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We build a new class of discrete-time models that are relatively easy to estimate using returns and/or options. The distribution of returns is driven by two factors: dynamic volatility and dynamic jump intensity. Each factor has its own risk premium. The models significantly outperform standard models without jumps when estimated on S&P500 returns. We find very strong support for time-varying jump intensities. Compared to the risk premium on dynamic volatility, the risk premium on the dynamic jump intensity has a much larger impact on option prices. We confirm these findings using joint estimation on returns and large option samples.  相似文献   

We examine the quantile connectedness of returns between the recently developed S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index and various asset classes. Rather than a mean-based connectedness measure, we apply quantile-connectedness to explore connectedness of means and, especially, extreme left and right tails of distributions. Using mean-based connectedness measures, the level of return connectedness between the twitter sentiment index and all financial markets is a modest 46%. However, when applying a novel quantile-based connectedness approach, we find that levels of tail-connectedness are much stronger, up to 82%, at extreme upper and lower tails. This suggests that the impact of sentiment on financial markets is much stronger during extreme positive/negative sentiment shocks. Moreover, return connectedness measures are less volatile during extreme events. Net connectedness analysis shows that the Twitter sentiment index acts as a net transmitter of return spillovers, highlighting the leading role of investor sentiment on predicting other financial markets.  相似文献   

We show that Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 futures are pulled toward the at-the-money strike price on days when serial options on the S&P 500 futures expire (pinning) and are pushed away from the cost-of-carry adjusted at-the-money strike price right before the expiration of options on the S&P 500 index (anti-cross-pinning). These effects are driven by the interplay of market makers' rebalancing of delta hedges due to the time decay of those hedges as well as in response to reselling (and early exercise) of in-the-money options by individual investors. The associated shift in notional futures value is at least $115 million per expiration day.  相似文献   

This study focuses on S&P500 inclusions and deletions, examining the impact of potential overnight price adjustment after the announcement of an S&P500 index change. We find evidence of a significant overnight price change that diminishes the returns available to speculators although there are still profits available from the first day after announcement until a few days after the actual event. More importantly, observing the tick-by-tick stock price performance and volume effects on the key days during the event window for the first time, we find evidence of consistent trading patterns during trading hours. A separate analysis of NASDAQ and NYSE listed stocks allows for a detailed examination of the price and volume effect at an intra-day level. We find that index funds appear to cluster their rebalancing activities near to and after the close on the event date, suggesting that they are more concerned with tracking error than profit.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of shareholding stability of institutional investors on firm performance. We analyze 647 sample companies listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange from 2005 to 2009 using the coefficient of variance of institutional holding proportion as the measure for ownership stability. The empirical results show that increasing stability of institutional holdings is related to better firm performance. The low-risk and younger firms with higher CEO incentive compensation, larger insider holdings, and higher growth usually have better performance. Furthermore, when the long-term institutional shareholdings, particularly of foreign institutions, are higher, the firm performance is better.  相似文献   

The modeling process of bubbles, using advanced mathematical and econometric techniques, is a young field of research. In this context, significant model misspecification could result from ignoring potential non-linearities. More precisely, the present paper attempts to detect and date non-linear bubble episodes. To do so, we use Neural Networks to capture the neglected non-linearities. Also, we provide a recursive dating procedure for bubble episodes. When using data on stock price-dividend ratio S&P500 (1871.1–2014.6), employing Bayesian techniques, the proposed approach identifies more episodes than other bubble tests in the literature, while the common episodes are, in general, found to have a longer duration, which is evidence of an early warning mechanism (EWM) that could have important policy implications.  相似文献   

Stock price increases associated with addition to the S&P 500 Index have been interpreted as evidence that demand curves for stocks slope downward. A key premise underlying this interpretation is that Index inclusion provides no new information about companies' future prospects. We examine this premise by analyzing analysts' earnings per share (eps) forecasts around Index inclusion and by comparing postinclusion realized earnings to preinclusion forecasts. Relative to benchmark companies, companies newly added to the Index experience significant increases in eps forecasts and significant improvements in realized earnings. These results indicate that S&P Index inclusion is not an information‐free event.  相似文献   

Employing firm-level data of S&P 500 constituent companies from 1990 to 2016, we offer new evidence on the strong time series and cross-sectional relationships between Idiosyncratic stock return volatility (Ivol) and cash flow volatility even after controlling for illiquidity and firm size, which also vary by period of economic condition. Our results show that Ivol is well explained by the volatility of the three components of DuPont ROE. Aggregate asset turnover volatility alone explains 81.8% of the time series variation of aggregate Ivol, and all independent variables explain 94.7% of the aggregate Ivol. While profit margin volatility and asset turnover volatility have significant relationships with Ivol during the sample period, the volatility of equity multiplier shows significance during the two recession periods in early and late 2000s.  相似文献   

The paper employs various measures of foreign ownership and investigates impact of foreign ownership on value of firms in Australia. We find that both, traditional measure and free float measure of foreign ownership has a positive and significant impact on firm value. We also find that foreign institutional holdings in Australian firms’ have a significant and positive impact on firm value. Results are robust to various econometric estimation techniques. Our results have implications for investors and corporate financial policies.  相似文献   

We estimate a flexible affine model using an unbalanced panel containing S&P 500 and VIX index returns and option prices and analyze the contribution of VIX options to the model’s in- and out-of-sample performance. We find that they contain valuable information on the risk-neutral conditional distributions of volatility at different time horizons, which is not spanned by the S&P 500 market. This information allows enhanced estimation of the variance risk premium. We gain new insights on the term structure of the variance risk premium, present a trading strategy exploiting these insights, and show how to improve S&P 500 return forecasts.  相似文献   

