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中国小城镇旅游研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球城镇化和旅游业两大经济热点催生城镇旅游业态,刺激了人们对城镇旅游的焦点关注和研究热潮。21世纪初,中国城镇旅游伴随着中国旅游业的发展而崛起,城镇旅游研究达到了一个历史高潮。城镇旅游在国外并没有独立的研究地位,主要游离依附于城市和乡村旅游之中。由于小城镇在中国城市体系中的重要性,城镇旅游在中国天生具有独立的研究地位。综观中国小城镇旅游研究,城镇旅游的研究是从城镇分类研究中衍生出来。在城镇旅游效益的研究中,注重其对欠发达地区特别是农村地区的社会、经济和环境的综合效益研究,并且城镇旅游对中国一系列重大发展战略有重大的溢出效益。中国城镇旅游研究的重心是城镇旅游开发与经营管理,近期慢慢开始关注城镇旅游的可持续发展研究。在整个研究中城镇旅游基础理论研究较为欠缺。综述表明,无论是城镇旅游还是其研究越来越成为产业界和学术界的重大事件。  相似文献   

最近,美国连续和集中爆发了一连串重大金融事件,全球经济增长缓慢,次贷危机的影响越来越大,可以这样说,美国金融危机目前已进入高潮。次贷危机通过金融渠道对中国经济的稳定与健康产生了直接影响,正是在这样的背景下,本文从经济增长的三驾马车—投资、消费、贸易三个角度来分析美国次贷危机对我国经济影响进行分析研究,并在此基础上提出我国应对的策略。  相似文献   

马克思交往理论作为历史唯物主义的重要组成部分,它一方面是马克思本人根据历史事实进行长期理论思考的结果,另一方面也汲取了前代哲人相关思想中的积极合理因素.古典政治经济学分工与交换理论启发了马克思应该从总体上关注交往主体个人的切身利益.撇开法国18世纪功利主义交往观的狭隘方面,马克思从中获取了唯物主义的思想底蕴.德国理性主义主体性交往思想的思维方式和提出的实践、劳动等概念对马克思创建交往理论具有直接的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the large shocks due to major economic or financial events that affected U.S. macroeconomic time series on the period 1860–1988, using outlier methodology. We show that most of these shocks have a temporary effect, showing that the U.S. macroeconomic time series experienced only few large permanent shifts in the long term. Most of these large shocks can be explained by major recessions and World War II as well as by monetary policy for the interest rate data. We also find that some economic events seem to have the same effect (immediate, transitory or permanent) on a number of macroeconomic series. Finally, we show that most macroeconomic time series do not seem inconsistent with a stochastic trend once we adjusted the data for these shocks.  相似文献   

This study investigated how the American traveler perceives U.S. and foreign airlines in terms of safety, and compared that perception to the actual safety records of the same airlines. In addition, the relation of the respondents' ethnic origin and safety perceptions was examined. Results indicate that 1) there is a substantial portion of the population that favors U.S. airlines regardless of individual ethnic origin, 2) of those individuals who do not favor U.S. airlines there is a significant relationship between ethnic origin and the carrier's country of origin, and 3) there exists a considerable misperception of airline safety.  相似文献   

以田野考察获取的调研数据为依据,比较分析嘉兴传统古镇民居聚落的共有现状:除西塘和乌镇的部分聚落得到了合理的保护和发展外,余者未能得到有效保护,甚至被冷落。它们存在的共同问题是新旧建筑混杂、卫生状况堪忧、水污染严重、部分内河在逐渐萎缩,提出了整体性、特色性、合理性保护策略,论述了公司化运作经营、开放式旅游等发展模式,探讨了研究古镇民居聚落的价值和意义。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of car dealers in six states. Dealers were asked to rate cars “made in the U.S.A.” in comparison to imports from four overseas countries. The results suggest several potential areas for product improvement in U.S. models but also identified a number of areas where U.S. makes were judged as superior. Foot Locker, Incorporated  相似文献   

