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庄晓平  郭华 《商场现代化》2007,(13):193-195
密尔主张快乐不仅有量的大小而且有质的高低优劣之分,精神上快乐比肉体的快乐更具有更高的价值。他强调个人利益的重要性,也强调个人利益和社会利益的协调。密尔的快乐论是旅游饭店企业在社会主义市场经济体制下发展中不可缺少的伦理要求,这也是由饭店企业的产品和业务性质所决定的。其应用主要体现为:在饭店企业中树立“以人为本”的管理理念;营造高水准、高品位的文化氛围。  相似文献   

蒋楠 《现代商业》2008,(3):282-282
美国垄断资本全球化的一种必然表现,“自由”与“民主”不过是美国垄断资本实现其目标的武器而已。从冷战时的反共,到冷战后的人道主义干涉,再到现在的“反恐”和“结束暴政”,在各个不同的历史时期,美国都相应地提出了具体的阶段性战略目标,这些目标虽然有所不同并不断发展,但它们体现的基本原则却是完全一致的。事实上,以“自由”和“民主”为谋求国家利益之利器,从来都不是布什政府的专利,而是贯穿于美国对外政策的全部历史。  相似文献   

古典功利主义作为资本主义意识形态的重要一部分,其最大特征就是追求"最大多数人的最大幸福"。由于其特殊的时代背景和历史渊源,产生于18世纪末19世纪初的英国,以边沁和密尔为主要代表人物。边沁从人趋乐避苦的本性出发,提出了功利主义的基本框架;而密尔则不仅认为幸福才是最终目的、提出了利他主义、强调良心的内在作用,而且以自由和正义观念对功利主义进行了补充。但功利主义也和其他许多理论一样存在理论困境,这就需要我们全面而又客观地对其进行学习、评价。  相似文献   

看过许多关于“幸福”的定义,但都太具体,缺乏抽象和准确的概括。有一个“范伟”版的“幸福”:“我饿了.看别人手里拿个肉包子,那他就比我幸福;我冷了,看别人穿了一件厚棉衣.他就比我幸福;我想上茅房.茅房里仅剩的一个蹲坑被你占了,那你就比我幸福。”再看看网上.幸福的定义五花八门。最后都不知道什么是幸福了。  相似文献   

在商品销售市场上.有两种常见的销售方式:一种是“销售商品”。商家或企业以售出商品,赚取利润为目的,而且以此作为惟一的目的。商家售出商品,标志着销售过程结束,商家不太关心商品质量,能卖即可,也并不关心售后服务,只要赚钱即可。这种销售方式的典型特征是商家出售商品本身,除此之外.别无他物。另一种是”销售商誉”。商家向消费者出售的不仅是商品.更为重要的是商家的社会信誉.换句话说.商家的这种销售行为不仅仅追求经济利益.而且追求广泛的良好的商誉.而且尤其看重后者。  相似文献   

一、两种销售方式 在商品销售市场上,有两种常见的销售方式:一种是“销售商品”。商家或企业以售出商品,赚取利润为目的,而且以此作为惟一的目的。商家售出商品,标志着销售过程结束,商家不太关心商品质量,能卖即可;也并不关心售后服务,只要赚钱即可。这种销售方式的典型特征是商家出售商品本身,除此之外,别无他物。另一种是“销售商誉”。商家向消费者出售的不仅是商品,更为重要的是商家的社会信誉,换句话说,商家的这种销售行为不仅仅追求经济利益,而且追求广泛的良好的商誉,而且尤其看重后者。当然,并不讳言,商家的最终…  相似文献   

在哥白尼创立日心说500周年、人类爆发第一次世界大战100周年的特殊历史时刻,人类迎来了第二个“国际幸福日”。 2012年6月,第66届联合国大会一致通过决议,决定将每年3月20日定为“国际幸福日”。决议指出:追求幸福是人的一项基本目标,幸福和福祉是全人类生活中的普遍目标和期望,在公共政策目标中对此予以承认具有重要现实意义。决议号召全球:要采取更包容、公平和平衡的经济增长方式,以促进可持续发展、消除贫穷,增进全体人民的幸福和福祉。  相似文献   

