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Firms allocate increasingly large budgets to mobile banner advertising. Yet, existing research paid only scant attention to the sales effects of mobile banner ads. In this paper, we fill this gap by determining the offline and online sales impact of a large-scale mobile banner advertising campaign. As part of a geographical field experiment, over 3.5 million mobile banner ads were served to a predetermined geographical area. We determine the offline and online sales effects of the mobile banner ad campaign by analyzing twenty months of sales data for regions covering the entire country of the Netherlands. Relying on a difference-in-difference approach and two matching methods, we demonstrate an offline sales increase of around 2%. The online sales effect is not significant. We conclude that firms can use mobile banner advertising to boost offline sales. We find no evidence for cross-channel sales cannibalization.  相似文献   

With banner ads accounting for one‐fifth of the $16.4 billion spent on Internet advertising in 2006, this advertising format has become an integral marketing communications tool. Inclusion of required disclosure language and presenting those disclosures in a clear and conspicuous manner are important areas of regulatory interest and in recent years have extended to the online environment. This study examines the extent to which disclosures in banner ads in the top 100 U.S. Web sites adhere to Federal Trade Commission guidance in these two areas. Additionally, this study compares the banner ad results for clear and conspicuous presentation to those of a prior study that examined television advertising. All the banner ads in the study contained at least one disclosure; yet, adherence was mixed in terms of providing all the required information clearly and conspicuously. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This research developed criteria for an online banner ad design to maximize user interactivity. The ad's design criteria were based on studies on interactivity, animation, persuasiveness of emotional and rational appeals in ads, animation, ad placement, size, and metrics. The ad was deployed and measured for effectiveness by using behavioral response metrics: click-through rates and mouse rollovers. Findings show that the ad designed according to the criteria garnered more user interaction than the other ads deployed during the same time. This has value for advertisers that need to evaluate online banner advertising design and need to make informed decisions on advertising strategy and campaigns.  相似文献   

Effective online disclosure presentation is an important feature in banner advertising worldwide. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is viewed as the leader in providing guidance for making disclosures clear and conspicuous. This study examines the extent to which banner ads in the top 100 web sites in three countries with a shared language and intertwining legal and self-regulatory systems—the United States, United Kingdom, and Singapore—adhere to FTC guidance. The lack of systematic differences across countries suggests the need for disclosure research from a global perspective that takes cultural and linguistic differences into account.  相似文献   

While Web advertising tends to be based on a direct response model, there is a growing debate about the brand building potentials of Web ads. Click-through rates (CTR) are disappointingly low, but Web ads can be effective at brand building in an environment where Web ads are outside of consumers' attentional focus. With this in mind we conducted two experiments. The first experiment examined the effects of incidental exposure to banner ads. Subjects who were incidentally exposed to banner ads reported greater priming effects induced by implicit memory, more favorable Aad, and greater likelihood for the advertised brand to be included in a consideration set over no exposure to the ad. These effects were found without significant improvement on explicit memories (i.e. recall and recognition) and click-through intention. The second experiment to assess the conditions conducive to incidental exposure examined two advertising strategies: format (animated vs. static) and placement (congruency vs. incongruency). Findings suggest that the level of congruency between an advertised product and Webpage content play significant roles in affecting consumers' responses to incidentally exposed banner ads. This paper examines the results of these two experiments before discussing the implications for the role of Web ads on brand building and directions for future research.  相似文献   

The internet environment has changed the format of internet advertising. One emerging form of online marketing communication is ‘contextual advertising’, in which marketers strive to develop customised images or texts more relevant to customers based on the content of web pages. This study investigates the effectiveness of internet contextual ads. In particular, we examine the effect of internet contextual ads on brand memory (i.e. recall and recognition) and attitudes towards the advertisement and/or brand using the theory of priming effect. We find that the complexity of banner ads moderates the relationship between a contextual advertisement and its effectiveness, and generates two distinct priming effects (i.e. assimilation and contrast effects). The results demonstrate that the internet contextual advertisement enhances brand recognition and induces favourable attitudes towards the ad. In addition, consumers have higher recall rates and attitudes towards the brand when they are exposed to a less complex contextual advertisement or when they are exposed to a complex, non-contextual advertisement.  相似文献   

This study examines the creative, placement and budget strategy of internet advertising by Eastern and Western multinationals in China. A content analysis of 47,131 online ads indicates that both Eastern and Western companies dominantly use individualist appeals for internet advertising in China, a collectivist country. However, Eastern multinationals also rely on emotional appeals, whereas Western companies generally adopt rational appeals. This study offers several theoretical and managerial implications, including that multinationals appear to recognise the changing culture of internet users and especially the younger generation, as well as some future research directions for internet advertising.  相似文献   

