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This paper revisits the dynamics of unemployment rate for 29 OECD countries over the period of 1980–2013. Numerous empirical studies of the dynamics of unemployment rate are carried out within a linear framework. However, unemployment rate can show nonlinear behaviour as a result of business cycles or some idiosyncratic factors specific to labour market (Cancelo, 2007). Thus, as a testing strategy, we first perform Harvey, Leybourne, and Xiao (2008) linearity unit root test and then apply the newly ESTAR nonlinear unit root test suggested by Kruse (2011). This test has higher power than conventional unit root tests when time series exhibits nonlinear behaviour. Our empirical findings provide significant evidence in favour of unemployment rate stationarity for 25 countries. For robustness purpose, we have also used panel unit root tests without and with structural breaks. The empirical results show that unemployment hysteresis hypothesis is strongly rejected, when taking into account the cross-sectional and structural break assumptions. Thus, unemployment rate is expected to return back to their natural levels without executing any costly macroeconomic labour market policies by the OECD’s governments.  相似文献   

This article examines persistence and nonlinearity in the US unemployment rate in the post-war period by using a regime-switching unit root test. The empirical results indicate that a regime-switching unit root test outperforms conventional unit root tests and describes unemployment behavior better over the business cycle in the sample. While shocks to US unemployment dissipate in expansions, shocks to the unemployment rate seem to be persistent in recessions, supporting the hysteresis hypothesis. This is consistent with the usual explanation of hysteresis that workers may lose valuable job skills in protracted recessions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to examine the nature of Greek regional unemployment. The paper contributes to the literature assessing the stochastic properties of Greek unemployment rate in the context of the Greek regions by relying on various univariate and panel unit root tests. In particular, recently developed and more powerful panel unit-root tests that control for structural breaks, heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence in the panel are employed. The results show that in all cases, after taking into account the fact that regional unemployment rates in Greece are subject to a structural break, the null hypothesis of a unit root is not rejected, indicating that the Greek regional unemployment series are non-stationary with the presence of a structural break.  相似文献   

This paper tests hysteresis effects in unemployment using panel data for 19 Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) countries covering the period 1956–2001. The tests exploit the cross‐sectional variations of the series, and additionally, allow for a different number of endogenous breakpoints in the unemployment series. The critical values are simulated based on our specific panel sizes and time periods. The findings stress the importance of accounting for exogenous shocks in the series and support the natural‐rate hypothesis of unemployment for the majority of the countries analysed.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in economic time series are generally examined from a univariate point of view. Using extensions of the unit root literature, important classes of seasonal processes are deterministic, stationary stochastic or mean reverting, and unit root stochastic. Time series tests have been developed for each of these. This paper examines seasonality in a multivariate context. Systems of economic variables can have trends, cycles and unit roots as well as the various types of seasonality. Restrictions such as cointegration and common cycles are here applied also to examine multivariate seasonal behaviour of economic variables. If each of a collection of series has a certain type of seasonality but a linear combination of these series can be found without seasonality, then the seasonal is said to be ‘common’. New tests are developed to determine if seasonal characteristics are common to a set of time series. These tests can be employed in the presence of various other time series structures. The analysis is applied to OECD data on unemployment for the period 1975.1 to 1993.4, and it is found that four diverse countries (Australia, Canada, Japan and USA) not only have common trends in their unemployment, but also have common deterministic seasonal features and a common cycle/stochastic seasonal feature. Such a collection of characteristics were not found in other groups of OECD countries.  相似文献   

Most studies assume stationarity when testing continuous-time interest-rate models. However, consistent with Bierens [Bierens, H. (1997). Testing the unit root with drift hypothesis against nonlinear trend stationary, with an application to the US price level and interest rate. Journal of Econometrics, 81, 29–64; Bierens, H. (2000). Nonparametric nonlinear co-trending analysis, with an application to interest and inflation in the United States. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 18, 323–337], our nonparametric test results support nonlinear trend stationarity. To accommodate nonstationarity, we detrend the interest-rate series and re-examine a variety of continuous-time models. The goodness-of-fit improves significantly for those models with drift-induced mean reversion and worsens for those with high volatility elasticity. The inclusion of a nonparametric trend component in the drift significantly reduces the level effect on the interest-rate volatility. These results suggest that the misspecification of the constant elasticity model should be attributed to the nonlinear trend component of the short-term interest-rate process.  相似文献   

