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物流外包中的冲突不涉及到根本利益的对抗,这种冲突在物流运营过程中普遍存在。分析了物流外包冲突的机理,建立了一个以物流集成商为中心的物流外包冲突分析模型,并进行了稳定性分析,找出了解决方案,最后提出了冲突分析的解决机制:协商机制和激励机制。  相似文献   

对外贸易摩擦的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国改革开放以来,对外贸易的发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。但随着贸易量的扩大,贸易摩擦逐渐成为困扰我们的“心结”。纵观这个过程,不难发现摩擦的发展其实是符合客观事物的发展规律的。我们可以“顺势而为”,只要是“适者”,“得道”是自然、  相似文献   

从我国改革开放以来,对外贸易的发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。但随着贸易量的扩大,贸易摩擦逐渐成为困扰我们的"心结"。纵观这个过程,不难发现摩擦的发展其实是符合客观事物的发展规律的。我们可以"顺势而为",只要是"适者","得道"是自然。  相似文献   

李湮 《江苏商论》2011,(11):100-102
少数民族村寨旅游社区内部、外部利益主体主要包括村民、旅游开发商、基层政府组织。随着旅游的发展,围绕各种利益产生的利益冲突也不断出现,主要是村民之间、村民与旅游开发商之间、村民与基层政府之间、旅游开发商与基层政府之间的内外部冲突。本文着重分析两类主体利益冲突的类型与根源。  相似文献   

A conceptual framework is proposed that accounts for the role of emotions in shaping conflict behavior. The isomorphism between the characteristics that define and drive conflict and those that engender emotions makes it feasible to reconcile emotions with current conflict analysis techniques. Building on Damasio's somatic markers hypothesis, the concept of possibility facilitates modeling the effects of emotion on the scenarios apprehended by the decision makers. Attention is focused on two subsets of the conventional set of feasible states, the hiddenstates that are invisible because of existing emotions (usually negative), and the possiblestates that are invisible because of missing emotions (usually positive). These new concepts can be incorporated within the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution. A model of the confrontation between the United States and North Korea over nuclear weapons demonstrates that the new concepts can simplify analysis and make new predictions that are consistent with the actual unfolding of events. Our main goals are to draw attention to the centrality of emotion in conflict and to the need for research on the incorporation of emotions into conflict analysis and resolution methods.  相似文献   

Work-Family Conflict: A Virtue Ethics Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Work-family conflict has been examined quite often in human resources management and industrial/organizational psychology literature. Numerous statistics show that the magnitude of this employment issue will continue to grow. As employees attempt to balance work demands and family responsibilities, organizations will have to decide to what extent they will go to minimize this conflict. Research has identified numerous negative consequences of work-family stressors for organizations, for employees and for employees' families. There are however many options to reduce this strain, each with advantages and disadvantages. An ethical analysis, from a virtue ethics perspective, is applied to this timely issue to present an alternative view in addressing this critical business decision. In addition, a strong connection between the virtue ethics analysis and a well-known management theory is given to provide a foundation for managerial implications for resolving work-family conflict.  相似文献   

物流系统要素冲突分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文指出物流系统要素之间的联系是冲突、相持和协同的综合表现,同时从物流系统组成要素的角度,重点分析了物流系统要素之间在目标、产权、运作上存在的冲突,以便于加深人们对物流系统的认识.  相似文献   

社会群体心理与社会冲突的规模、烈度及其演变等存在着紧密的关联性。实证调研显示,社会冲突中存在着盲目从众心理、包容理解心理、借机宣泄心理、造势心理、认同心理等,同时社会冲突中群体心理存在着复杂性、矛盾性、非理性和传染性等特征。社会冲突的群体心理虽然矛盾而非理性,但其发生也有一定的规律可循。群体心理经由暗示、感染与模仿三个连续性环节固有的一般机理、公权正义的认同现状与群体心理的关联互动、社会舆论与群体心理的交相辉映等都反映出社会冲突群体心理发生、演变的一般规律。  相似文献   

As conflict between multinational corporations and local communities escalates, scholars, executives, activists, and community leaders are calling for companies to become more accountable for the impact of their activities on external stakeholders. In order for business to do so, managers must first understand the causes of conflict with local communities, and communities must understand what courses of action are available to challenge activities they deem harmful to their interests. In this article, I present a framework for examining the factors that contribute to multinational and community conflict including stakeholder power inequality, stakeholder perception gaps and cultural context. Moreover, I describe some of the ways that communities can increase their leverage in conflict situations.  相似文献   

The effect of a marginal signaler to the efficiency of the industry indicates the higher the number of signalers, the higher the profits for h e firm and the industry. The marginal contribution by the addition of another signaler to the industry is significant. However, there appears to be a negative incentive for a firm to be the only signaler within an industry. This "Lone Man Out" puts a firm at a competitive disadvantage to the other firms wilhin its industry. In this study we seek to confirm or disconfirm this finding and attempt to hypothesize why this should be so.  相似文献   

