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股市财富效应及其传导机制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于股票价格上涨导致股票持有人财富增加,进而产生消费增加的效应就是股票市场的财富效应。美国股市和中国股市运行过程中的经验证明,财富效应是一个客观存在。由于我国股市规模较小,流通市值较少,投资者结构和收益分配结构不合理,股市波动频率过快、波幅过大以及股市噪声等诸多不利因素的影响,导致财富效应还不显著。我们应借鉴美国等发达国家的经验,实行积极稳健的股市政策,不断完善我国股票市场运作机制,做强做大股市,促进股市充分发挥财富效应。  相似文献   

股票已是中国居民主要的财富之一,股票投资也理应成为居民财产性收入的重要来源之一。通过股票投资增加居民财产性收入,有利于居民收入多元化和扩大消费需求,转变经济增长方式。但是,中国股票市场存在低投资回报率、低现金分红比率、高市盈率和偏高的市场风险等现状,弱化了股票投资对居民财产性收入的贡献。实证研究也表明股票投资收益率、现金分红同居民财产性收入、社会零售商品总额相关性不够显著。股票市场投资增值功能缺失、上市公司治理机制不完善、股票投资主体的不成熟和股票市场投资工具单一化是造成股票投资对居民财产性收入贡献不足的主要原因。为了发挥股票市场的投资和分散风险功能,应在扩大股票市场规模的同时,明确股票市场的投资功能和定位,完善股票市场的发行机制,优化投资主体结构,加强发行主体和投资主体的培育建设。  相似文献   

“牛市”和“熊市”对信息的不平衡性反应研究   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56  
“利好”和“利空”信息对股票市场具有不平衡性的影响 ,研究这一现象对资产定价、投资组合构造及风险头寸确定都有重要作用。而新信息的出现对股票市场的影响应该区分股市所处的位置 ,这一点正是已有的波动性研究所忽视的。中国股票市场总体上不平衡性信息表现与国外不同 ,本文将股票市场波动划分为“牛市”和“熊市”两个阶段 ,采用EGARCH模型实证研究我国股票市场在牛市和熊市阶段对“利好”与“利空”的不平衡性反应特征。然后从投资者预期、结构、心理和交易机制等方面解释产生“强市恒强、弱市恒弱”现象的原因 ,指出进一步研究的方向 ,以期为投资者选择投资策略和政府制订政策提供参考  相似文献   

健康与家庭资产选择   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文采用中国居民家庭微观调查数据,运用资产参与和资产分配模型,分别讨论健康状况对居民家庭资产配置行为的影响。研究结果表明:投资者的健康状况不显著影响其参与股票市场和风险资产市场的决定,但影响家庭的股票或风险资产在总财富中的比重,健康状况不佳会导致这两个比重较低,在控制了参保情况或时间展望期后这一影响仍然显著;而投资者风险态度和遗赠动机能够一定程度上解释健康风险的影响。  相似文献   

中国股票市场对货币政策影响的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用现代计量经济分析方法,从股票市场对货币需求的影响、股市的财富效应和投资效应,以及股票市场发展对货币政策信贷渠道的影响等几个侧面,实证分析了股票市场的发展对货币政策的影响。其结论是,中国股市的发展已经对狭义货币M1的需求产生了较大影响,而且整体上加剧了狭义货币M1需求的不稳定性;中国股市的发展并未给广义货币M2的需求造成系统性的影响;中国股市的财富效应和投资效应目前都还比较微弱,特别是投资效应;中国股市的发展已经一定程度地分流了信贷渠道对货币政策传导的作用,但迄今为止,信贷渠道仍然是中国货币政策传导的主渠道。  相似文献   

股票财富、信号传递与中国城镇居民消费   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文尝试在消费者最优选择模型基础上,通过引入居民的借贷约束和预防性储蓄,推导出能够检验股市的财富效应、信号传递效应和不对称效应的实证分析框架,并利用中国的季度数据考察中国股市变动对居民消费的影响。与国内相关文献所得结论不同,本文的研究表明:如果不仅考虑股票价格变动的财富效应,而且考虑其信号传递效应,那么中国股票市场对城镇居民消费存在着较为明显的影响。分析也表明,如果用工资而不是人均可支配收入度量人力资本回报,中国股票市场同样存在正的财富效应,且这种财富效应具有明显的不对称性,反映经济基本面变化的股价变动对中国居民消费具有长期影响,投机因素引起的股价变动对中国居民消费的影响甚微。  相似文献   