Studies in the economics of crime literature have reached mixed conclusions on the deterrence hypothesis. One explanation that has been offered for the failure to find evidence of a deterrent effect in the long run is the natural rate of crime. This article applies univariate unit root tests to crime series for the United Kingdom and United States and panel unit roots to crime rates for a panel of G7 countries to examine whether there is a natural rate of crime. Our main finding is that when we allow for two structural breaks in the univariate unit root test and a structural break in the panel data unit root test, there is strong evidence of a natural rate of crime. The policy implications of our findings is that governments should focus on altering the economic and social structural profile that determines crime in the long run rather than increasing expenditure on law enforcement that will at best reduce crime rates in the short run.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the time series properties of the unemployment rates of the US economy using a regional disaggregated level. Our results are, in general, favorable to the rejection of the presence of a unit root in these variables. However, we can also observe that this conclusion is clearly qualified by the level of disaggregation employed. We also find robust evidence in favor of the presence of some breaks in the evolution of these unemployment rates. We subsequently offer an estimation of the NAIRU, which is based on the use of the Bai–Perron procedure.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to analyze the regional unemployment rate behavior in Brazil. Firstly, unit root tests with structural breaks were used to determine which theoretical framework – hysteresis or NAIRU – is more appropriate to explain the unemployment dynamics not only in six Brazilian metropolitan areas – São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Salvador and Recife – but also at national level. Hysteresis is found to be the best choice in five, but Rio de Janeiro. This indicates a high persistence in the Brazilian regional unemployment rate. Secondly, we investigated whether these five metropolitan regions, characterized by the hysteresis effect, show a stochastic convergence. The latter was found in every case, but Porto Alegre.  相似文献   

We propose a unit root test for panels with cross-sectional dependency. We allow general dependency structure among the innovations that generate data for each of the cross-sectional units. Each unit may have different sample size, and therefore unbalanced panels are also permitted in our framework. Yet, the test is asymptotically normal, and does not require any tabulation of the critical values. Our test is based on nonlinear IV estimation of the usual augmented Dickey–Fuller type regression for each cross-sectional unit, using as instruments nonlinear transformations of the lagged levels. The actual test statistic is simply defined as a standardized sum of individual IV t-ratios. We show in the paper that such a standardized sum of individual IV t-ratios has limit normal distribution as long as the panels have large individual time series observations and are asymptotically balanced in a very weak sense. We may have the number of cross-sectional units arbitrarily small or large. In particular, the usual sequential asymptotics, upon which most of the available asymptotic theories for panel unit root models heavily rely, are not required. Finite sample performance of our test is examined via a set of simulations, and compared with those of other commonly used panel unit root tests. Our test generally performs better than the existing tests in terms of both finite sample sizes and powers. We apply our nonlinear IV method to test for the purchasing power parity hypothesis in panels.  相似文献   

This article aims at testing the convergence hypothesis in MENA region using new tests of a unit root in panel data. Evans and Karras [Evans P., & Karras G. (1996). Convergence revisited. Journal of Monetary Economics, 37, 249–265] and Bernard and Jones [Bernard A., & Jones C. I. (1996). Productivity across industries and countries: Time series theory and evidence. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 135–146] recommend this technique to evaluate the income convergence hypothesis. According to them it avoids econometric problems of the cross-countries growth regressions testing convergence and sample bias of the multivariate cointegration techniques. We test for both absolute and the conditional convergence with panel unit root tests using the Summers and Heston's data 5.6 and 6.1 on the periods of 1960 to 1990 and from 1960 to 2000. The absolute convergence hypothesis use panel unit roots test with no fixed individual effects. The catching-up hypothesis is not rejected for most groups of countries of the region during both periods. If we allow a break in the unit root tests, the hypothesis is not rejected for more groups. The conditional convergence requires panel unit root tests with fixed individual effects. Again, during the whole periods, the conditional convergence is not rejected for the major part of the remaining groups of MENA countries.  相似文献   

