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关注环境规制对企业技术创新影响的波特假说越来越受到我国政府和学者的重视.文章将地理位置纳入波特假说的分析框架中,从融资约束和市场需求的角度考察了不同地理位置的公司在环境规制下的创新转型行为.研究发现,环境规制越严厉,越有助于提升污染企业的创新投入水平,进而促进企业转型;与地处中心城市的企业相比,处于偏远地理位置的企业创新投入水平较低,环境规制对偏远地区企业创新转型的积极作用较弱.进一步的研究表明,通过政府财政补贴的方式可以缓解偏远地区企业的融资约束和市场需求不足的问题,从而促使其在环境规制背景下顺利实现创新转型.文章的研究有助于深刻认识全面推动企业转型升级战略所面临的阻力,而且为我国的“城市圈”扩容建设以及财政补贴资金向偏远地区倾斜提供了微观证据支持. 相似文献
从制造业的角度出发,分析了政府对环境管制(ER)的两种形式:正式管制(FER)和非正式管制(I-ER),建立了环境管制均衡方程,并且采用面板数据的分析方法对理论假设进行了验证。研究表明,假设的影响制造业环境管制的主要因素:政府保护意愿、劳动密集程度、产业规模、经济外向度、产业国有化程度、科技吸收转化支出和劳动力素质的高低均产生了显著的影响。 相似文献
基于效率视角,以北京市4家汽车生产企业为例,应用数据包络法进行实证分析。使用三项投入要素和一项产出要素,运用DEAP2.1软件计算出北京市汽车产业生产效率。然后加入环保投资这项投入要素,计算出汽车产业生产效率。进而对这两种计算环境下的生产效率进行对比。结果表明:高强度的环境规制超出企业的消化能力,导致汽车产业生产效率下降;而适当有效的环境规制则能降低汽车企业生产成本,使生产效率提高。 相似文献
This paper analyzes the determination of the optimal environmental regulatory policy under imperfect competition when the firms differ in their polluting technologies and degree of honesty. We show that more honesty does not necessarily imply lower social losses. The effect of honesty in social welfare depends not only on the degree of honesty measured by the proportion of honest firms and their particular cost features but also on the industry structure. 相似文献
Francesc Hernandez-Sancho Andres Picazo-Tadeo Ernest Reig-Martinez 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2000,15(4):365-378
This paper proposes an extension of the enhancedefficiency indices of Färe, Grosskopf, Lovell andPasurka (1989) that considers undesirable outputsasymmetrically by assuming that firms can freelydispose of some undesirable productions, but areduction of other bad outputs generates a cost interms of desirable outputs. This methodologicalapproach is used to analyse the relative efficiency ofa sample of Spanish producers of wooden goods andfurnishings whose production process generates fourdifferent wastes. We obtain efficiency indices thatserve to measure the impact on firm performance inseveral scenarios related to environmental regulationsaimed to reduce the production of wastes. Whenenvironmental regulations are assumed, it is foundthat firms would have to sacrifice important amountsof potential desirable output in order to reallocateinputs into waste reduction. Secondly, we find thatfirms associated with a Technological Institute aswell as firms located at a marshallian type industrialdistrict are likely to be less affected byregulations. 相似文献
环境规制对产业结构变迁的影响机制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于产业经济学理论,笔者规范研究了环境规制通过进入壁垒、技术创新、国际贸易而促进产业结构变迁的影响机制,提出了环境规制促进产业结构变迁的外延式和内涵式发展路径;采用我国省际面板数据实证分析得出:环境规制能够促进产业结构优化升级;环境规制强度对数值在(7.05,7.36)内时,产业结构变迁处于内涵式发展阶段,小于7.05时,处于外延式发展阶段,大于7.36时,产业结构向高级化方向优化升级.目前我国的产业结构变迁还处于外延式发展阶段. 相似文献
A number of European countries have introduced a variety of environmental taxes. A common characteristic of their implementation is the inclusion of exemptions and tax relief, in particular for (some sectors of) manufacturing industry. This paper analyses the pattern and motivation of exemptions as they have developed in Western European countries, making clear the difference between the nominal and effective tax rates once the exemptions have been taken into account. The principal motivation for exemptions relates to concern about competitiveness. While particular environmentally-intensive sectors may have some grounds for concern, even these might be able to achieve cost-effective environmental improvements, such that their competitive position is not over-disadvantaged, while for an economy structured like the UK's, an environmental tax plus rebate scheme, sometimes called an ecological tax reform, would be likely to yield benefits in terms of competitiveness. The exemptions usually run counter to the environmental economic logic of using environmental taxes to internalise social costs and give economic signals that are based on the full costs of production, and they are likely to increase the costs of achieving a given level of emission reduction. With little justification for them also on the grounds of competitiveness, it would therefore be undesirable on both economic and environmental grounds for them to remain a feature of the implementation of environmental taxes in the future. 相似文献
中国农业产业正处于战略转型时期,从追求数量增长型向质量安全环保型转变,由生存农业向多功能农业转型,由市场型农业向支持型农业转移,在这样的转型过程中政府的产业治理模式亟待转变。中国政府环境规制的重点往往是工业产业,对于农业的环境治理则鲜有研究。针对农业发展与环境治理之间潜在的矛盾冲突,提出了环境规制的一般框架,并进一步提出了促进农业发展的环境规制政策建议。 相似文献
Udo Ebert 《Bulletin of economic research》1998,50(4):297-307
The optimal pricing rule for public enterprises maximizing welfare under a profit constraint is well known. The paper extends the analysis to the case of production externalities and considers price regulation under various forms of environmental regulation which is assumed to be performed by a separate environmental agency. The modified Ramsey prices depend on the institutional setting. If the enterprise is liable for the damages it causes the externality is fully internalized. If an environmental tax is imposed the way its revenue is spent turns out to be crucial. The connection to Pigouvian taxes under imperfect competition is illuminated. 相似文献
