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The postwar development of the British coal industry has been punctuated by two large-scale pit closure programmes - in the 1960s and the 1980s. For many commentators these represent the final stages of the inevitable and terminal decline of the industry and thus the task facing government is how best to mediate the conflict between economic and social efficiency. The argument of this paper is that rationalisation of capacity was perceived by management as the best way of reconciling the often conflicting external constraints placed on the industry by government. Accordingly, pit closures are viewed as the outcome of specific policies pursued by both management and government and should not be seen as an inherent feature of the industry.  相似文献   

The paper ‘bridges the divide’ between the biological and economic literature on marine reserves. It provides a selected review of the traditional use of reserves, the early reserve literature, the potential benefits of reserves, spillovers from reserves to harvested areas and bioeconomic models of marine reserves. The bioeconomics literature is examined from the perspectives of deterministic models, spatial economic models and models that include uncertainty and stochasticity. Insights from the review are used to provide management implications in terms of reserve design, stakeholder cooperation and process, reserve-fishery transfers, traditional management controls, and ecosystem approaches to managing fisheries.  相似文献   

本文从经济学供需分析的视角,采取计量的方法,分析我国石油储备建立的必要性。建立石油储备是我国国内需求不断攀升的需要,是我国国民经济稳定发展的需要,可以避免油价的大幅波动,减少石油供应中断风险,减少国家的外汇支出。  相似文献   

关于1959-1961年中国大陆人口死亡规模一直有争议。这种争议往往是对同一来源的数据有不同的解释,很少有人对这一数据的准确程度作分析。事实上,当年的人口统计、人口普查数据均存在一定程度的误差。对这一时期人口死亡规模的估计,应该更多地从人口学专业的角度出发,对当年的基础人口数据重新评估。  相似文献   

我国石油储备的实施条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油储备的建立对保障石油安全的重要性毋庸置疑,而石油储备的实施需要内外条件兼备,既要国内政策体制保障,也要基于有效运行的石油市场基础上采取外向型石油战略。  相似文献   

我国油气储量资产的会计问题初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着三大石油企业的上市,国内对油气储量的重视程度也有所加强.我国于2006年发布了<企业会计准则第27号--石油天然气开采>,但准则中仅规范了油气企业从事的矿区权益取得、勘探、开发和生产等油气开采活动的会计处理和相关信息披露,并没有把油气储量资产列入油气资产的范围,更没有将其在报表中进行列示,这样不利于投资者进行投资决策.应通过对油气储量的确认、计量和报告等会计方面问题的研究,使业界和学界人员既重视油气储量评估,又重视油气储量的会计问题,正确报告油气储量资产价值,提高石油天然气企业财务报表的信息质量.  相似文献   

外汇储备最优规模的确定是一国外汇储备管理的前提和基础,在当前我国持有巨额外汇储备和面临"双缩水"风险的背景下,如何科学合理地测度我国的外汇储备适度规模,对加强外汇储备的管理并使其保值增值有着重要的意义.本文以外汇储备测度理论的发展为视角,在对各种外汇储备适度规模测度理论进行分析和评价的基础上,介绍和梳理了近年来国内外相关研究的最新进展,以期为我国探寻外汇储备最优规模测度理论提供新的思路.  相似文献   

Governments of the Australian states and territories differ in their fiscal capacity. For the last 80 years, the Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC) has provided advice on interstate fiscal transfers. The CGC initially provided advice only on the needs of ‘claimant states’, with the Commonwealth government directly playing an important role in mitigating horizontal (and vertical) fiscal imbalances. Since 1981, however, nearly all general revenue grants from the Commonwealth to the states have been based on recommendations of the CGC. The article is thematically based and examines the range of methodologies that have been used to allocate federal funds to the states since federation and examines their effectiveness.  相似文献   

一、导言矿产勘查活动近来在澳大利亚及海外经历了大幅度的衰退。从1996-97到2001-02这五年间,澳大利亚的矿产勘查费(除石油外,以2000-01年澳元计算)从12.29亿澳元下降到  相似文献   

Commonwealth government tax expenditures arise because departures from the tax structure produce favourable tax treatment of particular types of activities or taxpayers. Such tax concessions can be used in the same way as direct expenditures to give effect to government policies, and in fact are often used as substitutes for direct expenditures. Although estimates of tax expenditures on health in more recent times are readily available, this form of subsidisation of the health sector has not been used heavily since the introduction of Medicare in 1984. It is for the period spanning the 1960s and the 1970s, when tax expenditures were a much more important source of health care finance, that consistent estimates are lacking. This article presents estimates of the revenue cost of income tax concessions for health in Australia over the period 1960–61 to 1988–89 and integrates these estimates into the currently available health expenditure statistics. It is concluded that failure to allow for tax expenditures on health when analysing public expenditures on health in Australia can lead to misleading conclusions about the net fiscal impact of changes in the Commonwealth's health expenditure policy. In particular, the fiscal effect of introducing Medihank in 1975 is significantly lower if account is taken of changes to tax concessions on health occurring at the same time. Likewise, the net cost of the introduction of Medicare in 1984 is overstated by measures based on direct outlays alone.  相似文献   

去政治化的政治、霸权的多重构成与六十年代的消逝   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
汪晖 《开放时代》2007,3(2):5-41
中国正在经历或已经经历了一场巨变。在经济领域,这个巨变主要表现为市场经济的创制;在社会领域,这个巨变主要表现为社会阶层和地区关系的结构性重组;在文化领域,这个巨变主要表现为市场机制在文化领域逐渐占据主导地位……这篇论文将从几个不同的角度论述这些巨变中的一个巨变,即“去政治化的政治”的形成。  相似文献   

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