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本文在对上海国际商务人才现状进行实证分析的基础上,运用回归预测 的方法对未来10年上海国际商务人才的需求进行预测,并对预测结果进行检验和 评价。  相似文献   

2013年6月13日股市开盘即没来由的暴跌达3%.到收盘时上指跌去62点,跌幅达2.83%,端午小长假后第一个工作同的下跌让人瞠目结舌,而媒体和专家给出的答案也是云里雾里的,又是IPO的开闸在即.又是周边股市的影响,奇怪的是日美股市人涨的时候足没有中国股市的事情的,到了日美股市调整的时候怎么就和中国股市相关了的呢?中国股市的下跌哪有国际股市的什么事情,那么黑色的周四到底发生了什么?  相似文献   

黎红米 《商场现代化》2008,(11):293-294
广西由于有其独特的区位优势、政策优势和经济优势,近几年随着社会和经济的发展,社会特别是经济领域对国际商务人才有较大的需求量,本文将从国际商务人才的社会需求状况及人才队伍现状的角度,分析当前广西国际商务人才的需求现状及培养对策。  相似文献   

商务英语教学如何适应国际商务需求的几点思索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商务英语属于专门用途英语的范畴,正因它的特别性与专门性,所以它有别于普通英语语言,其教学组织就应符合社会对既懂专业知识又精通英语的复合型人才的培养要求,然而当今国际商务英语的教材编写、课程设置及教学模式却难以适应国际商务发展的需要。因此有必要对当前国际商务英语的教材编写问题、课程设置及教学模式问题作进一步阐述并提出今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO以来,中国企业面临的国际贸易和投资环境不容乐观。  相似文献   

在国际商业交易中,商人和律师的一般意见认为,仲裁与诉讼相比有许多显著的好处.仲裁程序的花费较少,时间较短,而且没有诉讼那样讲求形式.仲裁是在不公开的条件下进行的,一般而言,仲裁的裁决是终局性的,除非存在程序上的问题,通常不能向法院提出上诉.  相似文献   

长期的社会实践中,人们对时间形成了不同的认知:有人认为时间是一条线,一去不回;有人认为时间是一个圆儿,周而复始。由此对时间产生了不同的支配方式,对"守时"产生了不同的理解。在国际商务交往中,这种差异会带来一些误会和不便,所以了解不同文化中人们如何支配时间,如何"守时",有助于国际商务活动的顺利进行。  相似文献   

本文主要论讨了不同文化对国际商务活动的影响。首先简明阐述了对文化的理解,再以失败商务活动为案例,从四个方面分析忽视文化差异给商务活动带来的严重后果,并提出解决意见和建议.  相似文献   

长期的社会实践中,人们对时间形成了不同的认知:有人认为时间是一条线,一去不回;有人认为时间是一个圆儿,周而复始。由此对时间产生了不同的支配方式,对“守时”产生了不同的理解。在国际商务交往中,这种差异会带来一些误会和不便,所以了解不同文化中人们如何支配时间,如何“守时”,有助于国际商务活动的顺利进行。  相似文献   

孙芳 《江苏商论》2006,(8):48-49
国际商务电邮是国际贸易沟通中的主要手段,任何一封国际商务电邮都是企业和贸易人员自身形象的促销函。本文着重分析了国际商务电邮撰写应遵循的AIDA模式。  相似文献   

Languagebox是由中译语通科技股份有限公司(Global Tone Communication Technology Co. Ltd.,GTCOM)中文简称"中译语通"开发的智能化语言系统,其功能是帮助口译人才进行商务重塑的重要技术手段。本文从Languagebox的功能研发确立商务规范的角度,以口译过程中的国际口译员应遵循的角色转换为研究方向,通过结合Languagebox的技术设计和商务功能,阐明国际化智能口译人才在商务口译表现为信息传递者、交际参与者、信息提供者以及活动组织者的四重角色,尤其是医学方向口译人才的角色重塑过程。  相似文献   

