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Retailers' allocation of shelf space as well as the breadth of varietyoffered varies across categories. Many researchers have developedheuristics for determining what retailers should do with regard tothese decisions. We explore how these constructs are actually relatedin practice. We utilize data obtained from Marsh Supermarkets, a largeIndianapolis-based grocery retailer, to explore the relationshipsbetween these variables. The results of this analysis are a set of rawfacts concerning the relationship between some of grocery retailers'more important category-level decisions.  相似文献   

新零售是中国零售行业转型升级的新探索。以消费者购物价值实现为核心依据,文章讨论了推动零售业转型升级的基本目标,归纳了渠道协同、体验叠加、数据洞察、技术赋能四类实现零售业转型升级的一般路径,并通过建立基于消费者渠道行为的Logit离散选择模型,讨论了八类不同品类零售行业转型升级的实现路径及其对应的新零售实践形式。结论发现,品类差异下的零售业转型升级路径和新零售实践形式均存在较大差别。  相似文献   

We investigate a monopolist retailer's category management strategy where the main strategic decisions are how to horizontally position a store brand relative to the incumbent national brands and how to price the store and national brands for retail category profit maximization. We analyze a market composed of two consumer segments with differing tastes and heterogeneity with respect to willingness to pay and a product category consisting of two competing national brands and one store brand. We find that contrary to the existing literature, it is not always optimal for a retailer to position its store brand against the leading national brand; instead there are many situations where it is best to position the store brand close to the weaker national brand or to position it in the “middle” so it appeals to both national brands' target segments. In the process we identify four distinct category management strategies that a retailer can use with a store brand. In three of these the optimal store brand price is the brand's monopoly price, while in the remaining one strategy the price is lower. We also suggest an easy to implement means for a retailer to determine which strategy is best to use, depending on the particular competitive environment present before the introduction of the store brand and the relative quality of the store brand. We find that the store brand entry is most beneficial to the retailer when the national brands are moderately differentiated. Finally we show that introducing a store brand not only allows the retailer to garner a higher share of the channel profits through higher retail margins, but also often provides the retailer the benefit of increases in national brand unit sales as well as incremental sales from the store brand. JEL Classification: M310  相似文献   

零售配送是直接面向广大消费者具有配送对象不断变化特点的配送服务。集成的零售配送区域划分和运输计划模型融合了零售配送生成成本最小路径矩阵、配送区域划分、生成运输计划的全过程。它以GIS道路网数据为基础。以时间为成本,考虑时间窗口约束、道路双向交通、商品混运和运输工具重复调度等因素,自动地生成以线路为基础的运输计划,为配送企业提供了自动化决策的方法。  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which consumers' price consciousness affects their purchase intentions for a newly introduced product when the price of the product is unknown. Based on data from 186 consumers exposed to a new product offering, the results show that price consciousness indeed has a negative effect on purchase intentions, but only for consumers with a high level of product category knowledge. Although perceived risk and perceived value are significantly related to purchase intentions in general, price consciousness seems to affect only those consumers who make inferences about price based on their knowledge of the product category. Both theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are offered.  相似文献   

我国批发与零售环节的地位、作用与演变趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘星原 《财贸经济》2004,(10):66-70
本文研究了我国市场经济体制下批发与零售环节地位与作用的演变趋势,对比、分析、描述与探讨了近年来我国批发与零售环节销售业务的数据及其总量、结构、演变趋势和原因等.在此基础上,提出了如下观点:批发环节不会在流通市场化过程中消亡,而是呈现出淘汰、整合、创新与发展的趋势;我国传统"批发环节主导零售"的地位,正在发生"批发环节服务于零售环节与用户"的根本性变化,而零售环节在商品流通渠道中的主导地位与作用越来越明显;由商品自然属性和社会属性的差异性决定,商品流通渠道向多样化的构成方向演变,批发环节已不是商品流通过程的必经环节.  相似文献   

分税制下的税收征管体制已经实行了10年之久,财政界和学术界对其运行效果十分关注,是否需要改革说法不一.本文分析了目前税收征管体制存在的问题及其原因.在此基础上,借鉴国内的经验,参考国外的情况,提出国税局和地税局应该走合并的道路,从而减少征管成本,提高征收效率.  相似文献   

The development of retail brands has been favoured by the creation of large chains and by the high level of business concentration in the retail sector. It has been supported by an increasing number of consumers who are aware of value and consider that retail brand is the best alternative, with quality levels similar to those of leading manufacturer brands but with lower prices. In this survey, we analyse the price differentials between manufacturer brands and retail brands in several categories of widely consumed products. We study the relationship between the price differential and the mean category price with the market share of retail brands, for foodstuff, perfumes and cleaning materials categories. Finally, we determine the possible connection between the price of a consumer good brand and its real quality.  相似文献   