Despite the growing importance of creative advertising as an effective marketing tool, little is known about the process through which it influences preexisting attitudes for familiar brands and factors that moderate its effectiveness. To fill this gap, A 2 advertising type (creative vs. normal) by 2 product category (high risk vs. low risk) experiment was conducted. Four creative ads and four normal ads were developed for some familiar brands and were exhibited for participants. Results indicate that creative ads significantly lead to more favorable ad credibility, ad attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intention than normal ads. Perceived product risk was found to moderate the effectiveness of creative ads.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of frequency of exposure to banner ads and ad clutter in web pages upon online users’ psychological responses. In a 7 (frequency 1 through 7) × 2 (clutter vs. non-clutter) between-participants factorial experiment, participants (N = 250) were randomly assigned to one of fourteen news websites, each with 20 separate pages of news stories and animated banner ads downloaded from various websites. Results indicated that frequency of exposure is a powerful psychological cue affecting users’ memory, attitudes, and behavior. However, contrary to expectation, banner clutter does not lead to negative effects on recall, attitudes, and behavior. Negative impact of banner clutter was significant only on ad recognition.  相似文献   

Creativity is seen as an important component of advertising, with highly creative ads being easier to recall than control ads. However, the boundary conditions around this effect are less understood. This research examines how creativity influences recall across repeated ad exposures. Additionally, this paper investigates the influence of creativity on advertising wearin/wearout. We utilise creative and control commercials embedded in a television programme for a naturalistic viewing experience, along with a one-week follow-up measure. We find that creative advertisements exhibit higher recall, though repeated exposures reduce this advantage.Further, creative ads are more liked, demonstrate wear in effects more quickly and are less susceptible to wearout.  相似文献   

Although online advertising has become a full member of the marketing mix and is still growing in importance, studies of long-term, or lagged, advertising effects have generally either neglected online advertising channels or have treated online advertising as one homogeneous block. We analyze the short- and long-term effectiveness of different types of online advertising channels by incorporating separate time lags for each advertising channel. We look at the sales effect of email, banner, and price comparison advertising (PCA) using a sample of 2.8 million purchases and more than 1.1 million individual costumers aggregated to 365 days. Our analysis shows that email advertising has the longest effect, followed by banner advertising and PCA. We find that the length of the effect does not always go hand in hand with its intensity since, for example, banner advertising lasts longer than PCA but performs worse in terms of actual sales. This research yields important insights for theory and practice since it shows how to model long-term advertising effects and provides meaningful insights for improving the allocation of advertising budgets.  相似文献   

The use of advergames for the purpose of brand and product promotion is growing in popularity as the mobile gaming industry expands. The extant research on advergames, however, has focused primarily on factors influencing the effectiveness of in‐game advertising (e.g., banner and pop‐up ads appearing beside gameplay). Therefore, this research seeks to examine the impact of branded content integrated directly into the mechanics of a game. Across two studies, the influence of common game mechanics (e.g., shooting, collecting, avoiding) on affective and attentional processes are investigated by manipulating the design elements of a custom advergame. The results suggest that advergame mechanics can influence subsequent choices through perceptual fluency and affective transfer. Additionally, perceived difficulty was found to moderate the relationship between affective response and choice.  相似文献   

A cross-national content analysis was performed on 449 web banner ads taken from the online editions of leading Indian and Korean daily newspapers. There are substantial differences between Indian and Korean ads in terms of the types of products advertised, the presence of price cues and the types of appeals used. Korean newspaper websites are starting to attract a diverse mix of advertisers, while Indian newspaper websites attract ads targeted mainly towards expatriate non-resident Indians. The observed differences between the two countries are probably attributable more to differences in internet diffusion rather than to cultural differences.  相似文献   

