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Socially Responsible Institutional Investment in Private Equity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article studies institutional investor allocations to the socially responsible asset class. We propose two elements influence socially responsible institutional investment in private equity: internal organizational structure, and internationalization. We study socially responsible investments from Dutch institutional investments into private equity funds, and compare socially responsible investment across different asset classes and different types of institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, and pension funds). The data indicate socially responsible investment in private equity is 40–50% more common when the decision to implement such an investment plan is centralised with a single chief investment officer. Socially responsible investment in private equity is also more common among institutional investors with a greater international investment focus, and less common among fund-of-fund private equity investments.  相似文献   

私募股权投资是资本市场的重要组成部分,而资本市场波动对宏观经济周期有重要影响。通过构建非线性计量经济模型,本文从不同期限结构和类型的政策模式角度探索货币政策对私募股权投资的非线性影响。研究发现,短期数量型货币政策在经济高涨时期对私募股权投资的调控效果更佳,而长期数量型货币政策在经济平稳时期对私募股权投资的调控效果更佳,数量型货币政策对私募股权投资的影响在时间维度呈现递减趋势;短期价格型货币政策在经济萧条时期对私募股权投资的调控效果更佳,而长期价格型货币政策在经济平稳时期对私募股权投资的调控效果更佳,价格型货币政策对私募股权投资的影响在时间维度呈现递增趋势。因此,长期价格型货币政策是我国进入经济新常态时期后的主要选择。  相似文献   

This study analyses the role of private equity (PE) backing in initial public offerings (IPOs) using a dataset of 227 companies that went public on the Milan Stock Exchange between January 1995 and December 2007. The evidence rejects the certification and monitoring hypotheses and provides considerable support for the market power hypothesis. In accordance with Chemmanur and Loutskina (2006) , we suggest that PE investors exploit their relationships with the key IPO market players to attract attention to the IPOs of firms backed by PE, thus obtaining a higher equity valuation (both in the IPO and in the secondary market).  相似文献   

联合投资网络对于私募股权投资绩效的影响分为两方面:一方面能够带来风险分散、信息分享、经验学习、共同协商避免"黑天鹅事件"发生的好处;另一方面投资网络中有可能出现道德风险问题、套牢问题、搭便车问题等对于投资绩效具有负向影响的机制。中国市场的经验事实表明,投资网络对于领投者和跟投者的投资绩效的确能够带来正向影响,但如果投资网络为结构洞信息流交换机制,则有可能因各种败德问题的出现而降低整个投资联盟的投资绩效,从而使处于中心节点位置的投资者并不能充分获取信息中介所带来的好处,反而有可能因整体绩效下降而降低其个体的投资绩效。另外,私募股权投资者受到投资网络的限制越多,其投资绩效越低。因此,联合投资有必要进一步推广,但在信息交换机制上应更为透明,同时尽量减少对网络投资者的各种限制。  相似文献   

私人权益资本市场:经济学分析及对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私人权益资本市场是存在严重信息不对称的高风险企业的主要融资场所.本文在分析私人权益资本市场的内涵、结构和特点的基础上,从宏观层面到微观机制对该市场运行机制的合理性进行经济学分析,并就发展我国的私人权益资本市场提出若干建议.  相似文献   

股权投资基金与其他的融资方式相比有其独有的优势和特点,这种融资方式对于企业的投资决策和投资行为会产生其特有的影响。文章在综述国内外相关研究的基础上,以我国中小企业板上市公司为研究样本,构建实证模型,通过实证方法研究股权投资基金对企业实际投资的影响和作用。研究得出以下结论,中小企业板上市公司实际投资与股权投资基金的参与显著正相关,与公司成长性指标营业总收入增长率显著正相关,而实际投资与现金流指标和公司总资产负债率并不存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

本文首先从我国现阶段私募基金占资管业务总规模的比重说明私募基金在我国资本市场的重要性,由此介绍有限合伙型私募股权基金定义和运作环节,通过详细阐述私募股权基金各环节的涉税业务及税收优惠政策,深入分析私募股权基金的税务筹划现状,并提出优化有限合伙型私募股权基金税务筹划策略,以期促进私募股权基金的长远发展。  相似文献   

自然人合伙人个人所得税税率偏高;法人合伙人分得的私募股权投资基金基金取得的投资性收益是否免税以及企业法人缴纳企业所得税时合伙企业的股权投资损失是否可以抵减其盈利等,这些问题在新的合伙企业法中既有不合理之处,也有不确定因素。建议:自然人合伙人个人所得税税率标准统一定为20%;法人合伙人分得的私募股权投资基金基金取得的股息等投资性收益,应该享受免税待遇,法人合伙人可以在计算其缴纳企业所得税时,扣除合伙企业股权投资损失。  相似文献   

The dominance of agency theory can reduce our collective scope to analyse private equity in all its diversity and depth. We contribute to theorisation of private equity by developing a contrasting perspective that draws on a rich tradition of virtue ethics. In doing so, we juxtapose ‘private equity’ with ‘public good’ to develop points of rhetorical and analytical contrast. We develop a typology differentiating various forms of private equity, and focus on the ‘take private’ form. These takeovers are where private equity funds are used to buy all a firm’s publicly listed shares. Take private deals reduce reporting requirements and lessen the amount of public scrutiny a firm comes under. They allow greater control of a firm’s assets and resources but also have effects in terms of the wider social fabric. The ‘public good’ and virtue ethics offer an alternative basis for theorisation of these deals. This provides a needed contrast to accounts of private equity based on agency theory.  相似文献   

