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LYNN  GARY  SIMPSON  JAMES  SOUDER  WILLIAM 《Marketing Letters》1997,8(1):33-39
Individual learning constructs were formulated in an organizational learning context and empirically tested for relationships with new product success. Two constructs, information recording-retrieving and information reviewing, were found to be positively related to new product success. The relevance of these constructs to organizational learning theory are discussed, along with the implication that managers should carefully record and review past information to improve future new product success rates.  相似文献   

闽台地缘相近,新能源资源结构相似,发展新能源的诉求一致,两地的新能源合作可带来能源共同发展的双赢局面。闽台新能源合作既有些有利条件也存在阻碍因素,所以要遵循一定的构建原则,使闽台在新能源合作的措施上先行先试。  相似文献   

新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、越南、缅甸、柬埔寨六国不同程度地向中国开放电信市场,这为中国信息通讯企业在东盟国家的发展提供了更广阔的区域性市场。现阶段,金融危机对欧美的电信企业有一定冲击,他们在融资方面面临困难,中国电信企业可以抓住机遇,更好地发挥自己的低成本优势,扩大在信息通讯领域对东盟的投资与合作。本文通过对新加坡等六国信息通信市场的分析,总结我国在上述市场中的所处地位和面临的问题,得出适合重点开拓的市场及非重点市场,并根据相应市场特点提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

中国与印度农机产品的出口贸易及竞争力比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用了进出口相似度、进出口价格比、RCA指数等指标,对中印农机产品的出口状况、进出口价格及竞争力进行比较。研究结果表明,两国出口的农机产品结构相似,主要出口市场有较大重叠,存在较强的竞争性关系;中印农机产品的出口价格均低于进口价格,两国的贸易条件都较差,中国的进出口价格比低于印度,在贸易条件和出口盈利上处于劣势;中印农机产品的竞争力都很弱,中国只在出口规模上具有优势,竞争力水平不及印度。要改变中国农机产品的竞争力普遍较弱的现状,一方面应该利用自身的市场优势重点培育部分有竞争力的产品,另一方面应该借鉴印度经验培植国际知名的大企业,从而实现市场开拓、技术创新的梯队式发展。  相似文献   

当前,中印关系处在矛盾的运动之中,由于政治、文化、地理等因素使双方的经贸合作充满了挑战,但两国间的共识大于分歧,利益大于磨擦,两国加强经贸合作的趋势将不可逆转。中印经贸合作的现状、阻力及合作的潜力分析。我国政府与企业要加强与印度广泛的经贸合作关系,为加快双方的经济发展作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

以富士康为代表的出口加工制造企业,曾经为我国的经济增长和就业做出了积极贡献。但是,兼具制造和技术竞争优势的富士康却仍旧是低附加值代工企业。如今,富士康面临要素成本上升、定价能力缺失、盈利能力下降等挑战。富士康采取了生产基地迁移和商业模式转变等积极的应对策略,力图在保持成本优势的同时,实现向"服务的富士康"和"创新的富士康"的转变。此外,要解决代工企业竞争力下滑的难题,还需要社会各界的多方面支持。  相似文献   

京津区域旅游合作的现状与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
京津之间的旅游合作对于提升整个环渤海旅游圈的竞争力至关重要,两地旅游合作宜采用以政府为主导,以资本为纽带,以大型旅游项目的共建为平台,以市场合作为推进力量,以生态环境的保护为保障的多元化、全方位的合作模式。  相似文献   

新能源已经成为目前各国竞相发展的产业,新能源技术开发甚至被喻为"第四次科技革命"。在从熊彼特创新理论角度探讨新能源开发重要性的基础上,分析了中日韩三国在新能源领域合作的基础和意义,最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

国际金融危机对全球经济格局的影响是广泛而深刻的,就中俄两国来说,石油合作对于两国有着极其重要的意义。本文基于对俄罗斯能源战略及其金融危机后面临的新格局的分析,提出在上海合作组织的框架下,中国与俄罗斯建立新的石油合作战略联盟,以更好地加强两国在石油领域的合作。  相似文献   

Work environments have grown substantially more complex over the years. Teams are increasingly distributed, and presented with a variety of different communication technologies, e.g., e-mail, instant messaging, cellular phones, pagers, and intranet applications, for use in distributed collaborative activities. Further, individuals often belong to multiple teams concurrently. This study explores how virtual team members structure their use of multiple media to attain strategic goals in complex work environments. A grounded theory approach was used to analyze data gathered from forty interviews of information technology workers. Our results indicate that there are two primary structures individuals employ when making use of multiple media: sequential and concurrent. Sequential combinations are of three types: redundant, serial, or complementary, while concurrent combinations are of two types: independent or complementary. Further, individuals strategically use multiple media to accomplish specific communication goals beyond simply transmitting the message, such as message acknowledgement, enhancement of mutual understanding, and participation in multiple communication interactions. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed.Both authors contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