基于后悔规避的投资组合模型及其实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于人的情感、认知等因素对投资活动有直接影响,本文在投资活动中引入人的情感因素,提出了基于后悔规避的投资者效用函数,该效用函数是期末财富和预期财富的函数。建立了存在无风险资产时的最优投资组合模型,发现基于后悔规避投资组合模型的组合前沿存在两基金分离的现象。对我国上海股票市场进行了实证分析,得到了基于后悔规避投资组合模型的组合前沿,并验证了组合前沿存在两基金分离现象的结论。  相似文献   

中国股票市场个体投资者"处置效应"的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用中国个体投资者交易帐户的交易数据,本文对中国股票市场个体投资者"处置效应"进行了实证分析,并考察了中国股票市场是否存在"十二月效应"对"处置效应"的影响.依据情绪影响投资者决策的心理学结论,本文进一步分析了在不同的市场态势下,个体投资者"处置效应"的特征.本文研究表明,中国个体投资者存在显著的"处置效应",并在不同市场态势下表现出不同的特征,十二月份存在"反处置效应"现象.  相似文献   

王立文 《当代经济科学》2011,(5):99-108,128
论文基于2005—2009年中国A股上市公司年报数据的实证研究发现,当投资于发放现金股利的公司股票时,机构投资者持股比例与上市公司股票换手率、股票收益波动率、股价同步性等反映和衡量股票市场稳定性的三个渐次递进维度的指标都显著负相关;而当投资于不发放现金股利的公司股票时,机构投资者持股比例与衡量股票市场稳定性的指标显著正相关抑或不具有显著影响关系。这些结果表明上市公司的现金股利政策直接影响着机构投资者是选择长期的价值投资行为还是进行短期频繁的投机炒作,进而影响机构投资者稳定股票市场功能的有效发挥。论文的研究结论对于股票全流通时代发展机构投资者、引导投资者的长期价值投资行为以促进中国资本市场的健康稳定发展具有重要的启示和政策意义。  相似文献   

从理论上讲,股票市场通过财富效应、资产组合效应、交易效应和替代效应等途径影响货币需求,本文构建了一个包括股票市场变量的货币需求函敦,并运用1994~2007年的季度数据和协整分析方法对中国股票市场的货币需求效应进行了检验,检验结果表明股票市场已经成为影响我国货币需求的一个重要因素.在股票市场不断深化和广化的背景下,中央银行应关注资产价格的波动,货币政策的制定应考虑股票市场发展对货币需求的影响.  相似文献   

本文通过一个加入交易成本的两期资产选择模型,对目前城镇居民储蓄迅速搬家股市而农村居民几乎不持有风险资产这两种并存现象的巨大反差提供了一个较为合理的解释.研究发现当持有风险资产存在成本时,财富水平的高低和交易成本的大小是居民决定是否持有一定数量风险资产的重要因素.二元经济结构下的城乡收入差距显著,财富分布极不均等,交易成本的不对称是阻碍农村居民投资风险资产的主要原因.在众多影响风险资产持有水平的因素中,高风险升水所带来的财富效应主导了其它因素的影响.  相似文献   

Behavior of Household Portfolios in France: the Role of Housing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two-dimensional aspects of dwellings occupied by their owner, consumption and investment, make the analysis of households' portfolio choice and the analysis of housing purchases more difficult. But it seems difficult to analyze portfolio decisions without taking account of owner-occupied housing that has an important effect on wealth composition over the life cycle. In this paper we estimated a portfolio choice model where the different dwellings are defined as assets and we showed that we cannot separate investment decisions from housing consumption. Especially, risky assets demand should be greatly influenced by attitudes toward home property.  相似文献   

In this paper I present an explanation to the fact that in the data wealth is substantially more concentrated than income. Starting from the observation that the composition of households' portfolios changes towards a larger share of high-yield assets as the level of net worth increases, I first use data on historical asset returns and portfolio composition by wealth level to construct an empirical return function. I then augment an Overlapping Generation version of the standard neoclassical growth model with idiosyncratic labor income risk and missing insurance markets to allow for returns on savings to be increasing in the level of accumulated assets. The quantitative properties of the model are examined and show that an empirically plausible difference between the return faced by poor and wealthy agents is able to generate a substantial increase in wealth inequality compared to the basic model, enough to match the Gini index and all but the top 1 percentile of the US distribution of wealth.  相似文献   

