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以大连市金州区七顶山剖面红色风化壳为研究对象,分析其粒度特征。按固定间距(20cm)连续采集样品,总共采集20份红色风化壳样品,运用激光粒度仪进行粒度特征测定及计算分析。结果表明:七顶山剖面砂粒级粒度含量超过50%以上,粗砂粒较多及粉粘比较高,表明红色风化壳整体发育程度不高,风化条件较差。辽南地区红色风化壳经历了由湿热气候逐渐变为干冷气候再转变为湿热气候,最后逐渐缓慢形成温暖气候的过程。清晰反映出红色风化壳与母质基岩有一定的同源性、继承性。  相似文献   

论洞庭地区原始农业的发展与环境的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴小平 《中国农史》2002,21(2):16-19
文章从农业遗存、农业生产工具、以农业为基础的动物饲养、陶器制作和永久性定居村落五方面对洞庭湖区不同史前考古学文化时期的农业经济概况进行了探讨 ,寻求出湖区史前农业非持续性的发展轨迹 ,指明这一现象的出现与不同时期环境的变化有密切的关系  相似文献   

审计的发展受政治环境、经济环境、社会环境的制约与影响,同时审计的发展又能巩固政治的稳定,促进经济的发展,改善社会环境。 政治环境决定审计队伍建设,决定审计组织和人员独立性的强弱,而独立性是审计的生命。目前世界上国家审计主要有三种形式:在议会领导下、在政府领导下、在财政部领导下。不论审计在谁的领导下,独立性的强弱,都是为统治者的利益服务。改革开放之后,经济体制的改革,必然带来政治体制的改革。国家由高度计划经济转为市场经济,物资供给由供不应求转为供求平衡或供大于求,物资供应丰富,人民生活得到改善和提…  相似文献   

闽江流域森林资源与环境关系的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林是闽江流域复杂生态系统最重要的组成部分,它的变动对整个流域的生态环境影响很大;通过对闽江流域森林资源与生态环境的相互关系的分析,得出森林资源的结构性退化使其生态功能降低,进而导致了生态环境恶化的结论;提出了坚持数量与质量相结合的原则,优化森林生态系统结构,在保护的基础上合理开发森林生物资源,发展生态生产力,构建富有流域特色的林业产业体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

建立和实施会计制度,是为了规范单位的会计核算,真实、完整地提供会计信息。为了达到此项目的,必须有规范有序的会计环境予以支持,才能充分发挥会计工作的职能作用。我国的企业会计制度既包括国家以法规形式颁布的企业必须执行的统一会计准则,又包括企业根据自身需要设计的内部会计制度,本文从会计环境与会计制度设计的关系入手,论述企业必须从所处的内外环境来设计会计制度的现实问题。  相似文献   

在两部大开发中,面临着严重的水土流失、土地沙化等一系列的环境问题,这些环境问题的成因既有人们思想认识上的不足,也有利益衡量上的失偏和法制保障的乏力.为此,必须树立以可持续发展为核心的生态意识,制定并完善相关的法律法规,加强西部土地环境资源开发利用规划,建立土地环境安全预警系统,维护西部土地的环境安全,以保证西部经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了克服当前社会经济生活中的过热和无序状态,为深化改革和经济腾飞创造新的契机,中央提出了“治理经济环境,整顿经济秩序,全面深化改革”的方针。从整个改革和发展的战略上考虑,这个方针无疑是正确的。但也要看到在具体执行时它有可能与地区经济或部门经济发展发生冲突,带来另一方面的问题。如何避免冲突,真正使“治理环境”为经济发展创造条件,正是我们当前应努力研究的课题。  相似文献   

鱼类生活在水体中,它与周围的环境条件有着密切关系,因此,生产者在鱼类养殖过程中.既要充分利用有利的环境条件,又要着力改造不利的环境因素,促使养殖鱼类健康快速生长。与龟类生长有关的环境因素诸多,有非生物因素和生物因子。现重点浅述非生物因素。  相似文献   