卢涛  殷玉成 《商业研究》2006,49(23):129-132
传统的存量控制研究的解决方案是以直接面对最终顾客为前提的,没有将销售渠道的需求分布考虑在内,因而也就不能把分配给各个销售渠道的机票数量进行科学控制和优化。不同的销售渠道对同种类型机票的需求分布不同,并且给航空公司带来的最终收入不同,因此,随着联网售票系统的完善和电子商务的发展,如何更好地管理销售渠道,给那些能给航空公司带来更多收益的销售渠道预留足够的座位,已经成为航空公司不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate demand and revenue management of deteriorating inventory in flash sales markets (FSM). Retailers operating FSM source excess inventories of products from secondary markets in fixed lot sizes and offer them as part of deals that get no replenishments and expire after running for predetermined periods (e.g., 24 hr) or when they sell out, whichever occurs first. We develop a demand forecasting model that incorporates the effects of sentiments conveyed by consumers in discussion forum posts associated with different deals on the deals’ empirical demand rates. We then conduct a survival analysis to find that the empirical demand rates projected from our forecasting model are significant predictors of the deals’ actual time to stockout, even after controlling for their initial inventory provisions and markdowns. We also find that the predicted effects of these demand rates on stockout times are stronger at low markdowns. Our investigation offers insights into different strategies that sellers operating FSM can pursue to improve their inventory performance. These strategies involve decisions that sellers must make both a priori, before deals start, and a posteriori, according to real‐time detection of departures from projected demand rates as deals run their course.  相似文献   

蔡荣  韩洪云 《财贸研究》2012,23(1):53-61
合作社内部交易的价格风险配置不仅影响风险性农产品的市场供给,而且关系到合作社能否持续和健康发展。利用山东省苹果种植户的调查数据,实证分析合作社内部交易的价格风险配置及其影响因素。实地调查发现,约有45.4%的样本农户与合作社交易时能够在一定程度上降低价格风险。进一步研究显示,合作社内部交易的价格风险配置主要受到种植规模、距市场距离、产品质量、社会资本、合作社类型、年末返利和技术服务等因素的影响,而销售难度、入社时间和结算方式等因素则不具有统计显著性。  相似文献   


Purpose: Current understanding of how new product development (NPD) teams use knowledge management capabilities to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge resources to achieve competitive advantages is limited by a lack of compelling theory supported by empirical evidence. This study provides a theoretical framework and empirical validation for how an NPD team manages knowledge resources and strategic orientation to enhance its knowledge management capabilities, which, in turn, lead to business-to-busienss (B-to-B) new product advantages.

Methodology/approach: A total of 100 sets of data was collected from B-to-B firms in U.S. high-tech industries. In order to validate the proposed hypotheses, we estimated the main effects using path analysis in AMOS, and tested for interaction effects using interaction term regressions.

Findings: Our findings show that the two dimensions of NPD knowledge management capabilities—acquisition and application—are important but differential drivers of product quality superiority and product differentiation. In testing whether NPD management capabilities matter for two product advantage constructs, we confirmed that product quality superiority can be enhanced by both NPD knowledge acquisition and application capabilities, whereas product differentiation can be increased strongly by NPD knowledge acquisition capabilities.

Research implications: Our research confirms the importance of strategic orientation as a driver of NPD knowledge management capabilities, which enhances understanding of how strategic factors operate under a resource-based view. Our results further provide direct empirical support for the knowledge-based view of firms, in that an NPD team’s abilities to manage and deploy knowledge-based resources by acquiring and applying NPD knowledge lead to competitive advantages, for outcomes of quality superiority and differentiation.

Practical implications: Our findings have relevance for managers in three ways. First, NPD knowledge acquisition and application capabilities have differential impacts on product quality superiority and differentiation. Second, in exploring NPD resource factors as antecedents, managers should manage levels of NPD market intelligence, resource tacitness, and NPD resource deployment differentially to directly improve NPD teams’ acquisition and application capabilities. Third, managers should not underestimate the importance of market and technological orientations in enhancing NPD knowledge management capabilities. Market orientation drives both NPD knowledge acquisition and application capabilities; technological orientation drives NPD knowledge application capabilities. Originality/value/contribution of the paper: An NPD team’s knowledge management capabilities generally, but differentially, mediate the relationships of knowledge resources and strategic orientation factors with new product competitive advantage. However, simply enhancing NPD knowledge management capabilities is not a panacea for developing product competitive advantage in B-to-B settings, because of their differential effects.  相似文献   

