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天气越来越热,啤酒销售也已进入旺季,中国啤酒的资本动作也似乎渐入佳境。不过,与前几年国内啤酒巨头的纵横捭阖不同,今年的主角却是外资啤酒。  相似文献   

Women who have postponed childbirth to become established in a career are now embarking on parenthood while continuing to work throughout much of the pregnancy. As a result, pregnant employed women need clothing that will project an appropriate image. The purpose of this research was to determine the types of garments that pregnant employed women prefer to wear to work and to identify factors influencing the selection of those garments. Results indicated that there were differences among age range groups in selection of workplace attire, and among educational level groups in general fashion appeal of classically styled garments, selection of attire for the workplace, selection of nylon for the summer season, and in care required for garments. There were differences among income range groups in the classic category of general fashion appeal, in the selection of silk fibre for winter wear, and in care required for garments. This study supported the concept of a new and separate segment of the consumer market dealing with pregnant employed women. They have special needs for attire based on age range, educational level, and income range, that will project an appropriate image in the workplace and offer physical and psychological comfort as well.  相似文献   

于涛  栾频 《中国市场》2009,(19):95-96
服装业的焦点是品牌战略,随着目前服装行业面对的种种危机以及服装品牌建设日益重要,本文主要分析了深度经营品牌要强化"五个互动",以此探讨了服装业的品牌战略的相关问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate apparel sizing needs of women 65 years or older. Girth, vertical, width and length body measurements were taken from a computerized Body Graph Measuring Device placed on 104 participants. Findings showed significant differences between sample, and PS 42–70 and commercial basic pattern measurements in three of four sizing systems identified. In all differences, 65-plus measurements were larger. Bust girth, abdominal extension and base of armscye girth measurements with height were acceptable sizing predictors for bodice, skirt and sleeve, respectively.  相似文献   

<正>2009年是不平凡的一年,世界各国都经历了沉重的打击,中国也不例外。自全球经济衰退在2008年第四季度冲击中国以来,中国的企业状况和消费者信心指数一度跌至历史低位。尽管快速消费品行业被普遍视为具有"防御性"的行业,但其销售额仍然受到了不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

Online retailers would benefit from studies that examine which website attributes can be manipulated to favorably affect consumer satisfaction. The purposes of the study were (1) to examine the dimensionality of website quality for apparel retailers and (2) to determine which dimensions of website quality were significant predictors of shopper satisfaction. Data were collected from 273 female online apparel shoppers. Loiacono's WebQual™ instrument was used to measure shopper perceptions of websites. Factor analysis identified six dimensions of website quality: (1) web appearance, (2) entertainment, (3) informational fit-to-task, (4) transaction capability, (5) response time, and (6) trust. Only three dimensions, informational fit-to-task, transaction capability, and response time, were significant predictors of shopper satisfaction.  相似文献   

This research explores if and how seasonality moderates the effect of consumer characteristics on household per capita expenditure for apparel. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis was based on quarterly micropanel data from the Continuing Consumer Expenditure Survey. The results confirmed that seasonality moderates the relationship between consumer characteristics and per capita apparel expenditure: the income elasticity of apparel expenditure varied by season as did the effects of age, ethnicity, household size, region, and housing tenure.  相似文献   

1.Trends and Features of China's International Trade in Textile and Ap- parel in 2007. The year 2007 has seen the total value of export and import of Chinese textile and apparel at US$190.0 billion,up 17.1%,accounting for 8.7% of the coun- try's total trade of goods.Respectively,  相似文献   

This study was designed to profile catalog shoppers of apparel and to examine their frequency of shopping. Specifically, it focused on the relative importance of consumers' lifestyle, demographic, and motivational factors in catalog shopping patronage. Data from 680 respondents were analyzed. The data indicated a relationship between consumers who shop for apparel from catalogs and some of the variables included in the study. A multiple regression model indicated that when several variables were considered, the frequent catalog shoppers tended to be older and better educated than infrequent catalog shoppers. They were also more likely to engage in inactive pursuits rather than sports activities and were more likely to perceive convenience as an important factor in their decisions to shop from catalogs than were infrequent catalog shoppers.  相似文献   

经过前一期的贸易摩擦和我国伴随着经济高速增长后与一些亚洲国家的成本比较,不难得出结论:我们已经不能在纺织品服装出口贸易中再走比较优势的老路了。在这一转变和升级的过程中,创建自有的、有国际影响力的知名品牌是下一个阶段的必然选择。  相似文献   

Korean and U.S. textile and apparel manufacturers were surveyed to determine what were their perceptions of major industry problems and opportunities in their respective countries. Findings suggest that Korean manufacturers differed significantly from U.S. manufacturers in their perceptions of technology, government policies, and trends in industry concentration as major problems confronting their industry. The two groups also differed on their perceptions of product quality, production and efficiency, flexibility in production, and product lines as posing major opportunities for the future. These results are discussed in light of the changing situation within the international market for textile and apparel products.  相似文献   

O2O模式下服装零售业的市场细分策略更精准、促销应用策略较广泛、更注重品牌体验营销。O2O模式下服装零售业面临的营销难题是:如何发挥传统渠道优势,提升实体店营销绩效;如何实现线上线下协作,整合全渠道营销;如何增强客户体验,提高顾客的忠诚度。从拓展实体店的经营优势、实施差别化营销战略、采用反向营销思维和线上线下同步营销等方面提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

存在缺陷的纺织品服装可能会对人体和环境造成安全隐患,因而对纺织品服装安全性评估对人体安全具有重要的意义。本文探讨将在其他领域应用广泛的风险分析理论运用于对纺织品服装的安全评价,分别从机械安全性、燃烧性和化学品安全性的角度探讨了如何对纺织品服装的安全性进行风险评估,保证纺织品服装在消费过程中的安全性。  相似文献   

“纺织服装行业是国内产业界推进企业履行社会责任的先行行业,在中国纺织工业协会和企业的共同努力下,率先推出了中国纺织服装企业社会责任管理体系的行业标准,第一个发布了规范化、本土化的社会责任信息披露指导体系,联合发布了近80份企业社会责任报告,在各行业中遥遥领先。”在2011中国纺织服装行业社会责任年会上,工业和信息化部总工程师朱宏任对纺织服装行业的社会责任工作表示了极大的肯定。  相似文献   

江西纺织品服装出口贸易国际竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析江西纺织品服装产业的发展,运用国际市场占有率(Aij)、贸易竞争力(TC)和显示性比较优势(RCA)对江西纺织品服装出口贸易的国际竞争力进行评价。结果表明,江西纺织品服装出口贸易的国际竞争力强于全国平均水平,并提出依托鄱阳湖生态经济区的区域品牌和产业基地的发展,利用良好区位优势,促进生态纺织工业园建设的发展战略。  相似文献   

中国纺织服装行业社会责任建设五年历程回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在2005年初,中国纺织工业协会杜钰洲会长率团赴北美出席加拿大零售商大会和世界零售商大会,在与零售商的广泛沟通中即已介绍中国纺织工业协会在规范企业社会责任方面的构想。  相似文献   

China's textile and apparel industry suffered an unprecedented cold market for exports in the first quarter this year,the result of a few factors including: the appreciating RMB, decreasing export rebate rate,expanding influence of the U.S. subprime crisis, increasing costs of production and rising labor cost.  相似文献   

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