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Global television advertising expenditure totalled US$125 billion in 2000. This represents 40% of total global adspend (US$315 billion). Between 1988 and 2000, TV adspend grew faster than other forms of major media advertising. However in 2001 the medium suffered its steepest recorded decline. A recovery in 2002 in the US, the world's largest TV ad market, is expected.  相似文献   

This study examines the creative, placement and budget strategy of internet advertising by Eastern and Western multinationals in China. A content analysis of 47,131 online ads indicates that both Eastern and Western companies dominantly use individualist appeals for internet advertising in China, a collectivist country. However, Eastern multinationals also rely on emotional appeals, whereas Western companies generally adopt rational appeals. This study offers several theoretical and managerial implications, including that multinationals appear to recognise the changing culture of internet users and especially the younger generation, as well as some future research directions for internet advertising.  相似文献   

This research study attempts to examine whether there is consistency in the advertisingto-sales ratio (%) pattern for global marketers in their home region and at a worldwide level, through a systematic sequence of analyses. It attempts to understand the variation in the advertising spend to sales ratio for the home region and global markets for a sample of marketers by analysing along the variables of category (surrogate for advertising task), region (home base) and companies themselves. This has been done by applying the C&RT technique of the automatic interaction detector (AID) family. The key point emerging from this analysis is that, at every level, the category is the main determinant for explaining the variation in global advertising to spend ratio as well as the home region advertising to spend ratio.  相似文献   

This study addresses factors in advertising that lead to interstitial ads being perceived as intrusive. Eight theory-driven hypotheses were derived and tested. The results indicate that the perception of intrusiveness of ads can be controlled by aspects of ad value, ad placement and ad execution.  相似文献   

阐述了5G系统毫米波焦点频段(26 GHz频段)全球频谱划分与现有应用概况,对全球研究动态与主要国家和地区的初步观点进行了梳理与总结。结合本频段现有无线电业务应用情况,重点剖析了开展频谱兼容性研究的关键场景、研究方法与主要挑战。最后,对5G系统有助于兼容共存的特征进行了归纳,为后续研究指明了方向。相关内容可为该频段5G频率规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

广告看点:人和飞鸟组成了熊猫的眉毛,鱼类和海豚组成了熊猫的眼睛,企鹅作为熊猫的鼻子,其他的各类生物,如狮子、老虎、猴子、孔雀等组成了熊猫的皮肤,给人以强烈的视觉冲击力。不同生物群体的有机组合,创意地组成了一幅完整的熊猫图,体现了内容和形式的统一。  相似文献   

After protracted negotiations, the EC Ministers of Agriculture agreed on a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on July 1st. Will this reform solve the fundamental problems plaguing the common agricultural market? Is it compatible with the GATT?  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of dimensions of creativity—novelty (expectancy), meaningfulness (relevancy), and emotion (valence of feelings)—on attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention. The results indicate that unexpectedness enhanced ad effectiveness over expectedness when the ad has positive feelings. When the ad contains negative feelings, attitude toward the ad was diluted with unexpectedness vs. expectedness. Relevance was not critical in encouraging favorable responses when the ad is unexpected. With an unexpected–relevant–positive‐feeling ad used as the baseline, a creative ad generated more favorable attitude toward the ad than other ad conditions. However, ad creativity resulted in more favorable brand attitude and purchase intention only against selected ad conditions. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed and directions for future research furnished. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

中国广告创意发展的新趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场经济的迅速发展,互联网等新媒体的兴起,我国消费者不断成熟。广告不再能完全依靠广告创意取胜,传统意义上的广告正在受到挑战。广告创意未来的发展也将面临更多的机遇与挑战。本文则认为,广告创意的娱乐化、互动化和整合化将引领广告走向另一个高峰。随之而来的是广告创意方式、产业关系和广告人才选择的新变化。  相似文献   

Economic trends     

Are some people more sensitive than others to ad context effects? Recently, it has been shown that certain types of people are particularly sensitive to situational cues in social contexts. Such people vary how they behave according to the social context because they are highly concerned with social appropriateness. Is it possible that such people are also highly sensitive to mass communication contexts? In this research an experiment is performed to determine if such people are more sensitive than others to a highly inappropriate ad context. The results show that they are. Implications for persuasive communications are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Economic trends     

Economic trends     

The relative impact of narrative versus factual message strategies on product evaluation was explored. The role of ad message involvement (AMI) as a mediator was also investigated. Narrative versus factual print ad copy resulted in more favorable product evaluations for two fictitious brands, one each from the cell phone and sunglasses product categories. Narrative print ad copy also elicited higher ad message involvement which, in turn, mediate the differential effect of narrative versus factual copy on product evaluations. The study demonstrated one of the major pathways through which the relatively more persuasive effects of narrative versus factual print ad copy appears to operate. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The public press has often been criticized for anti-business bias. A recent study surveyed journalists' political views in an attempt to find sources for such a bias.  相似文献   

现行机构仲裁浓重的行政色彩偏离仲裁机构本身之属性,其设立和管理上的行政色彩不利于我国仲裁事业在国际上的竞争。而作为另一种仲裁形式的临时仲裁被现行法排斥,这种立法模式使得我国与外国在承认和执行仲裁裁决时不对等。基于改善投资环境、发展对外经济贸易、完善仲裁制度、保护当事人利益、解决仲裁形式单一化的需要,我国亟需建构临时仲裁制度。建构临时仲裁制度应该在思想观念上转变且体现仲裁的非国内化;重新定义仲裁协议规范;确立临时仲裁员制度并适时建立仲裁协会;承认现有社会团体组织之临时仲裁权。以上尝试可在仲裁机构必要协助下完成。  相似文献   

Account planning is recognised as a best practice in British and American advertising. Despite reports of its global growth, information on its use around the world is limited. This study focuses on account planning in India, a region of considerable importance to international advertisers and advertising agencies. Using a two-stage organisational innovation diffusion framework, it examines planning initiation and assimilation in the Indian ad industry. It also investigates the impact of organisational factors on its diffusion. Results from the web survey (154 respondents from 101 agencies) indicate that, while initiation is widely reported in India, planning assimilation in agency activities is limited. Size and global agency affiliation (structural variables) affect initiation; leadership commitment and agency innovativeness (managerial and cultural variables) impact both initiation and assimilation. Similarities and differences with account planning use in UK and US agencies are discussed.  相似文献   


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