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This research investigates the effectiveness of double negative ads relative to positive, self-promoting ads as it relates to impression formation. The study was conducted using a 3 (ad valence/intensity: extreme double negative, moderate double negative, positive) x 2 (impression type: incidental, intentional) repeated measures design study using print ads designed for fictitious brands. Overall, brands in double negative ads received less positive impression ratings and the double negative ad format was less memorable. These effects were even more pronounced as the valence of the double negative ads became more extreme.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of two empirical studies designed to assess the effectiveness of sexual embedding in advertising. In Study 1, a sample of 424 viewed and evaluated two ads with embeds or two matched ads without embeds. The results indicated that embedding was effective in raising attitudinal evaluations of a liquor ad but not a cigarette ad. In Study 2, GSR measurements were taken on a sample of 36 subjects while they viewed both versions (with and without embeds) of two ads. The results of Study 2 indicated that embedding was effective in increasing GSR measurements for the versions of the ads with embeds.  相似文献   

Native advertising and storytelling are both increasingly popular advertising strategies. This research explores the effectiveness of storytelling in a native advertising context on social media. While most research recommends the use of stories as a way to build trust and relationships with consumers, the current research suggests that in the form of native ads on social media, narratives may be less effective when compared to informational native ads. Two studies find that even when advertising cues such as disclosure labels and brand presence are prominently located, consumers are less likely to recognize the advertising nature of narrative native ads when compared to informational native ads. Lower levels of advertising recognition are associated with increased perceptions of manipulative intentions by the advertiser, which has a negative influence on consumers' attitudes toward the ad. The findings suggest that native ads that clearly communicate their advertising nature through cues such as an informational execution, high brand presence, and prominent disclosure labeling are more effective than a narrative execution style.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of mood on consumers' implicit and explicit responses to false advertising. In our first experiment, we find that those consumers in a positive (versus a negative or neutral) mood state are more likely to notice the false information in the advertising, but paradoxically, are also likely to develop positive feelings toward the brand. In that experiment, we used both a hedonic brand (Disney) and a hedonic/emotional ad (autobiographical). In our second experiment, we extend the ad stimulus context beyond Disney to Wendy's to more readily facilitate autobiographical versus informational manipulations. We find that, indeed, the hedonic advertising execution (autobiographical vis-à-vis informational) is associated with more elaborate processing (but only for those in a positive mood). The observed positive affect transfer continued, however, despite the greater detection of the false information in the positive mood condition. We propose that the negative feelings toward the ad associated with detecting the false information are momentary and are replaced by positive feelings toward the brand that are engendered by positive mood and the advertising, as suggested by the synapse model of memory. Our third experiment varies the timing of our measures to investigate this proposition and finds that timing does matter. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of the findings for research on mood, deceptive advertising, and implicit versus explicit effects of advertising response.  相似文献   


The use of celebrity endorsers is a popular executional device, but it is not without risk. The authors report three studies examining how negative information about a celebrity can affect the brand the celebrity endorses. Using an associative network model of memory as a theoretical framework, they considered four moderating variables: the size of the association set for the brand, the size of the association set for the celebrity, the timing of the negative celebrity information, and the strength of the associative link between the brand and the celebrity. In the first two studies, they used a fictitious but realistic celebrity endorser and in the third they used an actual celebrity. Negative information about a celebrity resulted in a decline in attitude toward the endorsed brand only for the fictitious celebrity. That general relationship was moderated in varying degrees by association set size, timing of the negative information, and the strength of the link between brand and celebrity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates complaint behaviour with respect to advertising in the United Kingdom, and examines the responses of the main regulatory authority, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), towards those complaints. In view of the pressures upon advertising which are once more emanating from the EEC, the author's findings acquire a fresh relevance.  相似文献   

产业集群效应的辩证思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业集群已经成为经济全球化时代区域经济发展的主流,在产业集群发挥正效应的同时,其负效应也不能忽视。产业集群的正效应体现在成本和收益两方面,可以产生外部经济效应、降低交易费用、分享分工的好处,并可产生集群超额利润;产业集群在集群发展的初期、成熟期和衰退期都有可能产生负效应,包括管理混乱、过度竞争、创新惰性、路径依赖、空洞集群等,对各个时期的负效应可以采取提供良好的硬环境和公平竞争的软环境、鼓励持续创新、创建品牌、促进产品升级换代等措施进行规避。如果能采取适当的负效应规避措施,对产业集群的健康发展会起到较好的促进作用。  相似文献   

广告产业的负外部性和负内部性,造成市场失灵,损害了消费者的权益.广告产业的负外部性表现为过度广告、广告文化、非价值物品广告的负外部性;广告产业的负内部性包括经验品广告和信任品广告的负内部性.因此,应从完善广告管制法规与制度,健全广告管制体制,推行违法广告连带责任追究制等方面优化广告管制.  相似文献   

