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随着市场经济的快速发展,谈判已成为企业经营不可缺少的环节,备受企业家的高度重视。可以说营销谈判中的得失,直接关系到商战的成败。谈判是一场艰苦复杂的脑力劳动。对每个谈判者而言,它是一个与谈判对手相沟通、协调和说服的艰难过程。它不仅是一门科学,还是一门艺术,谁能更好地掌握这门科学和艺术,谁就能获得最终胜利,达到有利于已方签约的目的。本文总结归纳一些可以遵循的谈判技巧,以供大家借鉴。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的快速发展,谈判已成为外贸活动不可缺少的环节,备受企业家们的高度重视。可以说外贸谈判中的得失,直接关系到商战的成败。谈判是一场艰苦复杂的脑力劳动,对每个谈判者而言,它是一个与谈判对手互相沟通、协调和说服的艰难过程,它不仅是一门科学,还是一门艺术,谁能更好地掌握这门科学和艺术,谁就能获得最终胜利,达到有利于己方签约的目的。本文总结归纳一些可以遵循的谈判技巧,以供大家借鉴。 1.目标力求订高 谈判的目标订得高与低,对谈判的过程有影响,谈判结果也不一样。通常目标高一点,结果会更好些。这  相似文献   

艳辉 《商》2001,(7):41-41
谈判是一门艺术。语言技巧的运用又是其中的重要组成部分,谈判、谈判,重在一个“谈”字。从某种意义讲,谈判的“三寸巧舌”往往对谈判的成败起着举足轻重的影响。  相似文献   

谈判是对外贸易的核心,商业活动的中心内容。谈判本身就是一门技术、艺术与科学的综合学问,需要谈判者在知已知彼的条件下掌握谈判技术,发挥集体优势,使双方求得一致,取得成果。谈判过程一般分为以下几个阶段:准备阶段、开始阶段、报价阶段、僵持阶段、让步阶段、签约阶段。谈判前要做好充分的准备。  相似文献   

在商务活动中,谈判不仅是一种方法和手段,也是一门语言表达艺术。本文在立足商务谈判语言表述特点的基础上,从商务谈判中语言表述的技巧及具体应用两个方面来分析语言表述与商务谈判的技巧。  相似文献   

张黎 《现代商贸工业》2014,(22):138-139
随着中国和国际的接轨,企业对具有一定对外谈判技能的人员需求量也在不断的增加。为了应对社会的需要,目前很多高校都在开设《国际商务谈判》这门课程,但是由于该门课程是实践性比较强的一门课,光靠教师在课堂上传授理论知识是远远不够的。在教学过程中运用影片教学法可以让学生在课堂上能体验现实的谈判场景,提高自身谈判技能,增强他们将来就业的竞争力,这在高校毕业生就业形势越来越严峻的当前更凸显其重要性。  相似文献   

《商务谈判》是一门实践性和应用性很强的课程,传统的教学重理论、轻实践,以教师讲授为主,对学生谈判能力的提升有限。模拟谈判法作为一种以学生为主体的实践教学方法,可与理论教学有效互补,让学生学以致用、以用促学,更加牢固的掌握相关专业知识,锻炼谈判技能,使教师不断提高教学水平,还可推动教材建设,在教学改革中发挥着重要的作用。本文重点对模拟谈判法的实施步骤、实施条件进行了阐述。  相似文献   

当前在国际商务交流中,谈判是其最为重要的环节,而谈判质量的好坏直接关系到国际商务的成败。英语作为谈判中最为常用的一门语言,拥有较高的英语水平以及必要的沟通技巧,能为国际贸易谈判带来很大帮助。因此,在英语专业中专门开设了商务英语这一专业,人们通过系统地学习,能够掌握英语谈判的基本沟通技巧以及谈判方式,可以有效促进谈判的成功。而英语沟通技巧作为国际商务往来的有效保障,我国对外贸易人员应当对其进行很好的掌握,使自身英语能力得到不断的锻炼和提升。基于此,本文分析了商务英语在贸易谈判中所需要掌握的沟通技巧以及注意事项,以期提升国际商务谈判的成功率。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展,我国企业同外商的合资合作及经贸活动不断增多,涉外经济谈判是企业经常面临而且必须做好的一项工作。谈判中是否讲究技巧和艺术,直接关系到能否签约、是否合算的问题。因此,必须注意谈判的策略。  相似文献   

商贸谈判是否成功,在很大程度上取决于价格是否能令双方满意。谈判桌上经常出现僵持状态,绝大多数都是在价格这个环节上出了问题。为了能使洽谈尽快达成共识,聪明的商家在谈判之前就应该认真研究和对待价格问题。因此,如何报价,是一门学问,同时也是一种谋略。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):45-54
For economic development to take place, both construction and destruction are necessary. In his writings, J.A. Schumpeter seems to have been interested mainly in the creative role of the entrepreneur. The destructive process was assumed to take place automatically. This does not apply in modern times. This essay discusses the roles of various actors, owners and salaried top managers. One role is creative, expanding the corporation's activities and one role is destructive, tearing down old structures. The synthesis is metamorphosing ailing companies into radically new, viable structures. The creative as well as the destructive actor is shown as always having been a salaried top manager. The owners have mainly been passive, active only in times of crisis, when their role has been to appoint a new top manager to save the corporation, if possible, or otherwise to dismantle it.  相似文献   