国际分销中涉及到进出口业务,尽管进出口业务存在着一些差别,但进出口业务中有很多业务基本上是相同的。这就要求企业应熟悉进出口单证、货运和销售条件、收付货款、包装和标识等主要的进出口业务,以便对进出口业务进行有效的管理。  相似文献   


Given the growing use of virtual interaction in international business activities, business schools must provide students with experiential learning opportunities that prepare them to work in virtual organizations. This paper uses multiple case study methodology with analysis at the transaction level to analyze the dynamics of the virtual teams, and to compare international and domestic virtual team behavior. The paper also identifies the challenges of implementing international virtual teams for teaching international business and provides practical advice for faculty.  相似文献   

文章通过西安会展、旅游和酒店业发展现状,明确了会展、旅游和酒店业三产业国际化和商务化的发展方向.在总结国内外三产业理论成果尤其是目前西安会展旅游和商务旅游研究成果的基础上提出了西安发展国际商务接待业要采取产业融合发展的模式,并从市场、业务和管理三个层面深入探讨了实现产业融合的路径.  相似文献   

Toward a Model for International Business Ethics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper briefly examines the topic of business ethics and attempts to suggest a code of ethics for multinational firms. While most companies have basic policies on employee integrity, confidentiality and sexual harassment, relatively few have established policies regarding bribery, exploitive child labor, human rights violations and other issues they may encounter in the global market place (Drake, 1998). Until recently, very few companies had truly global operations. Consequently little attention was paid to the issue of ethical guidelines in a global context. Recent changes in international markets have led to an explosion of corporations with global operations, and the need for a global code of ethics has grown commensurately. In this paper we explore the issue of global business ethics and attempt to provide a framework for future discussion. We also examine some of the unique difficulties surrounding the development of any set of global business standards. Key among these difficulties is the issue of competing ethical values in home and host countries.  相似文献   

Data from 1996 to 2016 on perceived levels of bribe taking in 15 post-Soviet Union countries indicate three distinct groups—Russia and seven contiguous countries are most prone to bribe taking, a set of four countries in the southwest less so, and the three Baltic nations are the least corrupt. Public officials in countries that have high economic freedom and human development, are democracies, and proactively adhere to global anti-bribery treaties are less likely to take bribes. The findings show that despite a common recent history, the countries have evolved differently following the breakup. Implications for international businesses are discussed.  相似文献   


The World Wide Web presents many opportunities for improving the instructional quality of international business communication related classes by providing access to a large variety of information sources. These sources can be used as supplements to traditional texts, as the basis for specific program assignments, or even as the main focus of a course. An especially useful aspect of these sites is that they can improve information recency and depth when compared with sole reliance on traditional texts. Unfortunately, the sheer quantity of available Web pages can make it difficult to find appropriate sites for a given international business communication topic. To assist educators in locating such relevant sites, we offer summaries and addresses for pages in some of the major areas of international business communication. These selections were chosen both for their relevance to international business communication training and evaluation by Cornell's suggested quality criteria. The article concludes with a discussion of potential applications, problems, and implications for web based international business communication instruction.  相似文献   

The aim of this exploratory study is to develop a definition of conceptual understanding for teaching in international business. In international business, professionals face complex problems like what to produce, where to manufacture, which markets to target, and when to expand abroad. A clear definition of conceptual understanding needed to solve such problems would provide design input for international business education. In three cycles, two independent expert panels with backgrounds in academic research, international business education, and international business practice identified and validated key components of conceptual understanding in international business. Key components are the global and local contexts, general and specific business practices, and theoretical business concepts and mechanisms. Other key characteristics include factual knowledge, explanation, and out-of-the-box thinking.  相似文献   


This paper examines the perceived effectiveness of simulations in teaching international business. A survey of third and fourth year Canadian students who participated in a web-based international business simulation was conducted using a structured questionnaire. Factor analysis was used to understand the underlying relationships in the resulting data. The study finds that, compared to traditional approaches, e.g., textbooks and cases, students viewed the simulation as a more effective learning tool. The game stimulated interest and participation among students and was effective in fostering teamwork. The simulation was also viewed as being effective in providing students with an appreciation of the international context and complexity of cross-national decision-making.  相似文献   

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