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投资状况 外国直接投资状况 吸引外国直接投资是毛里求斯政府实现经济多元化、扩大出口、保持经济稳定增长的重要手段。毛里求斯是世界上最为开放的经济体之一。由于稳定的政治经济环境和优越的投资投策,特别是税收政策,毛里求斯迄今已吸引到9000多家外国公司。过去,外国直接投资主要来自亚洲和印度次大陆,主要投向出口加工区的纺织服装业。随着毛里求斯纺织服装业竞争力的削弱,外资流入呈下降趋势。在政府优惠政策的吸引下,  相似文献   

李静 《中国外资》2007,(3):12-14
<正>最近,热议中的两税合并一事引起媒体的广泛关注。在内资企业为两税合并有可能于明年正式实施感到欢欣之际,也有些人担心,一直对我国税收优惠政策调整十分敏感的外资企业,会因为两税合并而影响其投资积极性。事实上,两税合并的久拖未决,一部分阻力的确来自外资企业。如今,根据两税合并草案,外资的平均所得税税率将从15%上升到25%;因此有人认为此举会对外商投资造成震动和冲击,这种担心不无道理。那么,两税合并是否真的触动了外资企业的“奶酪”?内外资税率统一将会对已经在中国投资的外资企业和有意投资我国的外商有何影响?  相似文献   

钟炜 《涉外税务》2007,227(5):19-22
本文将我国的外国直接投资(FDI)分为来自港台的外资和来自美国、日本、欧洲等主要发达国家的外资两大类,并利用我国各省、自治区、直辖市1993~2003年的面板数据进行实证检验,结果表明,来自港台的FDI对税收优惠较为敏感,而来自美、日等西方发达国家的FDI对税收优惠并不敏感。因此本文认为,“两法合并”中税收优惠政策调整以后,受到冲击的主要是来自港台的以加工贸易为主的外资,而来自美、日等国的以长期投资为主的外资所受到的冲击将会很小,因而“两法合并”对我国引进外资造成的负面影响将很有限。  相似文献   

本文在对中兴通讯"走出去"情况进行调研的基础上,对我国境外投资税收问题进行了研究,提出了完善现行对外投资税收政策、税收协定和征管措施等方面的建议。  相似文献   

投资状况 外国直接投资状况 美国对境外资本持开放态度。这是美国外国直接投资增长的基本原因。除开放的理念外,健全的法制、完善的制度以及透明的规则等构成的制度性保障也是外资流入美国的重要原因。稳定的政治与社会状况有助于降低风险成本。国民待遇原则又有利于投资人间的公平竞争。因此外国直接投资虽然也有波动,但近年来呈稳步增长趋势。次贷危机导致金融危机及经济衰退以来,尽管有投资缩减的行为,  相似文献   

<正>在欧盟及其成员国普遍收紧外资安全审查制度的新趋势下,梳理其演进和核心内容,评估其对我国投资的影响,提出“新趋势”的因应策略,对完善我国外资安全审查制度,推动重启中欧投资协定谈判以化解政治风险均具有积极意义。  相似文献   

亚洲金融危机发生后,东南亚国家汇率大范围贬值。尽管幅度不同,高的如泰铢达40%以上,低的如印度卢布也有8%;尽管原因不同,有遭受国际游资袭击被迫贬值的,也有为自身利益着想有意放任汇市下挫的;但不管怎样,周边国家汇率的变化对我国经济各方面的影响是显而易见的。这其中,与汇率水平密切相关的外国直接投资倍受关注;本文试图通过买证研究的方法;从历史的角度,利用我国及福建省历年数据对此加以定量的比较分析,从中进一步加深对福建省外国直接投资在金融危机下所受影响的了解。一、汇率变动对外国直接投资影响研究述评汇率对外国…  相似文献   

赵芯 《中国外资》2010,(8):173-174,176
随着国际经济相互依存度的不断提高以及中国对外开放程度的逐步深化,在以跨国公司为主导的全球化浪潮中,得益于外国直接投资规模的扩大化、规模化,中国经济得到了快速的发展。改革开放以来,外国直接投资在促进我国经济发展,改善我国畸形产业结构方面发挥了很大的作用。当前我国已经进入产业结构调整的一个关键时期。如何在尽力发挥外资对我国经济积极推动作用的同时,尽量减少外资带来的负面影响,是我们当前面临的一个重大问题。本文主要从产业结构优化的角度来具体研究外国直接投资对我国产业结构的带动效应  相似文献   

王琦  刘旭萍  张舸 《涉外税务》2007,234(12):56-60
本文以北京市地方税务局涉外税务分局所管辖的外国航空运输公司为例,从税收协定和税收政策方面分析我国税务机关在对外国航空运输业营业税征管中存在的问题,并针对问题提出建议。  相似文献   

世界上由于各地区投资环境、外资供应状况和金融市场发育程度上的差异,产生了各具有特色的利用外资模式。以亚洲为例,人致归纳为三类:一是以借款为主的模式,如韩国1959~1986年共拥有外资357.87亿美元,其中借款占92.7%;直接投资仅占7.3%;二是借款和投资并重的模式,如台湾省从1952~1982年共利用外资总额125亿美元,其中借款约占56%.投资约占44%;三是以利用外商直接投资为主的模式.如新加坡1975一1984年间,外国直接投资占长期资本流入总额的97.7%。目前,我国刮用外资基本属于第三种情况。在开放经济的条件下,资本在国…  相似文献   

