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通过构建配网物资全链条集约化管理模式,开展物料需求远程申请、在线审批、主动配送,实现物资配送、现场移交、实物存储、物资使用、余料回收全流程视频监控,有效杜绝配网物资管理与实际使用“两张皮”现象。国网浙江丽水正好电力实业集团有限公司(以下简称“正好实业集团公司”)针对配网工程建设中物资管理方面存在的物资领用不准确、出库物资不可控、物资回收效率低.  相似文献   

中国邮政电子汇兑系统运行以来,汇兑业务效率有了一定的提高,增加了竞争优势,为今后的业务发展创造了坚实的基础。可以预见,随着今后电子汇兑联网网点的不断增加,会有更多的居民享受快速、便捷的邮政电子汇兑服务。邮政电子汇兑的市场形象和竞争能力也会显著提高。但是,必须清醒的看到,当前的邮政电子  相似文献   

吴伟忠 《工业会计》2006,(10):86-87
旧信封,也称实寄封,指经过邮政部门实际寄递的信封,上面贴有邮票,邮票上盖有发出邮局的邮戳,信封上盖过到达邮局的邮戳,有邮寄和传递过程中的痕迹,能反映出信函发出的时间、地点、邮资和投送时间、地点及服务质量。它对于人们研究国家的政治、经济、历史、地理、文化有重要的作用,在邮政史料、编组邮集和邮品收藏研究等方面具有很高的实用价值,因此越来越受到人们的珍视,也受到了邮票收藏和投资者的青睐。  相似文献   

中国邮政目前有一张用10多万人、数万辆汽车以及自备火车以及飞机编织出来的实物递送网络。由于以前主要做的信函以及包裹等的递送业务量的攀升速度太慢,使中国邮政的这张网络长期处于吃不饱状态,空驶现象比较严重。没有规模就没有效益,没有东西可拉就没有“饲料”供给。比如中国邮政现在有一个邮政航空公司,有3架飞机,跑两条航线,长期吃不饱的结果必然带来亏损。即使抛开电子商务来看,摆在中国邮政面前的问题也是要让自己的这个实物递送网络多拉快跑。  相似文献   

8月11日,中国重汽集团配件销售部与山东邮政速递物流公司正式签署《配件业务合作服务》协议,山东邮政速递物流公司负责中国重汽集团下属部分单位向配件销售部配送产品的暂存、理配、送发等业务,现所有业务已全面开展。随着经济的发展,邮政业务的范围更加广泛,这对邮政用车提出了与以往不尽相同的要求。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,许多国家都采取不同方式,在不同程度上对垄断性产业实行市场结构重组政策。国内外有关经验证明,垄断性产业的这种改革效果,在相当程度上取决于市场结构重组后政府所制定并实施的分类管制与协调政策的有效性。本文以中国电信、电力产业为例,简要分析垄断性产业的市场结构重组及其面临的问题,着重讨论市场结构重组后垄断性产业的分类管制与协调政策问题。  相似文献   

<正>大型设备配送监管是物资配送工作的一个难点,应针对其特点,通过精细化管理,不断提高配送监管水平。大型设备配送及监管现状大型设备具有现场组装验收难、运输条件限制、验收审批时间长、占用资金量大、设备专属专用、实物监管不易出差错,容易逆追等特点。目前普遍使用两种方式作业:一种是拆成零件进行载运,到了目的地后再行组装。优点是方便中途运输,便于装卸作业,适用于便于拆解和安装的大型设备。另一种是厂家组合好后,  相似文献   

自然垄断产业市场结构重组的目标、模式与政策实践   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
为促进自然垄断产业的有效竞争 ,提高经济效率 ,许多国家都对自然垄断产业实行市场结构重组政策。本文将探讨自然垄断产业市场结构重组的基本目标 ,5种主要市场结构重组模式及其特点 ,并分析一些经济发达国家和中国在自然垄断产业实行市场结构重组的政策实践。  相似文献   

