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浅谈便利店选址的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王璐 《中国市场》2011,(32):71-72
商业便利店选址是商家历来考虑的首要因素,也是重要因素。合适的开设地点既能决定店铺顾客的多少,也能决定销售额的高低,是店铺经营成败的关键问题。针对开设商业便利店的选址问题,笔者首先阐述便利店选址的重要性,其次分析便利店选址的影响因素,最后由影响因素得出选址的基本准则。  相似文献   

日本7-11便利店市场扩张战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2000年日本零售市场上,传来一个令人惊奇的消息,日本7-11便利店以高达2.2万亿日元的销售额终于超过大荣公司,荣登日本零售业榜首.成立于1973的日本7-11便利店多年来一直高速成长,至去年底已在国内开设了8600余家便利店,并于1991年控股美国南陆公司,成为世界最大的连锁便利店集团.近些年,日本7-11便利店又将市场扩张战略从有形店铺转移到无形店铺--电子商务上,并获得了巨大成功.挖掘日本7-11便利店成功的奥秘,对于刚刚起步的我国便利店来说无疑是一个良好的借鉴.  相似文献   

年度行业状况 《中国连锁零售企业经营状况分析报告(2008至2009)》(以下简称“报告”)显示。2008年。连锁行业销售额与店铺数继续保持20%以上的增幅。其中,连锁超市、百货、便利店、家电、药店等各业态销售增幅均有增长,而通过新开店铺等外延方式拉动各业态平均10%的增幅。但是,2008年各季度的增幅极不平稳:一季度同比增长20%至30%,二季度维持在20%左右,三季度普遍滑落至10%。到四季度一般维持在0%至5%。金融危机给连锁行业带来前所未有的挑战,也带来了难得的快速发展与调整的契机。  相似文献   

从店铺数量来看,上海便利店历来都是以内资为主导,内外资门店比例约为3:1。内资以快客、好德、可的为代表,外资以全家、罗森、7-Eleven为代表,外资的单店日均销售额明显高于内资,在快速扩张、成本提高、毛利较低等多方面原因的综合影响下,上海便利店无论内资还是外资都在亏损的边缘徘徊。上海便利店的未来走势如何?怎样才能实现有效转型?应该解决哪些关键问题?  相似文献   

从店铺数量来看,上海便利店历来都是以内资为主导,内外资门店比例约为3∶1.内资以快客、好德、可的为代表,外资以全家、罗森、7-Eleven为代表,外资的单店日均销售额明显高于内资,在快速扩张、成本提高、毛利较低等多方面原因的综合影响下,上海便利店无论内资还是外资都在亏损的边缘徘徊.上海便利店的未来走势如何?怎样才能实现有效转型?应该解决哪些关键问题?  相似文献   

基于天津市2009年-2011年3家大型连锁便利店的调研数据,以SCP分析法为基础,围绕区域市场集中度、产品差异化程度、店铺扩张、店铺经营模式、房租及续约情况、平均利润率以及客流量等七个方面的基础信息对城市便利店业的发展现状进行分析,并阐述了便利店业态发展特点及其存在的问题,最后从盈利模式、企业定位、经营模式以及员工服务管理等角度对便利店企业的发展提供可行性的对策建议。  相似文献   

自从1993年第一家便利店在上海出现以来,便利店在国内的发展可谓如火如荼,始终处于一个高速发展的时期。在上海,到2003年已有便利店3300家,仅2002年上海新开设的便利店就达到2000家。许多便利店公司不断加速扩张,其店铺规模已经超过了500家,但统计数据表明其中一些主要的便利店公司目前还处在前期的资金大量投八期,无法实现赢利。  相似文献   

<正> 在日本的零售业中,便利店作为一种追求便捷的优质服务的商业形态一直占据着举足轻重的地位。 7-11公司从第一家店开张后30年的今天,它在日本的店铺数已经发展到9600多家,每年有31亿人次光顾。7-11在全球19个国家和地区大约有2.4万家店铺,已发展成为全球最大的便利店连锁系  相似文献   

