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针对由两个零售商和一个共同的供应商组成的供应链,供应商将具有可替代性的两种产品通过两个零售商进行销售,零售商为其产品提供服务,供应商为零售商提供服务补贴。分析得出:向零售商提供服务补贴虽然能够提高零售商针对自己产品所提供的服务水平,增加其产品的市场占有率和供应商的利润,但并不能增加零售商的利润,反而会使其利润减少。如果在供应商向零售商提供服务补贴的供应链中采用纳什讨价还价机制,不仅可以使产品的服务和销量保持在不采用纳什讨价还价机制的供应商向零售商提供服务补贴时供应链的水平,还可以使供应商和零售商的利润都增加,此时供应商愿意提供服务补贴,零售商愿意接受服务补贴。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了供应商与大型零售商之间种种冲突的原因,从两类企业博弈的角度分析两者间的关系。大型零售商利用渠道优势,谈判中向供应商提出各种苛刻要求,导致供应商的严重不满,甚至提供低质产品或退出,损害了双方的利益。引入声誉机制,供应商和大型零售商之间可以通过长期合作实现共赢。但是,声誉机制的引入并不能保证一定达到帕累托占优均衡。当市场不能解决问题时,应该使用法律法规来约束市场参与主体的非合作行为。  相似文献   

国家质检总局日前透露,从2001年4月到2004年10月底,共查获假冒伪劣产品货值111亿元。而保守估计,市场上假冒产品总量超过1370亿元。一些重点产品的制假活动,区域性假冒伪劣问题,得到有效遏制;一批制假首犯,惯犯得到惩处,少数包庇,纵容制假售假分子甚至参与制假售假活动的国家机关工作人员被严肃处理。  相似文献   

在国家质检总局组织的以“查假冒伪劣、保生活安全”、“查热销商品、保假日经济”为主题,全国范围内开展的百日打假联全行动的第一个月,全国质检系统主动出击,直捣已经掌握的制假贮假窝点,掀起了百日行动的第一高潮,取得了首战告捷的良好开端。统计显示,当月全国质检测系统查获假冒伪劣产品货值2.3亿元,捣毁制假窝点1090个,立案查处案件1.3万件,其中10万元以上大案50起,移送公安机关13起。  相似文献   

制假贩假是有意为之。经济生活中还有一种(我们暂且认定是不经意间)造假,而且大有愈演愈烈之势。“论坛”、“峰会”便是一例。  相似文献   

本文在易损耗的区域特色商品交易中,构造一个相对简单合理的市场环境,研究单周期两阶段供应链的订购策略模型,且假设该模型是运输路程为变量,考虑基于路程的运送损耗,基于运输路程的市场需求。引入期权的策略,求得有无期权工具时,零售商订购量与最大期望利润、供应商最大期望利润。通过比较得出结论,无期权时零售商的最大订购量大于有期权时总订购量且大于产品订购量;引入期权使得零售商、供应商和整个供应链上最大期望利润都增大;在假设条件下,零售商和供应商最大期望利润是订购量的减函数。最后通过三组实例验证上述结论。  相似文献   

在经典报童模型基础上,引入期权机制,建立基于期权的报童模型。研究发现,在分散决策型供应链中引入期权机制,可以通过制定合适的价格策略,在供应链的整体利润达到最优的同时增加零售商和供应商的利润,从而实现帕累托最优。  相似文献   

陆永明 《商业科技》2008,(32):43-45
在经典报童模型基础上,引入期权机制,建立基于期权的报童模型。研究发现,在分散决策型供应链中引入期权机制,可以通过制定合适的价格策略,在供应链的整体利润达到最优的同时增加零售商和供应商的利润,从而实现帕累托最优。  相似文献   