许春燕  杜娟 《工业技术经济》2003,22(2):83-83,104
在全球经济一体化的环境与背景下,发达国家产业结构在迅速升级,并由此引发了全球性的产业结构升级与传递浪潮。定性分析影响产业结构的因素,进而进行产业结构转变干预模型的设计,对于我国和吉林省产业结构转变具有十分重要的现实意义。一、影响产业结构调整的因素分析 l.产业政策对产业结构的影响 绝大多数国家都制定经济发展战略以指导经济发展。发展战略的重要内容之一是确定优先发展的产业,并通过制定产业政策以实现优先发展的目标。产业政策是政府为弥补市场的不足而对经济活动进行干预的一系列措施的总和。产业政策包括产业结构政策、支柱产业支持政策、衰退产业援助政策、幼稚产业保护政策等。这些政策体现了政府在干预经济的过程中,针对不同的产业特点和干预目的而采取的方针和政策。产业政策直接地体现了经济发展的战略意图,主要是解决资源配置的宏观效益问题,它对经济的干预比较强烈,有相当强的政策力和浓厚的本省特色。  相似文献   

在城市公用事业中,自来水产业属于垄断性较强的产业之一.但是,根据自来水产业的业务特点,可以将其进一步划分为竞争性业务和自然垄断性业务.鉴于此,为提高自来水产业的运营效率,应对其进行市场结构重组,并实施分类管制政策.本文在探讨自来水产业市场结构重组主要问题的基础上,研究发达国家的自来水产业改革趋势,进而分析中国自来水产业市场结构重组及其政策.  相似文献   

The paper describes why optimal design of depot and hub transportation networks for parcel service providers makes it necessary to develop a generalized hub location and vehicle routing model (VRM). Analogous problems occur for postal, parcel and piece goods service providers. A generalized hub location and VRM is developed which encompasses the determination of the number, locations of hubs and depots and their assigned service areas as well as the routes between the demand points and consolidation points (depots, hubs). Because this task leads to a very complex transport design problem, a heuristic solution concept has to be developed. The applicability to a case study is demonstrated; the case of completely new system configuration for Austria is considered. Management must simultaneously decide the number, location, service areas and routes from demand points to depots and vice versa (the pickup and delivery structure) as well as the number and locations of hubs and the routes of depot–hub and hub–hub transports (the hub location or line haul structure), The developed management support decision model leads for real cases to a tremendous number of some million binary variables as well as continuous variables and million of constraints.  相似文献   

The case of the postal workers in Britain is examined in order to develop our knowledge of intra‐union oppositional groupings. Such groupings within the postal workers are shown to have influence as the result of the 'strategy' of a small number of activists within largely conducive circumstances of internal strife and worker combativity. However, they do not accord to our normal understanding of factions, being better characterized as shifting and temporary networks and alliances.  相似文献   

The music recording industry is a highly-concentratedfive firm oligopoly. Much of the dominance achievedby larger firms in the industry results from control over the distribution and promotion of theproducts of the industry. Alexander (1994b), predictedthat new compression routines would facilitate the efficient transfer of digital music across the internet.MP3 compression routines have made such transfersrelatively simple and efficient. While smaller new entrants have not yet been able to exploit this newtechnology in terms of market share, an element ofuncertainty exists regarding the sustainability of the prevailing structure, due to large scale non-sanctionedfile sharing. Despite the industry's legal efforts tosuppress non-sanctioned file distribution, peer-to-peer networks may render these efforts futile. However,peer-to-peer networks must overcome structural andinstitutional problems, in particular, free-riding.  相似文献   

Based on a postal survey and interviews, this paper analyses employee empowerment in the UK manufacturing industry, including how it is pursued and perceived, and the key factors that determine success. Success seems to depend on far-reaching changes in procedures, hierarchies and reward structures. This need to mobilise individual agents and structure reconfirms the agency-structure duality.  相似文献   

The issue of how different actors in a network understand changes to their industry remains an under-researched but crucially important area. According to the industrial network approach, companies interact according to their perceptions of the relevant network environment and their subjective sensemaking of the network logic and exchange mechanisms relating to the activities, resources, and actor bonds. Using a case study of the Norwegian/Japanese seafood distribution system, we propose a methodology that allows us to better understand these perceptions. We develop an analytical method based on ‘dottograms’ which facilitates a more detailed understanding of change within networks. In particular, we show how the dimensions of time (past, present and future changes) and space (change at actor, dyad or network level) can be better understood, and also how the method facilitates our understanding by ascribing reasons for the change. As such, we provide a methodological contribution to research on business networks and change.  相似文献   