谷国政  宋戈 《中国土地科学》2022,36(12):103-116
研究目的:揭示辽宁省耕地多功能时空演变特征及“经济—社会—生态”价值响应规律,为耕地资源保护与可持续利用、保障粮食安全提供参考。研究方法:综合指数评价法和敏感度分析模型。研究结果:(1)2004—2019年,辽宁省耕地多功能演变呈“北高南低、东西一致”空间分异特征,其中,耕地生态功能显著提升,耕地生产功能次之,耕地生活功能增幅最小。(2)辽宁省耕地价值呈“南高北低”发展趋势,地均综合价值整体上升;其中,耕地社会价值最大,呈现“N”型变化态势;耕地经济价值次之,耕地生态价值最小,但变化幅度较大。(3)辽宁省耕地功能与价值之间存在响应关系,表现出伴随时间发展的阶段性变化与空间分异的非均衡性特征。研究结论:应基于要素共享、结构联动、功能融合与价值响应适应,协同推进耕地多功能的供需动态平衡以及耕地价值实现机制。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the extent of institutionalization of public participation in environmental governance in the Philippines using the three-pillar framework of the Aarhus Convention and Principle 10 Guidelines: access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. It analyzes the shifting demarcations of public engagement and how these are defined by the interplay of institutional-legal structures with the country's political economy constraints. It argues that while the country appears to have a strong institutional design for public participation, there is a decisively low level of institutionalization of actual participatory processes that could not achieve substantive autonomy from power structures. A critical factor to this is the weakness in public deliberations and interactions among civil society groups in the country that constrain legitimacy of representation, coherence and necessary consolidation in engagements with government institutions. While pluralism is a key tenet of public participation, the situation in the Philippines shows the limitations of its application, particularly amid a patrimonial political context. Such weakness amid complexities in aggregating public interest allows particular interests to predominate in reconfigurations of the boundaries of involvement in environmental matters, displacing otherwise legitimate groups in the margins of collaborative governance.  相似文献   

皖南黟县是黄山市和安徽省的旅游大县,其品牌产品是古村落文化观光旅游,但近年来,全县的旅游收入和游客接待人数的增长幅度在下降,特殊年份还有回落,古村落旅游本身也存在一些经营、开发、管理、宣传、服务等方面的不足,可持续发展面临一些限制性因素,黟县旅游面对国际国内旅游大环境,结合自身特色,决定把发展乡村旅游作为突破口,优化旅游产品结构,建设“全国乡村旅游第一县”;在对黟县乡村旅游开发背景、条件、意义进行分析的基础上,提出了发展目标、战略原则、发展重点和主要措施。  相似文献   

辽西走廊地区传统农业存在着经济效益低,环境问题严重等问题;通过对该地区开发葡萄种植业的有利条件分析,认为葡萄种植业是辽西走廊地区调整农业结构,开发效益农业的有效途径之一,提出了酒葡萄栽培—加工—销售与鲜食葡萄栽培—贮运—销售两种开发模式,并对模式进行了经济效益和生态效益分析。  相似文献   