Recently, reports and comments on problems in Chinese investment environment by overseas media raised attentions and concerns. Financial Times of UK carried out a survey on March 23 under the title "Foreign Enterprises in China Having More Complaints", which said "Chinese governments excludes foreign-funded enterprises from some vigorous developing markets, which has already caused transnational corporations to complain more, especially on the implementation of protectionism actions in China." At the end of July, Wall Street Journal reviewed complaints from foreign merchants in recent months on investment environment in China,  相似文献   

证券市场中机构投资者与个人投资者信息不对称分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券市场中的机构投资者和个人投资者之间存在显著的信息不对称的原因——两者在信息搜寻和信息解读方面存在着显著差异,这两方面的差异导致了机构投资者和个人投资者在信息融入市场过程的行为不同。为了减小信息不对称程度从而提高市场有效性,必须大力发展机构投资者,同时加强对个人投资者的保护。  相似文献   

外商对华直接投资对促进中国经济发展,提高国内企业业绩具有诸多正面效应和积极作用.但随着外资进程的加快,利用外商对华投资的风险问题也随即出现,亟待需要解决和深入研究.本文在问题提出的背景下,就近期相关中外资风险的问题进行文献综述和评价,进而提出规避风险的政策建议,以期我国经济建设的健康持续发展.  相似文献   

中小企业在引入私募股权投资时存在着企业价值低估风险、对赌协议引起的控制权风险和品牌流失风险。通过摩根士丹利注资永乐电器的私募案例,说明中小企业在引入私募股权投资的过程中,风险控制是非常必要的。中小企业在引入私募股权投资时应注意选择合理的价值评估方法、合理评估企业价值以及增强核心竞争力等问题。  相似文献   

Private equity (PE) is lending a hand to China's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),and PE-backed firms outperform exchange-listed peers,according to a recent study conducted by Bain & Company with the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber).  相似文献   

现阶段,我国私募股权投资基金存在着退出形式单一、相关法律不完善、投资者投资理念不成熟以及相关中介机构发展滞后等诸多问题,制约了私募股权基金的退出。我国政府应强化私募投资退出的资本市场环境,完善相关的法律法规,加强产权市场规划;私募投资机构应就每一笔投资进行详细的计划安排;中介服务机构应实行政企分开的原则,不断提高自身素质,真正实现中介机构在私募股权投资中的中间支撑作用;私募投资者应不断加强学习,避免盲目投资。同时,应建立和完善多层级的场内市场,尽快出台相关政策,使私募退出更加快速有效。  相似文献   

This paper studies a dynamic equilibrium model of asset prices in a partially observable exchange economy. It shows that the precautionary savings motive in response to estimation uncertainty can dominate the risk aversion effect, resulting in the reduction of the equity premium over short horizons. This exacerbates the equity premium puzzle. Over longer holding horizons, however, estimation uncertainty does induce higher risk premiums on equity over risk‐free coupon bonds of matching maturities, as long‐term bond yields are lowered due to the precautionary savings effect.  相似文献   

金融市场中的机构投资者行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机构投资者作为金融市场中的主要参与者 ,是推进证券市场市场化的核心。成熟的资本市场经验表明 :资产管理机构化趋势越来越强 ,机构投资者的重要性不断增长。对于我国证券市场来说 ,超常规、创造性地培育和发展机构投资者是我国证券市场不断完善和深化、最终同国际化接轨的重要推动力量  相似文献   

利用事件研究法考察2008年5月22日台湾"交通部"拟定之"两岸周末包机及大陆观光客来台方案"对台湾地区航空、观光及贸易百货上市、柜公司股票报酬率的冲击。实证结果表明:事件日前10日、前9日、前4日和前1日平均累积异常报酬率皆通过至少1%水平的显著性检验,表示在事件日前股市投资人对开放陆客团体行之预期已然形成;事件日后1日至后4日及后11日至后14日亦均通过至少5%水平的显著性检验,表示股市投资人对开放陆客团体行有相当强烈的正面响应。  相似文献   

The Size of the Informal Venture Capital Market in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite its undoubted importance to the financing of entrepreneurial ventures, there are few reliable measures of the size of the informal venture capital market. This paper reviews three methods used to generate such estimates – market-based approaches, firm-based approaches and the capture-recapture approach – and develops an alternative approach that is based on scaling up from the visible segment of this market represented by business angel networks. This methodology is applied to provide the first formal estimate of the size of the informal venture capital market in the United Kingdom. Informal venture capital investment is shown to broadly equate to the amount of institutional venture capital provided to start-up and early stage ventures. Reflecting the smaller average size of investments in the informal venture capital market, however, eight times as many businesses raise finance from business angels than from institutional venture capital funds.  相似文献   

我国私募股权基金发展中的问题与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私募股权基金在我国资本市场中是一股新兴势力,私募股权基金介入企业、行业,使其在变现一部分资本的同时,也为更多的资本投入到战略性、主导性产业提供了条件,有助于产业的战略性调整.私募股权基金的经济效应日益明显,但其短期化行为、恶性竞争等问题也日渐突出.因此,必须及时完善相关法规,培育全民资本文化,建设多层次资本市场,确定私募股权基金监管机构,以便于充分发挥私募股权基金的经济效应.  相似文献   

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