对于零售商来说,卖电脑配件和卖大白莱没什么区别,只要低进高出、有利可图就可以了。但对于消费者就不同了,恐怕在少花钱的同时,谁都希望自己买一个放心的产品。面对目前高科技产品,特别是计算机相关产品造假、贩假的现象,消费者会有什么样的想法呢?请关注本刊记者的实地采访。  相似文献   

本文探讨了零售商对供应商的态度承诺如何通过影响控制机制的使用而最终影响零售商从与供应商关系中获得的关系价值.通过对中国家电业251对零售商-供应商关系的问卷调研数据的分析,检验了所提出的概念模型及假设.研究结论表明零售商对供应商的不同类型的态度承诺通过控制机制使用的不同选择能为零售商带来不同的关系价值.这一结论对于零售商如何在不同的态度承诺下选择和使用恰当的控制机制以获得最大的关系价值具有重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

网上商品销售与线下商品销售存在较大不同,为探索其消费模式,需要研究各影响因素对网上商品销量的作用机制。文章基于心理抗拒、贝勃定律、卢因人类行为理论等,对网络消费行为进行系统分析;综合运用分位数回归和门限回归方法,建立了门限分位数回归模型,揭示商品价格、商家信誉评分、商家信誉等级、保障标记数量、商品收藏人气、口碑数量和口碑分数等对销量的非线性异质影响。以受众广泛的iPad air2网上销售为研究对象,实证结果表明:提高商家的信誉等级、增加口碑数量能使高销量商家的销量更高,而保障标记数量的增加对热销有阻碍作用;在非热门商品转向热销品的过程中,增加收藏人气、增加口碑数量和一定价格范围内的提价对低销量商家的销量有促进作用。  相似文献   

Evidence discussed in this article indicates that consumers rely heavily upon consumer reviews when making decisions about which products and services to purchase online. Sellers and their marketeers are aware of this, and as a result, some of them succumb to the temptation to generate fake consumer reviews. This article argues that policymakers and regulators need to take fake reviews seriously. This is because they undermine a (potentially) effective and efficient mechanism for overcoming information asymmetry between online sellers and buyers. Consumer reviews also offer a powerful mechanism for regulating the marketplace. Sellers who sell sub-standard products or engage in sub-standard selling practices risk reputational damage. Genuine consumer reviews can therefore moderate bad seller behaviour and assist in improving the quality and efficiency of the marketplace. Although there are laws in many jurisdictions that prohibit misleading and deceptive conduct, detecting fake reviews is complex and difficult. This article proposes that one way of increasing the effectiveness of regulatory oversight is for regulators to add an “alliance approach” to their existing arsenal of regulatory systems and mechanisms.  相似文献   

With rapid economic growth largely fueled by digital technologies, online reviews are among the new wave of technologies that still make a significant contribution to this new digital economy. However, there is scarce academic research in promoting or responding online reviews using reduction coupons with threshold issued by sellers and pricing decisions. We employ a three-stage least squares (3SLS) model to estimate the effects of online reviews and coupons on online product sales and price. We also extend our research using the data of two product categories. Our results mainly include: (1) Negative impact of negative online reviews on sales is moderated by price, and consumers are more tolerant of negative reviews of high-priced products. (2) Consumers' perceived usefulness of online coupons helps promote more sales and weaken the relationship between negative reviews and sales. (3) Positive online reviews weaken the negative relationship between online negative reviews and the price of product. (4) Consumers’ increased perceived usefulness of online coupons will encourage sellers to set a higher price and weaken the negative relationship between negative reviews and the price of product. (5) Compared with the search product, sellers regard negative reviews from the product with experience attributes as less helpful and apply less effective coupon promotion to response to negative reviews. Our study clarifies the interaction between online reviews and online coupons on e-commerce platforms under the operation scenario. We also provide empirical support for accurate promotion and higher sales revenue through reasonable pricing decisions and specified reduction coupons.  相似文献   

e-Honesty: when does it pay?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We consider a model of strategic reputation for online sales using an exchange format. In the model sellers can sell a cheap good to build up reputation, and then cheat when selling a more expensive good. We identify conditions under which a seller will always be honest.  相似文献   