We consider the implications of the three pillars of sustainability (environment, economy and social justice) on consumption in a wealthy country. Building a theoretical model that includes consumers, business, government, the environment, and economic and political relations between nations, we explore how sustainability should affect the consumption behavior of consumers, charitable aid to poorer countries, and responsible environmental practices by businesses. Our model enables us to provide normative implications for consumers, society and business. Importantly, we assume that all stakeholders will optimize their self-interest, and that altruism will only partly explain behavior consistent with sustainability. Among the more non-obvious findings are that (1) the poorer the poor countries are, the less the rich countries should consume, (2) the more sensitive the global political climate is to economic inequity between the rich and poor nations, the less the rich countries should consume, and (3) if aid to poor countries is effective enough, then the more materialistic the society is, the more charitable aid it should give. We also confirm a number of more intuitive findings, such as that business should use more green technology as the taxes on pollution and/or efficiency of green technology increase, and the more resource-intensive consumption is, the less consumers should consume. Taken as a whole, the findings imply that societal consumption patterns should be sensitive to aspects of environmental impact and social justice, even if altruistic motivations are absent.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机爆发后,很多学者对美国次贷危机产生的原因做了相应的分析,但是,他们只停留在问题的表面,没有深层次挖掘造成此次经济危机最根本的原因。马克思经济危机理论表明,生产相对过剩是引起经济危机的根本原因。生产无限扩大趋势与居民消费能力相对缩小的矛盾的积累,是爆发这场经济危机根本的、深层次的原因。  相似文献   

采用VAR和BEKK模型研究了美国金融危机前后美国股票市场、货币市场、汇率市场与我国股市收益率之间的均值及波动溢出效应,并通过对比危机前后溢出效应的变化,分析了其是否对我国股市产生了传染效应。研究发现,通过美国股市、货币市场和汇率市场,金融危机对我国股市收益率均值水平的传染效应显著,仅通过美国货币市场金融危机对我国股市波动性的传染效应显著。  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of retirement status as a basis for segmenting markets. A survey instrument was mailed to 500 male consumers living throughout the U.S. They were categorized by retirement status, age, income, and physical health. A series of chi-square tests were run in respect to a number of marketing-related activities. The results clearly indicate that retirement status is a valid segmentation variable.  相似文献   

居民消费是推动国内大循环和经济高质量发展的重要支撑,在数字时代,探讨数字经济对居民消费的影响意义重大。本文首先分析了数字经济影响居民消费的内在机理,然后基于248个地级市2011—2019年的数据进行了实证研究。结果表明:(1)数字经济提升了居民消费水平,其中,产业升级是重要作用途径。(2)数字经济对城镇居民的消费提振作用大于农村;数字经济对居民消费的影响具有明显的区域差异和群体差异,对东中部地区居民与中等收入群体的消费提升更为显著。(3)数字经济对居民消费的影响存在明显的空间溢出效应。因此,为更好发挥数字经济对居民消费的积极作用,应大力发展数字经济,夯实消费基础;推进产业数字化转型与升级,激发消费潜力;深化数字经济协调发展,补齐消费短板。  相似文献   

中国中产阶级消费文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国中产阶级因其特殊的历史历程在消费主义盛行的今天表现出了不同于欧美社会中产阶级的消费文化和消费心理。中国中产阶级消费文化的特点表现为:(1)在消费行为上的超前卫性;(2)消费模式主要是由时尚消费、奢侈消费、超前消费和品味消费构成;(3)示范效应造成的榜样消费。中国中产阶级形成此种消费文化的原因在于:(1)政治上的后卫性(强烈的地位恐慌);(2)阶层文化的不成熟;(3)社会声望的低下;(4)中国传统面子文化的影响。  相似文献   