The liberalization of cannabis policies is rapidly changing the cannabis industry. Though cannabis cultivation has environmental effects, little is known about how drug policy shapes knowledge about and efforts to mitigate those effects. We use a study of cannabis in the North Coastal Basin of California to examine how the legal status of cannabis shapes efforts to study and govern the environmental effects of cultivation. Drawing on interviews, a review of relevant rules and regulations, and existing literature, we review the state of the knowledge regarding the environmental effects of outdoor cannabis cultivation, document the range of governance tools that aim to mitigate those effects, and discuss the unique challenges to researching and governing cannabis cultivation. We argue that the quasi-legal status of cannabis and the mixing of black and medical markets create substantial barriers to the assessment and mitigation of the environmental effects of cannabis cultivation. We discuss the policy implications of these findings and highlight the importance of understanding the linkages between other semi-legal and illicit practices, governance, and the environment. The research shows the broad importance of examining ways that legal status and enforcement regimes surrounding semi-legal activities shape particular human-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Urban sprawl is considered by most environmental scientists and urban planners to be a serious environmental problem. However, public perception about parking availability often forces planning offices to recommend parking lot sizes that exceed daily demands. The recent trend of increasing the size of stores, churches and even schools comes with increasing the size of parking lots that service these buildings. The objective of this paper is to analyze space allocation of parking lots in a typical midwestern county and to estimate the supply of parking spaces to potential demand. We also estimate the loss of ecosystem services represented by the area of parking lots in this county. We found that parking lots cover 5.65 km2 (1 397 acres) of Tippecanoe County, Indiana which implies that 0.44% of the county area is devoted to parking lots. Our results show that there are approximately 2.2 parking spaces per registered vehicle, that parking lots make up more than 6.57% of the total urban footprint in this county, that the area of parking lots exceeded the area of parks in the city limits by a factor of three and that parking lot runoff and pollutants are significant compared to runoff and pollutants from these areas prior to their conversion to parking lots. As other authors have done before us we lament the poor use of land in urban regions of the United States, and encourage planners to think creatively about the use of land for parking.  相似文献   

随着经济社会发展和全球变化的影响,水资源的供需矛盾日益尖锐,能源需求量激增,全球面临实现以粮食安全为核心的联合国可持续发展目标.本文以青海省为研究对象,通过构建水资源—能源—粮食系统耦合协调评价指标体系,采用熵值法对各子系统指标赋权,对2002-2018年协调发展水平和时序演化特征进行定量分析.研究结果表明,青海省20...  相似文献   

集体林改制度下辽宁省林业资源要素对收入的贡献分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以集体林权制度改革为政策背景,以林业收入为研究对象,分析林地资源、林木资源、林业劳动力和环境等因素对林业收入的影响,计算各影响因素对林业收入增加的贡献率。结果表明,集体林改制度是影响林业收入的主要因素,林木资源和林业从业人员数对林业收入的增加的贡献率显著。  相似文献   

江苏省县域经济竞争力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
县城经济是国民经济的重要区域基础,在我国社会主义现代化进程中占有举足轻重的作用,而江苏县城经济在全国有着重要的影响,通过引用2006年江苏县城经济统计数据,运用因子分析结合主成分分析法对江苏县域经济竞争力进行量化测算,求出各县域经济竞争力得分,并利用计算出的竞争力得分进行Q型聚类分析,把江苏省县域经济竞争力接强弱划分为3个类型;对江苏县域经济竞争力进行分类评价.  相似文献   

Market instruments for environmental governance have a foundation in an economic theorythat claims to be universal and atemporal, but their materialization in practice always takes place in specific socioeconomic and political contexts. The Brazilian trade in forest certificates (CRA) is a new market instrument that allows farmers that have deforested illegally prior to 2008 to become compliant by acquiring certificates from other farmers that conserve a forest area beyond legal requirements. Even though the CRA market has been praised as an innovative environmental policy, it is still unclear whether it will be implemented even after more than two decades of political debate, congressional approval of legislation and substantial investments in new supporting systems. This research paper aims to analyze the materialization of this market by reconstructing how policy participants form advocacy coalitions (i.e. environmental protection, market viability and agricultural consolidation) to advance their interests. Our results show that advocacy coalitions filter (i.e. absorb, reject or transform) new ideas, experiences and knowledge in order to influence the regulations for forest certificate trading. In doing so, they often combine positions, form new alliances and merge with other advocacy coalitions in accordance with the interests of their constituents. These fluid allegiances within and between coalitions explain why market materialization remains ambiguous and unlikely to become operational in the near future.  相似文献   

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