抑制当前消费,随着消费增长率的增加,汇率被低估的概率减少,验证了B-S难题(消费—实际汇率悖论)在中国成立。  相似文献   

The service sector in India has emerged as the ‘new engine of growth’ with an increasing share in output and exports. In this paper we analyse the effect of real exchange rate movements on service exports of India, incorporating goods exports, financial development, FDI inflows, world demand and the role of globalization as drivers. We find that while traditional service exports are negatively and significantly affected by the real exchange rate movements, the modern service exports are negatively but not significantly affected. By applying the asymmetric cointegration approach, the results also confirm the non-existence of any asymmetric relationship between the real exchange rate and service exports in India. Further, the results also show that the supply augmenting and demand-side factors are more dominant than the exchange rate to affect service exports from India.  相似文献   

文章重点论述了交易成本对真实汇率波动性的影响。基于Eaton和Kortum(2002)的思想,将两国和多国之间的Ricardian贸易模型进行改进,用于对宏观经济模型的分析,表明国家之间双边真实汇率的波动程度取决于各国生产力的比较优势和贸易国的交易成本。最后我们利用1980-2000年间巨大的跨境面板数据检验并支持了文章的这一结论。  相似文献   

文章重点讨论了政策干预下的汇率走势,以及预期因素作用下进口商和消费者的行为模式,在假定马歇尔—勒纳条件成立,汇率变动完全传递给贸易品价格的条件下,研究了汇率变动和贸易余额的关系。认为在政策干预和汇率走势形成稳定预期的条件下,汇率升值不但不能减少贸易逆差,反而扩大贸易逆差,反之反是。文章通过一系列实证检验和对比研究,发现上述作用机制在2005年7月至2008年6月的中美贸易中能够较好地成立。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of aid and its volatility on sectoral growth by relying on panel dataset of 37 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries for the period 1983–2014. Findings from the system-generalized methods of moments show that, while foreign aid significantly drives sectoral growth, aid volatility deteriorates sectoral value additions impacting heavily on non-tradable sectors with no apparent effect on the agricultural sector. The deleterious effect of aid volatility on sectoral value additions in SSA is weakened by a well-developed financial system with significant impact on the tradable sector. Evidently, development of domestic financial markets enhances aid effectiveness.  相似文献   

Appropriate exchange rate (ER) policies in some Asian and Latin American countries have led to improvement in industrial diversification and growth. The growth ‘miracle’ of the Asian countries centres on the effective use of ER and trade policies, specifically the adoption of depreciation of real exchange rate (RER). However, the case of Africa is different, as the continent is yet to adopt an appropriate ER policy that enhances industrial diversification and growth. Examining the effectiveness of the RER as a policy tool for industrial diversification and growth in 36 African countries, this study applied a dynamic generalised method of moments (GMM) estimation technique to determine how changes in RER affects the growth composition of the three main productive sectors – primary, secondary, and tertiary and their response rates. Our findings suggest that the primary sector leads to appreciation of the RER, while the secondary and tertiary lead to depreciation of the RER. This result has serious policy implication for the Africa continent that has relied so much on the production of primary commodities. Rather than pursue the policy of ER depreciation which affects the primary and secondary sectors, policy shift in favour of the tertiary sector should be highly encouraged.  相似文献   

This article examines the optimal production, export allocation, and hedging decisions of a risk‐averse international firm that exports to several foreign markets with different currencies. The firm faces multiple exchange rate risks. Optimal decisions are analyzed under two scenarios. In the first, there is a forward market for one currency only. Then, the export allocation to different markets is separable from the firm's preferences and the joint distribution of the exchange rates. In contrast, total production is not separable except for a special case. In the second scenario, there is a forward market for each currency. Then, both production and export allocation are separable. Hedging with forward contracts depends on risk premia and on the joint distribution of the exchange rates. If tradable exchange rate risk is a linear function of untradable exchange rate risk plus noise, there is a conflict between cross hedging and taking a basis risk. If, alternatively, the untradable exchange rate risk is a linear function of the tradable exchange rate risk and noise, there is no such conflict. A speculative position in a biased forward market for one currency can be cross hedged using an unbiased forward market for another currency. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 20:843–864, 2000.  相似文献   