<正>店铺是实体商业企业的核心资源,大中小不同规模及业态业种店铺的组合,构成互补共济、多元共荣的商业生态。近年来,受到市场竞争格局和消费习惯变化等因素影响,超市规模的发展有了一些结构性的变化,大型超市的优势逐渐减弱,而小型化便利程度高的超市愈发受欢迎。根据中国连锁经营协会的典型企业调查统计,2013年第三季度,大型超市企业的销售额同比增长仅7.8%,低于超市、便利店、专卖店同期同比增幅;大型超市  相似文献   

李锐 《农机市场》2003,(2):18-18
2002年,在连锁百强中,特许经营企业占到61家,百强中加盟店的销售额达到270亿元,占百强总销售的17%,店铺数5400家,占百强店铺总数的40%,加盟店的销售额和店铺的发展速度都超过直营店的发展。 同时,我国特许经营在多个行业有了快速的发展,特许经营体系超过1000家,所涉及的行业超过50个,除传统的餐饮、零售、个人服务业特许体系快速发展  相似文献   

The recent wave of retail bankruptcies as well as poor sales performance has resulted in a large number of store closings. Low sales in store-based retailers can also be attributed to the rapid growth of web-based retailers (largely, Amazon) as well as an excess of store space per capita in the U.S. as compared to other developed nations. Strategies to stem the decline of retail stores include: (1) utilizing omnichannel-based synergies among channels and devices to increase store sales; (2) making stores more attractive and engaging through personalization, interactivity, and a constantly changing environment; and (3) improving productivity through introducing small-size store formats and downsizing existing stores.  相似文献   

Online stores of multichannel retailers continue to lag pure internet retailers with reference to consumers' shopping intentions and sales. This study develops and tests a framework in which (a) trust and attitude (conceptualized as a second-order construct with hedonic and utilitarian dimensions) influence purchase intentions, (b) congruity between the multichannel retailer's land-based and online stores (conceptualized as a second-order constructs made up of seven dimensions: aesthetic appeal, navigation convenience, transaction convenience, atmosphere, service, price orientation, and security) influences trust in and attitude toward the online store, and (c) congruity between consumers' self-image and perceived image of the online store influences trust in and attitude toward the online store. The findings provide robust support for the framework and have strong implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

Despite extensive use of weather data to adjust replenishment and inventory strategies in the retail industry, these companies do clearly know the effect of weather on consumer behavior and retail performance. How does weather affect consumers' purchasing behavior and thus retail performance? We study empirically these questions by analyzing more than 6 million transactions made by more than 1.62 million unique consumers at 146 convenience stores in a convenience store chain in China. We choose sun, rain, temperature, and air quality index as the main weather variables. We use the average number of items per order and the average price of each item in each order as indicators of consumer behavior, and use store daily sales as an indicator of retail performance. We found that under rainy weather, people will buy more products with higher item prices in one order. When temperature rises, people will buy fewer products with a lower item price in one order. In addition, sunny weather and rainy weather have a positive impact on daily sales than cloudy weather. Air quality has a negative impact on daily sales, while temperature has a positive impact on sales. Finally, we study the impact of weather on different product categories. We find that the results depend on the product category characteristics.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of consumers' internal shopping motives and external store attributes on excitement that shoppers may experience at discount stores in Korean markets and the mediating impact of excitement on selected behavior outcomes. Among three types of shopping motives (socialization, utilitarian and diversion), diversion significantly affected the level of excitement that shoppers experienced at the discount store. Store attributes of facility-related convenience and a neat, spacious atmosphere had an impact on shoppers' excitement at the discount stores. Excitement positively affected shoppers' satisfaction and repatronage intentions in discount store retailing in Korea. The empirical study results have major implications for multinational retailers as well as for future research in the area of international retailing.  相似文献   