Children are important targets of advertising campaigns from companies. However, children have been found to be particularly vulnerable to negative effects of advertising, and protecting children from these effects is an important task of consumer policy. Two important aspects have to be considered in this task. First, advertising affects judgements and behaviour not only during ad exposure but also in delayed consumption and purchase contexts. Second, advertising operates largely at an implicit level—during ad exposure as well as in consumption decisions. The current article introduces a dual-step (ad exposure vs. purchase/consumption) and dual-process (implicit vs. explicit) model of advertising effects on children. The model is based on a review of implicit advertising effects and implicit mechanisms of self-control. It implies that consumer policies intending to prevent undesired advertising effects should support interventions that strengthen advertising and purchasing literacy and, in addition, implicit self-control mechanisms in children. As self-control in consumption decisions is largely relevant for, and learned during, shopping and consumption, such interventions should focus on educating parents or other primary caregivers because they are the most likely persons to accompany children in such situations and have a great influence on children's implicit learning.  相似文献   

从瓶装水的正负效应两方面来分析其瓶装水的市场发展。同时建议我国政府应参照国外先进技术和环保措施.对我国的瓶装水市场的发展予以合理引导和调控,加快资源节约型、环境友好型社会的建设。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact on firm value created by investor reaction to same day news of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate social irresponsibility (CSiR) activities. First, using trading volume, the authors establish that the perceived value of moral capital generated by news involving institutional (e.g., environmental and community) stakeholders is less clear to investors than that of the news involving technical (e.g., customers and employees) stakeholders. Subsequently, the authors analyze abnormal returns from 565 unique firm events—each comprising at least one positive and one negative stakeholder news item. Using signaling theory, the authors demonstrate that news of the number of CSR activities involving institutional groups counteracts the effects of same day CSiR news in an inverted U-shaped fashion. In contrast, they find that news of the number of CSR activities involving technical groups mitigates the effects of same day CSiR news in a U-shaped fashion.  相似文献   


Recently, there has been a great deal of controversy around negative advertising. In this paper we examine the impact of negative as compared to positive frames for people in different occupations. For the product category of video cameras, using an experimental design, we found that occupation does indeed moderate the impact of positive and negative frames. While there is no difference in their effect for professionals, positive frames are more effective for social workers and blue collar workers. Here we focused not only on responses to the ads, but also to the brand and on purchase intent. The implications for marketing strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article tries to clarify whether negative charity appeals (i.e., advertisements emphasizing the bad consequences of not helping) or positive charity appeals (i.e., advertisements emphasizing the good consequences of helping) are more effective. Previous literature does not provide a single answer to this question and we suggest that one contributing reason for this is that different studies have operationalized appeal effectiveness in different ways (e.g., actual behavior, self-rated helping intentions, or expressed attitudes about the ad or the organization). Results from four separate studies suggest that positive appeals are more effective in inducing favorable attitudes toward the ad and toward the organization but that negative appeals are more effective (in studies 1A and 1B) or at least equally effective (in studies 1C and 1D) in eliciting actual donations. Also, although people’s attitude toward the appeal (i.e., liking) was a good predictor for the expected effectiveness in increasing donation behavior (in Study 2), it was a poor predictor of actual donation behavior in all four main studies. These results cast doubt on marketing theories suggesting that attitudes toward an advertisement and toward the brand always lead to higher purchase behavior.  相似文献   

The issue of self-promotional advertising has been under active consideration by most of the professional bodies in the UK, and, generally, the reaction has been hostile. From a position where advertising was anathema to the professional, however, the rising tide of consumerism on the one side and government dedication to free competition on the other have weakened the professions' protective barriers. This review of the literature on regulation and de-regulation of advertising draws on studies which have relevance to, or have been concerned with, the professions of medicine, law and accountancy. The study begins with a brief section on how advertising might work and its relevance to the professions. There is then a discussion of the studies, mainly from the USA, which have looked at individual advertising in the professions and attempts at blanket suppression of advertising. A wide range of studies are cited which have been used either by those who oppose professional advertising or by those who support it. The former group is generally made up of studies from professional groups themselves. By contrast, there is a growing body of evidence showing that, with the de-regulation of advertising in the professions in the USA far from this increasing the prices of goods, as was assumed previously, the absence of advertising actually increases the price of goods above the levels that prevail where advertising is allowed. The final section considers a number of recent attitudinal studies of both professionals and consumers.  相似文献   

他们的解决方案帮助空客A380这个空中“巨无霸”减重整整一吨,从而节约燃油、降低排放;  相似文献   

环境和贸易之间有着复杂的关系和相互影响,一个领域的政策措施会不断地对另一个领域产生显著而重要的影响。环境对贸易既有积极影响又有消极作用。一方面环境为贸易的可持续发展提供了基础,另一方面,严格的环境保护政策,会给发展中国家的贸易带来不利影响。我国要保持贸易利益和促使经济持续发展,就必须认识到环境和贸易的密切关系,趋利避害,采取必要的应对和发展措施。  相似文献   

The long-run or carry-over effects of advertising have been well documented. These have important implications for decision making in advertising. This article discusses these implications and reports the extent to which directors of advertising of large manufacturing firms are aware of these long-run effects. The study indicates that these individuals do not recognize this phenomenon in making advertising decisions.  相似文献   

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