This paper re-examines environmental regulation, under the assumption that pollution abatement technologies and services are provided by an imperfectly competitive environment industry. It is shown that each regulatory instrument (emission taxes and quotas; design standards; and voluntary agreements) has a specific impact on the price-elasticity of the polluters’ demand for abatement services, hence on the market power of the eco-industry and the resulting cost of abatement. This implies that the optimal pollution tax will be higher than the marginal social cost of pollution, while a voluntary approach to pollution abatement may fail unless the eco-industry itself is willing to participate.We thank Dominique Bureau, Olivier Godard, Émeric Henry, Nicolas Marchetti, Alain-Désiré Nimubona, Anne Perrot, Gilles Rotillon, Katheline Schubert, the editors Michael Crew and Anthony Heyes, and two anonymous referees for helpful discussions and suggestions. We also acknowledge valuable comments from seminar audiences at HEC Montréal, the University of Paris I, the University of Toulouse, and the DG-Entreprise of the European Commission in Brussels. 相似文献
Christian Langpap 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2008,40(4):489-506
Self-reporting of compliance status has become a common feature in the enforcement of environmental regulation. In this paper,
I generalize existing models of enforcement with self-reporting to include the possibility of private enforcement of regulation
through citizen suits. This allows me to identify an additional argument for the efficiency of self-reporting: it can increase
the likelihood of a successful suit and thus facilitate private enforcement of regulation. Specifically, if self-reporting
sufficiently increases the expected penalty for losing a citizen suit, if the costs of private enforcement are low, and if
inspection costs are high enough relative to enforcement costs, self-reporting lowers expected regulatory and social costs
by allowing the regulator to rely on private enforcement and decrease his enforcement efforts.
关于开放条件下 FDI 环境效应的研究,关系到中国绿色发展的可持续性。文章基于 Copeland-Taylor 模型,将环境规制内生化于模型之中,分解并考察了 FDI 对本地环境质量的异质性影响。理论分析表明:(1)FDI 对本地环境质量的影响可以分解为规模效应、结构效应、技术效应和收入效应;(2)FDI 对环境质量改善的技术效应和收入效应为正,而规模效应和结构效应为负,且理论上存在 FDI 改善环境质量的门槛值。进一步地,文章选取二氧化硫浓度而非以往文献常用的污染物排放量表征城市环境质量,在地级市层面进行实证检验。实证结果表明:(1)现阶段 FDI 通过规模效应、结构效应、技术效应和收入效应总体上改善了中国的环境质量;(2)FDI 对环境的改善效果存在门槛值,即当 FDI 比重超过0.12时, FDI 的增加将导致环境质量的恶化。文章为当前我国如何有效地发挥 FDI 的改善环境作用以及制定更为灵活的引资政策和差异化的环境政策提供了启示。 相似文献
This paper investigates the welfare effects of firm location in a service industry. We consider the situation where firms determine their locations in either of two regions with a difference in market size. From the viewpoint of the consumers' welfare, there are too few firms in the large market and too many in the small market. However, from the viewpoint of the producers' and social welfare, the opposite is true. Further, an increase in the difference in market size is unambiguously unfavorable for the producers. On the other hand, such an increase is favorable for the consumers and the economy as a whole. 相似文献
制造业绿色转型是大势所趋,环境规制作为实现环境效益的重要手段,其如何影响制造业绿色转型值得探讨。在阐述环境规制对制造业绿色转型直接影响和间接影响机制的基础上,使用2005—2017年中国(内地)省级面板数据,采用基于EBM-GML模型计算得出的绿色全要素生产率衡量中国制造业绿色转型程度,进而建立固定效应面板模型检验异质性环境规制对制造业绿色转型的影响。结果表明:我国制造业绿色转型程度整体保持上升趋势,增长速度呈现出明显阶段性特征。环境规制对制造业绿色转型具有非线性影响,命令控制型环境规制和自愿参与型环境规制超过一定限度后能直接加快制造业绿色转型进程,市场激励型环境规制的直接影响则不显著;环境规制能够通过技术创新、外商直接投资、产业结构间接促进制造业绿色转型,产业集聚的影响则不显著;市场激励型环境规制能够通过间接效应影响制造业绿色转型。 相似文献
Voluntary Environmental Investment and Responsive Regulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Instances of corporate voluntary environmental investments have been rising in recent years. Motivations for such activities
include corporate image building, regulatory preemption, and production cost savings. While some of these investments arise
from industry attempts to set environmental standards where none currently exist, many investments seem to be aimed at reducing
the costs of complying with existing regulations. Using a simple game-theoretic model, we investigate firm motivations for, and welfare consequences of, these
types of voluntary investments by focusing on the role regulatory enforcement might play. We find that such investments unambiguously
increase when an enforcement regulator acts as a Stackelberg follower (a regulatory structure we refer to as responsive regulation)
in setting its monitoring and enforcement strategy. These additional investments may be socially undesirable, necessitating
a restructuring of non-compliance penalties. 相似文献
地方环境规制中的代际公平问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
孙海婧 《生态经济(学术版)》2012,(5):83-87
代际公平问题涉及当代人与后代人之间的福利和资源分配问题,是衡量可持续发展的标准之一。在地方层面,由于代际市场的缺失以及代内决策者的有限理性,环境规制很难避免代际外部性和代际利益冲突的产生。结合我国转轨时期的现实背景,对地方环境规制中的代际公平问题进行分析,并提出改革思路和政策建议。 相似文献