银行再造起源于美国,伴随着美国银行管制的放松、信息技术不断投入和银行战略的变化而发展,被认为是使美国银行业巨大发展的重要因素之一。我国银行业在面对重重挑战时也选择了进行银行再造。通过分析美国银行再造发展历程和我国银行再造现状,可发现我国银行再造应在借鉴美国银行再造经验的同时根据自己的外部环境、技术水平和目标战略等方面进行再造。  相似文献   

中美两国之间的经济增长相互影响,而贸易是重要传导途径之一。本文选取了1989—2010年间的一系列中美贸易指标和经济指标进行研究,分析了在联立方程的系统性视角下贸易差额与经济增长之间的联动关系,上述方法突破了格兰杰因果关系检验的局限性。方程的估计结果表明,中美贸易差额与美国经济增长之间存在单向的因果关系,而中美贸易差额与中国经济增长之间存在互为因果的非对称的联动性效应。系统中的这种关系进一步形成了贸易余额与经济增长的增速差异,并使两国对待贸易差额的态度发生变化。  相似文献   

美国对外决策过程表现为理性与政治性两种特点矛盾统一过程。该文分析了美国对外决策过程的理性特点,认为美国对外决策过程并非完全理性过程,而是表现为有限理性,这是由于决策者认识能力的不足以及民主决策环境下的政治互动结果所致。该文从决策过程分析了美国对外决策的特点,认为美国对外决策过程是一种动态的决策过程,是理性过程与政治性过程交织互动的过程。  相似文献   

Advertising is one of the institutions which cut across cultures, and this study assesses comparative differences and similarities between the U.S. and Yugoslavia in their attitudes toward advertising as an institution. The comparison is effected through replication in Yugoslavia of the Bauer-Geyser Study. The findings indicate that advertising in Yugoslavia is not a salient issue, although there is a greater homogeneity of salience of other specific issues than in the U.S. More U.S. respondents expressed a need for change in advertising; more Yugoslav respondents were indifferent toward advertising. The reasons for liking and disliking advertising also differed in the two samples. The implications are that the intensity of advertising in the U.S. has made it a salient irritant to at least a minority of consumers, whereas in Yugoslavia there is an immediate need for improvement in the creative aspect of advertising.  相似文献   

20世纪初美国小镇文学是作家以小镇为背景,试图描述那些在工业文明和文化冲击下的小镇居民的生活以及精神状态的一种文学形式,主要代表作有:埃德加·李·马斯特斯著的诗歌《匙河集》;舍伍德·安德森著的小说《小镇畸人》以及桑顿·怀尔德著的戏剧《小镇风光》。现代主义表现手法主要有象征主义、表现主义、怪诞艺术和意识流技巧等等,而以上提到的三位小镇文学作家主要分别采用了精神分析理论,表现主义等写作技巧,开创了小镇文学现代主义表现手法的先河。  相似文献   

在充分回顾以往研究的基础上,探讨了面子问题在服务消费中的营销意义。通过基于餐饮业的实证研究,证实了面子事件在服务消费中是广为存在的,并且直接影响到消费情绪和消费行为。此外,还提出了基于服务消费的面子模型以及服务补救中的面子复得和满意模型,从而为面子问题在服务营销领域的进一步研究提供了理论框架和思路。  相似文献   

基于CHFS2011数据,运用条件分位数回归方法分别估计了住房及房价对家庭居住性消费和非居住性消费的影响,发现对于有房家庭,房价上涨通过财富效应刺激了家庭的居住性消费和非居住消费,而对于无房家庭,房价上涨通过替代效应减少了家庭消费。具体地讲,在整个消费分布上,房价上涨对家庭居住性消费的正向影响随分位数的不断增加呈"U"型,而房价上涨对非居住性消费的正向影响随分位数的不断增加呈逐渐递减趋势。家庭收入、家庭人口、户主受教育水平及城乡分布等变量都是家庭居住性消费和非居住性消费的显著影响因素。  相似文献   

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