“利润最大化”和“投资者财富最大化”两个财务管理目标存在许多不足,而以“税后收益的增长”为目标更具有可行性,作为一个长期目标,它考虑到了多种因素,更具可操作性和实用性,而且适应现代企业制度和市场经济的要求,符合各方利益的需要。  相似文献   

李晓静 《商》2014,(49):119-119
文章概述了功利主义的形成发展过程,主要从密尔对边沁功利主义的修正,即快乐主义和幸福主义,功利原则和最大多数人的最大幸福原则,道德的外部制裁和内部制裁三个方面进行分析。并简述了密尔在正义方面对于边沁功利主义的补充,通过用比较分析的方法,更加系统的了解功利主义。  相似文献   

劳动是社会财富的初始源泉和财富形成的决定性力量。人类生存、发展的生活资料,以及用来生产生活资料的生产资料,都是劳动创造的。人们为追求利益而进行劳动,通过劳动创造社会财富,满足自身的各种利益。马克思主义的劳动价值理论,承认创造价值的唯一源泉是劳动,从而第一次使劳动者的主体地位得到承认和尊重。马克思恩格斯深刻地揭露了资本主义条件下因“劳动异化”使利益“反人性”扩张的残酷现实,极力张扬利益的“属人性”,认为只有共产主义社会才能使劳动者的劳动成为实现自身利益从而得到全面发展的条件。也就是只有共产主义社会才能使劳动者的劳动成为增加社会财富和个人财富。我们建设社会主义的根本目的就是使工人阶级和广大劳动者过上富裕幸福的生活。实现人民富裕和幸福,是人民的最大利益。人民的富裕和幸福只有通过劳动这一唯一途径来实现。  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamic relationship between option happiness (the steepness of the volatility smirk) and relative index option liquidity. We find that, on a daily basis, option happiness is significantly dependent on the relative liquidity between option series with different moneyness. In particular, deterioration (improvement) in liquidity of an out‐of‐the‐money put option relative to a concurrent at‐the‐money call option would lead to higher (lower) option happiness. This relationship is robust to relative option liquidity measures based on bid–ask spreads, option price impacts, and option order book imbalances. The results also show a significant maturity effect in option happiness, consistent with the notion that options are “dying smiling.” © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

In this article we discuss what are the implications for improving the design of corporate ethics programs, if we focus on the moral motivation accounts offered by main ethical theories. Virtue ethics, deontological ethics and utilitarianism offer different criteria of judgment to face moral dilemmas: Aristotle’s virtues of character, Kant’s categorical imperative, and Mill’s greatest happiness principle are, respectively, their criteria to answer the question “What is the right thing to do?” We look at ethical theories from a different perspective: the question we ask is “Why should I do the right thing?” In other words, we deal with the problem of moral motivation, and we examine the different rationale the main ethical theories provide. We then point out the relation between moral motivation and the concept of rationality in the different approaches – is acting morally seen as an expression of rational behavior? Our analysis of moral motivation provides a useful framework to improve the understanding of the relationships between formal and informal elements of corporate ethics programs, emphasizing the importance of the latter, often overlooked in compliance-focused programs. We conclude by suggesting that the concept of moral imagination can provide a unifying approach to enhance the effectiveness of corporate ethics programs, by providing an intangible asset that supports the implementation of their formal components into management decision making.  相似文献   

Marketers have a keen interest in keeping customers happy past the point of product acquisition. However, consumer happiness with products typically declines over time, a process called “hedonic adaptation.” Understanding this process is essential for managing consumers' post-acquisition experiences, and yet marketers have not explored how the ubiquitous social environment influences hedonic adaptation. We explore the effect of a social audience (i.e., the presence of others and the perception that those others are noticing you) on adaptation to positive products using two real-world studies and one lab study. We show that a social audience can slow hedonic adaptation by cuing consumers to believe that others are admiring their product. This perceived admiration, in turn, helps consumers see the product through fresh, unadapted eyes. These findings help clarify the role of the consumption environment in adaptation, help explain why product happiness can vary by consumer over time, and show that the effects of social forces do not always occur at the moment of product acquisition.  相似文献   