We analyse the sustainability of government debt for Latin American and Caribbean countries employing unit‐root tests with nonlinear alternative hypotheses and examine the robustness of our results against those from unit‐root tests with breaks and threshold nonlinearities. We show that, in general support for sustainability substantially improves when nonlinear mean reversion is taken into account. We also find that the results obtained from applying various tests with nonlinear alternatives, although broadly consistent, are not identical. This suggests that reliance on a single unit‐root test for assessing fiscal policy sustainability may be misleading.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The paper presents empirical evidence on wage formation in Norway using annual time series data for manufacturing industry. First, we show that long-run effects on consumer prices and taxes depend strongly on the exact definition of the empirical variables. Using the implicit factor income deflator, the wedge between consumer's and producer's real wages is insignificant. Second, our results indicate that there is a long-run tradeoff between the wage level and the unemployment ratio and the Phillips curve specification is firmly rejected. Third, the paper presents empirical evidence in favour of a strongly non-linear wage curve. Fourth, our results support the long-term unemployment hypothesis, as increased proportion of long-term unemployment shifts the wage curve outwards and to the right.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stationarity of spot and forward exchange rates by testing for the presence of unit roots in the autoregressive process of the exchange rate time series. The results of the unit root and cointegration tests for forward exchange rates of six major currencies are inconsistent with earlier studies by others that found the existence of unit roots but the absence of cointegration. Our results show that realized spot rates are cointegrated with past forward rates. Both Dickey-Fuller and Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests affirm the unbiased forward rate hypothesis for 30- and 90-day forward rates. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests on the longer term forward rate, however, reveal the existence of cointegration that leads to the rejection of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper considers econometric issues related to time-series data that have been subject to abrupt governmental interventions. The motivating example for this study is the Brazilian monthly inflation rate (1974:1–1993:6) which we use throughout for illustration. This series has been heavily influenced by the effect of so-called shock plans implemented by various governments starting in the mid-1980s. The plans act as ‘inliers’ in the sense that the series is temporarily brought down to low levels before returning to its previous trend path. We analyse the effects on standard unit root tests and measures of persistence caused by the presence of these ‘inliers’. We show a substantial bias in favour of concluding that the series is stationary and that shocks have temporary effects. We then construct appropriately corrected statistics which take into account the presence of the plans. These show, unlike the standard tests, that the stochastic behaviour of the inflation rate was indeed unstable over this period. Simulation results are presented to support the adequacy of our corrected statistics. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been a substantial debate whether GNP has a unit root. However, statistical tests have had little success in distinguishing between unit‐root and trend‐reverting specifications because of poor statistical properties. This paper develops a new exact small‐sample, pointwise most powerful unit root test that is invariant to the unknown mean and scale of the time series tested, that generates exact small‐sample critical values, powers and p‐values, that has power which approximates the maximum possible power, and that is highly robust to conditional heteroscedasticity. This test decisively rejects the unit root null hypothesis when applied to annual US real GNP and US real per capita GNP series. This paper also develops a modified version of the test to address whether a time series contains a permanent, unit root process in addition to a temporary, stationary process. It shows that if these GNP series contain a unit root process in addition to the stationary process, then it is most likely very small. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper builds on existing research investigating the root causes of terrorism by considering youth unemployment as a measure of economic deprivation. In particular, the study focuses on terrorism in Middle Eastern and North African (MENAP) countries and features terrorism incident count data for the period 1998–2012 using negative binomial regression models. In our exogenous model, we find that while youth unemployment tends to increase domestic terrorism, it does not have any significant effect on transnational terrorism. Given concerns about endogeneity of youth unemployment in these models, we use two kinds of corrections-instrumental variables and lagged variables. We control for endogeneity by using military expenditure, under-five mortality rate and foreign direct investment as instruments. We are not able to reject the null hypothesis that youth unemployment is exogenous. Using lagged variables, we find a similar result as noted in the exogenous specifications with regard to the effect of youth unemployment on domestic and transnational terrorism. We also find evidence that domestic terrorism tends to have a positive relationship with press freedom, religious and linguistic fractionalization, and area of the country. Transnational terrorism has a positive association with the quality of democracy and a negative association with political stability and regulatory quality. The amount of natural resources tends to be negatively associated with domestic terrorism and positively associated with transnational terrorism.  相似文献   

Nelson and Plosser (1982), in a classic paper, failed to find strong evidence against the null hypothesis of a generating process with a unit autoregressive root for thirteen US macroeconomic time series. Perron (1989) claimed that such evidence was available for a majority of these series if the alternative hypothesis was of trend stationarity with a break in 1929. Zivot and Andrews (1992) treated the break date as endogenous, then finding strong evidence agcainst the null for a minority of these series. Our own analysis extends theirs by permitting a break under the null as well as the alternative hypothesis, and allowing for the sequential nature of the testing. Our empirical findings complete the circle. We find no strong evidence against the unit root hypothesis for any of the thirteen Nelson–Plosser series.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A quantitative survey of 24 studies containing 99 national estimates of unemployment persistence reinstates unemployment hysteresis as a viable falsifying hypothesis to the natural rate hypothesis. Empirical evidence to the contrary may be attributed to small-sample, misspecification and publication biases. Larger estimates of unemployment persistence are produced by models that use more information ( t  = 9.03; P  < 0.0001) and are better specified. A theme of bias and misspecification among studies that are more supportive of natural rate hypothesis emerges in several independent ways. The nonstationarity of the unemployment rate is confirmed both by the observed rate of convergence of persistence estimates across the empirical literature and by the point towards which they converge. The natural rate hypothesis may be regarded as 'falsified' should we choose to do so.  相似文献   

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