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This article outlines, through a cultural perspective, one possible approach for advertising in Malaysia. The basis for this approach is derived from an analysis of the standardized and localized schools of advertising. Within the study, a Canadian example is used to shed light on the implications for businesses around the world for advertising in Malaysia. In addition, a comparison is drawn between Saudi Arabian and Malaysian cultures to determine if an advertising strategy used in other Islamic countries should be adopted in Malaysia. The findings suggest that although the majority of the citizens of Malaysia are Muslim, Malaysia's heterogeneous culture does not encourage a strict adherence to Islamic principles. The implication for Western businesses advertising in Malaysia is that a compromise be struck between a standardized and a localized advertising strategy.  相似文献   

Marketers are seen to bombard children with advertisements for unhealthy foods using sophisticated promotion techniques that have serious negative effects on health and overall well-being of children. So parents try to mediate children’s exposure to media content and call for governmental regulations in an attempt to shield them. The extent to which they mediate further determines whether they contemplate food advertisements as being ethical or unethical. Therefore, the present study tries to uncover the antecedents to ethical versus unethical perceptions of Indian parents about food advertisements directed at children. No study, to the best of the researchers’ knowledge, has been conducted so far in India in this regard. Using binary logistic regression with mothers, it is found that the mothers who view food advertisements as unethical report their children to watch fewer hours of TV during weekdays and hold negative attitudes toward advertising to children. These mothers, however, do not feel that the government needs to impose restrictions on food advertisements aired on TV since they themselves indulge in mediation of TV advertising as a general parenting responsibility. The implications of the article are finally discussed.  相似文献   

Economic reform in China has revived the importance of the market forces and of advertising. Although advertising has a less important role in the Chinese market than in Western countries, it is the fastest growing industry in China. Foreign participation in advertising is limited and contributes about 10 per cent of Chinese advertising revenues. This paper argues that there is ample opportunity for foreign advertisers. Nevertheless, because the Chinese market is different, foreign advertisers need to be patient when attempting to enter the market. The problems and prospects of advertising in China are pinpointed in this paper. Some precautionary measures for the advertisers are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mobile marketing provides an innovative channel for transmitting advertising messages to customers via mobile devices. The growth of mobile advertising in recent years requires that researchers and practitioners understand consumer perceptions of this form of advertising. The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors influencing the perception of mobile advertising in different cultures. Based on samples from Austria and Japan, we empirically examine relevant m-advertising effects. The results suggest that infotainment and credibility are key factors predicting advertising value among Austrians and the Japanese. However, our findings show that Japanese customers are more irritated by mobile advertising than are Austrian respondents.  相似文献   

Atier a deep global recession, economic growth has turned positive, as wide-ranging public intervention has supported demand and lowered uncertainty and systemic risk in financial markets.The recovery is expected to be slow, as financial systems remain impaired, support from public policies will gradually have to be withdrawn,and households in economics that suffered asset price busts will continue to rebuild savings while struggling with high unemployment.  相似文献   

Afier a deep global recession, economic growth has turned positive, as wide-ranging public intervention has supported demand and lowered uncertainty and .systemic risk in financial markets. The recovery is expected to be slow, as financial systems remain impaired, support from public policies will gradually have to be withdrawn, and households in economies that suffered asset price busts will continue to rebuild savings while struggling with high unemployment.  相似文献   

After a deep global recession, economic growth has turned positive, as wide-ranging public intervention has supported demand and lowered uncertainty and systemic risk in financial markets.  相似文献   

Changes in Europe resulting from the unification of EC countries and the accessibility of new Eastern European markets have fundamentally altered the trading environment in which advertising agencies operate. As the advertising industry attempts to get to grips with legislative and media changes, agencies are working hard to create alliances and develop networks which encompass markets in which they did not traditionally have a presence. This article draws on a combination of quantitative and qualitative information collected from secondary sources and extended personal interviews with key agency personnel, advertisers and representatives from the UK's Advertising Association and The Advertising Standards Authority. The objective is to show how the advertising industry and agencies are continuing to gear up to meeting the new demands of the Europeanized market.  相似文献   

2008: National Exhibition Industrial Association should be established as soon as possibleExhibition industry, often renowned as the locomotive of the tertiary industry, is highly profitable smokeless industry (the profit rate is up to 20%-25% in the developed countries).  相似文献   

The taxation of advertising is growing slowly but surely around the world. It is largely motivated by revenue rather than punitive reasons although the two can team together. Industry is learning to react by fighting earlier, by showing the mediocre net revenues generated by some taxes, and by defending the role of advertising at large.  相似文献   

China's macro economy has remained in a good and stable condition overall,experiencing an annual GDP growth of over 10% for several consecutive years.Under this basic condition, the main focus of the Outlook was China's current grain and oil supply,and the demand market with its probable future prices.  相似文献   

Located on the upper part of the Yi River, Shandong Province, Yishui County has jurisdiction over 13 towns and 1, 219 administrative villages, with a total population of 1.13 million, covering an area of 2, 434.8 square kilometers. Because of its moderate climate and geographic advantages, the county is an ideal place for foreign investment. The county seat is 110 km from Rizhao Port, 240 km from Oingdao Port, 90 km from  相似文献   