组织冲突是领导者经常面对的一个问题,传统的观点认为冲突不利于组织绩效的提升,实际上冲突既有正面效果也有负面作用,过高与过低的冲突状态对组织绩效都会产生不利的影响。组织冲突是不可避免的,作为管理人员应该正视冲突现象,要正确认识到它对组织绩效的两面性作用,应该引导积极冲突,预防破坏型冲突;重视冲突的过程管理,冲突管理不是冲突的事后管理,不能造成事后弥补、四处救火的局面,应着力在组织层面建立应对冲突的机制与文化,完善冲突管理,以此提高组织绩效。  相似文献   

从贸易角度探讨我国的贸易摩擦与对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
由于世界经济发展的不平衡及贸易利益分配的不一致,国家之间的贸易摩擦日趋激烈。特别是我国经济的快速增长,使我国与其他国家的贸易摩擦不断蔓延和升级,对我国出口的持续发展带来重大威胁,而且对宏观调控和对外政治外交关系造成严重干扰。本文从贸易角度探讨了目前我国贸易摩擦频发的原因以及应采取的对策,指出我国应实施提高国际竞争力的贸易战略。  相似文献   

Although several behavioral issues dominate the current marketing channel literature, research falls short in explaining the differences in domestic and international channel behavior within the same country context. The purpose of this study is to compare the power and conflict perceptions of international and domestic distributors that operate within the same country. The household appliances sector in Turkey has been studied for the comparison. The results did not indicate any differences in power and conflict issues of domestic and international distribution channels. The study suggests that the dominant culture of a country may influence channel relationships irrespective of the origin of manufacturers.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a new theoretical methodology that delivers best bet decision outcomes in contexts where issues are contested. Governed by the procedural parameters of such a Generalised Decision Assurance Methodology, a multi-criteria decision modelling approach is proposed that allows for the identification of arbitrage possibilities that emerge at the interface between conflicting sets of interests. Such possibilities are then exploited to secure a solution set that is maximally justifiable to both parties.  相似文献   

忽视斯耐波品牌文化的桂格公司,遭到了滑铁卢式的惨败。1993年,桂格公司以高于可口可乐及其他竞争对手的价格,投入17亿美元的价格收购了天然饮料品牌斯耐波。但是由于经营不利,1997年桂格仅以3亿美元的价格,又把斯耐波卖给了另  相似文献   

Conflicts are common in franchising, however, they become dysfunctional above a certain threshold. Our aim is to understand how conflict management processes and, in particular, problem solving, persuasion, bargaining and politics, are developed and implemented within franchise chains and how they contribute to franchisors’ organizational capabilities. We do so through a qualitative study based on 44 in-depth interviews with franchisors and franchisees operating in France. Our main findings show that the implementation of these conflict management processes over time and with various franchisees nurture conflict management capabilities of franchisors.  相似文献   

自《内地与香港、澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)实施以来,粤港澳一直将知识产权保护作为三地间实现贸易便利化、自由化过程中的一项重要任务。由于粤港澳三地间法律制度的差异,产生了管辖权、冲突法、实体法以及司法协助等诸多方面的冲突,这些差异直接导致三地间知识产权法律纠纷的发生。在粤港澳大湾区建设中,需要基于粤港澳现有知识产权法律制度,通过完善立法,强化司法和执法保护,纾解粤港澳大湾区现有知识产权法律冲突的困境,创新知识产权纠纷解决机制,以知识产权发展推动科技创新,为推进粤港澳大湾区建设营造良好的法治环境。  相似文献   

We consider the dynamics of bilateral conflict within the framework of a standard two‐country, two‐sector model of international trade with increasing returns in one sector. Free trade leads to asymmetric equilibria among otherwise identical countries and, in some circumstances, to uneven development in the sense of persistent disparities in wages, income and welfare. In the latter case, distortionary industrial policy by the less developed country may be welfare enhancing. When the dynamics of policy change are endogenized, the model gives rise to periodic changes in industrial leadership or leapfrogging. Implications of this phenomenon for the empirical literature on convergence are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the influences on one’s thoughts and actions, the attitude has usually been overlooked in conflict analysis. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new systematic methodology for the graph model for conflict resolution that can be employed to study real-world conflict situations and gain enhanced insights. More specifically, the proposed method starts with the development of an expanded option-oriented preference structure that is derived from decision makers’ attitudes toward others. Then based on this attitude-driven preference structure, the general concepts of stabilities are extended to contain the definitions of different degrees of stabilities under attitude. In addition, the proposed method is embedded in a decision support system, called NUAAGMCR, to facilitate the analytical process. Through a detailed case study of the two-stage environmental conflict of post-Fukushima controversy in Japan, the predicted resolutions are demonstrated to be more accurate and stable than those derived by the general stability analysis.  相似文献   

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