本文运用1996-2007年我国制造业27个细分行业的贸易和产业数据,根据人民币实际有效汇率(总体汇率)的计算方法构造了制造业分行业的进、出口汇率指标,分别考察了总体汇率、出口汇率、进口汇率对制造业分行业、分部门(劳动密集型、资本密集型和技术密集型三个部门)工人福利的影响及其传导途径。实证研究结果表明:在分行业分析中,三种汇率升值均降低了制造业工人的福利水平;在分部门分析中,由于区分了各部门贸易程度和产业性质存在的差异,汇率升值主要通过出口途径降低了劳动密集型部门工人的福利,主要通过投入品进口途径和制成品进口途径分别提高了资本密集型部门和技术密集型部门工人的福利。最后,本文就长短期内如何调整人民币汇率以促进制造业工人福利改善提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

International pressure to revalue China’s currency stems in part from the expectation that rapid economic growth should be associated with an underlying real exchange rate appreciation. This hinges on the Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis, which sees growth as stemming from improvements in traded sector productivity and associated rises in wages and non‐traded prices. Yet, despite extraordinary growth after the mid‐1990s China’s real exchange rate showed no tendency to appreciate until after 2004. We use a dynamic general equilibrium model to simulate the economy and show that, during this period, trade reforms and a rising national saving rate were offsetting forces in the presence of elastic labour supply. We then examine the possible determinants of the striking transition to real appreciation thereafter, noting mounting evidence that an improved rural term of trade has tightened China’s labour market. We show that should the Chinese government bow to international pressure by appreciating the renminbi either via an extraordinary monetary contraction or via export disincentives, the consequences would be harmful for both Chinese and global interests.  相似文献   

The article empirically examines the effect of energy prices on economic growth within the Economic Community of West African States sub-region by acknowledging that the effect of energy prices on growth is quintessentially indirect and hence can be tracked through some channels. Exploiting the System Generalized Methods of Moments estimation technique for the period spanning 2002–2015, the results indicate that the overall effect of energy prices on economic growth is significantly negative. This effect propagates mainly through government consumption expenditure and investment, albeit its effect through real interest rate is positive. However, its negative effects on government consumption, investment, and exchange rate significantly overwhelm the positive effect from real interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical model to provide an alternative explanation for the credit to nontradable sector growing faster than credit to tradable sector, after a US expansionary monetary policy, based on an excessive risk-taking channel. This is, a reduced foreign interest rate decreases bank default probability, which in turn diminishes banks’ incentives to take excessive risk. This produces a reallocation of loan supply to nontradable sector since tradable loans are riskier. Using monthly sectoral credit data at the bank level for the Peruvian economy in the 2004–2019 period, we find evidence of the excessive bank risk-taking channel on sectoral credit reallocation.  相似文献   

基于TVP-SV-SVAR模型,分析六个不同金融子市场风险对实体经济的实时冲击效应,结合时变脉冲响应方法构建了动态权重系统性金融风险综合指数,并区分高低风险状态探讨其对实体经济的影响。结果表明,银行部门、股票市场和外部金融市场对系统性金融风险的贡献较大;基于对实体经济冲击视角的动态权重系统性金融风险综合指数与样本期内实际金融经济事件的发展趋势一致;不同状态下系统性金融风险对经济增长的冲击效应不同:短期来看,高风险点系统性金融风险抑制经济增长,低风险点系统性金融风险促进经济增长;长期来看,系统性金融风险在高低状态下对经济增长均有负向冲击效应。研究结论对于防范和化解系统性金融风险的宏观审慎政策制定具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

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