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发行库物流化管理是实现人民币物流管理所必需的物流专业化管理领域。发行库的建设、货币发行信息的管理、发行库的配置、发行基金的储备和调拔工作是发行库物流化管理工作的具体体现。按现代物流管理理论,发行库物流化管理的基本目标是在保证安全的前提下,用尽可能低的成本提供合理的现钞供应,并实现最大限度的流通量。研究人民币发行工作中的基层发行库物流化管理问题,对于加强人民币物流管理,  相似文献   

邓海燕 《西安金融》2004,(9):43-43,48
本文联系陕西省基层发行库管理运行实际,分析了基层发行库实行物流化管理存在的问题,提出了树立人民币物流管理理念,科学建设和管理发行库,初步探索发行库物流化管理的新思路。  相似文献   

随着社会环境的复杂多变和各类风险事件的不断发生,中国人民银行人民币发行库(以下简称发行库)在发行人民币和管理人民币流通过程中将面临着内外部多种因素带来的风险。中国人民银行总行为加强发行库管理,规范发行库业务操作,进一步提高防控和化解风险的能力,确保库房、库款安全,连续多年组织开展了对各级发行库管理的全面审计与检查。通过审计与检查,我们发现基层行发行库尤其是县支行发行库管理依然存在着安全隐患,应当引起各级行的高  相似文献   

人民币发行库是履行发行人民币,管理人民币流通法定职责最基础、最重要的载体.本文通过对人民币发行库现状的分析,从职能定位、业务模型、规划建设、深化管理等方面提出改进建议.  相似文献   

随着社会环境的复杂多变和各类风险事件的不断发生,中国人民银行人民币发行库(以下简称发行库)在发行人民币和管理人民币流通过程中将面临着内外部多种因素带来的风险.中国人民银行总行为加强发行库管理,规范发行库业务操作,进一步提高防控和化解风险的能力,确保库房、库款安全,连续多年组织开展了对各级发行库管理的全面审计与检查.通过审计与检查,我们发现基层行发行库尤其是县支行发行库管理依然存在着安全隐患,应当引起各级行的高度重视.  相似文献   

2000年以来,人民银行对人民币发行库进行了科学调整,撤并了部分县市支行发行库,这对人民银行降低发行基金风险和减少费用开支起到了一定的积极作用。但发行库撤并后由于无库县人民币流通管理职能弱化,致使市场流通中人民币整洁度偏低、主辅币结构不合理、残损币兑换难等问题逐渐显现。本文通过对无库县人民币流通管理状况的专题调查,剖析了影响无库县人民币流通管理的原因,针对性地提出了加强无库县人民币流通管理的措施与建议。  相似文献   

为了进一步强化人民币流通管理,提高人民币整洁度,维护人民币信誉,规范商业银行缴存发行库钱捆标准,提升人民银行发行库管理水平,人行黄南中支采取五项措施,狠抓人民币流通及钱捆质量管理。  相似文献   

张拴劳 《西安金融》2003,(11):37-37
人民币发行库是中国人民银行为国家保管人民币发行基金的金库。它的主要职责是:保管人民币发行基金、金银实物和总行指定的代保管品;办理人民币发行基金出入库;办理开户单位现金存取业务;监督、管理开户单位交存现金的质量。因此,搞好发行库建设,提高发行库功能质量是履行中国人民银行货币发行职能,防范和制止危害发行库安全的违法犯罪行为,保障发行库安全和职工人身安全和健康的重要工作。但就目前人民银行县级支库和部分中心支库的现状来看,按照总行和西安分行发行库规范化管理的要求还存在不少问题,亟需加以改进。1、库容面积小,不适应经…  相似文献   

人民币发行库是我国中央银行为国家保管人民币发行基金的金库,是人民银行安全管理的核心。强化人民币发行库风险控制体系建设,提高风险控制管理水平,保障发行基金绝对安全和现金合理供应成为基层央行履行货币发行职能的首要目标。随着我国经济的快速发展,货币流通量和发行业务的急剧增长与发行库制度建设、基础设施建设和人员队伍建设等方面不相匹配的矛盾凸显,如何在新形势下强化发行库风险控制已成为各级人民银行不得不面对的重要课题。本文针对常德辖内发行库建设、发行业务现状和队伍建设的实际状况,从发行库风险控制建设的实际出发,对构建基层央行发行库风险控制体系作出了一些思考,旨在为管理层提供决策依据。  相似文献   

<正>随着人民银行体制改革发展要求,部分县支行为解决人员不足和降低风险,相继拆销了人民币发行库,但后续也出现了县支行货币管理职能弱化等问题。本文以西双版纳州拆库县支行勐海支行为例,旨在对县支行撤销发行库后,如何更好地履行人民币管理职能解决存在的问题作一些思考及建议。一、撤销发行库后人民币管理职能的履职现状随着经济、区域和城乡统筹不断发展变化,为缓解人员结构和人员不足的矛盾,更好地履行央行宏观调控职能,2005年8月,经上级行批准,人行勐海县支行正式撤销发行库。  相似文献   