We analyze the changes in cash holding policies of S&P 500 firms from before to after their inclusion in the index. One year after inclusion, their mean industry-adjusted cash holdings decline by nearly 32% from the year before inclusion. Several factors explain this decline. The precautionary motive for cash subsides due to these firms becoming more visible, less uncertain, and less constrained to raise cheap external capital. Corporate governance deteriorates after inclusion due to increased managerial entrenchment, which leads to a reduction in cash as suggested by the free cash flow hypothesis. Most index firms face diminishing investment opportunities and decreasing capital expenditures, which implies a lesser need for cash holdings related to the transaction motive.  相似文献   

The effect of government ownership on firm performance remains a controversial issue, especially in a transitional economy like China. Government ownership is typically viewed as adversely affecting firm performance. This study of that of Mainland China's privatization experience indicates the opposite. No matter whether it is in the form of state ownership or legal person ownership, government ownership has a positive impact on partially privatized state-owned enterprises. However, this relationship is nonlinear and shows an inverted U-shape. Given the situation of highly indebted, non-performing state-owned enterprises, we argue that too much government control is indeed bad for enterprises. But too little government ownership may not be good either. It might mean a lack of the government's political support and business connections, which are valuable and necessary to vitalize performance.  相似文献   

In contrast to the negative average abnormal return associated with the announcement of a control‐related targeted repurchase (greenmail transaction), we find that the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is associated with a positive and significant average abnormal return. Cross‐sectional analysis indicates that the change in firm value at the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is negatively related to the resulting changes in both insider ownership and outside blockholdings. We also find significant differences in announcement‐period stock price effects depending on the identity of the selling shareholder.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of changes in corporate ownership and firm failure for German firms. We find that many of the determinants of failure also affect ownership changes in this bank‐based economy. They include poor performance, weak corporate governance, high leverage, and small firm size. The ownership structure also plays a role for both events. Separate analyses of one of these events are therefore likely to miss important effects. The implications for the German corporate governance system are that the differences to countries with more market‐based systems are not as pronounced as previously speculated.  相似文献   

We study the price effects of changes to the S&P 500 index and document an asymmetric price response: There is a permanent increase in the price of added firms but no permanent decline for deleted firms. These results are at odds with extant explanations of the effects of index changes that imply a symmetric price response to additions and deletions. A possible explanation for asymmetric price effects arises from the changes in investor awareness. Results from our empirical tests support the thesis that changes in investor awareness contribute to the asymmetric price effects of S&P 500 index additions and deletions.  相似文献   

Much research has investigated the differences between option implied volatilities and econometric model-based forecasts. Implied volatility is a market determined forecast, in contrast to model-based forecasts that employ some degree of smoothing of past volatility to generate forecasts. Implied volatility has the potential to reflect information that a model-based forecast could not. This paper considers two issues relating to the informational content of the S&P 500 VIX implied volatility index. First, whether it subsumes information on how historical jump activity contributed to the price volatility, followed by whether the VIX reflects any incremental information pertaining to future jump activity relative to model-based forecasts. It is found that the VIX index both subsumes information relating to past jump contributions to total volatility and reflects incremental information pertaining to future jump activity. This issue has not been examined previously and expands our understanding of how option markets form their volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

We apply Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to time series data on S&P 500 index returns, and to its option prices via a term structure of VIX indices, to estimate 18 different affine and non-affine stochastic volatility models with one or two variance factors, and where jumps are allowed in both the price and the instantaneous volatility. The in-sample fit to the VIX term structure shows that the second (stochastic long-term volatility) factor is required to fit the VIX term structure. Out-of-sample tests on the fit to individual option prices, as well as in-sample tests, show that the inclusion of jumps is less important than allowing for non-affine dynamics. The estimation and testing periods together cover more than 21 years of daily data.  相似文献   

Technical trading rules and linear regression models are often used by practitioners to find trends in asset returns. However, these models typically neglect interaction terms between the lagged daily directional movements. We propose a decision tree forecasting model that has the flexibility to capture arbitrary interaction patterns. To study the importance of interaction terms, we construct a binary Markov process with a deterministic component that cannot be predicted without interaction terms between the lagged directional movements. We show that some tree based strategies achieve trading performance significant at the 99% confidence level on the S&P 500 over the past 20 years, after adjusting for multiple testing. The best strategy breaks even with the buy-and-hold strategy at 21 bps in transaction costs per round trip. A four-factor regression analysis shows significant intercept, and correlation with the market. The directional predictability is strongest during the bursts of the dotcom bubble, financial crisis, and European debt crisis. The return sign predictability during these periods confirms the necessity of interaction terms to model daily returns.  相似文献   

Real estate investment trust (REIT) provides a unique laboratory to study the relation between insider ownership and firm value. One, a REIT has to satisfy special regulations which weaken alternative mechanisms to control agency problems. Empirically, I find a significant and robust nonlinear relation between Tobin's Q and REIT insider ownership that is consistent with the trade-off between the incentive alignment and the entrenchment effect of insider ownership. Two, many REITs are Umbrella Partnership REITs (UPREITs) which have dual ownership structure. They have both common shares and Operating Partnership Units (OP units). Property owners can contribute their properties to the UPREIT in exchange for OP units. Their capital gains taxes remain deferred as long as they hold onto their OP units and the UPREIT does not sell the properties they contributed. OP units owners are locked in with the firm and have incentive to monitor firm management, but their interests diverge from the common shareholders because their tax bases are much lower. Consistent with the trade-off between positive monitoring effect of OP units and tax-induced agency costs, I find that UPREIT's firm value increases with the fraction of OP units, but the effect is significantly weaker for the UPREITs where insiders hold OP units.  相似文献   

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