Relatively few empirical studies address the question of generic relationships between consumers and brands. But a relationship‐oriented brand communication seems to have become increasingly important to companies. In this article, the authors present details of a study on generic consumer–brand relationships conducted in Germany. Based on the data of more than 900 consumers, four different types of consumer–brand relationships emerge, characterized as “best friendship,” “unemotional purpose‐based relationship,” “loose contact,” and “happy partnership.” An extended analysis of the data using advanced statistical methods supports these findings to a high degree. Furthermore, as the results of the extended analysis also suggest, numerous well‐known brands often appear within less favorable relationships like “unemotional purpose‐based relationship” and “loose contact.” These findings indicate important shortcomings of relationship‐oriented brand management in many companies and suggest the need for further work in this area.  相似文献   

While consumers and marketers perpetuate the lay theory that indulging with a reason is more pleasurable and makes everyone happier, this research identifies a condition under which indulging without a reason “feels right” and produces a more positive emotional reaction. The authors show that indulging with or without a reason and consumers' trait self-control interact to influence happiness felt following an indulgent purchase. While high self-control consumers are happier when they have a reason to buy indulgent products (e.g., when they can justify the indulgence), low self-control consumers are happier when they do not have a reason to indulge. That is, indulging with a reason is less pleasurable for consumers with low self-control. This effect on happiness has an impact on downstream judgments about the product and yields important implications for consumer welfare as well as marketing managers. Across four studies we show the effect on consumption happiness, examine consequences of the effect, and report evidence for the underlying process.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of Ghana's tourism positioning and whether a literature-derived positioning framework can further elaborate the latter. Using the face-to-face long interviews among key policy makers, marketing managers and experts, and observation techniques, data were collected and analyzed via the inductive reasoning approach. The results show that Ghana's tourism positioning aim is built around perceptions of a “com petitive middle class tourist destination,” i.e., “profit and status” through the pursuit of “functional” positioning objective. Positioning strategies including “service”, “value for money”, “culture”, “selectivity”, “attractiveness”, “reliability”, “manpower development”, “quality controls” and “ecology” are pursued in order to achieve the aim and objectives. The latter are managed/positioned in the “primal” positioning life cycle stage. Conclusions, managerial implications, future research directions and limitations are noted.  相似文献   


Educators have long sought how to prepare students to develop a global mind set and to work under conditions of complexity and uncertainty common in many world markets. The purpose of this study was to support educators in this cause by providing them with a “hands-on” exercise readily adaptable across the business curriculum to identify how culture shapes business concepts/practices of interest. Details are presented in a step-by-step procedure based upon a recognized “parallel-emic” research model developed to study cross-cultural differences to ensure analytical rigor. A Key-Word-In-Context (KWIC) indexing tool was employed to add precision and efficiency to the search process to help students readily identify common (etic-derived) and unique factors (emic-specific) shaping business concepts/practices cross-culturally.  相似文献   

Tasubinsa is a “Special Employment and Occupational Center” constituted in accordance with Spanish Law where 90% of the workers have mental, sensorial or physical impairments of at least 30%. Its positive experience of more than 15 years provides entirely different responses from mainstream neoclassical theory (transaction cost theory, agency theory, and shareholder theory) to basic questions such as “What is a firm?”, “What is its purpose?”, “Who owns a firm?”, and “What do a firm’s owners seek?”. The article discusses how these different premises give rise to a distinctive corporate culture centered on the handicapped person.  相似文献   

Informational power by search engines should be analysed from different perspectives. On the one hand, unlimited access to personal data can be in conflict with the interests of individuals whose data can be accessed. These interests are part of a right to privacy, including a “right to be forgotten,” which, however, must be balanced against the public interest in disclosure of information. Balancing these conflicting interests is a difficult task — a task that lies with the search engines themselves. On the other hand, firms and individuals may have an interest in their information to be found, in particular (but not only) for commercial purposes. Suppressing or “downgrading” this information as displayed to users may significantly reduce visibility. In light of these interests, it has been proposed to oblige search engines to implement “search neutrality“; i.e., that they have to present search results in an unbiased way. In this article, we take a clear position against ex ante regulation. Instead, competition law provides a sufficient framework, to protect against the abuse of “informational” market power. We sketch a new approach that may allow competition law to be applied more quickly in dynamic markets such as internet search markets.  相似文献   

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