There is much public focus in North America today on issues of corporate governance and ethics due mainly to the malpractice of several high profile corporate leaders and the negative impact of this on their corporation's stakeholders, employees and communities. This has caused a crisis of trust in the public and lead to much discussion on ways to prevent such unethical behavior by adopting new approaches through legislation and the structure of corporations. This article is not about introducing a new approach to corporate ethics and governance as there is much change already taking place. The National Quality Institute (NQI) in Canada offers a demonstrated and proven way, through the application of the Excellence Frameworks, of providing for good corporate guidance and ethical leadership practices. Organizations, which adopt a strategic focus on Excellence, attain great results and become healthy organizations, as their leaders understand the dynamic relationship and the balance that exists between employees, customers, and stakeholders. These organizations build trust by acting responsibly. NQI works with many organizations in Canada that have a strategic leadership focus on organizational excellence utilizing the criteria in the NQI Canadian Excellence Frameworks for Quality and for Healthy Workplace. Organizations that take an integrated approach to Excellence also perform well in such areas as corporate social responsibility, employee health and customer satisfaction. This article has specific references to three organizations that have achieved Canada's prime recognition the Canada Awards for Excellence (CAE).  相似文献   

【正】The holding of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee heralds a new round of political re-form that will inject new momentum and energy into...  相似文献   

The scientific outlook on development is a practical demonstration of the dialectics,which is based on all-faceted,coordinated and perpetual laws,and perfect representation of universal truth and fundamental principles.  相似文献   

Tsinghua Unisplendour Corporation Limited, which is the first group of high-tech enterprise emerged from the great tide of China‘s reform and opening-up in the 1980s, has become a well-known hi-tech brand through its 16 years‘ development. Relying on the good resources of Tsinghua University, by utilizing modernized enterprise management mode, Tsinghua Unisplendour has set up a good model for hi-tech enterprises.  相似文献   

2008:National Exhibition Industrial Association should be established as soon as possible Exhibition industry,often renowned as the locomotive of the tertiary industry,is highly profitable smokeless industry(the profit rate is up to 20%-25%in the developed countries). It is measured by experts that the exhibition industry could drive the develop-  相似文献   

Both industry and consumer associations are unhappy with the EC piecemeal advertising policy. A fresh impetus is expected from a 1994 European Commission Green Paper on Commercial Communication.Industry wishes maximum recognition of self-regulation. Consumer advocates see an absolute need for better control of cross-border malpractices, for the extension of EC framework legislation to unfair marketing practices, and for EC-wide regulation in highly sensitive areas.The June 1993 Commission document Towards a Strategic Programme for the Internal Market confirms the subsidiarity policy (improve the present framework rather than develop the legislative activity of the Community). Realistically, consumer advocates should, therefore, focus on improving key framework provisions and on developing a constructive transnational partnership with self-regulatory bodies.These are considered to be key legal demands: (a) the burden of proof for factual statements must be placed on the advertiser; (b) factual statements should be contractually enforceable; (c) an EC black list of molesting solicitation techniques has to be erected; (d) home and host countries must have a legal obligation to act jointly against cross-border malpractices.
Werbung und kommerzielle Kommunikation — auf dem Wege zu einer einheitlichen und wirksamen europäischen Politik
Zusammenfassung Sowohl die Unternehmen wie auch Verbraucher-organisationen sind unzufrieden mit der bruchstückhaften europäischen Werbepolitik. Ein neuer Ansto\ wird von dem europäischen Grünbuch über kommerzielle Kommunikation erwartet, das 1994 erscheinen wird. Die Unternehmen wünschen eine weitestgehende Anerkennung der Selbstkontrolle, Vertreter der Konsumenten sehen einen starken Bedarf nach besserer Kontrolle von grenzüberschreitendem unlauterem Geschäftsverhalten, nach der Ausweitung der europäischen Rahmen-gesetzgebung gegen unfaire Handelspraktiken und nach einer europaweiten Regulierung sensitiver Bereiche. Das Papier der Kommission über ein strategisches Programm für den Gemeinsamen Markt vom Juni 1993 legt sich auf das Subsidiaritätsprinzip fest. Realistischerweise sollten sich Verbrauchervertreter darauf einstellen, bestehende Rahmenbedingungen zu verbessern und eine konstruktive zwischennationale Partnerschaft mit Selbstkontroll-Gremien zu entwickeln. Als rechtliche Schlüsseler-fordernisse formuliert der Beitrag: (a) die Beweislast für werbliche Faktenaussagen mu\ beim werbetreibenden Anbieter liegen; (b) faktische Zusicherungen sollten vertraglich einklagbar sein; (c) eine europäische schwarze Liste belästigender Techniken der Kundenwerbung sollte erstellt werden; (d) Heimund Gastländer müssen eine rechtliche Verpflichtung zum gemeinschaftlichen Einschreiten gegen grenzüberschrei-tende unfaire Praktiken erhalten.

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