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刘素芝 《商业研究》2008,1(6):74-78
征集股东授权委托书就像一柄双刃剑,既可以成为保护公司和股东利益、优化公司治理结构、活跃证券市场的有力手段,又可能沦为投机人士争夺公司控制权,损害公司和股东利益的工具。许多国家立法上均对此加以详细规定,我国涉及征集股东授权委托书的法律条款却很少。目前我国上市公司实践中也发生了越来越多的征集股东授权委托书实例,但由于缺乏法律规制,出现了不少问题,于是,对征集股东授权委托书的含义议论纷纷。从征集股东授权委托书的价值取向出发,指出了我国建立和健全征集股东授权委托书制度的必要性。  相似文献   

Corporate Governance in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, international economic pressures have induced Nigeria to adopt a program of economic liberalization and deregulation. Advocates of the reforms tout their potential not only for generating greater economic growth, but also for contributing to more responsible corporate governance. Sceptics abound. This paper provides an account of the nature of corporate governance in Nigeria and investigates the prospects for recent reforms contributing to more responsible governance and development.  相似文献   

This paper looks broadly at the theme of corporate governance in Mexico. It begins with a brief analysis of the historical corporate governance model in Mexico, including the governance structures, the banking and financial systems, ownership and control patterns, industrial policy, and industrial relations. The paper then examines how and why these various aspects of corporate governance have been changing with processes of economic liberalization currently under way. Finally, it analyzes the consequences of changes in the model of corporate governance for the country's development (e.g. increased consumer goods for middle class consumers, increased disclosure by domestic corporations, less support for corporate social programs, etc.).  相似文献   

Corporate governance is an issue of growing importance in developing economies, as many firms pass through significant transformations due to the combined forces of sociopolitical changes, technological progress and economic trends toward globalization. These elements, along with the structural characteristics of developing economies such as less developed capital markets and governmental interventionism, draw a picture for corporate governance practices that may, in some aspects, be fundamentally different from the practices found in European or North American contexts. In this paper we review and discuss the state of corporate governance practices in Brazil, focusing on how the governance structure of Brazilian firms has been subjected to important changes in the recent past and how even more changes are expected to happen.  相似文献   

公司治理结构中的利益相关者问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,股份制改革是中国企业改革的方向,公司治理是股份制改革最核心的内容,而公司治理原则中不可缺少的一项就是利益相关者的安排问题,即他们的权利、作用及保护问题。职工持股从国际经验来看,主要是考虑三方面的因素:一是职工特别是高素质人才的积极性调动问题;二是充分利用职工在参与管理方面的能力及优势;三是充分发挥职工对于整个公司管理层在合规性、防止出现舞弊和恶性事件等方面所能够起到的监督和报警的作用。在我国,员工的地位和员工参与管理的程度应该能够做得更好。解决好利益相关者问题,有利于和谐增长,特别会有利于科技型企业、人才密集型企业和以知识为基础的企业的健康发展。  相似文献   

In recent years India has been moving further in the direction of adopting an Anglo-American model of corporate governance. This decision, the result more of international economic and political pressures than public debate, in effect represents a new development strategy for the world's most populous democracy. In light of this situation, it is important to ask two basic questions: 1) why has the Anglo-American model of corporate governance been adopted? and; 2) can it be justified? This paper addresses the first of these questions by distinguish and examining three historical models of governance in India: 1) the managing agency model in the colonial period; 2) the business house model that emerged after independence, and; 3) the Anglo-American model which has recently been adopted (and is still emerging). The second question is approached through an examination of the "development impact" of the new model, as indicated by such measures as growth, employment and respect for shareholder rights.  相似文献   

王铮 《财贸研究》2004,15(1):41-45
公司治理是近 30年来理论研究的热点 ,但人们大多把注意力集中于对经理行为的研究 ,而忽视了对投资者保护的关注。随着以哈特为代表的新产权学派的兴起 ,特别是LLSV( 1 998)的实证数据使得人们把视角转为对投资者保护机制的关注。我们发现 ,在投资者保护的研究框架下 ,可以更好地理解公司治理 ,以及它们对一国金融市场和经济发展的重要性。  相似文献   

民营上市公司的治理机制及治理效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对民营上市公司常用的治理机制及治理效应的分析,我们发现:民营上市公司的各种治理机制无论对净资产收益率还是财务综合绩效,都没有太大的解释力,但对托宾Q值却具有极强的解释能力。即使是就托宾Q值而言,股东会议、独立董事规模、两职设置、高管人员薪酬等内部治理机制也没有发挥显著的作用,内部治理机制中的第一大股东具有特别重要的作用。  相似文献   

Inefficient state-owned enterprises in China were compelled to restructure to remain competitive, which resulted in phenomenal economic growth. While economically successful, China did not initially have any indigenous laws to regulate companies or control this growth, so Chinese lawmakers had to transplant corporate laws from developed Western countries. However, this transplantation process did not occur without problems, and certain domestic attributes had to be supplemented in corporate legislation to correspond with Chinese socialistic objectives and cultural values. This article analyzes the key attributes of Chinese corporate governance and regulations concerning shareholders’ rights and, in the process, highlights provisions that are peculiar and characterized as uniquely Chinese, ultimately raising more questions than answers for shareholders.  相似文献   