It is well known that telephone penetration (the number of telephones per 100 population) is strongly related to national income. This report examines whether telephone penetration is significantly influenced by type of ownership (ie whether the telephone system is owned and operated by a private company or a government organization) and by postal responsibility (ie whether the telephone system is run by the same organization which runs the postal system). Economic theory and evidence from other industries suggest that private ownership increases output, and one might guess that postal responsibility would tend to restrict telephone penetration - but are these hypotheses correct and are the effects significant? The author concludes that telephone penetration is significantly more responsive to per capita GDP and to population density in private systems than in government-owned systems. Joint responsibility for postal systems has no significant effect on telephone penetration.  相似文献   

We study 892 Italian motorcycle industry projects carried out via 184 different buyer–supplier and supplier‐supplier relationships to provide evidence on the knowledge dynamics occurring in dyads and networks and to understand the underexplored but important (perhaps even dominant) leading role that some firms play in the evolution of networks and interfirm learning processes. We develop a multiphase model which, from a multilevel perspective addressing different relational subsets, suggests how firms can best organize to generate and exchange knowledge efficiently. We argue that extant theoretical perspectives can profitably draw on our findings to strengthen their dynamic components and help them explain the widely diffused ‘exploring through partner’ strategies more effectively. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文首先根据投入产出直接消耗系数表,结合复杂网络理论的建模思想构建了一类有向加权网络——区域产业结构网络,然后运用2007年全国投入产出数据研究了该网络的一系列特征值。在研究网络的路径问题时,考虑到网络边权是一种相似权,进而转向研究网络的最长路径及其蕴含的产业经济意义。以此为基础,论文又构建了产业间最强关联网络和产业集群发展关联网络,一方面梳理出区域产业规划过程中的关键产业部门,另一方面通过与发达国家和地区进行比较,识别出产业集群化过程中存在的问题。最后选取了汽车行业和石化行业进行了产业集群发展可行性方面的实证分析。  相似文献   

The literature on social networks in labor markets often assumes that hiring through a network is a token in a reciprocal favor exchange. Yet, the scope and mechanisms of this phenomenon remain unclear. I propose a general theoretical framework that initially takes the stand-alone favor, rather than reciprocity, as a mode of economic allocation and identifies its institutional support structures. Markets and hierarchies shape favor-doing alongside social networks, often as a byproduct of their other functions. I find empirical evidence for social networks and market pricing as support structures for favors in the Russian post-socialist labor market of the 1990s. The mechanisms behind social networks are prior history and the general norm of reciprocity, while market pricing induces favors by those employers positioned in the middle of the wage distribution and thus exhibiting simultaneously two qualities: a willingness to do favors, because the jobs they have to offer are not sufficiently lucrative to attract the very best talent, and an ability to ask for favors, because nevertheless those jobs remain attractive enough for job seekers at large. Overall, this study shows how labor market institutions, originally set up to support competitive exchanges, affect the likelihood of favors in hiring, in tandem with the traditional support structure, social networks. Favor-doing in emerging markets is understood better as a broadly conceived institutionalized process having a variety of support structures, not just networks, that must be explored from the bottom up in each specific setting.  相似文献   

Clusters,networks, and firm innovativeness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper extends current knowledge of industry clusters by disentangling the effects of networks from cluster (i.e., distinctly geographic) mechanisms on firm performance as well as by studying the influence of these different mechanisms on firms located inside and outside the industry cluster. It also highlights the importance of simultaneously modeling multiple networks which may differentially influence important firm outcomes. In the paper, I model the innovativeness of Canadian mutual fund companies as a function of their geographic location—inside or outside the industry cluster of Toronto—and of their centrality in networks of managerial and institutional ties. I find that locating in the industry cluster as well as centrality in the managerial tie network enhances firm innovation, while centrality in the institutional tie network does not. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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