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陈跃刚  吴艳 《商业研究》2006,(24):211-213
基于对广告传播受众是主动还是被动,是个体还是群体的二维假定对广告作用机理及其对社会的影响进行了综述,发现感知信息处理法对于广告管理的实践是非常有用的,但是也应关注更加广泛的社会和文化环境。  相似文献   

This study uses meta-analytic techniques to examine the number of exposures that maximize consumer response to an ad. The results show that in an experimental setting maximum attitude is reached at approximately ten exposures, while recall increases linearly and does not level off before the eighth exposure. The findings are of interest for two opposing schools of thought in the advertising literature on effective frequency. They support the repetitionists’ beliefs over the minimalists’ beliefs on the number of ad exposures needed for maximum consumer response. The study further investigates whether the repetition effects depend on contingent factors. Low involvement and spaced exposures enhance repetition effects on attitude toward the brand. Embedded advertising and massed exposures enhance the repetition effects on recall. Repetition effects decay over time for both attitude toward the brand and recall. The study provides important implications for researchers by contributing to the discussion on effective frequency and providing support for the repetitionists’ view. This view has implications for practitioners who try to optimize advertising frequency.  相似文献   

The concept of low involvement has attracted considerable interest, particularly over the last ten years, but its implications f or advertising (strategy, execution and research) are still not clear. This paper reviews the low-involvement literature and attempts to define what is meant by the concept, predict when low involvement is likely to occur and identify its key determinants. The paper then reviews and assesses what the literature has to say about the specific implications for advertising strategy in high- and low-involvement situations and concludes that the potential and power of advertising in low-involvement situations have been misunderstood and underestimated.  相似文献   

郝清民  张玲 《财贸研究》2021,32(11):37-46
每年都会有大量的企业从不同商业银行获得信用贷款,这些复杂的信贷关系会对银行的系统风险带来一定影响.通过将中国2007-2016年1.1万笔贷款汇总到327家商业银行总行级别,并采用二分网络映射方法,构建银行间共同加权网络,对信贷网络的结构性和传染性及其对银行系统风险的影响进行分析.结果 表明:2007-2016年,银行信贷的共同网络从簇状"核心-边缘"层级结构逐步演变为"小世界群落"特性.银企间的信贷关系越紧密(连通比越高),越有利于降低银行系统传染性风险.信贷业务类型的异质性越强(度相关性越大),银行系统越容易产生结构性风险.银企间信贷的去中介化和网络异质性不利于降低银行系统的结构性风险.网络传染性指标中的连通比、网络结构性指标中的度相关性对银行系统风险有独立的显著性影响,适宜作为银行系统风险监控的先行指标.  相似文献   

史玉柱说过一句话,一句比较经典的话。“中央电视台的很多广告,漂亮得让人记不住。”脑白金的广告曾经被很多的所谓广告业内人士评价为缺乏创意和美感的广告案例。但有趣的是,当年就靠着这在网上被传为“第一恶俗”的广告,脑白金创下了几十个亿的销售额。土广告打下大市场,不是  相似文献   

王其 《国际市场》2003,(8):30-31
夏季假期以来,成千上万的欧洲银行和机构开始解雇雇员。躺在海边沙滩上纳凉休闲时,他们的心情还能轻松吗?返回故乡时,他们面临的将是失业。  相似文献   

Nine states and four major cities have gross receipts taxes on advertising services. They currently range from 5 percent to less than 1 percent. Additional state and local governments have been confronting advertisers with proposals to institute direct taxes on advertising. The cause appears to be largely the need for increased revenues, not an attempt to harass advertisers.

Considerable insight about the effects of such taxes on advertisers and their suppliers was available from a convenient ad hoc “experiment.” One state imposed such a tax for two years and then repealed it.  相似文献   

Gender-stereotypical portrayals of communal women and agentic men are highly common in advertising. But past research indicates that advertising effectiveness is higher when endorsers are portrayed as communal – irrespective of their gender. The aim of the current research is to explore this communion-over-agency effect on advertising effectiveness and its underlying mechanism. Two studies provide evidence for a communion-over-agency effect on advertising effectiveness (i.e., attitude toward the ad and brand). These studies show that the communion-over-agency effect on attitude toward the ad is mediated by endorser likeability (simple mediation). The effect on attitude toward the brand is mediated by endorser likeability and attitude toward the ad (serial multiple mediation). In concert, this research underscores the significance of communion (and agency) on endorser evaluation and advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

<正>“动感地带(M-ZONE)”是国内第一个以15~25岁年轻群体为目标客户的移动通信业务品牌,是中国移动提升市场竞争层次、开发业务品牌营销的信举措,该举措在移动通信市场引起普遍关注,并收到学生和年轻白领的高度认同,当然本报告主要是针对高校大学生市场,其学生套餐在各大高校也获得了极大的成功。其在学校的使用现状见图1:  相似文献   

何丹锋 《中国广告》2012,(4):136-138
2011年11月28日,广电总局下发《〈广播电视广告播出管理办法〉的补充规定》,决定自2012年1月1日起,全国各电视台播出电视剧时,每集电视剧中间不得再以任何形式插播广告。本文基于这项规定,探讨今后中国广告的发展趋势,提出了六大变化猜想,并阐述这些变化对不同主体带来的多赢可能性的假设。  相似文献   

宗学哲 《国际市场》2002,(11):60-60
网上银行 随着网络技术的发展和金融电子化服务水平的提高,我国四大专业银行和招商银行、光大银行等金融机构相继推出了网上银行业务,其中网上个人汇款和网上支付业务受到广大居民的青睐--过去必须到银行或邮局才能办理的繁琐划汇业务,现在通过网上银行即可轻松"搞掂".  相似文献   

陈刚 《广告大观》2007,(7S):38-39
中国广告业应该如何发展?怎样面对中国自己的问题?中国是后发展的国家,在融入全球化过程当中,有很多问题、很多竞争是在同一个时间出现的。虽然中国广告业不是很成熟,但是最复杂的环境、最复杂的竞争在中国广告业还没有长大的时候已经出现了。在这种背景下会出现共识性迷失。我经常举芙蓉姐姐的例子,  相似文献   



The author asserts that the quality of advertising education in four year colleges and universities has improved with age. Graduate courses in the field of advertising have aided teachers into becoming more research oriented. Schools of business have moved their advertising programs into a management technique direction while journalism/communications programs have stayed more on the functional and creative sides.

Advertising education is stronger today than at any time in its brief history. yet there are weaknesses. Some claim that schools are still not giving a strong moral and social responsible base to our students. Educators feel that there is a lack of current material to use in the classroom. They also feel that there needs to be more campus cross-fertilization bringing students together with other disciplines.  相似文献   


Prior literature regarding offensive advertising relates mainly to western cultures. No work has been done on this area in an Asian context. The research in this article reports on a survey of Singaporean consumers. The survey aimed to identify what types of products and appeals consumers find offensive in advertising, the reasons why they find the advertisements offensive, and how this offensive advertising may affect their purchase intentions. The results found that advertisements relating to chat-line services and sexual diseases were the most offensive, followed by advertisements for dating services. Levels of offensiveness were clearly related to demographic variables such as gender and age. In terms of reasons for offensiveness, consumers were most concerned by advertisements that had a sexual connotation or evoked unnecessary fear.Levels of offensiveness also affected purchase intentions. Based on the results, the article recommends that advertisers and their agencies should think more carefully about the demographic profile of their audiences, how this profile might impact their audiences ?sensitivity“ to potentially offensive advertising, and how this sensitivity should be used as a guide when making media and message decisions  相似文献   

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