谢梅  李强 《商业研究》2012,(4):30-36
市场竞争被经济学家认为是一种重要的外部公司治理机制,它与其他各种治理机制之间存在着错综复杂的关系,并且对公司绩效和股东回报具有重要影响。本文从理论和实证研究两个方面对二者关系研究的文献进行了回顾,并在总结现有研究成果的基础上提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Recent research has linked the reduction of abnormal accruals to corporate governance metrics. The results of these studies, however, are based on samples taken from periods prior to promulgated board independence requirements. In other words, during this time period, management not only had discretion over accounting accruals, but also significant influence over the choice of membership on the board of directors. This study suggests that ethical management practices may be a correlated omitted variable in these studies, thus resulting in causal inference problems in the previous research. We argue that, rather than the board of directors monitoring and reducing abnormal accruals as has been posited, management who was not engaging in abusive earnings management was attempting to signal the market regarding the quality of the firm’s financial information through its choice of board membership.  相似文献   

胡国柳  蒋国洲 《财贸研究》2004,(4):83-89,98
在充分考虑股权替代变量之间可能存在多重共线性问题的基础上 ,本文对股权结构在公司治理中作用的各种理论假设进行了检验。研究发现 ,经理人员持股比例与上市公司业绩相关性不显著 ;国有股比例与上市公司业绩显著负相关 ;法人股比例与上市公司业绩正相关 ;社会公众股比例对公司财务业绩的影响虽然是负面的 ,但极不显著 ,而与公司市场业绩显著正相关 ;股权集中度与公司业绩显著负相关。  相似文献   

在我国国有企业改革过程存在的问题中 ,公司治理结构运作失灵是阻碍国有企业深入改革的最大障碍。为从困境中摆脱出来 ,运用委托代理理论和交易费用理论 ,分析了国有企业治理结构中产生的问题 ,最后指出了企业治理结构问题产生的根源———信息不对称、契约不完备和经营者选择机制不合理。  相似文献   

公司治理的演进过程也是所有权和控制权以及经营权分离的过程。通过对英美国家公司发展不同时期两权分离的历史考察,发现两权分离与公司治理演进之间存在依存关系:两权分离依次经历了所有权和经营权分离、所有权和控制权分离、控制权和经营权分离和同股不同权等阶段,不同形式的两权分离带来不同的公司治理问题,从而产生相应的治理手段,推动着公司治理的演进。通过对中国企业改革和发展过程的历史回顾也证明了两权分离与公司治理之间存在共同演进关系。针对研究发现,最后提出了我国公司治理改革的方向性建议。  相似文献   

股权分置的制度缺陷导致了上市公司治理缺乏共同的利益基础,扭曲了资本市场发挥作用的机理。股权分置改革有利于上市公司逐步形成共同的治理基础。从股权分置改革对上市公司治理优化的影响关系框架可以看出,指出股权分置改革通过上市公司股东行为、董事会作用及经营者激励约束机制等内部治理因素和资本市场定价机制、控制权市场并购重组机制及监督约束机制等外部治理因素影响着上市公司整体治理的优化,从而使后股权分置时代促进上市公司治理优化。  相似文献   

以激励约束机制变化为依据,把美国公司治理变迁划分为经理人员控制权地位的确立、经理人员职权的扩大、独立董事制度的引入和从强调激励到激励约束并重四个阶段。美国公司治理变迁给我国以启示:没有一成不变普遍实用的公司治理模式;形成良好的公司治理需要发挥政府的推动作用。  相似文献   

文章以2007—2009年我国非金融上市公司扩张性并购事件为研究对象,对治理环境、终极股东控制与公司并购绩效的关系进行了实证研究。结果发现,终极股东的两权分离度及政府控制性质与公司并购绩效负相关;治理环境的改善在提高公司并购绩效的同时,还能抑制两权分离对公司并购绩效带来的负面影响;终极控制股东的政府控制属性会弱化治理环境的这种治理效应。  相似文献   

宋常  黄蕾 《财经论丛》2008,(3):91-96
近年来,产品市场竞争作为公司治理的一种外部机制正受到重视。本文取2006年中国上市公司数据,以产品市场竞争为出发点,将公司治理绩效、经理人薪酬、经理人市场竞争度与企业研发联系起来进行实证分析。研究结果表明,这四项与HHI都呈正向相关关系,说明提高产品市场竞争度不仅有利于改善公司治理绩效,而且能够通过较高的薪酬选拔合乎企业的优秀人才。实证分析显示,研发与HHI间的关系最为显著,但其受控制权性质、资产与债务规模的控制较为明显。  相似文献   

本文认为,目前我国公司结构中普遍存在的“合谋偏好”、“股权分置”状态严重制约着资本市场的健康发展,也严重损害着中小投资者的正当权益。文章指出,必须对我国现行的“关键人主导型”公司结构进行治理,构建一种使各方利益主体均等,权力相互制衡,多方博弈的机制,使“合谋”的动机和“关键人”滥用权力的机会减少或消除,使弱势群体———小股东的利益切实得到保护。为此,应尽快实施“全流通”和“国有股、法人股减持”;构建均衡的利益格局,建立代表小股东利益的监督委托人机制,强化决策与监督职能,完善信息披露制度,提高中小投资者的话语权。  相似文献   

我国家族企业治理结构演进研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为家族企业发展的核心问题,我国家族企业治理结构演进路径是以中国传统文化为基础,适当吸收外部企业文化为方向。从"家文化"和"家族泛化"角度分析家族企业制度变迁的文化根基,从资本结构、人力资本、信任结构等方面阐述影响我国家族企业治理结构的主要因素,从企业形态、关系治理和公司治理等维度分析我国家族企业治理结构的演进路径。  相似文献   

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