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雷诺(Renault S.A.)汽车公司创立于1898年,是法国第二大汽车公司,也是当今世界十大汽车集团之一,员工总数达12万2615人。115年以来,雷诺汽车公司经历了非常曲折的发展历程,卓越的技术、不懈的创新、渴求胜利的激情铸就了雷诺百年不衰的传奇。一场改变人生的赌局没有1898年的那场赌局或许就没有  相似文献   

沈阳,清朝时称"盛京",是辽宁省省会,东北地区的政治、经济、金融、文化、交通、信息和旅游中心,中国特大城市,东北最大的国际大都市。沈阳也是我国最重要的重工业基地,被誉为"共和国长子",素有"东方鲁尔"的美誉。2010年4月6日,沈阳经济区获国务院批准为国家新型工业化综合配套改革试验区,是中国第八个国家综合配套改革试验区,也是惟一以"新型工业化"为主题的综合配套改革试验区,这标志着沈阳经济区建设上升为国家战略。沈阳位于环渤海经济圈之内,是环渤海地区与东北地区的重要结合部。  相似文献   

Visitor information centers are primarily responsible for promoting local tourism products and services; and consequently, have direct impacts upon the economic, social, and recreational well‐being of the region in which they are located. Research highlights the importance of tailoring center facilities and services to meet the needs and interests of the traveling public, yet there are few studies specifically designed to pinpoint visitors' information requirements. This study was conducted during the mid‐year school holidays and explores tourists' use and perceptions of 18 Australian visitor information centers in Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, and Northern Territory. It uses Pearce's (2004 Pearce, P. L. 2004. The functions and planning of visitor centers in regional tourism.. Journal of Tourism Studies, 15(1): 817.  [Google Scholar]) Four Plus model to explore the functions of centers, identifies features that tourists regard as important, and provides an insight into the information needs and travel planning practices of those who use visitor information centers.  相似文献   

Tourism geography is a significant contributor to the study of tourism, yet is generally perceived as marginal to geography. The review frames contemporary tourism geography by examining it in the context of geographical knowledge processes, changes to the environment within which it is situated, issues of marginality, and the ongoing significance of major binaries in geographic thought including physical/human geography and applied/theoretical geography. These frames are relevant to the wider domain of tourism studies as well. Although noting the dangers of invented disciplinary traditions and heritage as a result of the writing of reflective reviews and texts, the article argues that tourism geography has been a significant contributor to the bringing together and hybridity of geographic binaries, especially in the development of more critical applied geographies of environmental change.  相似文献   

随着时代的前进和经济的发展,在爱享生活的人群中,冒出了越野一族。在他们眼里,越野车不再是单纯的交通工具,它将运动、极限、娱乐、狂欢结合在一起。他们每逢周末假日,只要一有时间,就会驾着爱车远离城市,向乡村进发。越野、探险、远行成为了他们生活中  相似文献   

The findings from an ethnographic study of international postgraduate students’ adjustment journey through life in England illustrates the transformative potential of the international student sojourn. It is shown that removal from the familiar home environment gave students freedom from cultural and familial expectations and the opportunity for self-discovery, whilst exposure to a new culture offered them the chance to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. The durability of change was questioned by students who were apprehensive about re-entry to the origin culture and the receptivity of those left behind to the changes they had made. By pointing to the possible similarities between the experiences of international students and long-stay tourists, this paper calls for research into the outcome of long-stay tourism, in order to measure the extent of change in tourists’ self-concept and cross-cultural awareness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated model to examine the antecedents to Chinese domestic tourists’ destination loyalty. Chinese tourists are rapidly gaining attention from both researchers and practitioners, mainly due to their enormous economic implications; however, this is still a largely understudied group in tourism and hospitality literature. Data were collected from tourists to Hainan Island, China and analyzed utilizing a structural equation modeling approach. Findings of this study revealed that destination familiarity, destination image, perceived value, and tourist satisfaction all influenced Chinese domestic tourists’ destination loyalty. Implications for Hainan tourism marketers and managers were discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the motivations and lived experiences of Israeli descendants of Holocaust survivors who set out on family roots trips to heritage sites and sites of atrocity accompanied by their survivor parents. Post-trip semi-structured interviews disclose the marginalization of historical heritage and post-tourist identity work. Instead, descendants highlight pathos-filled familial sociality. Co-presence in sites of atrocity enables the performance of survivor emotions tacitly present in the home thereby evoking descendant empathy and identification. Emergent “we-relationships” and family “home-making” while away calls for the deconstruction of binaries such as: ordinary/extraordinary, mundane/sacred, and home/away. Findings problematize the mystification of dark tourism and suggest the ‘domestication’ of secular pilgrimages. Finally a re-presencing of the family in mainstream tourism research is called for.  相似文献   

扬州,令人神往;一提起扬州,人们就不禁会想起徐凝的二分明月,李白的三月烟花,杜牧的玉人吹箫等不朽诗篇,也不禁会想起隋炀帝、乾隆屡下扬州那些脍炙人口的故事,就会想起扬州十日的历史惨剧和扬州八怪那些文人学士,就会产生一种向往,想一睹盛唐时代的上海尔今是什么模样。瘦西湖,扬州风景名胜的代表;一提起瘦西湖,扬州人都为之骄傲,游览过的人津津乐道,没有去过的人总想去一趟,把它和杭州西湖作一番比较。很遗憾,直到今年4月之前,我们从没去过扬州,当  相似文献   

朗廷两字,一直象征着优雅而恰到好处的英式服务。典雅高贵的设计、创新的待客之道、体贴挚诚的服务是其不变的招牌,而拥有英国殖民背景的香港首先在亚洲引来朗廷酒店的入驻也是顺理成章的事情。香港朗廷酒店是由朗廷酒店集团拥有及管理的五星级酒店。作为世界一流酒店组织(The Leading Hotels of the  相似文献   

电影记忆魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身用四个字来形容我当时的心情——惊心动魄,这确实是一部足够震撼的电影,一个宏大的中古世界生生映在了我的面前。用3个小时展现整个奇幻世界显然是不够的,导演于是放弃了琐碎的细节,重点展示这个奇幻世界的力量,  相似文献   

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