We examine how shocks emanating from changes in the stock wealth affect the consumption demand in India using a Bayesian VAR framework. The effect of the stock market wealth shock on consumption demand in India is relatively small in magnitude. The estimates suggest that a 10% increase in the real stock wealth raises the consumption demand by 0.3%, which seems to be consistent with some empirical estimates for the emerging market economies given a relatively low share of stock wealth in the household asset portfolio and its asymmetric distribution. The stock market wealth effect being short run in nature does not have a large and persistent effect on consumption demand since consumers may not perceive the changes in the stock wealth to cause a permanent shift in their wealth.  相似文献   

We study the relation between cognitive abilities and stockholding using the recent Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), which has detailed data on wealth and portfolio composition of individuals aged 50+ in 11 European countries and three indicators of cognitive abilities: mathematical, verbal fluency, and recall skills. We find that the propensity to invest in stocks is strongly associated with cognitive abilities, for both direct stock market participation and indirect participation through mutual funds and retirement accounts. Since the decision to invest in less information-intensive assets (such as bonds) is less strongly related to cognitive abilities, we conclude that the association between cognitive abilities and stockholding is driven by information constraints, rather than by features of preferences or psychological traits.  相似文献   

This experimental study investigates portfolio composition choice for different types of financial assets and different levels of wealth. For a group of financially sophisticated executive MBA students with work experience in capital markets, the findings of this study indicate that the proportion of wealth invested in risky assets increases with wealth for all portfolio compositions examined, and increases with the degree of asset risk. This proportion is found to be as much as three times higher for common stocks than for options: For stock portfolios, it increases from 33% to 44% over the five wealth levels examined, and for options it increases from 11% to 17%. These results may imply a decreasing rel w proportions of their wealth in risky assets possess the following characteristics: they do not invest in options in real life; they sometimes buy lottery tickets; they assign a higher risk level to options than to common stocks; they are female; and they are employed.  相似文献   

Based on the 2013 China Household Finance Survey data, this paper investigates the impact of religious faith on household financial market participation and portfolio choice. The results show that religious faith can significantly promote household financial market participation. Besides, religious faith can increase the proportion of risky assets held by households, including equities. We also find that the need for social interaction and human capital accumulation can significantly induce religious residents to participate in financial markets and hold risky assets. Overall, our results reveal how faith affects household finance activities in China.  相似文献   

我国股票市场财富效应测度的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用我国1991~2008年股票市场与居民消费的年度数据,建立股票市场财富效应模型,采用处理非平稳时间序列回归的协整理论,对股票市场对我国城镇居民消费性支出的影响作实证分析,并用误差修正模型得到因变量的短期调整。研究结果表明:随着我国经济增长和居民收入的增加,股票财富对居民消费的影响不断增强。无论从长期还是短期分析,我国股票市场的变动都会给居民消费带来财富效应。  相似文献   

居民资产、财富效应与我国城镇居民消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代消费理论认为财富是影响居民消费的重要因素,并且各种财富形式对消费水平影响不同.对我国居民资产财富效应的实证研究表明,股票资产在长期对居民消费有负向影响.财富效应微弱,而房产财富对居民消费的正向效应比较明显,刺激消费作用较强.当前财富效应的产生与我国股市发展不稳定及房地产市场的发展特性相关,而个人可支配收入和储蓄仍是影响我国居民消费支出的主要因素.  相似文献   

This paper studies two frequently observed portfolio behaviors that are seemingly inconsistent with rational portfolio choice. The first is the tendency of workers and entrepreneurs to hold their companyʼs stock. The second is the propensity of workers to limit their equity holdings through time. The explanation offered here for both of these behaviors lies in the option to switch jobs when oneʼs company does poorly. This is equivalent to holding put options on oneʼs own company stock and call options on the other companyʼs stock, where both options must be exercised at the same time. Given these initial undiversified implicit financial holdings, workers need to allocate a relatively large share of their regular financial assets to their own companyʼs stock and a relatively small share to the stock of their alternative employment simply to restore overall portfolio balance. Although this effect can only create some hedging demand for companyʼs stock, it is a factor of potentially major import for assessing the suitability of workersʼ financial decisions. I find that, under certain conditions, workers optimally hold almost 40% of their financial wealth in their companyʼs stock.  相似文献   

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