电子商务物流配送研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前困扰着我国电子商务的物流配送问题主要有:商品配送成本过高;商品仓储费用高;配送渠道不完善。可通过以下途径解决这些问题:深化改革物流和配送发展所需的制度环境,建立完善的合理的物流管理体制;开发和应用新的计算机软件,促进信息系统一体化;构建物流信息平台;大力培养物流与配送方面的人才队伍。  相似文献   

融资物流——物流企业业务开展的新选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着后危机时代的到来,物流企业的业务量随着产业链上其他企业业务量的增长而有所增长,但利润依旧不见上涨。面对严峻的形势,传统的以运输、仓储为主的物流业务已经难以满足物流企业生存和发展的需要,物流企业必须借助于先进的物流设施与设备、先进的管理水平来发展新的业务,开拓新的市场。融资物流业务的出现顺应了这一需要,物流企业通过融资物流业务切入利润回报丰厚的金融业,能够延伸其服务链条,拓展新市场,提高盈利水平。  相似文献   

有序多分类logistic模型在违约概率测算中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
初始违约概率的测算是商业银行实施经济资本管理的必要环节。针对我国商业银行的现状,结合贷款五级分类,通过对银行的公司类客户的财务指标作时间加权化处理、因子分析、ROC检验以及使用有序多分类logistic模型对初始违约概率的测算作了有价值的探索,并通过算例分析论证了其可行性。  相似文献   

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has captured the attention of risk management professionals and academics worldwide. Unlike the traditional "silo-based" approach to corporate risk management, ERM enables firms to benefit from an integrated approach to managing risk that shifts the focus of the risk management function from primarily defensive to increasingly offensive and strategic. Despite the heightened interest in ERM, little empirical research has been conducted on the topic. This study provides an initial attempt at identifying the determinants of ERM adoption. We construct a sample of firms that have signaled their use of ERM by appointing a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) who is charged with the responsibility of implementing and managing the ERM program. We use a logistic regression framework to compare these firms to a size- and industry-matched control sample. While our results suggest a general absence of differences in the financial and ownership characteristics of sample and control firms, we find that firms with greater financial leverage are more likely to appoint a CRO. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that firms appoint CROs to reduce information asymmetry regarding the firm's current and expected risk profile.  相似文献   

The internal audit function (IAF) is an important component of high-quality corporate governance. We study how the head of internal audit perceives the executive management team and the audit committee to rely on the IAF's work. It is not obvious from prior work or professional anecdotes whether the IAF satisfies the needs of both groups. If multiple factors influence the IAF's work, chief audit executives (CAEs) may find themselves in a situation with competing demands, which could then compromise quality for all stakeholders. Based on a unique dataset from CAEs, two logistic regression models identify factors that influence the degree to which IAF's results are perceived as being used by both executive management and the audit committee. The results show the existence of various factors that are relevant either to both groups (e.g., strategic project reports and IAF quality) or to only one (e.g., only audit committees are interested in risk management reports while only executive management teams are interested in internal control reports), depending on whether the IAF focuses on assurance or consulting work.  相似文献   

Generally, researchers have difficulty empirically examining materiality judgments because amounts designated as immaterial are not disclosed. However, reporting requirements under SFAS No. 106 provide a unique opportunity to evaluate expense amounts designated immaterial under SFAS No. 81. We use the cumulative effect associated with the adoption of SFAS No. 106 to evaluate prior management materiality judgments. Univariate and logistic regression results suggest that the decision to disclose SFAS No. 81 costs is positively related to our measures of plan materiality. However, our results also suggest that voluntary disclosure factors may have influenced the disclosure decision.  相似文献   

The present paper develops and tests a model explaining public sector derivative use in terms of budget discrepancy minimization. The model is different from private sector models. Private sector models do not readily translate into the public sector, which typically faces different objectives. Hypotheses are developed and tested using logistic regression over a sample of Australian Commonwealth public sector organizations. It is found that public sector organization derivative use is positively correlated with liabilities and size consistent with the hypotheses concerning budget discrepancy management.  相似文献   

以我国2006—2008年金融、保险板块上市公司为研究样本,对我国上市公司使用金融衍生品的避险动机,运用Logstic归进行了研究。结果发现,只有公司规模与金融衍生品需求正相关。表明了我国金融衍生产品市场还处于发展初期,使用金融衍生品的公司参与避险的数量不多,资产规模小的金融机构风险管理经验尤为缺乏。  相似文献   

Within a company's customer relationship management strategy, finding the customers most likely to leave is a central aspect. We present a dynamic modelling approach for predicting individual customers’ risk of leaving an insurance company. A logistic longitudinal regression model that incorporates time-dynamic explanatory variables and interactions is fitted to the data. As an intermediate step in the modelling procedure, we apply generalised additive models to identify non-linear relationships between the logit and the explanatory variables. Both out-of-sample and out-of-time prediction indicate that the model performs well in terms of identifying customers likely to leave the company each month. Our approach is general and may be applied to other industries as well.  相似文献   

在现代市场经济中,物流产业已经成为我国国民经济运行的动脉系统,在推动国民经济又好又快发展中发挥着重要作用,但是与国外发达国家物流产业相比,当前我国物流产业发展仍然面临着众多约束条件。为此,有必要透析我国物流产业发展现状和制约因素、研究其未来发展重点,为物流产业健康持续发展提供较好的参考和建议。  相似文献   

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