Most of today's e-marketplaces support a single negotiation protocol. The protocol is usually built into the e-marketplace infrastructure, therefore if a new one is introduced then a time consuming and complex process of implementing it takes place. Moreover, participants in the e-marketplace need to adapt their interfaces to the new protocol, especially if they use automated tools to interact with the e-marketplace. This paper reports on a model-driven approach and a framework for rapid and user-friendly development of configurable service oriented e-negotiation systems. We believe that a formal specification of negotiation protocols and their separation from the market infrastructure that implements them is a step towards configurable e-negotiation systems. The protocols are graphically designed for the e-marketplace then mapped into web service orchestrations. Participants use automated negotiation systems to interact with the e-marketplace. These systems are generated based on the negotiation protocol implemented on the e-marketplace. A declarative language is used to specify negotiation strategies and tactics. We propose an algorithm to map Statechart models of negotiation protocols into web service orchestrations and we report on the current implementation of our framework.  相似文献   

A Formal Basis for Negotiation Support System Research   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
A high-level theoretical model of negotiation activity is introduced as a foundation for guiding future research and development in the area of negotiation support literature. A formal model at this level is presently absent from the negotiation support systems. The model is formally expressed in terms of definitions and postulates that describe eight important negotiation parameters. Relationships between the model and research in game theory, social behavior science, and decision support systems fields are examined.  相似文献   

When integrating electronic negotiations into real-world business processes, an important problem arising is the magnitude of e-business standards in use. In order to support electronic negotiations when negotiation partners use and need to integrate terms named and formatted according to different document standards, taxonomies or similar standards, references between those standards are needed. In this paper, we present a framework for a negotiation support meta-tool which is designed to maintain and dynamically evolve a collection of such references. To deal with semantic ambiguities in different contexts, it provides users with context-sensitive references. The framework uses technologies from ontological engineering and machine learning, its services can be integrated into existing negotiation applications via web services. Furthermore, it allows parameterzation for the actual domain of use.  相似文献   

传统的官本位思想是封建文化积淀的产物,封建的自然经济体制、宗法政治统治、科举制度以及传统价值观念是它产生的原因。它严重阻碍了中国近代科技的发展,是造成中国近代科技落后的重要因素,而且它在一定程度上也阻碍了当今科技的发展和创新。克服传统官本位职业观念,对于促进当今社会科技发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Many modern business negotiations cross borders, and one plausible idea for successfully managing such negotiations is to equip negotiation teams with a “cultural moderator,” an individual who has the same cultural background as the business partner. This study investigates the effect of cultural moderators on both the negotiation process (e.g., use of integrative strategies) and economic outcomes (e.g., profit). Using German and French negotiators in an experimental setting, the authors show that a cultural moderator's influence on the team's use of integrative strategies depends on the moderator's degree of collectivism. With respect to economic outcomes, the presence of a cultural moderator always improves a team's results. Together, these findings suggest that the benefits of using a cultural moderator are not unconditional; rather, they depend on the cultural moderator's cultural background and on the negotiation goals (process vs. outcome) of the team that employs the moderator.  相似文献   

Negotiation has three elements: predisposing factors, process, and outcomes. Process is the art and outcomes is the science of negotiation. Culture adds a new consideration that affects each element. Culture's effects on negotiation are studied using Geert Hofstede's dimensional model of culture. The negotiation process and Hofstede's culture model are combined in four settings. The settings are defined by two factors, if the negotiation is within or between cultures and the role of the participant as a negotiator or intervener. The predicted effects of culture on the process and outcome are detailed for each setting. Then the outcomes of the negotiation decision are discussed in terms of Hofstede's model, especially “Uncertainty Avoidance” and “Masculinity-Femininity” dimensions. Culture clearly influences each aspect of negotiation. Understanding culture can make the participants more effective negotiators and interveners.  相似文献   

国家电网公司刘振亚总经理提出建设一强三优的现代公司管理目标,资产优良是其中的重要组成部分,而固定资产是企业资产的主要组成,因此固定资产管理的好坏将直接影响着企业的运营与发展,对于供电企业来说,加强固定资产的管理十分必要.  相似文献   

The goal of the paper is to propose a method for finding outcomes of negotiations of multiple parties with a multi-criteria decision outcomes evaluation. Firstly, the procedure for reduction of continuous set of options to large but finite crowd of compromise recommendations is presented. Next, the crowd is integrated to a single benchmark which is treated as a proposal of artificial auxiliary player called a lone wolf as presented by Kersten and Szapiro (Proceedings of the international conference of the society of systems and science. Budapest, 1987). The strategy of negotiation with this artificial player is proposed to generate a benchmark evaluations scheme for real negotiation. Finally, a multi-agent simulation approach for multi-lateral negotiation process modeling is presented in order to estimate possible negotiation outcomes.  相似文献   

组织沟通的系统特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沟通作为人与外界进行信息交换的重要心理活动,是一个复杂的组织系统。以组织的管理者为研究对象,以系统科学为方法论指导,研究组织沟通的涌现性、层次性、开放性和目的性等系统特性,从人和情境两个维度建构管理者组织沟通的纵向结构模型。  相似文献   

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