在国际直接投资研究领域,人们普遍认为,当母国对来源于外国的所得实行抵免制以避免国际重复课税时,东道国对外资企业的税收优惠往往转化为母国政府的财政收入,母国的投资者无法获得东道国给予的税收优惠.通过对1990~2004年实行抵克制的美国及实行豁免制和饶让抵免制的其它西方发达国家在华直接投资进行比较,未发现美国与其它西方发达国家在华直接投资的积极性存在显著差异.由于美国对该国投资者给予税收递延,使得投资者依然能够获得东道国的税收优惠,美国实行的抵免制并未阻碍该国投资者的在华投资热情.  相似文献   

FDI税收优惠政策效应的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全面回顾和分析国内外税收优惠政策对FD I引资效应的理论研究与实证研究的基础上,可以看出FD I的流动是各种因素综合作用的结果。鉴于我国税收政策对FD I的效应正在不断弱化,我国应及时推进两税合一。一味片面夸大其作用将严重阻碍内外税制的统一步伐。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether concessionary tax rates and tax incentives can attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into certain designated areas in China. Since China opened its doors to foreign investors in 1979, tax benefits have been used extensively to attract FDI into different areas. In 1991, a new tax law was introduced which superseded two previous income tax laws. This new law provides additional tax benefits which improve the investment environment for foreign investors. This study investigates the effect of China's tax rates and tax incentive policy on FDI and on the locational choices of foreign firms. Our empirical results indicate that tax rates and incentives are important determinants of regional investment decisions in China, after controlling for potential confounding variables covering infrastructure, unemployment rate, wage rate and agglomeration economics. Specifically, areas offering lower tax rates and increased tax incentives are found to attract greater amounts of FDI. The impetus of the tax effect on FDI is more apparent in the post-1991 period due to changes in the tax laws. Our results also suggest that infrastructure variables are important determinants of regional investment decisions.  相似文献   

两法合并解决了因企业"身份"不同而享受不同税收待遇的问题,为各类企业创造了一个公平竞争的税收法制环境。新企业所得税法对FDI税收政策的变化,导致了外商来华投资的方式也发生了变化。这表明两法合并对FDI会产生短期影响,至于是否会改变长期发展态势是由综合因素体系决定的,因此,今后要注意防范税收累积效应。  相似文献   

This paper reports estimates of the elasticity of taxable income with respect to the net‐of‐tax rate for New Zealand taxpayers. The relative stability of the New Zealand personal income tax system, in terms of marginal rates, thresholds and the tax base, provides helpful conditions for deriving these estimates. The elasticity of taxable income was estimated to be substantially higher for the highest income groups. Changes in the timing of income flows for the higher income recipients were found to be an important response to the announcement of a new higher rate bracket. The marginal welfare costs of personal income taxation were consistent across years, being relatively small for all but the higher tax brackets. For the top marginal rate bracket of 39 per cent, the welfare cost of raising an extra dollar of tax revenue was estimated to be well in excess of a dollar. Implications of the findings are that: disincentive effects of high top marginal rates can be substantial even when labour supply responses are small; the welfare costs of increases in top marginal tax rates can be high; and announcement effects of tax policy changes can lead to considerable income shifting between time periods.  相似文献   

薛薇 《涉外税务》2007,(8):22-27
不同税制模式和个人所得税征税方式对养老金计划的影响不同,而养老金计划的个人所得税政策如何定位又主要取决于公共政策对储蓄以及不同储蓄形式的态度。比较国际实践,从税制模式、储蓄传统和长期资产管理来看,我国公共政策不需要鼓励养老金储蓄,但从金融体系的稳定和长远发展来看,又需要对养老金储蓄形式给予一定的鼓励。因此,我国个人所得税政策应该对其给予适当税收激励,但不需要很大力度。考虑到我国分类征收的个人所得税制,本文认为,我国个人所得税对养老金计划应该采取TEE模式(养老金缴款不允许税前扣除、对未支付的资本收益或资本利得不征税、对领取的全部养老金收入不征税)。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of tax policy on the strategic choices of multinationals and on national welfare. Contrary to existing theory, in the absence of foreign taxation, deferral of home-country taxation until earnings on outbound FDI are repatriated is generally superior to including those earnings in current income. This holds even if the home country taxes domestic investment less generously. This is also generally superior to exempting foreign income. Foreign taxes permit foreign governments to capture some of the pre-tax economic rent from the home-country FDI; this reduces the benefit to the home country of more generous taxation of outbound FDI.  相似文献   

The paper analyses efficiency aspects of a dual income tax system with a higher tax on capital gains than dividends. It argues that apart from the distortions to investments claimed in earlier literature, the system puts even more emphasis in creating incentives for entrepreneurs to participate in tax planning. The paper suggests that the owner of a closely held company can avoid all personal taxes on entrepreneurial income by two tax-planning strategies. The first is the avoidance of distributions, which would be taxed at the tax rate on labour income. These funds would instead be invested in the financial markets. The second strategy is a distribute and call-back policy, converting retained profits into new equity capital. Interestingly, the outcome is that investment in real capital is not distorted in the long-run equilibrium. Empirical evidence using microdata is also provided.   相似文献   

We determine the optimal combination of taxes on money, consumption and income in transactions technology models where exogenous government expenditures must be financed with distortionary taxes. We show that the optimal policy does not tax money, regardless of whether the government can use as alternative fiscal instruments an income tax, a consumption tax, or the two taxes jointly. These results are at odds with recent literature. We argue that the reason for this divergence is an inappropriate specification of the transactions technology adopted in the literature.  相似文献   

统一企业所得税法的重大意义及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丛明 《涉外税务》2007,227(5):9-12
本文主要分析了内外资企业所得税制统一的意义、内容及影响。认为这是我国税制改革的一项重大举措,也是宏观经济政策的一项重大调整,必将对我国国民经济和社会发展产生重要而深远的影响。  相似文献   

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