Advertising in online games has grown considerably in recent years and is expected to see continued expansion (Cauberghe and DePelsmacker 2010). However, the literature suggests that banner advertisements in games are sometimes ineffective, often being seen as annoying and potentially triggering avoidance behavior. Because of the possibility of avoidance it is important to examine whether gamers have implicit memory of banner ads even if they don't explicitly recall them. The experiment conducted here measures both explicit and implicit memory of a banner ad in an advergame to assess whether and how well the game players exposed to the ad remembered it. Results suggest that a high proportion of the gamers exposed to the ads did have explicit and implicit memory of the messages shown. Moreover, gamers who were high achievers reported a higher level of implicit memory than those who were less effective at playing games, suggesting that these ads can be remembered despite a high level of concentration on the game. These findings are consistent with the notion that banner ads have a stronger chance of being effective in advergames than in some other contexts, especially among avid gamers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how exposure to Internet display advertising affects the subsequent choices users make of brand-specific pages to view within a website. Using individual-level clickstream data from a third-party automotive website, we tracked the web pages selected by users as they browsed the site and their exposures to premium placement display ads for different vehicle makes (e.g., Ford, Toyota). Pages on the site were classified into those that displayed information about a specific vehicle make (a ??make page??) versus those that did not (a ??non-make page??). For each ??make-page?? viewed, the specific automotive make selected (e.g., Ford, Toyota) was also recorded. We use these data to develop a model of users?? make-specific page choices as a function of prior banner ad exposure on the site. Consumer heterogeneity is captured using a Bayesian Mixture approach. We find that banner ads influence subsequent choices of which make-specific pages to view for ads, served during the current browsing session but not for ads served in previous sessions. The effect of banner ads is also segmented: users in one segment (54%) reacted positively, users in a second segment (46%) were not influenced. Using a standard continuous approach to heterogeneity, we would have concluded?Cincorrectly?Cthat banner advertising has no effect on the subsequent selection of make-specific pages. For the positively reacting segment, we estimate that the elasticity of make-page choice with respect to banner ad exposure is just under 0.2. Users in this segment appear less focused in their site browsing behavior and tend to stay longer than users in the non-reacting segment.  相似文献   

Pre-roll advertising is a novel form of online video advertising that provides consumers with an option to skip after viewing a brief forced segment. Pre-roll ads are unique from other forms of online advertising because pre-roll ads play in exactly the space in which consumers are expecting to view their intended content. Such interruption and obstruction not only heightens consumer irritation but also causes attention-getting tactics, which are redundant in a highly attentive state, to backfire. For these reasons, existing ad avoidance literature may not adequately address this unique format. Employing a large industry data set of pre-roll ads representing multiple countries and product categories, we empirically examine skipping behavior using a broader range of ad characteristics than previous research. We propose that less complex affective ad characteristics increase skipping by failing to engage cognitive resources and therefore leaving cognitive resources available to experience irritation. We further posit that, in a pre-roll context, attention-getting ad characteristics are not only superfluous but actually increase the likelihood consumers recognize pre-roll content as advertising and skip. Our empirical findings support these assertions, identifying new factors driving ad avoidance, and calling into question the applicability of attention-getting advertising approaches in the novel pre-roll environment.  相似文献   

谢静艺 《中国广告》2014,(8):122-124
以《泉州晚报》近年获奖公益广告作品为例,结合多年公益广告创作与教学实践,论证广告内容在公益广告创作中的重要性,探讨如何通过对广告内容的设计,来提高公益广告的创作质量。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(3):390-409
With the amount of online advertising on a steady rise, generic ads noticeably lose effectiveness. In order to break through the clutter, retailers employ a method called retargeting to tailor their advertisements to individual consumers based on inferred interests and preferences. However, while personalization should generally make ads more appealing, the authors use field data to show that the effectiveness of retargeting considerably hinges on consumers’ trust in a respective retailer. To uncover the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon, they investigate how trust moderates the impact of ad personalization on consumers’ internal and external responses in the lab. They propose a two-dimensional conceptualization of ad personalization: First, a banner's personalization depth defines how closely the ad reflects a consumer's interests. Second, its personalization breadth determines how completely the banner reflects these interests. The lab results show that more trusted retailers can increase the perceived usefulness of their ads through a combination of high depth and narrow breadth of personalization without eliciting increased reactance or privacy concerns. On the other hand, for less trusted retailers, banners with higher depth are not perceived more useful, but instead trigger increased reactance and privacy concerns, regardless of their personalization breadth. These effects directly translate into consumers’ click-through intentions so that retailers should adjust their personalization strategies accordingly in order to increase the effectiveness of their online advertising.  相似文献   

While marketers often rely upon banner ads to generate revenues, it is unclear as to how these ads might influence consumer perceptions of host websites. In this paper, we conduct three studies to examine the effect of animation and brand advertised in a banner ad on consumers’ attitude towards a host website, as well as word-of-mouth behaviour. Results of the first study reveal that consumers are irritated with unfavourable banner brands and that irritation, in turn, negatively affects their attitude towards the host website. We demonstrate that banner brand and banner type serve as contextual cues that influence judgements of the host website due to a forward spillover effect. Findings of the second study demonstrate that a host website, corol- larily, serves as a context to negatively influence evaluations of favourable brands mainly for animated banner ads - a reciprocal spillover effect. The third study validates and extends the findings of the first study by adopting methodological pluralism through a different approach to stimuli selection and experimental manipulation. Results indicate that, while presence of animation has a negative influence on the host site and WOM behaviour when the brand advertised is an unfavourable one, it neither benefits nor hurts a host website evaluation and WOM behaviour when a favourable brand is advertised. Managerial implications of our findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

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