连锁零售业物流系统及模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘航 《北方经贸》2007,(7):67-69
物流是连锁经营的关键环节,是连锁经营的核心竞争力所在。物流配送能力的强弱直接决定着连锁企业经营成本的高低,影响企业盈利的能力。通过对连锁企业的物流管理系统及其模式的分析,找出能最大限度体现和加强连锁企业的竞争优势的物流模式,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to assess the impact of specialty advertising as a promotional tool in retail sales contests. In both cases, specialty advertising was directed toward the retail sales force rather than the consumer. It was felt that s~ecialtv advertisine could perform a reinforcement and reminder role as well as a mot: vating role for encouraging retail salespeople to participate in a contest. In the first study with Chick-fil-A, specialty advertising had an overall positive impact on employee performance. Total sales vol- ume increased in three of the four stores studied, while it increased in only two of the four stores that did not receive specialty advertis- ing. And while sales volume as a whole increased during the contest period, the largest percentage of increase occurred in those stores where specialty advertising was used. In the second study, the FanFair study, the effectiveness of spe- cialty advertising was very apparent. In both markets where special- ty advertising was used, Dallas and Phoenix, sales increases in graphics-the contest'objective-far exceeded total store sales. In the market where specialty advertising was not used, Milwaukee, sales of graphics were down much more than total store sales. Specialty advertising was found to be particularly cost effective in the Dallas market, where profitability far exceeded the cost of the specialties.  相似文献   

Conventional population estimates do not account for spatiotemporal fluctuations in populations over a diurnal timescale at the level of retail store catchments. This presents challenges for the retail location-based decision making process which seeks to predict sales volumes and their temporal characteristics prior to new store construction. We present a novel analysis of the temporal fluctuations of store sales, evidencing links between the spatiotemporal distribution of specific population subgroups and temporal store sales. Previous research linking spatiotemporal populations and store sales is limited owing to the fact that commercial data are not openly available to academic research. However, this research has unprecedented access to store level temporal sales data and an established loyalty card scheme from a major UK grocery retailer making these analyses possible for the first time. Additionally, we demonstrate that current store classifications were inadequate for grouping stores with similar sales profiles and propose four new clusters of stores based on the times of the day that they generate revenues. This development has clear academic and commercial benefits, aiding our understanding of consumer behaviours and a novel solution for improved location modelling. We lay the foundations for further research building spatiotemporal demand fluctuations into retail location models.  相似文献   

This research confirms empirical patterns about in-store behaviors based on a large number of shops and store visits, specifically 654,000 transactions in 40 supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience and specialty stores in the USA, UK, China, and Australia. Integrating new data with past findings highlights that: (i) many shopping trips are short; (ii) shoppers typically only cover a small proportion of the store on any trip, and (iii) the heterogeneity of key behavioral measures (store coverage, number of items bought, and trip length) is generalizable across countries, most store formats, and store size. These patterns can help retailers and manufacturers benchmark and predict behavior and provide a base for further theoretical developments.  相似文献   

Since 1996, when Korea's retail industry was liberalized, new store formats such as large discount stores, have grown, it was widely believed, at the expense of incumbent rivals such as traditional markets and small operators. This paper seeks to empirically test this proposition: an important underpinning to new regulatory control policies. Research involved a spatial analysis of traditional markets (1456), large discount stores (408), and super-supermarkets (SSMs or hypermarkets (729)) spread throughout the country, in order to examine the scale and scope of the influence of the new retail store formats. The research is supportive of the ‘Traditional Commercial Activity Protection Zones’, which protect small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). From the perspective of traditional markets, it may be necessary for the South Korean government to promote additional, more proactive, support policies for SMEs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(4):440-457
While store remodeling can increase customer sales, not all remodeling efforts are successful. In this study, two treatment stores from a large national retailer are matched with control stores in a field experiment. Even though the cost of remodeling the treatment stores was the same, and the remodeled stores had identical layout, color, furnishing and interior design, one store had a 12% lift in sales while the other had only 1%. We show that a key determinant of remodeling success is the perceived magnitude of change between the initial and final condition of the store. Indeed, customer psychological and sales responses are greater when the perceived magnitude of change between the condition of the store prior to remodeling and the store after remodeling is larger. Importantly, these positive effects continue for as long as 12 months after remodeling. We further find that the profile of customers drawn to the remodeled stores differs based on the perceived magnitude of change, as do the environmental attributes that contribute to customer perceptions of the remodel.  相似文献   

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