近些年,贵州与东盟双方贸易往来和经济合作日益加强,发展势头强劲。贵州-东盟的产业合作主要是在农业、工业及服务业领域。依据贵州及东盟各国产业结构的特征及其发展趋势,我国应在第一产业上形成贵州与东盟更明晰的产业分工,在第二产业上助推贵州与东盟的产业优化升级和集聚,在第三产业上建立强有力的中介服务体系,并挖掘企业在双边合作中的自主能动性,同时强化政府在双边合作中的导向作用,以进一步促进贵州-东盟产业的国际分工与合作。  相似文献   

由国内各省区间税收竞争导致的非合作均衡,会造成贸易和税收收入水平下降,引起双重征税或漏征税.而省区间税收合作则会增加区域税收总收入,减少双重征税或恶意避税,提高区域内贸易总量.同时,在实施"单边转移支付"的条件下,区域间税收合作也能够增加各自省份的税收总量.上述结论同样适应于国际税收合作的讨论和分析.  相似文献   

我国农村金融市场存在着明显的信息不对称、信贷抵押能力低、正规金融效率差、政策支持有限和相关法规缺失等问题,正规金融不愿意向经营规模小、缺乏信息透明度、抵押品不足的三农提供信贷服务,农村民间金融由于对当地市场的了解,可以缓解信息不对称的程度,接受特殊的抵押品,一旦产生风险也能以独特的方式减少风险,但民间金融又存在贷款周期短、信贷金额小、利率高、可获得性不强等缺陷。为了缓解农村存在的信贷配给现象,应建立一种民间金融与正规金融合作的制度,解决农村中存在的市场和政府双重失灵的问题,将农村金融的制度安排由原来的政策导向转变为问题导向,拓宽农村融资渠道,提高农户信贷的可得性。  相似文献   

Although considerable research has highlighted that high levels of self-efficacy are associated with high levels of entrepreneurial intentions, little attention has been paid to the mediating effects of different variables on the relations between self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions. Integrating theoretical work on self-efficacy with personal initiative literature, I developed a model of entrepreneurial intentions that included both the independent effects of self-efficacy and control variables and the mediating effect of personal initiative on entrepreneurial intentions. I tested this model with a sample of 429 students from four universities in emerging and developed countries. Results indicate that personal initiative fully mediates the effect of self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions. I uncover that the level of self-efficacy is significantly higher among the students in an emerging economy. However, no significant difference was observed in the reported levels of personal initiative in two contexts.  相似文献   

企业在校企合作过程中往往受到企业资源占用、高职院校实习生管理和实习强度调控问题的困扰。这些问题的产生源于校企合作的制度尚未健全。因此,校企之间有必要构建良好的信息交流机制、实习生管理机制以及实习责任认定与解决机制,还应加强政府主导和社会监督,以便维护校企合作的长效性、稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the firm's human resources (HR) and organizational performance, and analyzes the effect of these changes on its competitiveness. The data were taken from 405 travel agencies. Structural equation analysis revealed that ICTs have a positive effect on company competitiveness, primarily by enhancing HR and organizational performance.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):835-853
The Korean government intended to promote the cotton industry, and expected that the industry would play a positive role to decelerate the inflation rate and increase exports during 1950–70. However, the ability of Korean public servants to develop the industry was insufficient. Korea had a powerful business association in the industry, the Spinners and Weavers Association of Korea (SWAK), which did have enough organisational resources. The government asked SWAK to support its policies, and SWAK cooperated with the government with good results. SWAK did not simply implement government policies in the business world, but was a partner of the government in accomplishing targets.  相似文献   

粤港疗养服务贸易区域合作初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为中国特别行政区和最早对外开放的经济大省,无论从经济、人口、疗养服务需求限制条件及地缘、血缘和文化渊源分析,还是从开展疗养服务必须具备的疗养设施、人才、技术、资源及投资环境考察,香港和广东两地都具有发展疗养服务贸易的市场潜力和综合优势,特别是CEPA协议的实施为粤港疗养服务贸易的发展提供了难得的机遇。正视发展中存在的问题,采取积极的应对措施推进粤港疗养服务贸易区域合作应该成为两地互利合作的正确选择。  相似文献   

Physical distribution quality can be considered as a differentiation factor and, in this way, as a source of competitive advantage. Nevertheless, there is neither consensus about its dimensions, or on how it might be influenced by technological solutions. The present paper aims at identifying the main antecedents of logistic service quality, examining the influence of technology on logistic service quality and analysing its effects on firm results in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty in different levels of the marketing channel. The proposed structural equations model is tested empirically in two different samples: 400 consumers and 304 distributors. For both samples, technology assessment shows a positive effect on logistic service quality and this, in turn, generates customer satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   

徐德云 《财贸研究》2010,21(2):58-62
由于在分散经营的农户群体中存在卖假农资的相对利益,销售商就会在这个群体中出售假农资,虽然法律能够惩治,但不能有效杜绝。加入生产合作组织能够完全消除这种相对利益,购买到真农资,规避了假农资侵害的风险,不需要进入法律诉讼环节。所以加入生产合作组织达到了制度变迁的帕累托最优状态。  相似文献   

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