Perspectives relating to agency theory, information asymmetries and game theory were utilized to explore two outcomes associated with the management buy-out (MBO) or management buy-in (MBI) of former private firms: whether information was shared equally between vendors (i.e., family firm owners) and purchasers (i.e., MBO/I management teams) and whether a mutually agreed price was achieved. With reference to the themes of company ownership structure, governance structure and company objectives several hypotheses were derived. Survey evidence was gathered from the managers of 114 former private family-owned firms located across Europe that recently reported an MBO/I. Multiple logistic regression analysis detected that respondents in founded (first generation) family firms and those reporting a high focus on the strategic importance of the market value increment were more likely to report that ‘information was shared equally between vendors and purchasers’. Respondents reporting no suitable family successor had been identified, a high focus on the strategic importance of the market value increment, and the involvement of venture capitalists in succession planning were more likely to report that a mutually agreed sale price had been achieved. Implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed.   相似文献   

Despite the recognition of the importance of philosophy-based management in recent Japanese management practices, there has been little effort to systematically examine this topic from a normative view. With a sample of 152 electrical machinery companies, this study attempts to identify the underlying value orientations incorporated in the normative statement of corporate management philosophy and furthermore examines the complex relationships between corporate value orientations and various performance indexes. The article shows that although the adoption of a corporate management philosophy does not contribute to corporate financial performance directly, some value orientations might contribute to non-financial performance and long-term performance potentials. Especially, CSR environmental performance might be contributed by customer orientation and harmony; human resource management performance is associated with partner orientation and harmony; growth potential might be related with global orientation, entrepreneurship, and honesty. Furthermore, the negative relationship between increase of sales effort and CSR environmental performance also implies that it deserves careful consideration and attention for a company to balance the interests of various stakeholders.  相似文献   

The channel conflict that exists between retailers and manufacturers of branded products has dynamically shifted as large retailers have expanded their offerings of private label products. This study investigates the ability of consumer packaged goods companies to exert influence in the channel by testing which marketing initiatives implemented by manufacturer brands are more efficient in preventing consumer switching to private labels. We use a hazard model to simultaneously measure the effects due to product innovation, promotion, and price on consumer switching and how strong those effects are. We find that as expected product innovation, promotion, and price exert a negative effect on the consumer likelihood of switching to private labels. However, we find the strongest effect on promotion suggesting the importance of understanding how consumers perceive value in the national brands offer.  相似文献   

食品供应链管理实施的要素组合和目标优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,食品供应链是将食品产业上下游企业直到最终用户连成一个整体物流的功能网链。食品企业应从实际情况出发,分阶段逐步实施供应链管理。文章指出,食品供应链管理实施包括顾客中心、核心业务、合作、冷链、补充、计策、信用、创新、循环等九个要素,即9Cs’要素。为从时间和成本两个方面促进产品增值,应通过链站节点、网络参数及政策环境等的优化,建立供应链系统,优化食品供应链管理,提高我国现代食品企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

中国超市经营生鲜农产品和供应链管理的思考   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
消费水平的提高必然导致消费方式的改变,超市的出现必然导致生鲜农产品流通业态的改变,最终必然导致供应链管理方式变革。本文从超市生鲜农产品供应链管理要素入手,在通过对我国超市生鲜农产品供应链管理现状的描述与分析后指出:超市生鲜农产品供应链的管理不能仅依据一般的现代物流管理思想与实践,而要考虑产品特性、技术支持、营销与竞争、组织成熟度、公共政策诸因素。  相似文献   


Prior findings on promotion and product structure are more conclusive than those related to pricing, place and management processes. Further research effort is required regarding these three elements. This study is mainly designed to fill this research gap. Unlike prior studies, most of the firms examined here were small-to-medium sized manufacturing firms. The outcomes of this study revealed that both the price and place decision structures had a significant impact on the selection of standardisation. Consistent with other studies, the interaction of the place and management process structures and a number of other factors were also significantly related to the decision of place and management processes standardisation. The joint influence of the price, place and management processes structure, and internal and external factors, were associated with firms' performance. This study had added a significant amount of new information to the research concerning price, place and management processes in the areas of organisational structure, standardisation and performance.  相似文献   

肖桂春  李玲俐 《中国市场》2007,(49):100-102
管理信息系统在仓储业取得一定的进展,为了更好地提升仓储业效益,该文总结了仓储管理中优化和仿真技术的应用现状,并对其效果进行评价,从而促进仓储企业对信息化的投入。  相似文献   

客户关系管理具有理念性强、注重实际操作和运营、方法性和技术性强等特点。同程网是目前国内一流的旅游电子商务平台之一,也是我国唯一拥有B2B旅游企业间平台和B2C大众旅游平台的电子商务网站。针对同程网在客户关系管理中出现的网络营销互动平台需要进一步发展、操作流程过于繁杂、一线员工流动性较高,以及品牌效应不强等问题,同程网应采取开发联接景点与游客的互动平台,优化企业内部的操作流程,灵活设计一线员工管理制度和方法,提高品牌效应等优化措施,以促进企业更好地发展。  相似文献   

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