Live streaming has recently become a popular direct selling channel which offers small, self-employed sellers unseen levels of consumer interaction and engagement. While the extant research focused on consumer motivation and intention to shop via live streaming, little is known from the seller’s perspective. Indeed, the potential advantages of live streaming commerce are accessible to everyone, but sellers experience different levels of success with this medium. Using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, this study analyses Facebook data of live streaming sellers to assess the nature and extent of engagement metrics, and delineate the dynamic, interactive live streaming sales process. We identify four sales approaches and twelve strategies adopted in acquiring and retaining customers. This typology of sales approach representing seller-focused antecedents is mapped against the relationship process and outcomes to provide a framework for understanding relationship mechanisms in live streaming commerce.  相似文献   

假冒伪劣商品是市场经济的必然产物,当市场机制失灵时,政府进行合理的监管就成为一种必然。从商品流通的角度来看,商品流通的主要承担者———中间商的行为选择对有效治理假冒伪劣商品有非常重要的作用。政府要制定出对中间商售假行为的约束机制,才能看出政府对中间商售假行为实现有效约束的惩罚效用强度和查获概率的取值范围,从而得出政府实施有效约束的最小费用值。  相似文献   


Survey data from grocery retailers are analyzed to determine if sellers of hybrid striped bass have different socioeco-nomic and demographic characteristics than nonsellers. The results indicate that sellers are more likely to be chain stores, have larger seafood sales per customer, and have upper income clientele. Probit and logit analyses indicate that the probability that a retailer is a seller of hybrid striped bass increases as the firm sells more aquaculture products. The probability also increases if the retailer is a chain store whose average seafood sales per customer exceed $10, and whose annual seafood sales per store exceed $100,000.  相似文献   

The information presented on a product sales page plays an important role in consumers' purchase decisions. This study examines the persuasive effect, whether a customer's choice is heavily driven by information inferred from others' behavior, and how these impacts are moderated by market age and product type. Results show that online customer choice was significantly affected by historical cumulative sales and times saved. Positive cumulative sales and shop service quality have a significant positive impact on product sales. The times saved have no direct impact on product sales. For different types of products, the times saved of experiential products has a significant impact on product sales, while the shop service quality information of search products has a greater impact on product sales. The influence of online observation learning on product sales will be significantly moderated by a combination of product type and market age. These findings not only offer important theoretical contributions to e-commerce research but also provide practical implications for online sellers and managers of social commerce platforms.  相似文献   

This paper formally models the Public-Private Investment Partnership (PPIP), a plan for U.S. government sponsored purchases of distressed assets. This paper solves both the problem of the asset manager buying toxic assets and the banks selling toxic assets. It solves for the fair market value of toxic assets implied by subsidized toxic asset sales, and it estimates the size of the government's subsidy. Moreover, this paper finds the circumstances under which banks and asset managers will meet at mutually acceptable prices. In general, healthier banks will be more willing sellers of toxic assets than zombies.  相似文献   

Rating mechanisms are becoming an essential tool for online shoppers. There have been many reputation mechanisms proposed in the literature that try to mitigate the sometimes adverse effects of strategic behavior of the traders to alter their true reputation scores. At the same time, several studies have shown the presence of bias (often unintentional) in product ratings and their harmful effect on buyers and product sales. To date, there has not been any work done that studies the effect of reputation mechanisms and ratings biases on the behavior of buyers and sellers in an online marketplace. In this article, we use the concept of replicator dynamics to study the evolution of different types of sellers and buyers who use three different reputation mechanisms. We also study the evolution of different types of sellers in the presence of four types of ratings biases. Our results indicate that, over time, buyers gravitate toward using the adaptive model and, in most scenarios, strategic and dishonest sellers are replaced by honest sellers.  相似文献   

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